Banana Fish - Another missed...

By Purple_Pirate23

149K 5.7K 9.3K

An alternative ending where Eiji saves Ash at the last minute before bleeding out. Since he's powerless in a... More

Stage 1: Diversion: Escaping from the airport
Stage 2: Saving Ash: obstacles on the way to Manhattan
Stage 3: Waking Up - Max
Waking Up - Eiji
The Rocky Road to A New Dawn (1)
The Rocky Road to A New Dawn (2)
The Rocky Road To A New Dawn (3) : Even If The World Turns On You ...
Time To Say Goodbye
From Dusk Till Dawn
Another Missed Flight?!
The Sun Also Rises
Gunshots, Tears and Kisses
A Second First Kiss
It Was Fate Bringing Us Together
Legends Never Die
Father And Son
Birthday Surprise - The Coliseum Of Books
A Locked Up Memory
I Wish You Could See Yourself Through My Eyes
A Song Only You Can Hear
Happiness Is Planning A Trip With Someone You Love
Time To Face The Music
Growing Closer Together
Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining
The Tree Touching The Sky
Stubborn Atheists, Temples, And Soulmates
Temple Gates, Gods, and Dragons
A World of Unlimited Flavors

Family First - The Truth Comes To Light

3.5K 117 255
By Purple_Pirate23

I'm so late uploading my chapter but it's twice as long as normally

Before you read my story, please take a moment to look at the fan art I used as a cover for this chapter. One of my readers drew it and I really love the bright colors. It's so beautiful and cute💖 Please follow FoodKiid and the Instagram account kalrart if you like this fan artThank you so much for drawing it, FoodKiid ❤️

"Ash, can you open the door, please?", Eiji called out from the kitchen. He peeked through the half-open door. "You're awake, right? I'm busy in the kitchen."

When he didn't receive an answer, Eiji called his name again, this time more firmly and stretching his name endlessly with a scolding undertone.

"Yeah, I'm awake. The tone isn't necessary." Ash complained, his voice still hoarse from sleep and yawning as he walked up to the kitchen entrance.

Eiji burst out laughing when seeing him. "That's how you want to greet your dad? He gave him an amused look while mustering him from head to toe. He had woken Ash up one hour ago. Several times. Even so, he was standing in the kitchen barefoot with a bedhead, his clothes were rumpled, and he was practically still half-asleep while standing. His face still looked puffy and red, and there were still sleep marks imprinted on his face.

Yet, Eiji secretly admitted that he looked adorable, especially when he rubbed sleep out of his eyes as he did now. At times like this, he looked like a little kid. He looked so vulnerable and at ease, a side Eiji had rarely seen of Ash while in New York. And even though he was a hopeless sleepyhead, he loved that Ash looked so cozy. It made Eiji feel right at home so he couldn't be mad at him.

Ash was wearing one of Eiji's shirts that was a bit too small for him. It was a habit they had started in New York when Eiji began staying with Ash and didn't have any clothes initially. So, he had worn Ash's clothes, and sometimes Ash had worn Eiji's, too. Surrounded by all the violence, it had felt so ordinary and domestic. They had kept that habit in Izumo. He loved wearing or rather drowning in Ash's oversized hoodies as well, and he loved the smell of Ash on them.

Eiji stopped what he was doing and switched off the stove. He moved closer and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before putting his arms around him and pulling him closer. Ash's head dropped on his shoulder.

"Ash, don't fall asleep on me again! You're hopeless; you know that? You haven't even showered or gotten dressed.", he scolded him softly.
To be honest, he hadn't expected anything else from Ash. Eiji knew better than that. He was a night owl, after all.

Eiji shook his head, pulled out of the hug and removed some strands from Ash's face. "What am I going to do with you? I guess your dad will see a new side of his son. Ash in just-out-of-bed style. "Open the door, ok?"

While preparing breakfast, Eiji saw out of the corner of his eyes how Ash looked at himself in a mirror that hung in their hallway and tried to smooth down his hair and clothes. But his boxer shorts and his t-shirt looked as messed up as his blonde hair that had strands sticking out at all sides. It was a waste of time.

Ash gave up after a moment and sighed in resignation. "Whatever.", he grumbled, more to himself. Eiji smiled inwardly. Grumpy as ever. Some things never changed.

At the beginning, Eiji had hoped to eventually convince Ash to get up earlier, together with him. But even if Ash didn't read books until the middle of the night, he would never turn into an early riser. Eiji had given up after some time.

So instead, Eiji usually used the time to go running. He was still an athlete and liked to stay fit. His ankle had healed well enough for a short run. He wouldn't be able to run a marathon with it, though. His athletic career was over anyway.

With Ash's help, he had been able to accept that, although it still hurt sometimes. With photography, he had found a new thing he could be passionate about. He had been lucky in that regard... He would always be grateful to Ibe that he had introduced him to photography. And also to Ash, in a way...

While Ash went to answer the door, Eiji continued cooking breakfast and carried the coffee pot and some cups to the table in their living room after he was done.

He could hear Max suddenly burst out laughing when seeing Ash. Eiji grinned. He had expected that reaction from Max.

"I'd never have expected that the ruthless and feared gang leader Ash Lynx would look like this in the morning. Hilarious!"

