What The End Looks Like | ✓

By lau_matthews

39.3K 2.2K 168

The final book (4) in the What A Lie Looks Like series! Dean Benson finally has everything he thinks he's ev... More

author's note
01: dean
02: lacey
03: lacey
04: lacey
05: dean
06: lacey
07: lacey
08: lacey
09: dean
10: lacey
12: lacey
13: dean
14: lacey
15: lacey
16: lacey
17: dean
18: the impact
19: lacey
20: lacey
21: lacey
22: dean
23: lacey
24: lacey
25: lacey
26: dean
27: lacey
28: lacey
29: the turmoil
30: lacey
31: dean
32: lacey
33: lacey
34: the aftermath
35: dean
36: dean
author's note

11: lacey

933 57 2
By lau_matthews

A shrill shriek pulls me out of sleep and I hear Quinn curse loudly, "Could you be any fucking louder?"

"Do you have to be such a grump?" A voice that sounds awfully similar to Ruth says. Wait-Ruth?

I try to blink and rub the sleep out of my eyes, but I'm being held down by a set of arms. And my head is resting on someone's chest. What is going on?

The person I'm laying on top of shifts underneath me, pulling me tighter against them letting out a soft mumble. "Lace go back to sleep. It's too early for this."

I wish I could because this feels really nice, but Ruth's awestruck face greets me when I focus my eyes on the two figures watching us. "Oh good, you're awake. A little heads up would have been nice that your loud friend was coming over." Quinn scoffs, storming back into her bedroom. Good morning to you too.

I lift my head up and poke Dean in the side, "Hey, you have to let me go or we're going to get jumped on."

A few of his dark curls are hanging onto his forehead and his eyes blink open lazily. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"My god Lacey, I don't talk to you for a week and you've already got a boyfriend?" Ruth questions, drawing Dean's attention over there. He looks very confused and I have to admit I'm quite confused myself. Why is she here? Not that I'm not glad to see her, I'm just confused.

His arms unravel around me and I'm grateful to be able to get up and hug my best friend. I'm not sure what reason she has for an impromptu visit, but nonetheless, I'm glad to see her. "Ruth what are you doing here?"

She smiles widely at me, "Well your mom was going to come herself, but I volunteered to come in her place. I missed you so I figured I'd drop in for the weekend. I just didn't expect to find you sleeping on a couch with freaking Adonis."

I look back at Dean who is stretching and I resist the urge to stare. My god why does he have to be so attractive. We're just friends, but still.

"You'll feed his ego if you call him that. Ruth this is Dean. Dean this is my best friend from back home, Ruth." I say introducing them and he smiles at her but I can tell he's not fully awake yet.

"Nice to meet you," He says before sitting up and stretching. I quickly glance back at Ruth. She's practically drooling and I wish I could take a picture to use this for later; instead, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"So how long are you up here? Weren't you supposed to have plans with Xavier-" I'm cut off by her pulling me towards the bathroom without another word. I guess it's not hard to find in our shoebox apartment. "Ruth! You're being rude to Dean."

Only after she shuts the door and turns on the faucet does Ruth say something, "That's Dean?" She questions in an angry whisper.

I attempt to smooth my hair out to look somewhat presentable after we were caught having a sleepover. Whatever I say at this point about not liking him will only result in her not believing me. Still I have to try and get my point across, "He's just a friend." And he is. Maybe at first I was interested in something more and I can't deny that he's cute, but I've gotten to know Dean and he needs a friend just as much as I need one.

"There's no way the two of you can be just friends when he looks like that and you look like you. Absolutely not." She insists doing exactly what I thought she would.

"You don't even know him!" I insist, letting my voice raise a bit.

She gives me a look of disbelief, "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I just walked in on you guys sleeping on the couch together. I'm just glad there was clothes on both of you."

"Exactly! Sleeping. We were watching some movies last night and fell asleep. Completely innocent."

"Does he know?" Ruth asks, staring straight into my eyes to look for signs of a lie.

I look away and shake my head because I know I need to tell him. It's not fair of me to not tell him.


"No. We are not talking about this right now." I insist pushing past her to go out into the living room where Dean is gathering his things together. "Hey, where are you going?"

He smiles faintly, "I'm going to head home. I probably need to talk to Maddox and Cassidy to apologize. Besides, you should spend some time with your friend."

"I think that sounds like a good idea. It was nice to meet you, but I did come to spend time with my best friend." Ruth says following me out of the bathroom.

I nod, realizing that it's probably for the best that he apologizes. Cass is his best friend and they need to make up. "Tell them I said hi. Try not to lose your cool," I tease trying to give him a bit of friendly advice. Dean's a great guy, but it definitely seems like he lashes out when he's feeling upset. The conversation he's going to walk into could very well go both ways.

Dean snorts, "I'll do my best."

"Good luck." I walk him to the door where he gives me a lopsided smile.

"I'll need it. Thanks for letting me crash here last night, I didn't mean to fall asleep but..." He trails off rubbing the back of his neck.

I make the quick decision to hug him, "Thanks for taking me on an adventure."

"Anytime Lace," Dean says hugging me back before stepping away, shutting the door behind him.

"Just friends huh?" Ruth comments taking a seat on the couch.

I run a hand over my face, "I really don't need a lecture. Why did my mom really send you up here?"

She gives me a sympathetic look, "I'm not just here because your mom sent me. We're all worried about you Lacey. You're not taking care of yourself...and I missed you a lot. Xavier has gotten very tired of hearing me talk about you. I think he was ready to drive me here himself if your mom hadn't told me she was coming."

