Just a Background Character

By RandomPerson286

483 33 27

Evelyn Adely Anderson just fits in. She is your normal meek, quiet 15 year old. Evelyn has always been the sh... More

Chapter 1: Cold Morning
Chapter 2: Am I Really a Background Character?
Chapter 3: The Project
Chapter 4: Tacos and Photos
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Guilty Lies
Chapter 7: Differences
Chapter 8: Treacherous Past
Chapter 9: Old Past, Brand New Future
Chapter 10: Trains
Chapter 12: Blueberries
Chapter 14: I Feel as if I Know You
Chapter 15: A Ringing Doorbell
Chapter 16: Hotel Rooms
Chapter 17: New Family
Author Note

Chapter 13: The Past Isn't Always so Great

16 2 0
By RandomPerson286

~Kylie POV~

I was sitting at the dining table. Eating the lovely pasta Joshua and I had just made. Annie was oddly quiet while she ate her pasta. This confused me, Annie wasn't as loud as Calvin, but she definitely wasn't quiet either. Calvin was busy chattering away. Joshua sat next to me, eating like his normal, quiet self. The sound of the doorbell rang through the house.

"I'll get it." I said, getting up.

My family only nodded. I smiled kindly at them, and began walking to the front door. Who could it be? We never get visitors. I swung open the door, and froze. Before me was Kayla, my daughter. Or I guess it was Evelyn. But that really doesn't matter, does it? I stared at her, taking her in. Her hair was knotting and kinda matted. She had dirt around her face, but yet.. She had my same black hair, and blue eyes.

"Kayla.....Or no-Evelyn," I whispered, not believing my eyes.

"Mother?" She whispered back.

"My daughter!" I couldn't help, but burst out as sudden joy took over me.

I felt a huge smile appear on my face, as I wrapped my arms around her skinny frame, and hugged her. My feelings and happiness were all focused on her, my daughter. But my mind was wandering through memories.

I was eighteen years old. Only eighteen. I forced my body to sit up. I was laying in a bed. Joshua's bed. I glanced over at his face, his beautiful face. His blonde hair was stuck to it. I wish I could just see his eyes.. His brilliant green eyes.. I stood up, and walked to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. I turned on the shower, and took off the shirt I was wearing. It was Joshua's.... I climbed into the shower, and let the warm water run down my body. It felt so nice.... I stood in the water for a few minutes before washing my hair and body. I climbed out of the shower, and dried off. I put the old shirt back on. I slowly walked out of the bathroom. Joshua was just sliding on his shirt.

"Morning Ky." Joshua smiled his big, white smile at me.

"Morning Joshy." I let out a little smile back.

I walked over to the bed, and layed next to Joshua. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Its already 10 am, Ky." Joshua mumbled, gently pushing me away.

"So? Were adults now." I muttered, attempting to lean back against him.

"Ky. I got to go to work." Joshua said, while standing up.

"Just call in sick." I mumbled while crossing my arms.

"I can't Ky." Joshua bent down, and kissed my forehead.

I only let out an angry sound. Joshua let out a small laugh, before heading towards the door. He stopped and turned around quickly.

"Ky?" Joshua's eyes held a slight panic in them.

"What Joshy? Decide to stay after all?" I smiled bigger.

"No Ky. I just need to ask... Your on birth control, right?" Joshua gave me a worried smile.

"No why?" I laid back on the bed.

A look of pure panic passed over his face. It took only a moment before I realized that I might be pregnant...

It was a few weeks after Joshua first thought I was pregnant. I mean, come on! He's just scared! We're only 18! We made a mistake, I'm not going to let a child come into our lives! It's literally May! I'm finishing my last year of high school! And Joshua just finished his last year when he was 17! Now he's working to support the both of us... I can't imagine another person!

I gave a heavy sigh. What was I worrying about? I glanced at the clock, 6:23 pm. Joshua is about an hour late. The oven beeped loudly. I stood up, and walked over to it. I opened the oven door. Heat struck my face as I peered in. A beautiful, crisp pizza was before me. I pulled out the tray it was on, and placed it on the counter top. The pizza had a perfect red sauce with such a smooth looking cheese. I breathed in the deep smell. It smelt so dang good! I grabbed a knife from a drawer, and cut the pizza in many different pieces. We can definitely eat this pizza for days! I grabbed a slice, and began to pull it away from the others. The cheese was stickly to other slices, making strings of cheese rise with it. My mouth watered. I picked up the slice, about to take a big bite, when I heard the familiar footsteps outside the door, and the familiar sound of a key turning the lock. Joshua! I dropped the slice, and skipped towards the door. He came in. His brilliant green eyes seemed so exhausted and dull. He's shoulders dropped. His hair was ruffled. His face and hands were covered with some sort of dirt. But he looked perfect.

