Hero of Reliance: Atlas

By TheHinokami

473K 11.5K 5.1K

Join us as we follow the story of a neglected Izuku Yagi the son of Toshinori Yagi (All Might) and Inko Yagi... More

Story Facts & OC/Izuku Information
Chapter 1: Family, Friends, and Doctor?
Chapter 2: Working out & Dojo?
Chapter 3: Heartbreak & Running Away
Chapter 4:New Family & Germany?
Chapter 5: New Home & Titan Leaders
Chapter 6: Chaos in the Yagi's home
Chapter 7: Training & Forest Incident
Chapter 8: Awake & Meeting the Board of Directors
Chapter 10: Frankfurt Advanced Education
Chapter 11: Yagi's & Sparring
Chapter 12: Soulmates & Izuku's Birthday
Chapter 13: Quirk Training & Middle School incident
Chapter 14: Kidnapping over Summer Break, and Winter Break
Chapter 15: Last-year of Middle School & Training
Chapter 16: Entrance Exam in Germany & Japan
Chapter 17: First day of FHAE & UA
Chapter 18: Battle Training
Chapter 19: USJ Japan & FHAE Sports Festival
Chapter 20: Internships FHAE
Chapter 21: UN Representative & Preparing for Provisional Exam
Chapter 22: Provisional Exam
Chapter 23: Semester End & Work-Study Offers
Chapter 24: Summer Break Dates & Cuddles & Japan
Chapter 25: Second Semester & Work Studies
Chapter 26: Recovery & Second Semester & Japan's Yakuza Raid
Chapter 27 Winter Break (SMUT (Skip if want))
Chapter 28: Winter Break End & Semester Start
Chapter 29: Sports Festival & Hero Exam Preparation
Chapter 30: Hero Exam
Chapter 31: Graduation & Agency Plans
Chapter 32: Hero Debut
Chapter 33: EU Hero Ranking & FHAE
Chapter 34: Winter Break & UA
Chapter 35: Traveling and Arrival in Germany
Chapter 36: Classes start and green hair!?
Chapter 37: Featherless Q&A
Chapter 38: Reactions & Vistitor?
Chapter 39: Gran Torino Returns to FHAE & Classes
Chapter 40: Tension & Sports Festival
Chapter 41: High Tensions & Uninvited Guest
Chapter 42: AFO & Lov VS Atlas & Featherless
Chapter 43: AFO 2.0 Vs Featherless
Chapter 44: Last Semester, Graduation, Family, Time Skip [End]
New Book Alert! [Hero of Grace - Dekiru]
New Book [Blissful Ignorance]
New book! [The Forgotten Clan - Izuku Uchiha]
New story [Hero of Courage: Fulcrum]
New book [Broken Faith]

Chapter 9: Education, Training, and Party

11.5K 285 183
By TheHinokami

3rd Pov:

After the board meeting and the talk with Hisashi, one month has passed. The third-party watchdog group went through and finished their audit of the company records. They discovered that there were only a few bad actors in the accounting department that were causing the fraud. The people were dealt with and handed over to the police. The announcement to the media was made about the board of directors discovering the fraud and bringing in a third-party watchdog to do the audit. This announcement made most of the public companies' stocks increase due to the parent comparing quick dealing of the situation and public acknowledgment of the situation. 

Outside of that situation, Hisashi had Izuku start learning dancing skills and proper etiquette for a formal party. Izuku first learned how to dance in several different ways but the primary was the ballroom dance.

While doing the dance training, Izuku was also learning the proper etiquette for eating at fancy parties and gatherings so he would be able to keep up with everyone in the future.

-- Time Skip -- 

3 months have passed since Izuku had started the training. Overall, he was doing great and was about to master most of the training for formal gatherings. As such, it was time to shift some of his focuses to his general education to ensure he is meeting the standard of his middle school. The Titan's group was already teaching him the most basic things to ensure his education was up to date for his age. However, they reported to Hisashi that Izuku had demonstrated advanced knowledge of subjects by the time they were finished and recommended that he was tested for his current knowledge. 

