13: dean

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I run into Ruth outside the bathrooms on my way back behind the bar. She's wiping her eyes and looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck when she sees me standing there. "Hey, I um had something in my eye." She says not very convincingly.

"Are you okay?" I ask trying to determine the situation. When I look over my shoulder at Lacey, she's smiling and chatting with another customer. She seems completely unaware of the fact that Ruth was crying in the bathroom.

"I'm fine. It's just been a long day and I think I'm ready to call it a night." Her voice sounds stuffy which is no doubt because she was crying. Ruth is definitely not as drunk as she was acting. In fact, she seems to be almost sober.

Her eyes shift to look at where I know Lacey is but her expression is as guarded as Lacey's is. What are they hiding? "Do you need me to call a cab for you guys? I'm off in forty minutes if you need a ride home."

She clears her throat, "No, I can call one myself, but thank you. She's having fun so I don't want her to end the night early. Do you mind watching over her?"

I'm confused because it's Ruth's last night in town and she doesn't want to spend it with Lacey? "Not at all. I'll make sure she gets home safe."

Ruth smiles at me, her brown eyes analyzing me. "Do you care for her?"

"What?" The question catches me off guard. Of course I care for her. Lacey is pretty much one of the only people I can stand to be around lately and I'm almost shocked by how quickly I've let her get close to me.

"Dean I'm not an idiot, but who knows? Maybe you're one. Lacey is the best person I know and you'd be stupid to take her for granted. Do you care about her?"

The intensity of her gaze makes me fumble with my words, "I care about her a lot. I'd never hurt her."

My answers seems to appease whatever Ruth was looking to find, "Good. Don't tell her I left until she asks. Just keep her safe, okay?"

I nod dumbly and Ruth makes a stealthy escape towards the exit while I approach Lacey and her new friend. "Oh Dean! Good, you're back. This is..." She trails off, looking at him confused.

"Peter." He finishes for her and I can't help the twinge of a smile that appears on my face because she forgot this dude's name. "Can you make her another drink and put it on my tab please?"

I look at her face carefully for any signs of being too drunk because while Ruth might not have been as drunk as I thought, Lacey definitely is. "Sure thing, do you want anything?"

"Just a Budlight please."

I make her drink with far less rum than it calls for because I don't think she needs much more. Especially if she doesn't drink then her having three real drinks should be enough. A fourth would have her rolling on the floor.

"Here's another sex on the beach and a Budlight for you sir." I say sending a wink to Lacey who is already giggling.

She's in a much better mood than when she first got here. I have no doubt it's the reason Ruth went back to Lacey's apartment without her. I was very surprised when Ruth said that Lacey used to have a crush on Hayes. The idea of Lacey and Hayes together is just weird.

I busy myself with collecting glasses from around the tables while keeping a close eye on Lacey and Peter. It's odd seeing her talk to another guy. She's pretty, a fun personality, and she gives great advice. She's like the little voice in your head that always guides you to do the right thing.

I'm glad she's having a fun time, but part of me wishes that Peter wasn't there so I could talk to her alone.

Cassidy asked about her yesterday when I apologized. I guess Lacey made quite the impression and Cass wants me to bring her around again. I made some dumb excuse about how I don't know her schedule; which I don't. I'm almost certain that Maddox wanted to punch my face in or something, yet he held back. No doubt for Cassidy's sake.

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