"Hey Joshy! What took so long? Rough day?" I asked, smiling brightly.

"Yeah it was pretty rough." Joshua only gave me a small smile back.

"What took you so long? Did they keep you late?" I took a small step towards him.

"No, I took up a few extra hours." Joshua said flatly.

A few extra hours? He already worked so much! I stared at him for a moment. I mean come on! We still struggled at times, but right now we had a good amount saved.

"Ky. If you're pregnant, I want to provide for you and the baby." Joshua looked at me with such determination.

"Joshy! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not pregnant! We're only 18!" I brushed it off.

Joshua dug around in his pocket and pulled out something. A small box. A pregnancy test. He tossed it at me; I instinctively caught it.

"Ky, take this. There's two of them. Take them both. I want to know for sure." Joshua stared at me.

"Fine. If it'll make you feel better." I huffed, walking to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I took the first test. I was slightly surprised by its results. I shrugged, and took the other one. Same result. Two screw up tests in one box? I laughed internally. But in the back of my mind, I knew they were both right. I knew I was indeed pregnant.

When I told Joshua, he only looked at me. We finished our food, and went to bed. The next day we went to a doctor. Just to make sure. The doctor confirmed that the pregnancy tests were indeed correct. We began our road to our new life. Throughout the next nine months, Joshua picked up more and more hours. I ended up quitting the idea of going to college and got a job. We rarely saw each other at all. But the pregnancy was smooth, and after nine months I had my baby. I even managed to keep it a secret from everyone. Both of my parents were in some foreign country. They left the moment I moved in with Joshua. My older sister, Caroline, was about a 4 hour drive away. Plus, she had her own husband and daughter. She had no reason to worry about me.

I laid in a hospital bed. I had only given birth a few hours before, but I was ready to see my child. My daughter. I could still hear the bright voice of the doctor as he announced it was a girl. Joshua sat beside me. He's eyes traveled through mine.

"Joshy. We have a child. A daughter." I smiled at him.

"I know Ky. And I bet she's so wonderful." Joshua smiled back.

"I can't wait to see her." I breathed.

"She's going to have an awesome, fun mom." Joshua said happily.

"And a quiet, meek dad who works so hard." I said back.

Joshua smiled bigger. A nurse poked her head in.

"Everything alright in here? Can we bring the baby in?" The nurse asked us.

"Yes!" We both screamed excitedly.

The nurse gave us a small shake of her head before disappearing through the door. She came back in pushing a small bassinet thing. In laid my baby. She was wide awake. The nurse took her out, and handed her to me. I held her close to my chest, and stared down into her majestic eyes.

"She's a lovely little girl. Always so quiet." The nurse complimented.

"Of course our child is perfect!" I hissed harshly.

"Ky! She's just complimenting the baby!" Joshua scolded.

The nurse only stared at me.

"How old are you?" The nurse asked.

"18." I replied flatly.

"Eighteen's too young. How old is the dude?" The nurse asked, flashing a look at Joshua.

"18." I said in the same tone.

"You're too young to have a child. Especially such a well behaved little girl. You should give her up for adoption. She deserves much older, wiser parents. I can go get the papers now. One quick sign and she's in the system. Many people will adopt her or foster her." The nurse explained.

"No, we're keeping our baby girl." Joshua said more sternly than he ever talked.

"But your so young!" The nurse argued.

We both glared at her, and violently shook our heads. Who does this lady think she is? If I haven't just popped a kid out a few hours earlier, I would punch this lady! The nurse sighed and stood up. She turned to us.

"At least say you gave her a good name." The nurse huffed.

We stared at her. A name? Oh gosh! We forgot to name her! The birth papers will come around in a few minutes.

"You did name her, didn't you?" The lady looked at us with such a disapproval, I wanted to spit on her.

"Of course we named her! We aren't stupid!" I retorted.

"Then what's her name?" The nurse put her hands on her hips, and stared at us smuggly.

"Kayla." Joshua and I both blurted out at the same time.

The nurse's expression died as she rushed out of the room. I handed Kayla to Joshua. Kayla. Gosh I love that name!

