Never Run

By beingunwritten

203K 6.8K 2.6K

Fight. Flight. Or Freeze. Those are the only 3 options in the werewolf world. Fight will result in death. Fl... More

001 ::: Never Run
002 ::: Never Look
003 ::: Never Question
004 ::: Never Listen
005 ::: Never Eavesdrop
006 ::: Never Feel
007 ::: Never Speak
008 ::: Never Eat
009 ::: Never Ignore
010 ::: Never Plead
011 ::: Never Assume
012 ::: Never Submit
013 ::: Never Leave
014 ::: Never Try
015 ::: Never Hope
016 ::: Always Question
017 ::: Never Forget
018 ::: Never Confront
019 ::: Always Control
020 ::: Never Cry
021 ::: Never Smell
022 ::: Never Doubt
023 ::: Never Succumb
024 ::: Always Ask
025 ::: Never Answer
026 ::: Never Drink
027 ::: Never Scream
028 ::: Always Avoid
029 ::: Never Think
030 ::: Never Hug
031 ::: Always Bite
033 ::: Never Withhold
034 ::: Never Attack
035 ::: Never Shop
036 ::: Never Believe
037 ::: Never Cook
038 ::: Never Spar
039 ::: Never Wait

032 ::: Never Breathe

3.3K 113 29
By beingunwritten

Hello jellybeans! It's been a while since I've called y'all that, huh? I know I said not until next week, but here is an update for all of you. Find a comfy spot to read because this chapter is longer than my typical chapter length.

Enjoy! :) <3

I was on fire.

And I had been all through this miserable night as Xaler clung onto me as a koala did a tree, almost purposefully refusing to even move in his sleep. I couldn't escape his clutches throughout the night and it caused me to not even get a winks worth of sleep. So, to say I was exhausted was an understatement.

I would be pissed off on top of it, but the knowledge of having a Xaler free day revived my mood any time it started to dip. At least while I laid awake all night I was able to think of things that I was going to do today.

Spending time with Cal was one of them.

Although I did have to check in with Xaler every hour it was still worth it to not have him breathing down my neck. Even when I decided to spend my days at my parent's house, he still somehow found a way to hover.

He was crafty, I'd give him that.

Still, nothing was going to dampen my spirits today. It was as if I were a prisoner finally to be released today, though short-lived. I was going to make the most of it.

It wasn't long before the black overhang of the suffocating night sauntered off and allowed the first blush of the morning sky through the door. Like a reverse twilight, the dark blues and deep purples began to give way to their lighter counterparts before the pale yellow increased in brightness a hair more as the seconds ticked by.

Before long. Noises from the hustle and bustle of my people would seep through the different cracks and crevices of the hut that was put together with no care and bare minimum effort. In fact, I'm surprised that Xaler even opted to buy the hut and leave it the way it is as opposed to demolishing the entire thing and rebuilding one to his ridiculous standards.

Though I wanted nothing more than to stay here forever with my family and people, I wanted Xaler to cave and take us back to his home. Him being here in my community with people he could easily harm, or even kill, and the stress of the possibility of that happening never left me. It burrowed into my muscles, dug into the pit of my stomach, and held most of the space in my mind day in and day out that we were here.

I didn't want anyone to die.

Enough humans have died already at the hands of Xaler, yes, it may not have been directly by his hands, it was all the result of everything he did and decided.

Except, he hasn't caved, and though I can see moments of pure irritation and disgust injected within his features, he hid most of how he was truly feeling and prevented me from getting an accurate read.

Xaler began stirring next to me and I let out a small sigh of relief as his arms and legs slowly began to slip from my skin allowing the screaming hot flesh to breathe in gulps of cool air. Quick shivers ran through my legs and up my spine as the air licked at the moisture that sprung from my warm skin. His abnormal warmth wasn't something I would ever get used to. How does he not sleep in a frozen tundra every night?

Different cracks and pops resounded within the small room as Xaler stretched his body out from sleep. His sinewy muscles flexing, tensing, and relaxing as he moved this way and that, occasionally brushing up my skin and setting my body alight once more.

Maybe the back and forth between hot and shivering would make me deathly ill and I could finally get away from him.

If only.

He finally settled down on his back with a few morning grumbles, throwing his arm over his eyes. His mouth smacked together a few times - to get rid of the dryness I presumed - before peeking an eye out at me from under his arm.

A sleepy half-smile stitched itself onto his face, "good morning gorgeous."


