06: lacey

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 It was my first day working for Grayson. He wasn't kidding when he said he needed someone right away. I've done secretarial work before in my long list of odd jobs, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for the stack of paperwork on the desk outside his office.

"I'm sorry it's a little messy. I've been borrowing my friend's secretary when he can spare her, but we've got a big case we're working on right now." Grayson explains hurriedly. "I would normally bring Marcie here to show you the ropes, but I'm just going to have to give you a quick crash course for now if that's okay?"

I nod, feeling the bun my hair was in start to slip with the movement. I'll put it in a ponytail when he's done showing me around.

A few people say hello, but most just dip their head at Grayson. Most of it was pretty explanatory: how he likes his coffee, where the break room is, where the filing room is, etc. "Most of the calls you'll get will come from other floors or offices in the firm. If it's a client themselves calling, make sure it's an emergency before interrupting what I'm doing to transfer the call to my office. If it's my mom... just tell her I'm in a meeting or not in the office. That information is probably the most important thing you'll do here." I smile at first, but then I realize he's serious.

"Got it. Meeting or out of the office." I repeat writing down the key things on the notepad in my hand.

"Marcie is a freak about knowing everything that goes on so she likes to use her phone to listen in on my calls. It is helpful because she has appointments scheduled before the call even ends." Grayson tells me which I make another note of.

"So what is this big case you guys have right now?" I ask keeping up with him as we walk back towards my desk and Grayson's office.

"You know how Hayes is the CEO of Benson Pharmaceuticals and that Maddox is the COO?" He asks glancing back at me to make sure I'm paying attention.

I nod, beckoning him to continue. Dean gave me a quick run down of the family business and how Hayes has been trying to get control of the company.

"Well for a while we've been building a case to remove the last few stragglers from his dad's days of owning the company. We finally got what we need to get rid of them while getting their shares in the company for a low price. The next few days we'll be crossing our t's and dotting our i's to make sure that we caught any loophole they could find. It's been a long time coming so we have to catch everything."

When Dean told me that Hayes didn't have complete control, I was shocked. I mean isn't that kinda what a CEO is supposed to have over their company?

"Got it," I say and Grayson smiles at me.

"I really appreciate you taking the job. It's a big help to me. Tessa volunteered to try, but I've always said I would keep work and family separate. I've got some work to do, but most of the files on your desk just need copied and sorted into the files in the bottom drawer."

Even with all the files on my desk to go through, it gives me something to do. My limp is practically gone from the fire two weeks ago and I was able to ditch my crutches Tuesday. The booties I'm wearing today hid the yellowing bruise on my ankle and I'm happy to report that I'm no longer walking like Bambi.

I was surprised to hear from Dean on Sunday, but it was a nice surprise.

Quinn was in front of the coffeemaker pouring a glass with rings of dark makeup under her eyes, wearing only a large t-shirt that barely covers everything. I was reading some magazine talking about the upcoming fashions for the year I'm sure Ruth will want to debate later. I should probably call her to let her know how last night went.

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