Christmas With The Shepherds...

Por Ladyrin-chan

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It's Christmas time with the Shepherds! Más

Chapter One: the plan
Chapter 2: Sneaking Out
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Unexpected Bake-Off
Chapter 5: The Perfect Gift
Quick note to my readers

Final chapter: A day of wildflowers and roses

261 7 19
Por Ladyrin-chan

A hand glided across my cheek, making me arise from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes slowly, the bright light of the sun blinding me. After a moment of adjusting to the daylight, I looked over to see Chrom at my bedside. He gave me a warm smile at the sight of my awakening. I quickly sat up and nervously looked over to Megan's bed. Seeing that she wasn't there, I sighed with relief. She had seen my kiss with Chrom the day before, and I didn't want her to tease me in front of him.

"Good morning," he started, " how did you sleep?"

"As good as I can in these makeshift beds" I replied, stretching as I did so.
He gave me a sly smirk.

"Being commander has some perks, then. My bed was perfectly comfortable."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Show off." He laughed at my response and proceeded to rub my back. "What are you doing here anyway?" I inquired, wondering why he had come into my tent this early in the morning.

"What? Am I not allowed to be the first one to wish my wife a Merry Christmas?" He asked.

"No that's fine! Merry Christmas to you too!" I spat out, the realization that it was Christmas just hitting me.

"Haha, did you seriously forget?" Chrom teased.

"S-shut up! I did not!" I protested back.

Suddenly, the flap of my tent opened and Megan walked in. Chrom quickly stood up and distanced himself from my bed.

"What are you doing here?" Megan asked him.

"I-I was just leaving." He stuttered back, heading to the exit as he did. "The shepherds are meeting at the dining tent for Christmas breakfast, so don't be late!" He informed us before he left the tent.

Megan turned to me and shrugged. "He's pushy this morning," she stated as she went over to her bed. She went over to her clothing chest and grabbed a package wrapped in brown paper which I assumed to be Frederick's Christmas present. After closing her chest back up, she turned back to the exit of our tent.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Frederick and I are going to exchange out presents early today, since he will be busy helping in the kitchen." She replied as she exited the tent. I decided it was time for me to get ready as well, so I forced myself out of bed and headed to my own clothing chest, preparing for the day ahead.


Megan's pov:

Megan caressed the brown paper package lightly in her arms as she strode through camp. The early morning air filled her lungs, and though it was chilly, it was also infused with an energy that is most present during the holidays. Everyone was emanating warm Christmas spirit that seemed to banish the cold and welcome cheer. She took a deep breath, let it out, and smiled at her steamy breath. She was so eager to get to Frederick now that she picked up her pace. . . .and practically tripped over Sumia.

They were both startled, and Megan began to apologize, but then Sumia started giggling, and then they were both giggling, and they laid down in the snow like a couple of young girls.

"I'm so sorry, Megan!" she apologized breathily. "I'm always getting in the way."

"Sumia, no! Don't blame yourself, it was my fault this time," Megan laughed. "It seems that I'm not the most elegant Shepard, either." Laying on the ground as they were, she suddenly felt inspired to do something she hadn't done for a very long time. Her arms stretched out into the snow and she began to wave her arms and legs to and fro. "Oh! I haven't made a snow angel like this since I was a child!" Megan exclaimed. "Come on, Sumia, you too!"

The ladies shared a glance, and a challenge was issued. The two of them threw themselves into their efforts with gusto, laughing so hard that their stomachs ached and their cheeks were rosier than ever. All the noise drew someone dear to Megan's heart near them, and he stood with his hand on his hip, watching the scene rather straight-faced.

"What's this, then?" Frederick asked. Sumia threw herself off of the ground and stood first. Megan sat up and suddenly realized that she was rather wet and cold. Her thighs would begin to sting soon if she didn't get up andout of this freezing snow.

"Oh, Frederick, I was just on my way to see you," she said as he examined her surroundings and raised an eyebrow. "Well, you see--" she began to try to explain.

"It was my fault!" Sumia said abruptly. "I was clumsy as usual, and--" she once again tried to take the blame for what had happened, but Megan interjected, "No, Sumia, I told you already, I wasn't thinking, and I was the one who--" but Sumia wouldn't hear of it, replying,

"Frederick, Megan's being too kind, you know me, I'm always ruining things. . . ."

"I won't hear any more of that!" Megan yelled, "But if I don't get up soon, my butt's gonna freeze off and stay behind in this snow, and I'd much rather have my butt stay on -my- behind, so. . . ." Sumia was startled at first, but then looked at Frederick and let out a small chuckle. He shook his head and offered Megan his hand.