Suddenly curious, Eiji peeked around the corner. Ash stood barefoot in the doorway while he tried and failed to remove some strands from his face. Ash didn't reply and instead stubbornly shoved the door into his face. Max reacted quickly and put his foot in the door at the last second.

"Come on, Ash. Open the door. It's just that I've never seen you this unguarded and comfortable. It suits you. You finally look like an ordinary teenager. I like this new side of you.", Max's words were honest, but he enjoyed Ash's reaction way too much. The mischievous glint in his ice-blue eyes gave him away.

"Ash, don't be rude. Let him in."

Ash glared at Max for another minute while still holding the door in a firm grip; then, he reluctantly let go and let Max enter.

"Are you always like that, or do you have a hangover from last night?", Max asked while smirking at him.

Last night, they had celebrated Ash's birthday in a little restaurant. Max had invited them and Ibe since he didn't have a present for Ash. Max hadn't known it was his birthday, and neither had Ibe. Eiji had assumed that Ash had told Max about his birthday. When he had learned that Ash had been too stubborn to do so, Eiji had eventually told Ibe and Max. But by then, it was much too late because it had already been the day of Ash's birthday.

Ash had told Max that his photos of Griff were enough of a present since he didn't have any belongings of him. Eiji had seen that those photos had meant more to him than he could ever express with words. He had seen it in the way Ash had positioned them in a prominent position in his room and often held them in his hands and looked at them for a long time with a dreamy expression on his face. Sometimes, a tear ran down his face when he thought he wasn't looking.

Ibe hadn't been aware of Ash's birthday, either but had given both of them a framed picture he had taken of them in Cape Cod as a present when visiting them with Max a few days before.

Ash had been uncomfortable and tense at first but had relaxed after a while. He still thought that celebrating his birth was wrong since he had been the cause of many deaths. Eiji could see in his darkening eyes that this thought was still weighing heavily on him.

He put an arm around his shoulder and explained that celebrating his birthday was a first step to forgive himself. He also pointed out that they didn't only celebrate his birthday but also his rebirth into everyday life and his new beginning here in Izumo. His second chance.

Ash's eyes had widened in surprise as he stared at him for a moment incredulously. Then his eyes lit up again, and he smiled softly at him before he looked at Ibe and Max for confirmation, who grinned and told him they agreed with Eiji. Ash looked so flustered, and his cheeks turned red with embarrassment for a moment. It was so cute and endearing.

Ash had never celebrated his birthday with friends or family, and the fact that people were grateful for his existence and loved him for who he was, was now slowly sinking in. While the evening progressed, he relaxed more and more, and after a while, he started bickering with Max again, and everything was back to normal.

Eiji saw in Ash's bright eyes how much he enjoyed that his dad was here. Unfortunately, he had to leave soon... While Eiji had thought back to the previous evening, daydreaming for a moment, he had lost track of Ash's and Max's conversation.

"First, I'd win any drinking competition against you, old man. I'm partly Irish, after all, and can hold my liquor. Second, I haven't drunken any booze yesterday since, according to Japanese laws, I'm still a minor - "

"I know, I was just kidding, Ash.", Max replied, smirking at him. "I guess your smart but sleepy mind isn't ready for jokes yet." Ash ignored his last comment and continued talking as if Max hadn't said anything.

"And third – "

"Third, he's a hopeless sleepyhead, and this is normal Ash behavior in the mornings.", Eiji interrupted Ash softly, grinning mischievously at Max.

"He is only safe to approach after lunch. Before that, he's grumpy, moody and looks like he does now. You're lucky that he's even capable of human speech this early in the morning. Eiji smiled softly at Ash and ruffled Ash's hair. "It's kind of cute, though."

"Stop that, Eiji!", Ash complained stubbornly, but the soft look in his green eyes betrayed him.

"Go shower and dress while we have coffee. Breakfast is ready and can be served anytime." Ash just nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

While Ash showered, Eiji and Max sat in the living room and drank coffee.

"So, Ibe still went to talk to my mom, right? Although I told him, it's a bad idea. I hoped he would listen to me. My mom only knows a rough version of the events in New York. So, she'll blame Ibe for my injury.", Eiji said sadly, sitting there with slumped shoulders, his eyes downcast on the coffee cup in his hands.

"Eiji, sometimes, you have to face battles even if you know beforehand that you're going to lose. Ibe took you to New York. He was responsible for your safety, and he failed at doing that. That's how Ibe sees it, anyway."

"But that's not true. Ibe was as defenseless as I was in New York. Neither of us could use any weapons.", Eiji exclaimed in irritation. "We were utterly defenseless."

"Of course, but Ibe was still your guardian while you were in New York. So, he wants to explain the situation in New York to your mom in person. That's important to him, and if he sets his mind on something, no one can stop him. You're just the same. So, you should understand that best, Eiji." Max's piercing blue eyes looked directly into his, and the honesty in them took him aback.

"I do understand that, Max. I just don't want Ibe to walk into a lion's den. My mom is kind and warm-hearted most of the time, but if her kids are in danger, she'll show her claws.", Eiji warned him.