"Morning," I responded curtly.

I still haven't forgotten how he shoved his tongue down my throat the night previous, and even though my feelings on the issue mattered naught to him, I was still going to be mad about it.

And it usually ended badly for me, but ignoring him and being rude always got to him and so that was my road of choice for today, albeit drastically toned down; I didn't want him to change his mind about leaving me alone today.

Once again, inferno-like heat flared around my hips as his arms snaked around and pulled me closer to his body.

"Mmnh," he let out, burying his nose into the hair atop my head, "I'm going to miss you today." He finished off with a kiss to my head before pecking his way down, "and tonight."


"And," kiss, "tomorrow morning when I wake up without seeing your beautiful face."

He continued to place little pecks all over my head and neck and I prayed that he didn't attempt the same shit he pulled last night. I wouldn't exactly be able to hold my tongue or reactions if put into that position again.

Deep breaths, Rizzo. You're so close, just nod and give a small smile. Yeah, that'll work. Don't fuck this up.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked, in hopes to change the subject and get him to get him off of me, or at least stop his current activity.

He stopped. Thank God it worked.

"Trying to get rid of me already?" he huskily whispered into my ear.

Unprepared for the intimate nature in which the question was presented, I couldn't help but flinch slightly from him. If my reaction bothered him, he didn't make it known.


"I-" taking a second to clear my throat and stabilize my voice, "-was just curious."


I opened my mouth to respond and try to repair the situation between us but didn't even have a chance to get a word out as Xaler turned over and sat up on the bed. Doing one last final stretch, clasping his hands together and bringing his arms over his head. Again, I couldn't help but stare are the prominent, defined muscles of his tan and lean back - so muscular that he could have every single woman at his feet.

Too bad he's such a sadistic son of a bitch.

"It shouldn't be too much longer," Xaler stood from the bed and grabbed a clean pair of trousers, shoving his legs into them, "I'm just going to gather my paperwork and some other miscellaneous items before heading back."

I silently responded with a nod before pulling myself from the bed as well. I decided to forego any basic hygiene routines until after Xaler left. I donned a pair of sweatpants and made my way to the kitchen.

Grabbing a small glass of water, I tossed it back, quenching my own dry mouth instantly, and grabbed another; it was like I couldn't get enough to satiate my thirst, and soon I was huffing after the trade-off of breathing air for drinking water.

"I can't wait to be the one making you sound like that," Xaler, again, whispered into my ear, "but we'd have a lot fewer clothes on."

My hands gripped tightly around the glass as a silent plead for me to keep my mouth shut and my actions in check. He was almost out of this place, I just needed to fight it for a few more minutes.

Brushing off his comment, I gently placed the glass in the sink once I was certain I didn't need it anymore. Turning around I faced a smirking Xaler with a briefcase in hand and jacket in the other.

"Elliott will be right outside should you need him at any time for anything-"

"Elliott? Who's Elliott?"

A look of confusion draped over his face, "your guard while I am gone." Though it wasn't a question, it hinted to his confusion, "didn't I tell you that?"

"No. You didn't," I breathed in deep through my nose, still trying to maintain my control over my emotions and words. Xaler simply shrugged and moved to put his shoes on.

I followed after him.

"I don't need a guard, really-"

"No," Xaler whirled around with a single finger raised in protest causing me to come to an abrupt halt, "you absolutely need a guard, there is no discussion about that."

"Xaler, I will be fine here on my own. I did it for 19 years!" I could feel myself beginning to get riled up. My resolve was slipping and I hoped Xaler was out the door before it happened. My defiance about the guard was only prolonging Xaler's presence, but I just couldn't seem to let it go.

"This conversation is over, Rosie."

I huffed and childishly crossed my arms over my chest, "let the poor Mr. Elliott go home. I will be perfectly fine."

"You're right," he said as he finished getting his shoes on. His hand grasped the handle of the door, opening it slightly, "because Mr. Elliott will be right outside until I return."

And with that, Xaler walked out the door and effectively wiping the infancy of my smile from my face.

I couldn't help but feel a sliver of pride for myself and I gathered my things and slinked into the shower. Even though Xaler didn't demolish and reconstruct this place, he made sure to do one renovation and that was to put in a simple shower, replacing the large ceramic basin every other hut had. It sucked in the winter, just to wash our bodies, we had to gather snow and then heat it, fill the basin, and using a cloth, we would clean ourselves.