"We can't have that, can we?" he said, smirking. She smiled and pulled on his hand, stood, and then they were face to face.

"Ah," Frederick said quietly. He looked deep into her eyes for a moment, and Megan felt like she was blushing, though it was hard to tell after the recent activity and exposure to the cold air. Either way, Frederick was like warm sunlight cutting through a cold dark night, and she knew that was cheesy, but it also felt like the truth. Their love was her truth.

Her thoughts must have run away with her, because she was now looking at his beautiful brown hair, his face tilted downward, eyes looking her over and mouth frowning.

"Perhaps you weren't joking about the freezing part, my love," he said concernedly. "I won't have you getting sick. Let's make our way to the kitchens," he gestured over yonder. "I've been starting cooking fires for the holiday meal preparations, and you should both warm yourselves before you catch the flu. . . ." he trailed off, brow furrowed. "Was making snow angels really necessary?" he asked. "They hardly seem worth getting sick over. . . ."

Megan looked back at the snow angels that she and Sumia had made together, and then to Sumia herself. They shared a smile. "Maybe necessary isn't quite the right word to use," Megan replied, "but it was worth it. It was an irreplaceable holiday gift, Sumia, and I thank you for it."

Sumia raised her hand to her chest. Her face glowed. "Me too," she said, "Thank you, Megan. You've turned this mess into the highlight of my morning." She chuckled. "It was fun."

"I think that I now fully understand the situation,"Frederick said, tilting his head toward them slightly. "I'm glad that no harm has been done. It actually seems quite the opposite, looking at your happy faces." He smiled, and placed the brown paper package into Megan's hands. "You dropped this, didn't you? If you're ready, let's hasten to the kitchens."

When did he?! But, ah. . . .Frederick always was thorough when examining the terrain, as he often checked the roads for obstacles or dangers. It seems that he'd noticed the package dropped in the snow when taking in the scene earlier. Well, he didn't seem to realize exactly what it was, or perhaps he was just being polite and waiting until Megan was ready to present it to him. Either way, Sumia nodded at her and they finally made their way to the cooking fires.

The smell of breakfast meats and sweet breads greeted them, and Megan was filled yet again with holiday excitement. The Christmas spirit was so powerful and invigorating that she bounced on the balls of her feet like a young child, losing herself in it. Everyone's energy felt tangible--and intoxicating!

Sumia knew exactly where she was going, not only because she was familiar with the kitchens, but also because Gaius was waiting for her. He was seated next to a pile of baking supplies that would surely become delicious pies after Sumia worked her culinary magic. He waved to the three of them while twirling a lollipop around in his mouth. Sumia smiled in response, rolled up her sleeves, and joined him. They began work right away. Gaius seemed rather content to spend his Christmas morning being her assistant, and Megan was happy that Sumia would have the company. It would be good for her.

Frederick escorted her to a nearby fire, and insisted that she change her clothes. Megan couldn't argue with the inherent logic there. She held her hands before the fire as she thought about it. Her clothes felt cold, wet, and sticky. It would be more difficult to get warm if she didn't change, and what was the advantage of not doing so? It's not like they were out in the field, having to do without. The real question would be about where to get dressed--I mean, they were in the kitchens, after all.

Megan realized that her mind had wandered for the second time this morning when Frederick presented her with a folded blanket. She hadn't even seen him retrieve anything.

"I. . . .ahem," Frederick began, "I was going to save this for later, but seeing as you need something to wear right this very moment, I will take the opportunity to present it to you. Your Christmas gift."

Slowly taking it into her hands, she could feel how warm, soft, and sturdy it was. There was a design embroidered onto each corner, a splash of color against the blanket's creamy white.

"Wildflowers," Megan breathed, admiring them. "Frederick, they're beautiful," she said while lightly running her fingers over the fabric. She was quite fond of such comfort. It would be a treasure when traveling between the all-too-common battles, but she couldn't quite see how this would. . . .wait, did he? Was there?

Frederick was smiling slightly as he said, "I'm pleased that you like the embroidery. Of course I wanted to give you a gift for Christmas, and I wanted it to be something that could be of use to you." He turned his gaze downward, and his smile faded a little. "The Ylissean army can provide you with what you may need for war and strategy, so I chose to give you an object of comfort instead. After that, I saw the blanket at a stall, and the wildflowers reminded me of when we'd first met. You and Rin were lying in that field all alone, surrounded by nature--and you were altogether thoroughly suspicious, might I add."