"That makes her a great mother, then. A good parent will always look out for her children, Eiji. And worry about them. Even if they're already grown up.", Max replied, smiling at him while taking a sip of his coffee.

"I know that she's a great mom. But she doesn't get the whole picture. Ibe has done a lot for me. He's like a big brother to me. Or family. When I was suffering from depression after my pole vaulting accident, he showed me a way out. He gave me new hope and the chance for a new life. And apart from that, he's the reason I met Ash. By going with him to the US, I learned what true happiness and unconditional love feel like, and I met my soulmate, someone who loves me as much as I love him. That's why I owe Ibe a lot.", Eiji elaborated further while his eyes bored directly into Max's. Eiji bit his lip and clasped his hands together while he kept staring at his still untouched coffee cup standing on the table.

Max put his coffee cup on the table and touched Eiji's shoulder, probably seeing his inner torment.

"Eiji, don't worry so much. I'm sure it will be fine. And if not, we'll explain the situation to your mom. Together."

"I just thought Ibe would listen to me and talk to my mom together with me. I guess I'm just worried. I want my mom to understand that it wasn't Ibe's fault. We probably should go to my house a bit earlier to defuse the situation... "

Eiji nipped at his already cold coffee and put it down again, grimacing. He really hoped that everything would be alright. He didn't like tension and trouble in his family.

He was usually the one who resolved such matters because he was good at comforting people. Ash had always told him it was an innate talent he possessed. So, he hoped he could resolve this one as well. That probably wouldn't be easy...

He decided to go to the kitchen to brew some more coffee and to prepare the food for their breakfast to distract himself. To be honest, he wanted to go to his family's house right now, but he should probably give Ibe a chance to talk to his mom first. Still, he had a bad feeling about this ...

"Eiji, what's wrong?"

He nearly jumped when Ash stood suddenly in the doorway of their living room, now dressed but his blonde hair still damp. He had been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard him at all.

"Nothing. It's fine.", Eiji stubbornly waved it off.

"Don't lie to me, Eiji!", Ash exclaimed while pure anger flashed in his eyes.

Eiji remained silent for a moment and looked at the floor. He heard how Ash took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I'm sorry, Eiji. But I wish you'd confide in me as well." Ash took his hands, which trembled slightly. "Is this about Ibe talking to your mom?", he asked in a much softer voice.

Eiji was so surprised, he looked up instantly, and his eyes met Ash's. He had assumed that Ash hadn't heard the conversation he had had with Ibe the previous night since he had been busy talking to Max. Ash smiled knowingly. "I knew it."

Ash let go of his hands, and, hesitating for a short moment, he put his arms around him and hugged him. Feeling Ash's warmth, he immediately clung to him and felt as if the world's weight was lifted off his shoulders. Ash's touch reminded him that he wasn't alone. Ash confirmed as much with his next words.

"Eiji, let's have breakfast now, ok? And then we'll go to your house. And no matter what happens, we'll face it together. Like we always do.", he whispered into his ear.

Eiji slowly pulled out of the hug and smiled at him, grateful that Ash knew him so well and had read every emotion crossing his face. "I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you."

Ash just nodded at him in understanding. Then, after a moment, he glanced sideways at Max. "I'm sure my dad will help us out as well."

Max nodded and smiled. "You can bet on it, kid." Then he looked at the two of them.

"Now, can we finally eat something? I'm starving, and there's a delicious smell coming from the kitchen that is torturing me." As if in response to that, his stomach growled, and they all burst out laughing.


When Eiji, Ash and Max entered his family's house, they walked into the middle of a fight as Eiji had expected.

They immediately heard two people having a heated discussion. They weren't shouting, but the intensity and tension hung heavily in the air. You could listen to their frustration and anger in their voices while talking, even if they weren't shouting.

From the sounds coming from the living room, Ibe's conversation with his mom hadn't worked out so well, as Eiji had already assumed.

"You were supposed to protect Eiji!" Eiji heard his mom say, accusing Ibe indirectly of not sending him home to Japan right away. Eiji bit his lip and peeked sadly inside the living room that was only left slightly ajar.

"I did, but when things turned dangerous, I let Eiji stay with someone who could protect him better than I could.", Ibe tried to explain his reasoning to her, hands on his hips.

Eiji saw in his posture and tone of voice that he was agitated because his mom still blamed him for his serious injury. It probably didn't help Ibe's case that he wasn't even present when he got shot. His mom's answer confirmed as much.

"Meaning you let a kid like Ash protect my son? A 17-year old boy that had ties to the mafia? Is that your meaning of safety? And where were you when Eiji got shot? You told me that you met Eiji at the hospital. Why didn't you stay by his side as you had promised me before leaving?", she accused him coldly.

Eiji turned around to Ash, who stood behind him and saw in his eyes that he hadn't understood everything; their Japanese was too fast for him. But he had heard the word mafia and had come to the right conclusion: that his mom had dug up some things about his past.

Ash gripped Eiji's hand a bit tighter. His hand was trembling, and sadness overwhelmed his eyes. Eiji saw that Ash wanted to be anywhere else but here. He wanted to bolt, to run away, to escape from here. But he didn't.

