His Hope [Zayn][Completed]

By shaerzam

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High profile sexy playboy Zayn St. James doesn't do committed relationships. He uses his notorious good looks... More

Cast of Characters
Chapter 1-Hope
Chpater 2-Feisty
Chapter 3-Run and Hide
Chapter 4- Pretty Woman
Chapter 5-Natasha
Chapter 6- Ugly Duckling
Chapter 7- Champagne
Chapter 8-Fur and Silk
Chapter 9-To Firsts
Chapter 10-C's & F's
Chapter 11-Aquamarine
Chapter 12-The Bed & Breakfast
Chapter 13- Erotic
Chapter 14-Happy Birthday
Chapter 15-Chanel
Chapter 16-More
Chapter 17- The Snake
Chapter 19-Love
Chapter 20-The Mark
Chapter 21-King Kong
Chapter 22-The Manor
Chapter 23-Jane
Chapter 24-The fool
Chapter 25-Lily
Chapter 26-Hercules
Chapter 27-Double-cross
Chapter 28-Louboutin's
Chapter 29-First & Last
Chapter 30-Different
Chapter 31-Remember
Epilogue- Forever After

Chapter 18-Lost & Found

1.6K 161 28
By shaerzam

"So you two are an item now?"  Sammy asks nosey as ever, lifting a fine eyebrow and watching their eyes for confirmation.

Nothing gets past Sammy's watchful eye when they return from work.  His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the hand Zayn placed at the small of her back as they returned that evening from the office.

The gesture wasn't that intimate in Hope's eyes.  How he knew by one look surprised her.  Perhaps it was the way their bodies were closer to one another.  There no longer was this invisible wall that separated them and he didn't just see it but he must have sensed it.

Hope blushed, glancing in Zayn's direction from beneath her eyelashes. 

Zayn kept his expression unreadable.

"I knew it! The blush says it all!  The compass finally found its destination.  This is fucktacular!" He exclaimed with a fist pump. 

Since the heated exchange they shared in his office, they'd been taking things very slow sharing intimate kisses and glances.  Evenings were spent dining in the penthouse and watching a movie afterwards cuddled on the sofa.  Several times, the movie would often be forgotten and their lips would find one another. 

Hope had never felt so comfortable with another human being.  All this time she was fighting her feelings, the attraction brewing between them that it felt like she carried the world's problems on her shoulders.  But the weight lifted, the gloom hovering above her vanished. 

She felt free of so many constraints and given more than she deserved.

She had a job.  She had a roof over her head.  She had a companion.  She had a friend. 

Hope was beyond grateful for fate giving her a second chance.  Even more importantly, hope.  An emotion she never felt before. 

However, the only missing part of her happiness was a family.  That was the only thing that kept nagging her in the back of her mind. 

She believed in fate. When things are meant to happen, they will happen when the time is right.  Hope was convinced things would unfold when least expected.

Look where it brought her so far.  She met a man she could never have dreamt of.  She found and made a lifelong friend in Sammy. 

To add more to the ever growing surprises, Sammy met someone and introduced them to the other reason he decided to stay in England for a while longer. 


Hope found Chris very handsome when they were first introduced and Sammy appeared enamored by him.  She couldn't be happier for him.

In celebration of his new found lover, Sammy suggested they all go on a double date.  Another first for Hope.

It was an exciting chapter in her life and she agreed with Sammy it was time they celebrated love.

They decided to have dinner at one of the restaurants in the St. James hotel.  Zayn took hold of her hand as they walked to dinner which Hope found endearing. 

Is this what it felt like to be in love?

A slender, well-dressed maître d' stood at a podium just inside the restaurant.

"We'd like a table for four by the window." Zayn said, squeezing her hand and sending her a wink. 

Hope blushed.

The maître d' didn't bother looking up from his reservation page. 

"That particular table is booked. . .for months.  There's nothing available for tonight, you should have made a reservation."  He replied, sounding bored.

Sammy was about to open his mouth when Zayn held up his hand and shook his head. 

All he did was wait until the young man glanced up.  He saw Zayn's stern glare and his jaw went slack.  He suddenly began to cough. 