"I didn't trust you at all, as you no doubt realized," he said, and Megan let out a chuckle. Frederick smirked. "But I was protecting milord, and it turns out that I had good reason to do so. You did end up being a criminal in the end--a thief, in fact. You went and stole my heart." Megan's eyes met with the gentlest expression on Frederick's face as he looked up at her. "I love you, dearest."

He stroked her cheek lightly with his thumb, and his touch was like butterfly kisses, flighty and exciting. A strange feeling crept into Megan's chest. She felt emotional, but couldn't pin down what it was. She just knew how much she loved him, and how grateful she was that life had brought them together. She closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them. His hand lowered again, and he clasped them together in front of his body. "But yes, you can't very well wear a blanket as a substitute for your clothing," he said. "Unfold it--there's something else wrapped inside."

Ahh, Megan had thought as much! She widened her eyes at Frederick and quickly turned them down to the blanket folded in her hands. Unfolding the blanket revealed a matching nightgown, soft creamy white fabric with wildflower embroidery along the collar. Breathing deeply, her inner brows lifting, she held it to her chest and looked back to him. "Frederick! I love it!"

A wide smile graced his face, and he laughed. "I'm incredibly happy to see that!" He laughed again. "But don't get it all damp by squeezing it against your clothes--it will defeat the purpose of changing." Still smiling, he moved closer and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course I know that!" she spoke through a grin, smushing the nightgown up to her face. "I just love it so much that I don't think logic can prevail at the moment. I love you, Frederick."

"I suppose I can understand when you put it that way," he replied, stroking his chin. "Love is a universally well-known master of defying logic." He closed his eyes and smiled. "I suppose there's little to be done but get you changed as soon as possible!" Frederick turned to the camp's kitchen area where Sumia and Gaius were working. "Sumia, do you mind if Megan uses the kitchen's supply tent to get dressed?" he asked. "The reason I ask is that you make the best pies of any Shepherd here. This is more your domain than ours. What do you think?"

Megan looked up to see Sumia lean into a bowl of flour and other ingredients, mixing together dough for pie crust. "You're too cute together," she sighed. "And you're two of the nicest people I've ever met. Of course you can borrow the supply tent."

Gaius lifted the corners of his mouth at this. "I dunno, Stumbles, what if letting Bubbles get changed in the middle of our food supplies compromises their integrity?"

She swatted at his head with a flour-covered hand. "Don't be ridiculous, Gaius!" she sighed exasperatedly. "Go on, you two. We'll see you later."

Frederick bowed his head to Sumia and raised his right eyebrow at Gaius as he opened the flap of the tent. "Thanks, Sumia," Megan said as she left the tent, "and Gaius? Please behave." They stuck their tongues out at each other and grinned while Frederick cocked his head to the side and shook it once. He and Megan made their way to the supply tent.

She entered the tent and changed into her new nightgown while Frederick kept watch outside. Her wet clothes clung to her skin as she peeled them away from her, cold and clammy. Slipping the nightgown on over her head felt pretty heavenly. "Frederick," she called out while moving her hair up and out of the way. "You can come in now." She twisted her ponytail in both hands and smiled as he came into view. "I have a gift for you, too."

"And would that gift be the honor of seeing you dressed in my present to you?" Frederick asked, looking at her from head to toe. "Because that would be enough." He reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Oh, come on," said Megan, raising her free hand to her forehead. She smiled and shook her head, heart beating a little faster. "Your gift's right over here." It sat on top of a barrel of apples, and she reached out to retrieve the package and her blanket while slipping out of Frederick's grip. "Merry Christmas, Frederick," Megan said as she handed him the gift. She pushed her body backward to sit atop the barrel, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders.

He turned the gift around in his hands. "I was being fairly serious, you know," he said, "but I'll happily open this regardless." Megan pulled her boots on and settled back to watch, wondering if he'd like the scarf. She raised her knuckles to her mouth as he began neatly removing the paper. The scarf slid out of its wrapper, revealing blue embroidery of the Ylissean seal on one end. The name 'Frederick' was also embroidered in black thread below the seal.

"It looks as if we were both attracted to embroidery," she said. Her hand moved from her lips to her chest as she spoke. "I hope that you like it, that it will be of some use to you. I thought that personalization would be a nice touch, so I asked the owner of the shop to add your name."

Frederick walked over to Megan and embraced her. She closed her eyes and smiled, reciprocating the gesture.

"Of course I like it," he said in her ear.

