Tony Stark's Brother | Marvel

By StarkRed00

22.8K 515 121

"To be or not to be, that is the question" For Daniel, he preferred people knowing who he was. He loved... More

Mission Impossible
Run, Run Away
Hello, Brother
Not So Happy Reunion
New York, New York
D is for Dangerous
Born To Be Wild
The Great Pretender
That's Life
Feeling Good
Ain't that a Shame
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Hold Up
Ghost from the Past
As It Was

Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?

1.2K 29 0
By StarkRed00

A shuddered breath left his lips. His hands began to twitch before he clenched them, trying to stop his hands from shaking. His hands cannot shake, not now. However, he felt amazing at the moment. He felt like he could do anything. The rush that flowed through his veins was addicting. He just had so much energy, yet there was this pressure on his chest.

His hand on the counter, he leaned on it and rubbed his chest with the other. It ached. Daniel knows why it hurt. Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself off the counter and looked up at the mirror. He is a mess. Daniel looked sickly pale. Dark circles were under his eyes with hues of purple. His pupils were large. It was evident that he was high. Anyone could tell by just looking at him in the eyes. Times like these are where he wished he had brown eyes. His face looked gaunt. A nice bruise forming around his nose from the punch. He has not eaten for about two days, at the moment. There was some stubble growing out already. Sleep was less than five hours. He has drank more than a bottle of liquor and has gotten his hands on drugs. He needs to fix his appearance, he can't look this disgusting. The pain in his chest began to go away. All that he could feel was the pressure of how hard he rubbed his chest. Nonetheless, it was all good now.

He washed his hands and dried them before stepping out. A smile plastered on his face. He felt better already. Daniel sniffed, still feeling the sensation. He rubbed his nose before heading out to see Tony. His hands swung by his side, feeling a bit cocky- chin up and back straight. Right now, he didn't care about anything. He still has some coke left, so he can save that for tomorrow or in the next few days. Since he doesn't know when he will get some more, he will have to save what he has at the moment. He probably shouldn't have used as much as he had. Whatever, what's done is done.

"Alright!" Daniel clapped his hands as he entered the room,"What are we going to do to set me straight -- well, off drugs because..." he chuckled. Nothing could set him straight.

He paused when he saw the redhead and the super soldier. The corner of his lips curl upwards in amusements as he looks at the newcomers. His posture showed that he was relaxed, even when there are two more individuals that are stronger than him. They are a threat. Everyone and anything is a threat, but letting it show that he is threatened will suck more on his side than theirs.

"I don't think we have been properly introduced, but I don't doubt that you guys already know who I am", Daniel shrugged as he slipped his hands into his pockets and walked towards the group, "and, I do not doubt that you guys are probably talking about me. I seem to be the hottest topic at the moment, which isn't really a surprise. I always seem to be the subject of attention". Daniel bit his lip to not laugh at his last words. Like he is ever the main attraction. Nope, that's Tony. He couldn't help but be sarcastic at the end.

Daniel walked to the bar to get another drink. Daniel didn't even look at the group, especially at Tony, as he poured himself a glass. He licked his lips before raising the glass to his lips. Looking up at his brother, he arched a brow in amusement as he watched Tony's expression. The jaw clenched and his gaze fixated on Daniel, glaring at the glass in his hand. That just amused Daniel even more.

"I don't know what you have gone through, and I can't image it", Steve began as he took a step towards Daniel, whose attention soon shifted to the assassin. His eyes practically lit up at the sight of her. He gave her a wink, but she did not react at all. That just amused him further. She is beautiful. He does have a thing for redheads. He downed his glass before he turned to the blonde. He also has a thing for blondes. However, he was not in the mood for it right now.

"No, you can't. So, I am going to save you some time from saying whatever motivational bullshit you have", Daniel retorted as he looked at Steve. He was dressed in grandpa clothing: a blue button up with short sleeves and khakis, yet he managed to pull it off. It seems that the old timer is not used to the fashion of today. "I am happy with I am doing. I know the consequences and all that bullshit".

"So, you're fine with slowly killing yourself?"

Dan tilted his head to the side and slowly began to nod. "Seems a bit more fun than old age, don't you think? " he retorted with a smirk as he placed the glass down as he looked at Nat, seeing as she was the one that asked that. Dying sounds pretty good. He would not go against it. What is so good about life? In the end, everything ends and people die. Money doesn't last. Following that plan of school, job and getting married sounds so boring. He hated that. He hates the norms. It is suffocating. It's like he can't breath. Thinking about how his life is slowly ending and he hasn't done anything is maddening. So, he took initiative by traveling and doing whatever he could get his hands on. It makes things fun as he waits to kick the bucket.

" All of us are going to die, right? Given that you guys fight bad guys, I doubt that you guys would live to see a retirement home. Well..", he shrugged as his attention went to Steve, " you must have been in one, at least once. Like, aren't you 90? What do you do, Pilates?" Daniel asked as his gaze lowered to take in Steve's figure. He is a fine specimen. Tony snorted at his brother's words. It seems that both had the same thought. Meanwhile, Steve had a sense of Deja Vu. "Nonetheless, I want to go out with some style", Dan shrugged with a smirk on his face. It is safe to say that Daniel has thought of many ways he could die, whether it be by his hand or others. He is a charming man, but he knows how to press a few buttons.

"Yeah, yeah. We will talk about your issues later. For now, where is that painting you stole yesterday?" Tony asked, and everyone was reminded by the theft. Daniel even forgot about it at the moment. It could be due to just coming back to New York and seeing his brother again. Tony reminded Daniel of their father, the way he stood there with his arms crossed against his chest and that look on his face. It did take Daniel back, seeing the image of his father. However, he shook it off. Daniel simply plastered a sly smile on his face.