"One moment, sir!"  He said breathlessly.  "We'll get your table ready, for you and your guests, straight away!"

"See that you do."  Was all Zayn said.

A minute later the maître d' left them at the best table in the restaurant. 

Hope was awed in spite of herself as she looked around. 

The interior was designed in a Moroccan style, with intimate low ceilings made of stucco and covered with frescoes of flowers.  Torches lit the walls and candles flickered on tables. 

As their waiter came to tell them about the specials, Zayn cut him off with a raised hand, his attention far across the dining room. 

Hope, Sammy and Chris follow his gaze.

And it was like time stood still. 

It was Jack, a wicked grin curving his mouth as his eyes zeroed in on her.  Hope was instantly hit with the instability she sensed in Jack.  

Zayn rose to his feet, with every intention of warning him off.  Hope's safety was his number one concern, and around Jack, he knew she wasn't safe. 

"Hope, stay exactly where you're seated.  We have an unexpected guest that needs seeing out."

She appeared scared, capturing his arm in a strong restraining grip.  "Be careful."

"Sammy."  He only said his name and nudged his head in Jack's direction, queuing him to get up and follow his lead.

Chris stood as well.

Jack strode in further into the restaurant, approaching their table. 

"We gonna kick some ass Hercules?"  Sammy asks, right behind him. "You know Hercules had a sidekick."

Zayn's face did not change in the slightest and simply ignored him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he recognized a figure beside Jack, Colin, Jack's step-brother.  Zayn had only met the man on two different occasions.  He didn't know much about Colin except that he was an aristocrat, an Earl to be exact.   The man kept to himself and was rarely seen in the public eye. 


Colin said it in a tortured whisper going around Jack trying to reach their table. 

Sammy and Zayn shared an open-mouthed glance, reeling from the name and who it was directed at. 


Zayn's chest closed up tight.  

This cannot be happening.  Not now. 

The name sounded foreign to Hope's ears.  Lily?

He spoke as if he was familiar with her. 

"Who are–"

"I'm Colin."  He said urgently, desperation shining from his eyes.  "Your husband."

Her words broke off, sputtered, and died as she stood from her chair.  Dismay surged through her to the point she could scarcely breath.  She could only stare at him, her mouth open, and her heart galloping too fast, painfully fast. 

Then it shattered.  Her heart. 

"No. . .no."  She whispered, shaking her head, gazing dazedly at him. 

Her husband

It felt like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over her head.  She inhaled great, heaping gulps of air in an attempt to ease the shaking wracking her bones. 

It was the only word running through her head, the only thing she could focus on.

She believed she had a family somewhere out there, but she never expected a husband. 

"M-my name is not Lily." Her voice quivered in objection. 

"Do you not remember me?"   The stranger claiming to be her husband asks. "We married under the tree on our estate, our home." He insisted. 

"I. . . Don't know what you're talking about."  She said, shaking her head in denial.  "I have no memory of my past."

"You lost your memory. . .?"  Colin eyes search her face in slight shock and disbelief.  He blinks a few times to clear his thoughts.  "You cut yourself the first day we met.  There's a scar on your right ankle."  Colin declared, his eyes zeroing in on her ankle.

It was true.  There was a scar.  Hope gulped.  She'd assumed it was an injury she sustained when she was attacked.

"You love the color yellow.  You always said it was cheerful and bright like the sun."

Yellow.  She didn't have a favorite color yet.  Never had the pleasure or time to choose the colors she preferred.  She had always been too anxious and wound up. 

Hope waited with heart pounding, trying to read his face for any sign of the truth.

"Both your parents are deceased."

The more details he added, the more Hope felt her throat constrict.  This wasn't happening.  This man wasn't her husband.  She must be having another nightmare. 

"If this is all true, why decide to confront her now?  Where have you been all this time?" Zayn asked carefully, and watched him closely.

"I searched for her.  I believed her to be dead.  At least that is what I was told. Until Jack saw her for the first time and informed me."

"Explain yourself."  Zayn demanded. 