As such, that is how Izuku found himself in a government testing room where he was given multiple tests to understand his current knowledge. Izuku was dead tired by the end of the day. Izuku was given tests on many subjects and even given tests on current European political climate issues to see how much he needs to learn about his new home. Hisashi and the government officials were shocked. Izuku had demonstrated high knowledge in several subjects while maintaining a good grasp of most middle school subjects. Izuku did worst on the test about European matters but did better than they thought he would. As such, it was decided that Izuku's education was good enough for him to attend middle school without a problem. Izuku would need to put work in on the European history and current political climate but would be able to catch up. It was also decided that he would be placed in all advanced classes in his middle school which would be teaching high school level subjects. The middle school was already an advanced school but their advanced classes were even harder than average schools' advanced classes. 

"Son. Good job on the tests. You will be placed in all advanced classes but will need to catch up on European knowledge." Hisashi said to a drained Izuku who was laying down on the couch in the living room. Izuku just groaned out because he was mentally exhausted from doing tests all day. "Now since we know your education is advance enough we can spend more time on quirk training than I had planned. Titan has finished building the solar energy room so we will be able to test your absorption skills. Also, we will go to the quirk training grounds that are outside the city and train your destructive abilities." Hisashi said which made Iuzku shoot up since he hasn't been allowed to do much quirk training yet. "YES YES YES! QUIRK TRAINING!" Izuku shouted. This just made Hisashi laugh.

-- Time Skip 1 week --

It's been a week since Hisashi said they would start doing quirk training. They took a tactical assault team with them and headed out to the titan's quirk training grounds for more destructive quirks. They knew Izuku could enhance his body due to how he used it the first time. As such, they wanted to be careful of him using his quirk underground in the titan building. 

*Sky view of the training ground.*

Izuku Pov:

Okay! Time to get some quirk training in! We arrived at the training grounds and I got out. The agents lead me and dad over to an empty space and said I could do whatever I wanted to test out. "Okay, son. I want you to relax and just try to feel for your quirk. I want you to describe how it feels to you." Dad asked. Soon I just relaxed and pushed everything else out of my mind. I waited for a few moments and then I felt it. "It feels... it feels like a raging blaze. It feels like the energy of the sun itself." I said. Soon I could feel the sun expanding slightly. "As I stand here I can feel the ball of energy or my inner sun start to expand slightly," I said. "Understood son. Now that expanding feeling is due to you passively absorbing energy while being in sunlight." dad said. I could feel it slowly expand with each second. Soon I figured out how to actively absorb and could feel my inner sun expand at a much faster rate. "I figured out how to actively absorb. My inner sun is expanding at a faster rate now. It's about double the size now." I said. 

Dad had me stop absorbing activity and had me relax for a few moments. "Okay son, now we are going to work on using the energy inside you to enhance your body. I've asked the agents that were sent with us to have some enchantment quirks. As such, let's get their view on how they activate their quirks to enhance their body." dad said. Soon one of the agents stepped forward and explained his quirk. He stated for him that he spreads the energy across his entire body and has it on constantly when wanting to use it.

Soon I started to attempt at using my quirk to enhance my body. I stood still and focused on my inner sun. I attempted to pull some energy out and I felt the sun respond to me. It soon created split off a smaller sun that took the shape of my body. I explained this to my father and the agent. They suspected that I would be able to use the energy for many other things but that the main sun was the energy pool of stockpile power while the mini body was what I was pulling into my body for active use. The agent suggested attempting to throw a punch with the current amount of power it sent off.

I got up and threw a punch. It created a dust cloud to rise up and made some cracks on the ground. "60 MPH" one agent called out. He had a machine that could measure the speed of air. The air I created went 60 MPH. "Now, do you feel the power in all of your power or just your arm," asked the agent. "I feel it across my entire body," I stated. Then the agent had me start running around and we found out that I was much faster, stronger, agile, and had better reflexes. It turns out that they had a machine they wanted me to punch. I did it and my punch came back stronger than All Might punch in his youth. "We've now found your base strength which we will call 100% and anything extra you pull from the sun will be an addition to the base. Anything you remove to lower your power will decrease 100% until you hit 0% which would be your natural body's abilities. Now, it's time to see if you can pull more energy from the main sun and feed it to your Miniature body." Dad said. The agent suggested that I attempt to create a link or a chain that connects the main sun and my miniature body.