One reason that he hadn't already done so was Eiji's firm hold on his hand.
Another one was that he had promised Eiji that they'd face everything together. Ash never went back on his promises. Ever. But Eiji read in his eyes which conclusion he had drawn from witnessing that scene.

"I knew it. I only cause trouble for you and your family. And even for Ibe.", Ash whispered in a low voice that was overwhelmed by devastating sadness that it broke Eiji's heart.

He shook his head before looking at him. "You're not the reason for that fight, Ash. My mom accused Ibe of leaving my side since he was responsible for me. I know I was 19 back then and nearly an adult, but my mom was always a bit overprotective of my sister and me. Even more so since I suffered from severe depression before going to New York." He stroked the back of Ash's hand and felt how the tension left his body, if only slightly. He looked back and forth between Max, who didn't look any less worried, and Ash.

"She's only so cold because she worried a lot about me. I was shot and severely injured but still refused to come home. Knowing that I was injured and not being able to be by my side must have been hard on her.", Eiji explained his mom's motives to them. Ash nodded, more at ease now, then let go of his hand.

"So, what are we going to do now? We can't stand in the hallway forever.", Max intervened. "We have to do something."

Eiji sighed and put a hand across his face. "I knew they would end up fighting. My mom didn't even notice the door opening or greeted us. That alone speaks legions."

"Uhm, Eiji, I think we have different concepts of the word fight. Because I only hear an argument.", Ash said. "They haven't even raised their voices, and they don't shout at each other."

"That's the Japanese version of a fight, Ash. We consider it impolite to show emotions openly. To us, respect is essential. I'm an exception. I have never been able to hide my emotions. You know that best." A faint smile dawned on Ash's face at that remark.

"I can tell by the way my mom speaks. Her voice is too calm and ice cold. My mom doesn't get mad. Instead, she gets eerily calm, and her voice gives you chills. As a kid, that scared me more than if she had shouted at me."

Ibe's voice was different, though. His voice wasn't as calm but grew more and more irritated while trying to explain himself. Ibe was annoyed and frustrated because his mom didn't listen to any of his arguments.

"So, that's why you wanted to come here a bit earlier?", Ash asked him. Eiji nodded.

"I knew my mom would blame Ibe for what happened to me."

"But that wasn't his fault.", Max and Ash exclaimed in unison. Eiji couldn't help but smile at them for a moment. Then his eyes darkened again, and his smile faded away.

"Sure, but that's not how my mom sees it. She blames Ibe because, as the adult, he was responsible for me and my safety and should have sent me home.", Eiji explained to Ash and Max.

"But haven't you tried to explain it to her, Eiji?", Max asked him.

"Of course. But she doesn't listen to me. She's too stubborn. She didn't want to hear my arguments.", Eiji complained to them, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Eiji. Did you tell her that while having a heated discussion like that? Knowing you, you probably got mad at some point, right? As you said, you're not good at holding back your emotions, Eiji.", Ash argued rationally.

"Yes, you're right. I may have gotten too emotional and gave up after a while before I told her things I'd regret later.", Eiji admitted reluctantly. "I thought maybe she would listen to Ibe instead. Even though I'm 21, she still thinks I'm a kid, so she doesn't entirely believe me. I thought that she'd listen to Ibe since he is an adult in her eyes."

"Maybe if we explained the situation in more detail to her, she'd accept it. If we talked about it together openly, I'm sure she'd understand it.", Max suggested, smiling encouragingly, putting a hand on Eiji's shoulder. Eiji smiled gratefully at him.

"You're right, Max. She only blames Ibe because she was worried about me. I was shot. But instead of coming home, I looked for Ash, reopened my wound and stayed by Ash's side while she and my sister were probably worried and scared all the time. I hurt my family with my egotistical behavior. And she doesn't know all the facts yet. We only told her a rough version, after all."

"I don't know your mom that well yet, Eiji, but as far as I know, she's an understanding person. She's also clever and good at reading people. Especially you. So she probably noticed by now that we kept some things from her. Maybe she researched about the incidents in New York. I'm not saying we should tell her everything, but we should tell her how dangerous it truly was before she reads about it online.", Ash agreed while looking at Max and then at Eiji. "Looks as if she already looked up some things about me...", he whispered to him in a low voice.

"I don't say it will be easy, but I hope everything will work out in the end." Eiji smiled encouragingly at him and saw how Ash relaxed a bit and slowly nodded.

"You should think about how much you want to tell my mom. About your past, I mean.", he advised Ash.

Eiji took a deep breath and opened the door to the living room. Then he entered the room, followed by Ash and Max.

"Mom, I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but please stop, ok? What happened to me wasn't Ibe's fault. I told you that already. He asked me to return to Japan plenty of times. So did Ash. I just refused to go. So if you want to blame someone, blame me." Eiji looked at his mother intensely, holding her gaze.

"You only blame Ibe because you don't know the whole truth.", Ash patiently explained to her. "There are some things we haven't told you yet."

"Yes, I know that you two hid some things from me. I can also read English newspapers and use search engines. Since I suspected you wouldn't tell me everything, I began researching New York myself. I also found out that you, Ash, were a ruthless gang leader who mercilessly ruled New York with an iron fist. You also failed to mention that you're the adoptive son of a mafia boss."