It was now 7 months after Kayla was born. Her hair was starting to turn black, but her eyes stayed blue. She looked like a mini version of me. Caroline had tried to visit multiple times. I always said we were busy. She didn't know about Kayla. I don't know what she would have thought. It's better just to keep Kayla hidden. I was standing in the kitchen dressing a salad, and preparing a can of baby food. I glanced over the counter into the living room. I could see my two favorite things in the world. Kayla and Joshua. I smiled at the way they were playing. Joshua was laying on the ground, while Kayla was attempting to crawl on him. I giggled at the scene, before quickly finishing up dinner.

I waltzed into the living room. Kayla and Joshua were still playing on the floor. I scooped Kayla up away from Joshua, and sat on our small, makeshift couch. Joshua gave me a sad look.

"Why are you taking away my baby?" Joshua pouted, crossing his arms.

"Because she needs some time with Mommy!" I laughed, tickling Kayla.

Kayla gave a loud giggle. Joshua rolled his eyes. I grab a book that was sitting on the arm rest.

"Why don't we read this Kayla? Do you want to read a book with Mommy?" I asked excitedly.

Kayla began to bounce rapidly. I smiled down at her.

"Don't tell me it's that book about saying mommy first! That book's never going to work!" Joshua complained.

"Shut up! It is going to work!" I smack his shoulder gently.

I cozied up on the couch with Kayla, and read the book to her. Joshua stayed on the floor the whole time. When I was finished, I looked at Kayla expectantly. I swear, Kayla looked me straight in the eye, and said her first word.

"Dada!" Kayla cried happily.

Joshua laughed, and picked her up off my lap. That little twerp! I attempted to grab her out of Joshua's hands, but Joshua held her out of my reach. I kicked and hit at him, but he didn't give me my baby! I screamed as I hit him. He only laughed. I sat back on the floor, defeated. Joshua stuck his tongue out at me. I crossed my arms, and pouted at him. He laughed harder. I couldn't help but smile. I do really love them!

Kayla was now 2. She had actually just turned 2. My sweet baby Kay.... Growing up so dang fast. Joshua was off at work. He had picked up a few more hours since I had been fired from my job a few weeks prior. It doesn't look good that I'm 20, and have to bring my kid everywhere with me. Joshua, luckily, had a stable enough job that we can still afford to live in our small 1 bedroom apartment. We could barely afford food. Often times Joshua and I would take turns skipping meals, so Kayla can always have a full stomach. This night was special. Joshua would be home soon. He was asking for a raise. We found all the spare money we could, and bought a large frozen pizza. It was cooking now in the oven. I was sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Joshua. Kayla was playing in the living room with the few toys she had. I heard her small footsteps coming towards me. I turned around. Her brilliant blue eyes were bright and happy. Her silky black hair was pulled in two pigtails. She had a plain dark crimson dress on.

"Mommy?!" Kayla cried happily.

"Yes?" I smiled at her.

"When daddy gonna home? Me miss him!" Kayla gave me sad puppy dog eyes.

"Soon Kay. He's at work," I explained.

"Daddy always work!" Kayla complained.

I got off the chair, and went over to her. I bent down next to her.

"He does. But he's making money. Don't you want to live here? With all these toys? Clothes? And food?" I asked.

Kayla nodded quickly. I smiled at her. The door suddenly opened. Joshua was in the doorway.

"Daddy!" Kayla screamed running towards him.

"Hey Kay Bug!" Joshua smiled, scooping her into a big hug.

"Me miss you much!" Kayla cuddled against him.

"I missed you too, pumpkin," Joshua cooed.

I saw a small look of sadness in his eyes. Did he not get the raise? After a moment Joshua placed Kayla down.

"Go play in living room, Kay Bug. Mommy and I gotta talk," Joshua ruffled her hair slightly.

"Otay!" Kayla smiled brightly before skipping off.

I quickly ran to him. He pulled me into a huge hug.

"What's wrong Joshy? Did you not get the raise? It's okay if you didn't. We'll be okay," I breathed.

Joshua sighed heavily.

"It's not that, Ky. When I went to the boss... H-He said he wanted to talk to me," Joshua whispered.

"That's good, isn't it?" I said, in a desperate attempt to reassure him.

"N-No. He fired me," Joshua's voice shook.

"Fired you!? Why!?" I backed away, outraged.

"He said I was too inexperienced to continue working the job," Joshua looked at me sadly.

"That's outrageous! Let's go talk to him!" I hissed, walking to the door.

Joshua grabbed my arm.

"No, Ky. There's something so much worse," Joshua whispered.

I turned around and stared at him. What could possibly be worse?