It was terrible, though it was strange, yet fascinating, that there are now some walking around that have no memory or idea of the concept of a shower or bathtub. The younger ones obviously, always questioning what a shower or bath was when told it was bathtime.

Quickly, I showered and completed getting ready for my day, not trying to waste any more time than I already had. I just wanted to get next door and spend as much time with my family today as possible.

The only obstacle in my way was the guard that rests right outside my door. My plan was to deliberately disobey Xaler's rule of being home at his set time. In fact, I planned on spending every single second until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer with my family in my own home.

There was only one solution to this problem and I could only hope that Xaler didn't know about the tunnels that almost every single hut had dug out secretly on their own. Each tunnel leads out to the back alley that was only about a yard wide before another row of huts resided.

Once finished, I made my way to the small living room and began to lightly tap on the floorboards. Hopefully, the street noise was enough to drown out the sounds I was making to the guard outside. I kept tapping on each board until a hollow sound rung out through the tiny room.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and happiness and I didn't even try to fight the smile that crept upon my lips. Carefully, slowly, I pulled the board up to find the beginning of a tunnel only to reveal more as I continued to lift the other wooden boards up.

The opening to the tunnel was wide so that I could still put the board back in place, but also giving me adequate room to turn the right way so that I was going forward through the tunnel as opposed to backward. The other end of the tunnel was constructed the same way for the same purpose.

Once I reached the end, I pushed up on the thin concrete slab that covered the tunnel, hearing a small thud on the other side the more I moved the slab. With just barely raising my head from the hole, I peered around vigilantly to ensure no mutts were watching before I promptly lifted myself out and pushed the slab back into place. As I knelt down the heel of my foot knocked into something behind me.

A dead plant pot rolled back and forth, I grabbed it and put it back in the exact spot on the slab; the harsh environment and dirty alley creating a ring around the base of the pot.

I clapped the dirt from my hands and clothes and wiped the sweat from my brow. It's been a while since I had to use the tunnels. The only reason why we had tunnels was because of when the beasts first took over there was a lot of turmoil within the humans. Many people tried fighting back and the tension was getting high. In order to try and keep us in order, they established a curfew and locked our front doors and windows with heavy-duty locks, and anyone caught outside after curfew would be subject to consequences. Soon after is when the live executions began.

So, we adapted and built tunnels to get us to and from wherever we need to go. It became an unwritten agreement between pretty much all of us to have a tunnel but to never mention a word about it to the beasts, even if we got caught. We never filled them back up because we never knew if, or more like when we would need them again.

I guess that time was now, at least for me.

I quietly tiptoed over to my home and peered into the small kitchen window. I couldn't make out anyone through the filmy glass so I resorted to lightly tapping on the glass with my fingernail...which was now caked in dirt. Figures.

I rolled my eyes and my wasted shower and continued to tap until the window began to be forced open. Soon I was staring face to face with my little sister.

"Rizzo? What are you doi-"

"Shhh," I chastised her, "keep it down. I snuck out."

I placed my hands on the sill and hoisted myself up and into the kitchen, knocking over a few items on my way inside.

"You snuck out?" my sister questioned me with a wild, yet fearful, look in her eyes. "Are you crazy, Riz? Once Xaler realizes he will flip out! What if he-" her reprimand cut short, unable to finish and I knew the painful memory that flashed in her eyes. Subconsciously, Rya's hand grazed the backs of her legs where I knew puckered pink scars rested.

I reached forward, grasping her hand in my own, wanting to rid her of the fear that it might happen again. I soothingly rubbed my thumb across the juvenile skin of her hand, my attempt to try and put as much distance between that memory and her mind as possible.

"Hey," I said softly, trying to bring her back to me. She slowly shifted her eyes to mine, laced with tears. I pulled her into my arms and swayed her back and forth, "it's alright. Nothing will happen to you, I promise. I won't ever let him touch you again."

I gently pushed her from my embrace wanting to see her face and for her to see mine. I wanted her to see, to know, that would never, ever, let Xaler do something to her ever again.

A stray tear began its trek down her cheek but was cut short as I swiped my finger over it, "besides, he went back to his house for the day. Won't be back until tomorrow, so he won't ever know."

I gave her a mischievous smirk and it was only a second until she breathed a small laugh and patted her eyes fully dry.

Soon, members of my family began filtering in from various places, whether it be from inside the house or out I did not know, but I couldn't be bothered with the knowledge. I was just glad to see them.