Ash just looked at her in utter shock, and all color drained from his face. Eiji could feel how panic and fear welled up inside of him as he slowly moved back to the door, wanting to escape. Ash looked back at him, unsure how to react to this remark.

Eiji grabbed his hand and refused to let go. He moved closer and whispered something into his ear. "Don't leave, Ash. That would make everything worse. Please calm down. Let's explain everything to my mom, ok? We'll get through this together, as you told me earlier. My mom is just anxious because she doesn't get the whole picture."

Relief immediately flooded Ash's face, and he nodded at him when Eiji put an arm around his shoulder. He, Ash and Max sat down on the sofa while his mom and Ibe took the other one.

"I will answer all questions you may have honestly. About my past and my ties to the mafia. But we would like to explain to you first what the situation in New York was like so you'll see for yourself it's not Ibe's fault.", Ash assured her while looking directly at her. Eiji shared a glance with Ibe, who smiled weakly at him.

"New York was far more dangerous than we told you. I'm sorry, we just did it to protect you, mom. Sometimes ignorance is bliss." Eiji continued explaining his and Ash's reasoning to her while he looked directly at his mother. Eiji saw surprise flash in his mom's eyes, probably because she had seen the honesty in his and Ash's eyes. Finally, she sighed and admitted defeat.

"Ok, Eiji, then please tell me what really happened. I promise I'll listen." Then she looked sideways at Ibe. "But I can't promise that I'll change my mind.", she added stubbornly.

"That's fair.", Ibe said. He looked relieved that he had gotten back up. He had probably had some difficulties explaining the situation to his mom since he was unsure how much she knew.

"At the beginning, I should apologize for my rude manners to you all but especially to you, Mr. Lobo. I haven't even introduced myself and welcomed you to my house. You must think I'm completely impolite. Please accept my apology. I'm Eiji's mom, Eri Okumura. It's nice to meet you, although the circumstances could have been better."

She reached out her hand to greet him while Max felt uncomfortable and wished he could vanish through the floorboards. When Ash elbowed him, he got up, moved closer and smiled at her, shaking her hand.

"You don't have to apologize. I also interrupted your... talk... with Shunichi, which was equally impolite. I apologize as well. I usually don't interrupt conversations like that. And please call me Max."

Eiji's mom returned the smile. "Ok, Max, welcome to Izumo and my house. Please call me Eri."

Eiji was surprised. Usually, his mom didn't offer the use of her first name so quickly. But maybe it was because Max was American, and she wanted to make him feel welcome. After a moment, both sat down again.

"Ash and Eiji told me that you helped them a lot in New York. Is that true?"

"Yes, I did. I think we helped each other out. But I also learned that Eiji told you that I was in jail when Shunichi and Eiji arrived? As a father myself, I assume you were worried when you heard that. At least I would be."

She nodded slowly. "I wondered what the reason was you were in jail. I admit that I didn't ask Ash and Eiji about it. I was too afraid of the answer. Would you mind telling me now?"

"Of course. I was in jail for punching a cop.", Max told her bluntly. When she stared at him wide-eyed and looked stunned, Max elaborated further.

"That's not something I'm proud of. Especially since I was a cop myself at the beginning. To my defense, I was attacked first. As a police officer, I told my superior about a drug deal going down. The persons involved were never arrested because my superior was dirty. He had a sick wife and three children. He needed the money. I respected him a lot since he was one of the few good cops. However, when I refused to take part in his scheme, he tried to kill me. So, I punched him black and blue and quit my job. In the end, I switched over to journalism, that suits me much better."

Max nervously ran a hand through his hair, his eyes downcast to the floor. When Eiji looked sideways at Ash, then at Ibe, he saw that no one of them had ever heard that story before. 

"I'm a bit hot-headed at times. That's why I sometimes get into trouble like that.", he admitted honestly. "But I always tried to look out for Ash and Eiji. They're both great kids.", he added, looking at her again.

Although Eiji didn't like being called a kid with 21, he was still relieved that his mom seemed to relax slightly while talking with Max. It had been a good tactic on Max's part to mention his son. He also took away all of her arguments before she could use them against him. Eiji was impressed, but as a journalist, Max was used to bring forward convincing arguments and win people over to his side. It came naturally to him.

"You raised a great son. He is honest and kind-hearted and has the talent to comfort others. He's also brave and strong .", Max added. "And stubborn. If he made up his mind, no one could stop him.", Max smiled while casting a glance at Eiji.

His mom grinned and also looked in Eiji's direction. "Thanks. You described him really well. Eiji is a great kid, but he usually gets into trouble while helping others. He was a high sense of justice and often got into fights while protecting others even if he knew he wouldn't win the fight or suffer the consequences. He just told me afterwards he couldn't stand by and do nothing."

"You did?", Ash whispered to Eiji. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised." Eiji cast him a meaningful glance.

Then Eiji pouted at his mother. "You do realize that I can hear you, right?" But he was relieved that the situation wasn't that intense anymore, and his mom had relaxed a bit.

"So, let's start from the beginning.", Eiji suggested, looking at Ibe, signaling him that now it was his turn.