Soon I closed my eyes and visualized the sun and miniature body. I attempted to create a natural path that connected the two. Soon with a bit of thinking I was able to create an active wave of energy flare that looked like it was feeding into my body. It started to make my miniature body grow and I actively thought of using the % method dad suggested. I then thought of 200% which caused my miniature size body to grow to double the size. However, the connection between the two didn't stop, instead, a new connection that fed back to the main sun started and the energy stayed at 200%.

I opened my eyes and I could feel the difference in my body. I felt the difference in strength. I explained what happened and the agent and dad were shocked that I figured it out so quickly and that the energy was constantly being supplied and fed back to the main sun if it went over what I wanted. "Okay, sir. Please attempt to throw another punch. It should be double of what you did last time for the speed." The agent said. Soon I threw the punch and heard the call on the speed of air.  "120 MPH" called the agent off to the side. I was able to create a wave of air with my punches that could cause the air to move so fast!

Next, dad had me practice lowering the % down so I didn't kill anyone. He wanted me to get better at decreasing the % more than % since I would need to control that better before moving forward. We spent the rest of the day practicing and had me spar with the agents on site. I was able to lower my % down to anything I wanted within 2 seconds. Dad wanted me to practice more in the future at the main building and get it down to an instance or 1 second. I wasn't allowed to use more than 50% of my quirk strength inside the building though. They didn't want me to damage the structure of the building.  Dad did say that he would arrange more trips out to the training field in the future for me with a tactical assault team to train with when he can't come. 

3rd Pov:

The family arrived back home and went to clean up from the training. Soon they made it back downstairs and sat down. "Son, remember you still got time to learn how to use your quirk to its current extent. The middle school you're going to has a quirk training class and they have a field for destructive quirks to be tested on. So don't rush it and harm yourself." Hisashi said to his son. Soon it was time to go to sleep and start their next day.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

2 months have passed and now it was time for the party that his father was invited to. He had responded and told them he was bringing a guest but didn't say who it was. The Midoriya's were wearing the following clothing. 

*IMAGINE Izuku as a younger version since he is still only 10*

They headed downstairs and were escorted to the event place with 2 tactical teams coming with them. Izuku permanent bodyguards (Dale & Cade) were also there as main guards since everyone was allowed 4 guards to be present in the room with them. Izuku had his two and his dad had his two. The tactical team would wait nearby in the area in the event something happened. The vehicles pulled up to the building and it was a mansion that was owned by one of the more powerful families in Europe, the White family who own Europes largest healthcare and drug company.

"It looks pretty grand but I think I like where we live better since it doesn't require leaving to deal with the business of Titan or the businesses," Izuku said. Hisashi just chuckled at this and agreed with Izuku. "Most of the powerful families are from old money like the Midoriya's but we don't have a mansion anymore. I used to but I left it when your mother and brother passed away." Hisashi said. They got out of the car and walked into the building. We were escorted to a room full of people and had tables for people to sit or stand at and an open area for dancing. 

'What the..,' Izuku thought. For some reason, he felt a burning sensation but thought he imagined it as it went away. As such, he ignored it. Soon Hisashi took Izuku and walked him around to meet some people and introduce him. A lot of people were shocked to hear about Hisashi having a new son. They all realized that Izuku was adopted but he still would take over everything of Hisashi's in the future. 

-- Time Skip --

Izuku PovL

I separated from dad about 30 minutes into the party because I wanted to wander around and see if I could find any kids my age. I soon found one kid that was sitting away from others. I decided to walk up to him and introduce myself. "Hello, I'm Izuku. What's your name?" I asked him. He seemed confused for a second and gave me a glance over. "My name is Leon. Why are you here tonight?" Leon asked. "My dad got invited and he wanted to introduce me to people he knew. I escaped from him about 30 minutes ago and was wandering around looking for people my age when I found you. I didn't go dance since I don't know anyone either and I'm new to dancing." I answered him. "You're not trying to suck up to me. Why?" Leon asked. I was confused for a second. Why would I suck up to him? "Why would I suck up to you? You have nothing I want and I'm just trying to make friends since I'm new to Germany. I've only arrived about 5 months ago when dad brought me from my birth country." I said to him. He seemed shocked and opened up a bit more. "I see. Well, most people suck up to me because they want to get close with the next head of the White family when I take over the family in the future." Leon said. "ah. I didn't even know you belonged to that family. Dad didn't introduce me to the white family yet. I've only met a few families before I escaped him. This is the first party that I've attended in my life since dad just adopted me only 5 months ago." I said not hiding the fact I'm adopted since it would be clear for anyone that saw me and dad together. 