"Neither of us have a job. We can't support Kayla. I think... I think we're going to have to give her up," Tears streamed down his face.

Give her up!? Like for adoption?! No way!

"No! I'm not giving my baby to some random people!" I screamed.

"I already called Caroline. She's flying in with Aiden and Amelia, there flying in tommorrow. Kylie, she didn't know you had a child," Joshua seemed hurt and confused.

"I never told them! But that's not the point! You called my sister?! About adopting our baby?! Without telling me?!" I screeched at him.

"Yes! Because I knew you would act like this! Face it Kylie! They're a lot older and wealthier! They can raise her! She'll be happy!" Joshua raised his voice at me.

"And she's not happy here?!" I yelled.

Joshua look at me sadly, before walking over next to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I know Ky... But its for the best, I promise," Joshua whispered.

"I know Joshy. I just wish there was another way..." I cried gently.

"Me too Ky, me too," Joshua began to cry.

It was the next day. Around noon. We were meeting Caroline in twenty minutes at cafe just a few minute walk away. I was slipping on my coat. Joshua walked in carry Kayla. I smiled at her. She was wearing a long sleeve, dark blue velvet dress with adorable black boats. Her hair was pulled into two small braids. I grabbed her black coat.

"Mommy and Daddy sad?" Kayla asked.

"No, Mommy and Daddy are happy. We're going to meet new friends!" I said trying to sound cheerful, while sliding her coat on.

"Yay! New friends!" Kayla cried happily as Joshua placed her down.

"Got the papers?" I whispered to Joushua.

He nodded, his eyes full of depression. I took one of Kayla's hands. Joshua took the other. And we begun to head to the cafe.

We reached the cafe. I leaned my head over to Joshua's ear.

"Wait out here," I whispered.

He nodded. I nodded back, gave a smile to Kayla, and walked into the cafe. I immediately saw Caroline, Aiden, and Amelia sitting at a table with milkshakes. Caroline saw me quickly, got up, and hurried over to me. She wrapped me in a big hug.

"Why didn't you tell me little sis?" Caroline breathed.

I only shrugged. Caroline stepped back, and studied me.

"You look tired. Are you tired? Being a parent is so tiring! And you're so young! Aiden and I are happy to take her. Amelia will love a little sister!" Caroline smiled happily.

I only shrugged again. Caroline obviously got tired of being perky. Her smiled died.

"Want to get straight to the point, don't you?" Caroline asked.

I nodded.

"Well, where's the little girl?" Caroline gave me a questioning look.

I turned my head around and made contact with Joshua. He quickly bent down, and picked up Kayla. He opened the door, and walked in towards us.

"Hello Ma'am!" Joshua gave a small, forced smile.

"You're the father?" Caroline questioned.

Joshua nodded, and placed Kayla on the ground.

"You don't look like much of a man," Caroline scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. Really Caroline? Aiden's only half the man he is!

"What that mean?" Kayla asked bluntly.

Caroline's eyes instantly softened.

"Nothing dear! Would you like to take my hand, and walk to our table?" Caroline smiled sweetly.

"Our table?" Kayla stared blankly at her.

"I mean the table me, you, my husband, my daughter, your mom, and your dad will share. We're going to order some good food. Would you like me to walk you there?" Caroline asked, so fakely sweet.

"No tank! Mommy and daddy take me!" Kayla smiled, taking Joshua and I's hands.

"Oh ok. Well, follow me!" Caroline said, looking slightly disappointed.

Caroline spun around, and walked to the table where Aiden and Amelia sat. We followed.

"Kayla, this is my husband Aiden, but you can call him Daddy if you want," Caroline smiled brightly at Kayla.

"Me have a Daddy already!" Kayla squealed, smiling proudly at Joshua.

This made my heart melt. Why did she have to be so innocent? So little? She's just so smart and cute. So heartwarming. My daughter.

"Yes, but do you have a Dad?" Caroline seemed a bit irritated.

Kayla stood there for a moment, pondering.

"Me guess not," Kayla shrugged.

"Well Aiden can be your Dad then. How's that sound?" Caroline said.

"Good," Kayla replied.

"This is Amelia. She can be your sister. Like a friend. Sometimes friends call each other sisters," Caroline explained.

I almost cringed at her desperate attempts.

"Sister," Kayla smiled brightly.

Amelia returned the smile.

"Let's sit down and order something to eat," I suggested.

We settled in our seats quickly. A waiter soon took our order. Within in minutes we had our food. It wasn't very busy.