Ibe cleared his throat and began talking. "As you know, I came to New York because I had an offer to write an article about Ash. I thought it would be perfectly safe even though he was a gang leader. We had several policemen guarding the door in case anything would happen. But then – " Ibe broke off mid-sentence as looked at Eiji and Ash.

"Then, after Ibe and Eiji had taken some photos, they got mixed up in a street fight between my gang and another one. In the tumult, Eiji was taken hostage, and Ibe was at the other side of the room, so he didn't see it happening and couldn't reach Eiji in time."

"You were kidnapped on your first day there?"She stared at him in disbelief, paling at once. "You've never told me that!" Her eyes burnt wildly as her eyes bored into his.

"Yes, sorry about that.", Eiji apologized but held her gaze. "But Ash saved me. Or tried to. Although he didn't even know me." Eiji replied quietly while casting a side glance at Ash, who smiled knowingly.

"Yet, in the end, Eiji saved my life, not the other way around. And that of Skip, a little boy I looked after since his parents died.", Ash continued. "He pole-vaulted over a wall. With a rusty pipe. It was incredible."

His mom looked at him incredulously, all color draining from her face. "Are you out of your mind? You could have been killed, Eiji!"

"They wanted to kill us anyway, so I thought I could at least try." Eiji stubbornly defended himself. When his mom still looked confused, Eiji explained it in more detail to her.

"Our kidnappers were following us after we managed to escape, so I jumped across a wall and looked for help. It was the only way out. And I don't think that using my skills to save someone is stupid.", Eiji replied firmly. "I would do that again, anytime."

"I guess so...", his mom admitted reluctantly. "Go on."

"After that, my enemies thought Eiji belonged to my gang, so he wasn't safe.", Ash explained sadly. "It was safer for him to stay with me. I had the means and the manpower to protect Eiji."

Then he turned to his mom and looked directly into her eyes.
"What would you have done in Ibe's place in such a situation?"

"I would have protected my son!", she stubbornly insisted, glaring first at Ash, then at Ibe, her eyes shooting daggers at both of them.

"How?", Ash simply asked. "Can you shoot? Use a knife or any other weapon? Do you know a defense sport like karate? Anything to protect him?", Ash inquired rationally.

His mum glared at him, eyes still burning dangerously. Still, Ash held her gaze until she looked away, sighing.

"No, I don't. I don't like it, but I can see where you're going with this.", she admitted honestly. "Ibe probably couldn't shoot or defend Eiji, either." Ibe nodded at her, attempting a half-smile.

"Yes, that's right.", Max said. "In the end, we were involved in a pretty dangerous situation and had to split up. I protected Ibe. I'm an Army vet, so that I can handle a gun. So, I protected Ibe while Ash saved and protected Eiji."

When his mom still looked doubtfully at them, Max mentioned his son again, so his mom would feel that there's someone else who could sympathize with her situation from a parent's point of view.

"I have a son as well. He's much younger than Eiji, though. But if I realized I couldn't protect my kid, I would ask someone else I trust to do it. Wouldn't you do the same?", Max asked her seriously while meeting her gaze. His mom stared at him for a moment, then her shoulders slumped, and she sighed in resignation.

"I guess you're right. But was New York really that dangerous?", she asked doubtfully. "I've read the newspapers, but... I thought they were exaggerating as they often do in tabloids and on the internet..."

"No, it was much worse than that. It was a battlefield.", Ash said ominously. "I just became a gang leader to protect myself. My adoptive father, Dino Golzine, ruled New York, so people tried to kill me all the time since I was supposed to be his successor. I never wanted to take over the crime network he had built in New York, but no one has ever asked me." Ash clenched his fist so hard his knuckles turned white. Eiji placed a hand on his, and Ash looked gratefully at him before continuing.

"Then, when I discovered the beginning of a huge conspiracy, he hunted me down relentlessly. And all influential people from police officers to judges to the CIA or the White House were on his payroll. And since Eiji stayed close to me, he got caught in the crossfire. So it's my fault as well that Eiji was shot."

"That sounds like an American action movie, not real life. But I can see in your eyes that you're telling the truth. Then, why didn't you send him home?", his mom asked Ash, still suspicious but listening intently.

"Believe me, I tried. But Eiji didn't listen to me. Ibe tried to do the same, but it was either too dangerous at the time, or Eiji just decided on his own not to go."

"I really refused to go. I couldn't leave Ash all alone. He had no one else, and he always seemed so lonely, and he was suffering from severe trauma.", Eiji explained.
"I decided to stay by his side no matter what. I wanted to take him to Japan when everything was over where he would be able to lead the peaceful life he wished for."

His mom looked at everyone in turn, then closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to calm herself. She remained silent for a moment as if processing all the information she had just learned. When she opened her eyes, she gave Ibe a look of pure honesty as she addressed him.

"Ibe, now that I know more about the events taking place in New York, I see that I have to apologize to you. I know that you still left out some parts, but I think I prefer it that way. Still, I didn't know the whole story and still blamed you. I take back my accusations towards you. I'm really sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.", his mom said and actually bowed to Ibe to emphasize the sincerity of her apology. Ibe stood up and walked over to her, touching her shoulder gently. "You don't have to do that. I can understand why you blamed me, and it still is partly my fault. But I'm glad we settled this argument because I like you and your family and would like to keep in contact." pure compassion was reflected in Ibe's eyes.