Leon Pov:

He's adopted by some wealthy or powerful family since that's the type of family that got invited here. I wonder which family he belongs to. It seems I might actually make a friend that isn't after something from me. Let's see how this goes. "What family adopted you?" I asked him. I was shocked when I learned who he got adopted by. "Ah. Midoriya. Hisashi Midoriya is my dad now." Izuku said. What... that means he belongs to a more wealthy and powerful family than mine! No wonder he doesn't want anything from me! Seems like I will make a friend after all! "Want to attempt to be friends. I'm only used to fake friends that are after my family support or want to suck up to me for the future." I asked him. "SURE! I did come with the aim of making at least one friend tonight! Dad will be happy since I will start middle school soon." Izuku said. I asked him what school he will be going to and it turns out he will be in the same school and classes as me most likely. "Well, the plan is for me to attend the same school and be placed in the advanced classes as well. There is only one schedule of advanced classes since not many get placed into it. So we can even stay in touch better when we go to school." I said and Izuku lit up like a Christmas tree. Soon a guard came to me and said my parents were calling for me. I had Izuku come with me to introduce him to my parents since he was going to be my first real friend.

Soon we came upon my parents talking to someone and it turned out to be Hisashi Midoryia. My parents called for me and introduced me to him. "Son, this is Hisashi Midoryia. We wanted you to know him and get to know his son whenever Hisashi finds him." my dad said while chucking. "No need. I and him became friends already." I said as I grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him up next to me since he was standing behind my guard.

Izuku Pov:

I hid behind the guard since dad was there. I didn't want to get pulled back into more introductions. However, Leon grabbed my hand and pulled me out in front. I just waved at my dad while looking sheepish. "Hey, dad... funny seeing you here..." I said. He just chuckled and said "Well, you escaped me from earlier but it seems your new friend had returned you to me. Thank you Leon." dad said. I just pouted a bit at that. Leon's parents looked a bit confused and then Leon explained more about how I came up to him and became friends with him. He also talked about how we will likely be in the same classes at the middle school. Dad then did the formal introduction. "White's please meet my son Izuku Midiroya. Izuku, meet the White's. It seems however you've made friends with the son already so you two know each other." dad said. Soon dad and Leon's parents talked for a bit longer before they let us go  I and Leon went out to the garden area that his family had. 

We played around a bit but didn't do much since we didn't want to get our clothes dirty. We talked about ourselves and I told him a bit of my history and how I was quirkless. He told me he didn't care I used to be quirkless since his grandmother was and the family didn't care. Then we talked about our quirks and I told him I was still learning. He had a vector control quirk and he said he was really good at math due to learning for his quirk. 

-- Time Skip --

Izuku Pov:

It was getting closer to the time to end the party. As such, we headed back inside. The party was slowing down and I made my way to my dad while Leon went to his parents. We told each other we would see each other at school. As Izuku and his dad were heading outside, Izuku could feel a slight burning sensation. "Dad, the marks are burning slightly," I told dad. He was shocked. He asked if both or just one was burning. "Both. Which means both of them are here at the party." I said and then the sensation stopped. It seems that they had already left. "It's gone. I think they already left and we had just entered the range just before they left..." I said. "Hmm. I will contact the Whites for a list of all the guests and we can see if we can figure it out. Did you feel it at all besides now?" Dad asked and I told him I think when we first arrived but I thought I imagined it since it was only for a second. We decided to just go home and dad would try to figure it out. At least we know they are from the more wealthy or powerful families. That helps limit our search.

What I nor dad knew was that my soulmates were running around the entire place all night looking for me but Leon had taken me outside which they forgot to search. As such, they thought I had left already and only realized I was still there when their cars had already left. Their parents had planned to do the same thing that my dad was going to do. However, we would soon find each other sooner than either side thought.

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