"There was a notoriously known crown jewel tiara dating back from the Georgian era floating through the black market.  It was worth millions and claimed to be in the possession and worn by Queen Anne during the seventeen-hundreds.  Many knew of the tiara but more so impressed by the individual value of the stones.  They were removed from the tiara and sold illegally."

Colin rubs the back of his neck while Hope hears nothing besides the roaring in her ears. 

"Not one of my proudest moments, if you will, but I inquired about the purchase of the stones.  I acquired one of the largest diamonds from the tiara.  What I did not know of the time was the stones were stolen from a very dangerous criminal mafia family.  They learned of the purchase from the very people I made the deal with.  They were killed but not before revealing my identity.  I did not know this was occurring until the day I was called with threats.  I believed it was a hoax at first until you never returned after an outing to the city to run some errands."

Colin turns to her.

"You were kidnapped, Lily.  You must believe I never imagined you'd be taken hostage.  They demanded the diamond in exchange for you and threatened if I contacted the authorities they would take your life.  I didn't know what to do.  The stone was in a safe deposit box in another country for safekeeping.  They gave me only twenty-four hours to obtain the stone.  But it was impossible to acquire it in such a short period of time.   Taking into account traveling and needing the bank to open the following business day, I requested two days.  But they would not listen to me.  In the end, I was left with nothing but to fabricate a fake replica in hopes they would release you."

"Did they ever show proof they had her?"  Zayn inquired, cocking his head to the side, his features growing hard. 

Hope wrapped her arms around her waist in a defensive gesture.  Colin stared back at her, deciding to continue with his disclosure. 

Inhaling deeply, he revealed, "Oh yes.  They allowed me to speak to her.  She was crying and begging me to save her."

"What happened next?"  She heard herself ask. 

The nightmares were always of her being chased and tortured. 

She wanted to bolt from the room.

"I delivered the jewel in the designated drop off site they requested and waited."  Colin released a shuddering breath before he continued.  "The plan did not go as anticipated.  You never returned."

For a few moments there was silence.

Perhaps Zayn had read her mind because he kept a hand on her shoulder.  His grip wasn't tight, but somehow it held her in place.  She felt as if she was going to pass out.  Miraculously, she stayed on her feet.

"If this is all true, you took the risk, knowing full well it was a high one in exchange in hopes that it would work?"  Zayn racked a hand through his hair in frustration.  "You might as well have delivered her a death sentence!"

"I was tortured to death."  Hope whispered.

She felt a sharp stab in her abdomen as a flash of a moment in one of her nightmares materialized before her.  It took all her willpower to keep her moan of pain contained.

Pain was etched along the contours of Colin's handsome face.  "I am so sorry, Lily, please believe me.  There was no other choice!  I believed my deception of the diamond would have set you free.  It was never my intention–"

"Did you bother to notify the authorities after she never returned?"  Zayn relentlessly continued with his drilling questions. 

He didn't know how much pain hearing the retelling of the events brought her. 

"They promised dire consequences if I had, threatening Jack's life in exchange that I do not cooperate."  He explained again.  "I was scarcely given another day to return the real diamond or they would follow through with their threats.  They were watching and waiting for the opportunity that I would cave in and alert the authorities of the situation. But I never dared.  I couldn't lose another family member." 

Hope was speechless. 

"But I never gave up.  In my heart I sensed you were still alive.  I hired countless private investigators to search for you regardless of what they promised.   I've been searching for you for years.  And here you are. . . It wasn't until Jack discovered you were alive."

"What are you here for now?" Hope whispered. 

Colin's eyes were full of hope when they met hers. "To bring you home."


It would have been wonderful had he found her when she needed to be found the most.  When she craved it so badly she would have done anything.  There had been so many fantastic dreams of finally coming to peace and security. 

However, was what Colin said all true?

"This is all so sudden.  I do not know if I believe all this.  I need time. . ."  She whispered, she was so shocked she didn't understand what was happening anymore.