"And I look forward to working with your son because he has a good eye for detail and will become a great photographer one day.", he added while glancing sideways at Eiji. She smiled at Ibe gratefully.

Then, she looked at Eiji again, a small smile mixed in with a hint of sadness crossing her face before she began addressing him.

"Eiji, as I told Ibe just now, I'm aware that you still haven't told me everything, but I think it's better for me that way. And I know you and Ash do it to protect me. I can accept that.", she admitted honestly.

"But, Eiji, why do I think there's more to the story you've just told me? About your reason to save Ash, I mean.", she asked while scrutinizing his face. Eiji felt as if he was interrogated. And he couldn't lie since she would see through it instantly.

"Of course, there is. When I met Ash, I knew we belonged together. We're kindred spirits and complete each other. It was fate that we met in New York. We're connected soul to soul! The good luck charm brought us together." He smiled innocently at his mother, who returned his gaze but looked lost. "Which charm?"

Ash smiled at Eiji, then at her. "Eiji is convinced that Hana's good luck charm brought us together.", Ash clarified for her. "He insists that we're soul mates and our souls are bound forever."

His mother smiled knowingly at Eiji. "That sounds like something Eiji would say." Then she looked in Ash's direction. "And what do you think, Ash?"

"I don't know. I don't believe in soulmates, fate, and charms, but I know that we share a unique bond that is unbreakable and will last forever. I learned that in the last few months. We bring out the best in each other. I believe in that.", Ash explained patiently, pure honestly reflecting in his eyes.

Then he looked softly at Eiji and took his hand. "Eiji saved me and gave me a new beginning, a new life. Since I've been living here, I've been happy for the first time in my life. I just want to lead a normal life, find a normal job, and stay by Eiji's side. I've already found a part-time job and learn Japanese. My life is here." He emphasized the last part.

Eiji returned the hold on his hand and looked at his mom. "Ash didn't deserve all the horrible things he's gone through. He lived in a cruel world surrounded by pain, violence and death. I wanted to show him a better world. A peaceful and quiet one. I wanted him to learn that life can also be beautiful and that there are good people in this world who love him." His mom looked at Ash with new interest as if wondering what Eiji was referring to.

"But you're right. I have a dark past and had a traumatic childhood. It's disgusting and twisted, but if you want to know, I'll tell you. But please don't tell anyone else. I want to leave my old life behind me."

"Ash, you don't have to do it.", Eiji assured him. "Are you sure?"

Ash just nodded sadly at him. "Your mom will understand better why you did so much for me.", he argued rationally.

"You are good at reading people, so you've probably noticed that it's hard for me to touch people or saw in my eyes that I didn't have a happy childhood like Eiji." His mom nodded at him.

"You've already read about my adoptive father, Dino Golzine. I've also told you about my real dad, who never cared about me. When I was 8, I ran away from home. Dino Golzine picked me up on the streets in New York. He forced me to work for his child prostitution ring and raped me himself for years. I thought I would never escape this fate... Ash choked out the last few words, his voice cracking at the end.

When he began trembling, and tears ran down Ash's face, Eiji put an arm around his shoulder and gently pulled him closer. Ash wiped his tears away with a trembling hand and leaned his head on his shoulder. Sharing his horrible experiences with another person besides him and talking about it had brought some awful memories to the surface again. Eiji had feared that would happen but telling his mom the truth was Ash's decision, and he wouldn't interfere with it. He stroked Ash's hair with one hand and the back of his hand with the other while whispering soothing words into his ear until he had calmed down again.

The room was eerily silent now, and no one said anything. His mom watched Ash for a minute and met Eiji's gaze, but Eiji slowly shook his head at her. He knew she wanted to help, but at the moment, there was nothing she could do.

"Eiji, can you please translate that for me, please? I want to make sure I understood Ash correctly.", his mom asked him quietly.

Eiji repeated the phrase in Japanese, and her mom stared at Ash in pure horror before compassion flooded her eyes. Still, she waited patiently until he had calmed down again.

"Is that really true? I'm sorry, Ash, I believe you. I just can't imagine that such awful things are really happening..." Eiji looked at his mom. She was utterly shocked by that revelation.

"Yes, it is. I found him once just after he'd been raped.", Eiji said quietly. "He was injured pretty badly, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. It was awful. That's why I had to get him out of there and take him to Japan! Here, he can recover and heal and live in peace.", Eiji exclaimed while clenching his fists so hard they were trembling. Ash remained silent but put a hand on his own. It was a silent reminder from him to wind down a bit. His mom just nodded at him in understanding but was at a loss for words.

When Ash had calmed down again, he sat up, cast him a grateful look and continued with his story.

"Eiji told me about Japan. Especially that weapons are illegal in Japan and that it's a peaceful and quiet country. He often told me about Izumo, too. I don't want to use weapons anymore. All I want is a normal life here. I faked my death in New York. You probably found articles about my death, too." His mom nodded, confirming it. "Then I came here with Eiji. Dino and his allies are dead. I just want to be free and work around books. That's my dream. Aside from staying by Eiji's side."