"So Kayla, how old are you?" Aiden asked.

"Me two!" Kayla proudly showed two fingers.

"Me three!" Amelia smiled widely.

"That's very nice. Why don't you two take your hot chocolates and go play?" Caroline suggested to them.

"Okay!" They both chanted, leaping out of their seats and hurrying away.

Caroline and Aiden faced us, their faces hard serious.

"Kayla's two? You had a kid for two years and didn't tell me," Caroline huffed.

"Because I know you would react like this!" I crossed my arms.

"You only call when you want something Kylie! You haven't seen Amelia in so long! Or us!" Caroline argued.

"I just what's best for Kayla," I sighed, my head drooping.

Joshua put a comforting hand on my back.

"I know, that's what we want. So, we decided we are going to adopt her," Caroline smiled.

I gave her a sad smile. My baby won't see me as mom. She will live a few hours away from me. But she'll be happy, and have a good life. She won't have to worry about when her next meal is.

"I got the papers," Joshua said sadly while placing a few papers on the table.

"What are these?" Caroline looked confused.

"The official documents for her adoption," Joshua looked even more confused.

Aiden chuckled, "You really don't think we're going to use these? We have our own, with a contract."

"A contract?" Now it was my turn to be confused.

Caroline pulled out about seven papers from her purse.

"Read these. You have to sign the end of the contract and the adoption papers. The contract is pretty simple," Aiden said flatly.

Joshua and I began to scan the contract. It said crazy rules! Number five was no sending any types of gifts. While number sixteen was no texting or anything. But number twenty-three broke me the most; it read 'no contact or reaching out of any kind'.

"I can't have contact with my daughter?" I was shocked.

"She'll be our daughter now. She won't need to know about you. Hurry up and sign though. We have to run," Aiden sounded impatient.

"I'm not signing this! I want to be able to contact her!" I refused.

Joshua sighed next to me. He took out a pen, and signed both documents. I gaped at him.

"Why did you do that?"

"Ky, we can't afford to raise her. If we don't sign over custody, she'll grow up not knowing a good lifestyle," Joshua looked as if he was about to cry.

I felt my hand pick up the pen and sign. Caroline smiled in satisfaction. I placed Kayla's birth certificate on the table, which Caroline quickly snatched up.

"Kayla! Come here!" Caroline called.

Kayla came running, Amelia right behind her.

"Amelia, go play. We need to talk to Kayla." Aiden shooed.

"Why! Me want to stay!" Amelia whined.

"Amelia." Aiden said sternly.

Amelia quickly stopped whining, and scurried away.

"Me in trouble? Me didn't mean to do anything!" Kayla stared, wide-eye at all of us.

"No, no your not in trouble! We just need to talk to you about something," Caroline gave a small smile to Kayla.

"What it?" Kayla asked.

"Well, you see, Kayla, your mommy and daddy don't want you anymore so Aiden and I will take you," Caroline said so dang bluntly.

I froze and stared at Caroline. Did she have to word it like that? Kayla looked upset and ditressed. For only two, Kayla was so smart.

"Mommy and Daddy don't want me?" Kayla turned to us.

Joshua and I only stared at her, both our eyes filled with sadness. If only we could explain... Kayla began to wail loudly. She fell to the floor.

"How dare you upset our daughter?" Aiden suddenly switched personalities.

Joshua and I only looked at him. What the heck was he trying to do?

"Security! Security!" Caroline called loudly, while jumping up and running to Kayla.

A security guard came running. Caroline was holding Kayla to her chest.

"Security! This couple just struck Evelyn, our daughter!" Caroline yelled frantically.

The security guard grabbed me roughly by the wrist, and dragged me out. Joshua followed, desperately trying to free me. The security guard tossed me outside. Joshua jumped next to me.

"Stay out or you'll be arrested for trespassing," The security guard barked.

I couldn't help it. Tears started flying down my face. My baby was in there. With those monsters.. I could see Caroline holding Kayla through the window. It felt so wrong... So dang wrong.

I placed her back on the ground. My daughter was here. Joshua came up behind us. As well as Annie and Calvin. They all wrapped her in a big hug. I smiled at them. I'm so glad I showed Annie and Calvin those photos of Kayla! Or no Evelyn! I need to remember to call her Evelyn! I happened to glanced outside the door. A girl stood by it. She had matted dirty blonde hair, as well as dirt caked around her face. A little girl and boy just like her stood there too. They were all staring at us. I stared back for a second. Lost in their brown eyes.

"Who are you?" I finally asked.

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