"Good," she laughed, turning to see his face. They kissed. She gave him another squeeze before taking the scarf from him.

"Can I put it on you?" Megan asked.

"Of course you may," Frederick replied. "My heart is utterly at your mercy. As always." Megan screamed internally. Did Frederick mean to be so romantic, was he doing this on purpose?? Her heart was going to burst, he was going to kill her. Then again, Frederick never wanted any harm to come to her, so he definitely wasn't killing her on purpose. Megan sighed. He was just a natural heartthrob, then.

She inhaled deeply and stretched the scarf around Frederick's neck. It was impossible to resist pulling on each end of the scarf to move his face near hers one more time. She knotted the scarf around her hands and gave Frederick a deep, passionate kiss. He didn't seem to mind. He really didn't seem to mind, actually. Frederick's hands gently squeezed her hips, slowly pushing her back down onto the barrel. He leaned over her, moving one hand behind her waist and the other up to her chin. She felt dizzy, and the heat building between them was getting so intense that it might have been able to bake one of Sumia's pies.

Rin's pov:

The small, palm-sized box wrapped in brown paper pressed firmly against my hand as I headed purposefully to Chrom's tent. He was probably finishing up some last minute tasks before heading to the Christmas celebration, so most likely he would be alone. It would be the perfect time to present him his gift. The crisp,cold air of winter brushed past me as I walked, making a chill run down my spine. I was thankful for the shining sun beaming down on camp, it made the cold bearable. Looking around now, I could see the rest of the shepherds heading to the dining tent, decorative packages and freshly baked dishes in hand. As I reached Chrom's tent, a man with dark blue hair and azure eyes greeted me kindly.

" Hello Chrom" I began as I bowed in respect to my commander. "May I speak to you in private?"

He chuckled lightly as he responded. "No need for formalities, everyone is already waiting at the dining tent. Come, we can talk in my quarters."

I returned to a standing position and smiled as I followed him into the tent. Once we entered, he sat down on the edge of his neatly made bed, gesturing me to do the same. As I sat down next to him, Chrom turned to face me, taking my hand in his as he did so. In my other hand, the small package pressed against my skin reassuringly.

"So," he started, "what did you need?"

I held up my other hand to him and slowly opened it, revealing the box inside.

"This is for you! Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed, bouncing a little in my excitement. He reached over and gingerly took the package out of my hand, lingering a bit as his fingers brushed against mine.

"You didn't have to get me anything! Having you in my life is the best gift of all." He protested.

I blushed and replied with a shake of my head. "Don't be silly! You do so much for the shepherds, it's the least I can do to repay you! Now, open it!" The nervousness and excitement was starting to get to me.

Reluctantly, he started to rip open the brown paper that encased the box. After freeing the box from the paper, he slowly opened it to reveal its contents. His eyes widened and sparkled as he carefully took the shimmering brooch in his gloved hand.
He looked up at me with a surprised and happy look on his face.

"T-this is too much! How can I accept such an expensive gift!" He stuttered.

"You have to! Think of it as a token of my love for you! And don't worry about the price, it was worth it to see you smile like that." I replied to his protest, a warm blush spreading across my cheeks as I said this. He coughed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Er-- I guess if u put it that way, I have to accept it."

"Here, i'll put it on for you" i stated as I took the brooch out of his hand. I leaned forward to get a better look at the chain attached to his cap and started to fasten the brooch to it. After confirming it wouldn't fall off, I leaned back to my original sitting position. As I looked at him again, I noticed the color of the sapphire brought out his eyes and complimented his attire. It was perfect for him. Not noticing Chrom's movements while I was internally complementing him, I suddenly noticed a small, odd-shaped object wrapped in a white silk cloth sitting in the palm of his hand. A small smile was plastered on his face as he placed it carefully on my lap.

"I had planed to give this to you after the festivities were over, but I figured now would be a perfect time to present you with your gift." He explained.

"F-for me? Thank you, Chrom." I said in surprise. Gingerly I took the object into the palm of my hand and began to unravel the cloth. I gasped as a beautiful golden hairpin with purple roses came into view.

"Chrom, it's beautiful!" I cried, tears of happiness welling up in my eyes.

"Haha don't cry, it was supposed to make you happy." Chrom replied, carefully wiping a fallen tear from my face with his thumb.

" I am happy Chrom! I'm overjoyed.This is the most special gift I have ever received." I said over my tears.

"That's a relief, I was worried you wouldn't like it."