Then Zayn turned toward her.  She felt the heat of his gaze and the alarm filling him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

If what Colin claimed was all true, she would have the family she always wanted, but she would not have Zayn.  Unable to stop the surge of anguish shooting through her, standing there feeling confused and heartbroken, the idea of separating from him was almost unbearable. 

Zayn watched her tormented expression.   It was enough for him to make the decision for her.   "She will not be going anywhere with you until I have a thorough investigation done to prove your story." 

"I completely understand.  As difficult as it is for me to say this but I would have done the same were I in your shoes.  I have my own proof I will have my assistant send.  I will be waiting to hear from you."

With one long lingering glance directed at Hope, "I am so sorry, Lily." 

Colin reluctantly turned and left. Jack sent Zayn a smug glance and followed his brother. 

Dazed, Hope followed Zayn and Sammy as they returned to the penthouse, their dinner plans forgotten.  They both watched her without saying a word and she couldn't bear their stares of pity.  Making a straight line to her room, she quickly entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her.  Without regard to who might be listening, she sank to the floor, cupped her face in her hands and rocked back and forth, feeling sick and terrified. 

And desperate. 


Two days had passed since they found out. 

A thick file folder laid on his desk.  Shattered debris littered his office.  To say he'd lost his temper would be an understatement.  He'd been in a rage, furious at himself, with Jack, with Colin.

Jealousy stirred in Zayn's chest.

Beside the file was another provided by Colin.  It held photos of him and Hope, happily married, on their traveling adventures.  Hope appeared different, her hair was one solid color, the same shade when he found her.  Her face was fuller, she looked happier, care-free, whereas torment now replaced the bright look in her eyes. 

They appeared deeply in love. 

Then fury began to take shape and boil through his blood.

A missing persons report was filed about her disappearance.   Colin had cooperated during the investigation but never revealed the true nature of the crime.  He claimed she went out to run errands and never returned home.  There was no trace of her car nor of her.  They had no clues whatsoever to go on.  Colin had an alibi–Jack.  They claimed they were having a meeting at the manor where Colin resides.  The staff backed up the claim. 

Any suspicions centered on Colin's involvement in her disappearance were dropped.  The case closed after the case ran cold for several months.

It was a while before he felt calm enough to go to her with the news. 

"Hope."  He stood in the open doorway of her bedroom.

Hope froze as they flicked toward the doorway. 

Zayn's eyes filled with something she didn't recognize.  For a moment, the sight of him was enough to make her forget her grief. 

She hadn't planned to sleep the night she learned she had a husband.  In fact, she'd lain in the dark.  But sometime in the early-morning hours fatigue had overcome her, and she'd dozed off.  It was much the same the second day. 

Small sips of coffee and nibbling on food she did little more than push around her plate was all she could manage for the past two days.

The sick, trapped feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach never left her. 

"According to the medics report your injuries were extensive with repeated blows to the head and multiple stab wounds.  There's very little information about the actual attack.  No one knows.  No one but you."

Zayn hands her the file. 

"This is the report."

She was shaking so badly she could barely get the pages open. 

There was an article as she read the large headline before her.


Her blood pumped heavily in her veins as she read the article.  She was beaten to death just like they told her at the hospital.

Hope's throat tightened as she blinked him into focus before shaking her head.  She couldn't continue reading it.

"The medical examination determined there was no trace of drugs.  The police report suggested it was a homicide.  The report described the scene. . ."  Zayn stopped, as if what he was about to say was going to destroy her whole world.  "You were naked.  There was blood.  Everywhere.  You were found on an industrial estate."

Shock coursed through her.

"What was I doing there?" Hope managed to ask. 

"I do not know.  There's dozens of hotels passing the area. You're the only one that knows."

Hope had to sit down before she collapsed.  Her head was spinning.  This is what she had been afraid of.  Learning the truth. 

"I cannot remember."  She admitted, recovering herself a little and covering her face with both her hands.

"We should go back to where you suffered trauma. Perhaps it may trigger something from your memory especially now that we have an idea of what happened and where." 

Hope looked up, eyes wide and full of fright.  Hope had the urge to cry again.  There weren't words that could describe how she felt at that moment. She was too numb.