"Yeah, about that...", Daniel chuckled as he looked at his brother. Biting his lip, he shrugged. "I sold it. I already handed it to my fence this morning. I think it is already hanged up a wall by now".

Tony took a deep breath, looking down briefly before raising his gaze to his brother again. He was about to say something but paused. Tony furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side, before walking towards Daniel in a hasty manner. At the sudden act, Daniel took a few steps back before his back met the mini bar. Yeah, he really was not in the mood for another punch. This time, he will return it. The sound of glass clinking was heard at the impact of his back meeting the bar, but it fell to deaf ears. Daniel just did not want to hit. However, Tony had no intention on punching him, not right now anyway.

"Hey, hey, hey!", Daniel exclaimed as Tony grabbed his chin and pulled him close, taking notice of his eyes and nose-- seeing faint shade of white. Daniel's eyes were fully dilated. His irises were huge, making his eyes darker than they truly are. "You're high", he scoffed. Tony let go and stepped back from his brother. Tony was seething. Tony does not get angry often, no. He prefers to have fun and enjoy the moment. However, there is nothing fun or joyful about this situation. Daniel huffed before running his hand through his hair. That really is not the first time that Tony has looked at him like that, but that did not mean that it didn't bother him.

"Tony", Steve said once he saw how pissed Tony looked. Daniel bit his lip, losing the smile on his face completely. Both Stark men forgot that they were not alone. They have an audience. Steve looked worried for what may happen, while Natasha looked at them with boredom. She knew that the men would continue fighting, arguing like children.

The oldest Stark pointed at Steve, fuming. "No! Why the hell are the both of you here?! This isn't the Kardashians, displaying their shit to the world -"

"Yeah, I think you guys should go. He gets pissy when things don't go his way", Daniel remarked, keeping his face blank. He did not take his attention away from his brother. There is just so many conflicting emotions right now, a mix between guilt and being a failure to the current rush and enjoying how he felt with drugs. He likes to use, and does not plan on getting clean any time soon. So, all of this is just a mess.

Steve glanced at Tony, giving him one last look before leaving the room to do something else. Natasha stuck around for a second, looking at both brothers before walking slowly out the room. She truly doesn't carea about the drama between them. It was to be expected, and there really wasn't anything surprising. At the departure of Steve and Nat, Tony and Daniel were the only ones in the room, alone. Daniel did not want his composure to fail. He stood tall with his chin up. He was not going to show how shitty he felt in that moment. He didn't even think about getting high, he just did it. So, seeing the consquence was not making him feel as good as he should. They just looked at each other, no words were exchanged in that moment. All that were shared were looks, looks filled with anger and frustration.

"Look, I know I haven't been the best brother, but I don't want you to die in an overdose or some shit like that. So, I am going to ask you to stay clean, for me", Tony said in a calm manner, but Daniel can still feel the anger in his tone. Crossing his arms against his chest, Daniel took in Tony's words. They were simple. Tony went straight to the point, not really wanting to beat around the bush - -mostly so he doesn't get emotional. He doesn't like getting emotional, neither of them. Tony knows that if he attacks, Daniel will return the same thing. That's how both of them are.

"I like drugs. I love getting high. Stopping it completely will break me. I don't want to feel like shit, that's why I started this. So, I'll stop doing Coke, and I'll just use weed. There have been no deaths relating to weed, so take it or leave it", Daniel bargained. There is no way he will be completely clean. That's hell. There has to be something he can use. He will stop doing cocaine, but there is a hell of a lot more drugs to do. All he has to do is get his hands on them. If he can't permanently leave the tower, he will take some trips out into the city to get some pickups. He'll probably go to his old dealers in Manhattan. It isn't a hard thing to do.

"Fine, hand me what's left over of the coke", Tony walked towards Daniel with his hand out. Pursing his lips, Daniel slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out the baggie to place it on Tony's hand. It was difficult. This high was not going to last long, and he really does not want to be sober.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do about the other thing", Tony clenched his fist over the baggie. That anger was still there, but it calmed down a bit. He was going to flush it down the toilet, not wanting this substance in the tower at all.

"So, where's my room?", Daniel asked. He just wants to shower, probably watch some TV. There is no way he is going to be sleeping right now. Daniel will probably wander around and see what will grab his attention. There is just so many things he can do right now.

Without another word, Tony led Daniel to his room. There is all that Daniel could need. Sure, the clothes may fit him a bit big, since they are in the size that he used to be five years prior. Daniel is skinny, much more due to his substance abuse. It made him lessen his eating.Plus, he doesn't work out. Tony hopes he can change that. The weed could help with that. It will give Daniel the munchies, and will make him eat. Tony was just thinking of everything and anything in his head. He may not portray that he cares, but he does. He cares too much.

The room was big. One wall gave Daniel the entire view of Manhattan. It was beautiful. A king size bed in the middle of the room with black sheets. The color of the room was a dark blue with some abstract paintings. There was an easel in the corner of the room, and a desk beside it with art supplies. At the sight of that, Daniel's eyes brightened up. To the left was the bathroom with a closet. Everything truly looked good. It kind of made Daniel want to stay here, but so many things come to mind as to why he can't stay.

"Alright, I'll see you later", Tony nodded before leaving Daniel be. Daniel walked further into his room. His attention turned to the window and walked towards it to see the bright sky. It's morning. It was the afternoon in London, six hours ahead of New York. He took in the familiar sight of New York. There is always a connected between him and the city. Being back felt good, but he really wished it was in other circumstances. He must have stared out into the city for about three minutes before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Furrowing his brows, he pulled out his phone to see a text.

Welcome home
- NF

"Oh fuck"

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