I laughed at his nervousness. "Why wouldn't I ? I love anything you give me, from the bottom of my heart. "

"I guess it was foolish of me to worry." He replied. Looking at the pin still resting in my hand, he asked, " May I put it on?"

I nodded and raised my hand towards him, offering him the pin. He took it and slowly leaned his face closer to mine. With gentle fingers, he brushed my light green hair from my face behind my ear. He then lifted his other hand and with great care slid the pin into my hair. Leaning back to look at his handiwork, I felt a great warmth spread through my heart. This is what it feels like to truly love someone, I thought.

"You look beautiful." Chrom complimented as he studied me closely.

"You look amazing as well," I replied, "the brooch really suits you."

Suddenly, he quickly leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. While placing his hands gently on my bare back, he proceeded to kiss me tenderly. After getting over the shock of his sudden action, I replied by doing the same. We did this for what seemed like forever until he slowly pulled away, a small embarrassed smile on his face.

"I-I'm sorry." He started, "I don't know what came over me." Chrom started to stand up, offering me his hand as he did so. "We should get back to the others. They're probably waiting for us so they can start."

"You're probably right. I don't know how much longer Gaius can last before he devours the pies Sumia's been making." I replied, taking his hand and standing as I did so. He gave me a familiar smile as he helped me up, the same one he had given me on the day we first met so long ago. Megan and I had awaken to find us sprawled in the middle of a field with almost no memories except the ones of each other. A lot has happened since then, I thought.

"Hey." Chrom said, snapping me out of my flashback. "You ready?"

"Lead the way." I replied, smiling. As we exited his tent, I thought once more how lucky I was to have met the shepherds.

As we walked into the dining tent, warm smiles and delicious smells greeted us. The shepherds were exchanging light banter and eagerly waiting for the celebration to start. Overlooking the table, I could see an impatient Gaius being held by a semi- annoyed Sumia, who looked like she was on the edge of losing her temper with him. Beside them sat Olivia, who was unsuccessfully trying to make conversation with Lon'qu, Stahl, who was talking about who knows what with Henry, along with the rest of the shepherds, all sitting in neat rows on each side of the wooden, rectangular table.

"Finally, we can start!" Gaius cried happily. "Stumbles pies have been tempting me ever since I got here!"
Sumia chuckled slightly at this.

"We've been waiting for you!" She said, looking at us now.

"Sorry, we'll start right away then." Chrom replied. When we sat down in our chairs at the end of the table, I suddenly became aware of Megan and Frederick sitting next to us. She was wearing a beautiful white nightgown I hadn't known she had. Frederick was wearing the scarf Megan had gotten him, a happy grin on his face as he looked at her. I smiled also, thinking how happy it must have made Megan to see that Frederick liked his gift. I looked over to Chrom, who was now standing and looking at the shepherds. Giving him my full attention, I awaited for what he had to say.

"Fellow shepherds, the war has been harsh and cruel. It is these moments we share together ,as a family, that we must cherish, for we never know when they will be taken away. At this feast, let us be thankful for our current safety and hope that this futile war will end. Now, let us start the celebration! Merry Christmas to you all!"

Cheers rang out from the shepherds as the celebrations had officially begun. Plates were being past around filled with homemade pies, fresh meats, and the decorative cookies Megan and I had made the day before. Stahl had probably eaten his already, which would explain why the risen were not at the table. I mean Santas. Good thing he can't read my thoughts, or I would have had to face the wrath of the hungry horseman. In the corner of my eye, I could see Megan offering Frederick a bite out of a piece of Sumia's pie she had on her plate.

"Don't worry, it isn't bear." I heard her say. Frederick gave out a small chuckle as he willingly let her feed him the pie she had on her fork. She gave him a warm smile as he ate the food she had given him. Suddenly, I felt someone grasp my hand, and looked up to see Chrom smiling at me. He wove his fingers with mine and lovingly held my hand under the table.

"Merry Christmas, my love" he said, lightly touching my cheek as he did.

I smiled back and replied. "Merry Christmas."


Finally, it's done! I'm sorry it took me so long to finish, but at least it's done now right? I know the ending was kinda cheesy, but it was fun to write and that's all that counts, right? I hope you enjoyed reading Christmas With The Shepherds! Thank you for all your support! Also, thank you Megamagicalmegan for writing Megan's pov and drawing the adorable fan art for the story! I really enjoyed writing this with you! Please check out Megamagicalmegan's page if you enjoyed reading this story. She will be coming out with some FEA stuff herself, so look forward to that! Thanks again you guys!


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