"It could trigger you to remember something important."  Zayn insisted.   "I thought I knew Jack but it looks like I don't know him at all.  And Colin, I've met once at a gala and he never mentioned he had a wife.  We need to find out more about what happened to you that day.  This could be the only way."

Hope wrapped her arms around herself barely recovering from the new information she learned about herself.

"Zayn, I'm afraid."  She admitted.  She was shaking so bad it was hard to sit still. 

He approaches her and touches her shoulder in reassurance.  "I will be with you every step of the way.  Do you trust me?"


"Let's go then."

Zayn and Hope rode in silence for quite some time.

She slid a glance sideways at his profile.  There was nothing to be read, unless she could read something significant in the fact that his jaw seemed made of granite or the little muscle that ticked restlessly at the outer corner of his eye.  Sensing her eyes on him, he took his gaze off the road long enough to send her a quick look. 

"We're almost there."  Zayn's quiet announcement sent a jolt of panic spiraling through her.

Her fingers knotted together in her lap and she took a deep breath, trying to still the frantic beat of her heart.   She wanted nothing more than to reach out and take hold of Zayn's hand to hold it for comfort.  But she couldn't do anything of the sort.  She was too tense to move. 

He flicked on the turn signal and turned into a parking lot,  reaching the industrial estate on the edge of town designed specially for factories and businesses. 

"This area spans for miles.  Let me know if you recognize anything."  He said, his eyes scanning the half-empty lots, looking for anything that seemed out of place.

Hope searched through the window for a few minutes as the car slowly moved.  So far, nothing triggered her memories.

The buildings were big, plain, gray, and domineering.  He led them off into an isolated area that made her nerves jump.


Hope shook her head. 

Zayn kept the car going until he came to an abrupt halt. 

"This is where they found you.  There's an alley just past that building."  He points on the right. "We'll cut through there and see if you recognize anything."

"All right."

With frozen fingers, she reached for the door handle, but Zayn caught her forearm.  Turning back to look at him, she saw his eyes, bright, fierce yet compassionate with an emotion she didn't dare to name.

"It's going to be alright, Hope.  You're going to be alright."

Hope gave the barest nod.  She didn't know what to say, trying to force a smile. 

Zayn leaned across the car and kissed her, quick and hard.

"I'm here with you, every step of the way."

"I know that.  Thank you."

He pulled open his car door and got out before Hope.  Zayn was waiting for her at the rear fender.  His eyes scanned the parking lot as he set his hand against Hope's back and urged her forward. 

She'd never felt so exposed in her life.  The parking lot was huge and empty as she walked beside him, trying to look calm as he did, wishing she could turn and run for the safety of the car. 

Zayn led her to the dumpster she was supposedly placed in and left for dead.  With her mouth so dry she felt she might never swallow again, Hope shuffled forward.  She found herself facing where she was dumped to die. 

Caught and held by a sense of unreality, she hardly dared imagine her body was in there. 

Hope never realized she was trembling until Zayn's arm wrapped around her shoulders trying to calm her.  She barely heard him as he murmured encouraging words, too busy trying to force enough strength into her knees to keep her upright. 

"I d-don't know. . .I cannot remember." 

She could only see her bloody body, broken. 

A rush of pain stabbed her deep in her abdomen.  Screaming rang in her ears.  Tears streamed down her face.  All she felt was torture and pain. 

She almost stopped breathing.  Her head hurt. 

Her face was in the crook of Zayn's neck and he maneuvered away from the scene before her.  She realized her cheeks were wet and her entire body was shaking. 

She despised her fear but it couldn't be helped.  The nightmares were a constant enough reminder of that dreadful time.  What Hope despised even more is not being able to recall any part of her past let alone the attack. 

She felt blind.  Torn.  Broken down the middle.   

Every which way she turned she was constantly reminded of her weakness.  And today was a true testament of that. 

Thanks for reading!

Did any of you ever expect a husband?

If not, What did you expect? I'm curious to know what you thought would eventually happen with Hope's situation.

Please vote, comment and share with others!

Climax continues next Friday.


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