"Do you mind if we just don't talk about all of that right now? It's too early in the morning and I'd much rather catch up on some other things instead."

Ruth smiles, "Well I have been dying for more information about Dean. Especially now."

I open my mouth to speak but Quinn makes an appearance from her room. "He's here all the time, or she's at his place, or hanging out with his friends. You're not going to scream again are you?" She asks giving Ruth a once over. Quinn is actually fresh-faced for once instead of sporting her dark makeup.

She ignores Quinn's attitude and looks at me annoyed, "Is she always like this?"

This just screams a lose lose situation. I have to live with Quinn and I'd prefer to do it peacefully, but Ruth is my best friend. "I think I'm going to go take a shower before we start the day."


"No buts! You're the one that busted in here with no warning," I say heading back to the bathroom we were hiding in a little bit ago.

She snorts following behind, "You're being dramatic. I didn't burst in, your oh so pleasant roommate opened the door for me. How come you never explained that Dean was hot?"

I shrug, putting my toothbrush in my mouth. I'm fairly certain I did say he was hot, but whatever. It doesn't matter at this point.

Ruth sits down on the toilet lid, watching me. "Well since you can't talk with a toothbrush in your mouth, I can fill you in on what's been going on back home. Your dad was telling me that he's considering retiring, my parents are considering moving to Florida, and Sam has been asking about you. He wants to know when you'll be back."

I maintain a neutral look on my face, thankful that I have a toothbrush in my mouth.

Sam is someone I don't want to discuss which Ruth should know and is probably the exact same reason she brought him up. Going from one off limits topic to another. I spit and rinse to get all the toothpaste out of my mouth. "I'm not going back Ruth."

"What do you mean? Bristol is home." She says confused.

"New York is my home now. I'll come back to Bristol for holidays and the occasional weekend, but this is my home. Ruth I really don't want to fight or argue when I haven't seen you in over two months."

Her face drops, but she nods. "I don't want to fight either. Why don't we go to lunch? Where's your favorite place?"

"There's a small bistro a few blocks over that I went to with the other secretaries from the office last week I think you might like."

"Sounds perfect. Lead the way."


"I think this might be one of the best meals I've ever had," Ruth groans leaning back in her chair while holding her stomach.

I laugh lightly but the food is incredible. "Molly did awesome picking this place out. I never would have found it without her."

"Tell me about some of your friends, you're so secretive about your life here that I just want to know everything." She says smiling and trying to keep the conversation light.

"There's a few guys from the firehouse that I'd consider friends even thought they're more Dean's friends. Grayson's had me working quite a bit so I tend to spend most of my free time with Dean and what friend his roommate brings home that day. Usually it's Chase who is by far my favorite of Dean's friends, but his family is pretty cool. Cassidy is his brother's girlfriend and she's really nice. But his brother seemed kind of uptight." I ramble on going through the list. I know that in the last conversation I'd had with Ruth she warned me about letting my world here revolve around Dean, but it doesn't. Dean might have introduced me to all these people, but I've made this place a home.

Ruth smiles happily, "That was a whole lot of information so we're going to need to go more in depth on that. However, it does sound like you've met a lot of really great people. I'm happy for you Lacey."

I feel my own smile grow wider at her words, "I'm sorry, I know there's a lot. That means so much to me. I was terrified to leave home, but New York is everything I thought it would be and more."

"Minus the whole getting trapped in a burning building," Ruth adds jokingly.

"Actually, if that hadn't happened...I never would have met Dean. But I also wouldn't have gone to see him at the firehouse if you hadn't told me to."

"That's a very good point. I'm always right."

I roll my eyes because I wouldn't say always. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Ruth sticks her tongue out at me causing laughter to bubble from me. "It does. Trust me." I still can't get over the fact that she's really here. It's weird, but a good weird. It's like mixing Bristol Lacey with New York City Lacey. It's not the same. "So care to tell me more about Dean the friend?"

I look at her skeptically, "Why are you asking?"

"Because I think he's important to you and I'd like to know you're not hanging out with a serial killer."

"Dean Benson a serial killer? As if!" I snort out loud, very ungracefully might I add.

Her eyebrows furrow, "His last name is Benson?"

I freeze realizing that dropping his last name isn't something I should have done. I forget that Dean is supposed to be this guy. Besides his car, he doesn't act rich or entitled. Neither does anyone he's introduced me to. I nod slowly and Ruth puts the puzzle pieces together. "Like the Benson's? Hayes and Maddox Benson?"

"Ruth you can't freak out." I say slowly and she looks at me in disbelief.

"I'm not," Ruth protests, yet I can still see her mind is moving a mile a second. "Is he like a second or third cousin to them or what?"

I shake my head, "Hayes is his cousin and Maddox is Dean's older brother. You'd be surprised by how normal they all are. I was shocked. And then there's Paige." I wanted to ask Dean if they were back together doing whatever it is that they do, but then I reminded myself that if he wanted to tell me, he would have.

Her hands clasp over her mouth, "I can't believe you didn't tell me that you met all of these people! Are you used to seeing celebrities in New York that you forget to tell your poor best friend back home about your adventures with a Benson."

"It's just a name. You're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be."

"No, you're not admitting this is a big deal." Ruth retorts and I shake my head. "So who else have you met and not told me about?"

I don't exactly want to tell her I've met Tessa, but this is the time to tell her. "So you know my boss, Grayson, right?" She nods impatiently waiting for me to continue. "Well, his wife was formerly known as Tessa Kaplan, but is now Tessa Taylor."

This is the one that makes her speechless.

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