Every single day felt like seeing them again for the first time since I was ripped away from them. We all knew this new semi-normal wasn't permanent and we were going to take advantage of the time we were able to share with one another. We all were sat in the tiny living room, finding space to sit wherever possible. I sat sideways on the even smaller couch with my legs placed across my brother's lap. My mom sat on the arm of the couch, running her fingers through my hair every now and then. Rya was splayed out on the floor and my dad leaned up against the wall, arms shoved deep into his pants pockets.

The time was filled was chatter, smiles, laughter, and even some tears as we passed the hours away together; we were just simply enjoying each other's company and I hadn't felt more at ease, more like myself than I have in that living room with my family. The atmosphere got even rowdier once Cal was able to join us, simply walking through the front door as if he owned the place. I pulled my legs from my brother's lap and sat up to get a good look at Cal. I gave him a big smile which he returned tenfold.

He advanced towards us in about two giant steps before kicking my brother from the couch and plopping down next to me while simultaneously tossing his arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his side and placing a kiss on my head. I crinkled my nose and rested my head on his shoulder as the conversation continued to flow effortlessly amongst us.

If I didn't know better, I would say that everything was back to normal, no wolves, no restrictions, no mates, nothing. But I did know better and I knew this wasn't going to last long and that thought began eating away me slowly but surely until an unpleasant look found its way on my face.

"Hey," Cal whispered as to not drag the attention of my family as they continued on in their boisterous conversation, "what's wrong?"

Leave it to Cal to immediately pick up on any mood shift of mine. I sighed and left my head from his shoulder to look at him, "I just..." I trailed off, giving a glance to my small and loving family before turning back to him. "I just don't want all of this to end, ya know?"

Cal clenched his jaw and nodded. It was hard on him, being an only child he didn't really have anyone growing up. Shortly after the beasts took over and medicine pretty much became nonexistent, Cal's mother died from the lack of insulin. He became a very troubled and angry little boy than only grew into an angsty teenager. Well, at least until we met each other and became friends - fast friends. There wasn't a day that went by where we didn't at least see each other up until I was snatched by Xaler.

We knew everything about each other; we knew each other's strengths, each other's weaknesses. We knew what made each other tick and sometimes that knowledge gave us the upper hand, but that was never used with malicious intent.

But most importantly, we were able to just be ourselves with each other. No judgment, no expectations, nothing. Just pure and utter freedom with one another. And so, me suddenly leaving, after almost being publicly executed, took a toll on him and the prospect of leaving sooner than the six months promised didn't sit well with him.

To Cal, it seemed like the last moments he would ever be able to spend with me, but I'll be damned if I let that slide for the rest of my life.

"I know, I don't want it too either, but I have-"

"Uh oh, looks like we lost the inseparables," Remington jabbed at us with a sly smile.

He believed his nickname for Cal and me was so original, and even after all of this time away and not being subjected to the ridiculous name, it still made me roll my eyes. Remington gave us the unoriginal nickname after we blatantly refused to not be allowed to see one another after we became friends.

I gave him the finger before turning my back to Cal and resting on his side and letting the conversation continue once more, but not without my parents finding out I used the tunnels to get over here. Just like I did with Rya, I consoled and reassured them as well.

It wasn't long until the day had slipped into the clutches of the night and I started to nod off. Checking the clock, it was well past midnight, coupled with the fact of nodding off I took that as my cue to return to the hut next door.

Cal said his goodbye before making his way out of the house in a courteous gesture of giving me just a sliver of extra time along with my family, but what he didn't realize was that he was family too.

My family and I took our time saying goodbye to one another and it wasn't without the smothering of hugs and kisses and, again, even some tears, but tears well warranted nonetheless considering...

I said one last goodbye at the window to my mom and sister before quietly slipping across to the other hut.

Just as I was about to bend down and move the concrete slab that led to the tunnel, a warm hand with a dirty cloth clamped over my mouth and nose while another arm wrapped around my waist and jerked me away from the slab.

I tried screaming through the rag, but it was just shoved further into my mouth, my arms and legs did all the hitting and kicking they could to no avail. I kept fighting and fighting as the hut got further and further away. Slowly, the more I breathed in through the rag the more blurry my vision became.

Before I knew it, I passed out.


1. Who do you think took Rizzo?

2. What did you think of this chapter?

3. What is your biggest pet peeve? (Have I asked this before?)

4. Other than werewolf books, what other genres do you read? 

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