"I – I honestly don't know what to say to that." She walked over to Ash. Then she sat down next to him and handed him a glass of water.

"Drink this, ok? You'll feel better." Ash attempted a half-smile, took the glass, and drank it in one gulp. His mom smiled warmly at him, putting her hand on his before she said something else to him.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through such horrible experiences, Ash. I honestly can't even begin to imagine how much you suffered. But at the same time, I'm relieved you told me about it because I understand your behavior better now. Your eyes are not as clear as Eiji's. They look as if they have seen too much. I've been worried about that. You also flinched and overreacted when someone touched you out of nowhere.", she explained her suspicion to Ash. "I knew you weren't an ordinary boy, that there were some secrets you were keeping from me. But I didn't say anything at first because I've never seen Eiji so happy, and I didn't want to destroy that." Eiji put an arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Eiji is right, Ash. You're safe in Japan. I hope you can lead the life you wish for in Izumo. And please know that you have a family here. And I'm not talking about your dad but me. And Hana as well. She adores you. And if I can do anything for you, please tell me."

Ash smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you. I already have the life I wish for. I really like Izumo. It's a nice place to live. The wind here feels great, and the sea is beautiful. The people are so nice here, and I have a real home for the first time. I always lived from one day to the next, but now I may have a future. It's a great feeling."

"Please don't tell Hana about his. She's like a little sister to me, and I want to protect her from that truth.", Ash asked her.

"Of course not. I promise. Why don't you pick Hana up from school while Eiji and I finish cooking? She talks nonstop about you. She looks up to you, and maybe she has a little crush on you.", she smiled. "I know she's too old for that but after what happened to Eiji... And it would probably be a nice surprise."

"It's my mom's way of showing you that she trusts you. And she wants to talk to me alone.", Eiji whispered, translating his mom's reasoning behind the suggestion.

"Ok, fine. Then I'll do it."


"Eiji, can you help me cook and lay the table?", Eiji's mother asked, the faintest trace of nervousness in her voice. Eiji nodded and asked Ibe to show Max around the house. He had stayed at their house before when he had taken photos of his pole vaulting skills for a photo project once, so he knew their place well. Ibe's photo project had won and became part of an exhibition. It was Ibe's breakthrough as a photographer.

Ibe smiled knowingly at him and began showing Max around. Eiji had to smile since Ibe knew him so well. He had understood at once that Eiji wanted to use the opportunity to talk to his mom in private.

He turned around to his mom again. "It's really good to be here again. I should come home more often. I missed cooking together with you."

His mom smiled at that. "I'd like that. I miss your presence here. But it's also important to find your own way, Eiji. I'm relieved you continue college and follow your dreams. You've found a new purpose in life. That's great."

After a moment of silence that seemed to last forever, at least to Eiji, she continued with her questions, touching his arm.

"Eiji, are you really fine? What about your injury? Has it healed well without any side effects?", she asked, unable to hide the concern resonating in her voice. "Did you have regular check-ups in a hospital as I told you to?"

"I did. Don't worry, mom, my wound is completely healed, and I've recovered quickly. I'm just so sorry for making you worry so much. And for not coming home right away as I had promised you.", Eiji said, his face drowning in guilt, fumbling with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Ibe told me some lame excuses why you couldn't come home right away. But, in reality, Ash was the reason you didn't come home, right ?", she inquired, giving him a knowing look.

"Yeah, you're right. He was. I – the short version is he nearly died. I couldn't leave him alone in that critical state.", Eiji tried to explain. "He was in a coma, and it was unclear if he would regain consciousness. He was very close to dying.", Eiji continued sadly while remembering that. Without realizing it, he had gripped the necklace he always wore around his neck so tightly that his hand started trembling. It was his lifeline if Ash wasn't present, his connection to him. His mom placed a hand gently on his shoulder, and he immediately calmed down.

"He means very much to you. I've seen that right away. You're more than just friends. You love him." It was a statement, not a question. Eiji stared at his mother incredulously, eyes widening. He had never mentioned the word love, but that obviously hadn't been necessary. His mom knew everything. He could see it in her intense eyes that always saw more than he wanted her to see.

Is that a good or a bad thing that she knows...?

"How – ?", he stammered while a faint blush ran across his cheeks. He had never talked about something like that with his mom before. To be honest, he had avoided the topic altogether, too afraid of her reaction. Still, he should have known better. He had never been able to hide anything from his mom.

"Eiji, I might not have seen you that often recently. But I've still raised you. I know you better than anyone else. Please don't think I'm clueless when it comes to my kids." Eiji sighed dramatically. "And you have absolutely no poker face. You've always been an open book to me.", his mother added, smirking at him.

"So people keep telling me", Eiji muttered, annoyed at his mother's bluntness. Usually, his mother wasn't as direct. Usually, she was more subtle, more polite and just hinted at things or let the end of a sentence hang heavily in the air. But she probably knew that this was her only chance to talk about the significant things with Eiji. Alone.

"You've changed, Eiji. When I think back on how depressed and lost you had been before Ibe took you to New York... Me and your father only agreed because you had only been feeling sorry for yourself. You lost your purpose in life and needed a new perspective, so I thought a change of scenery might be good for you. You look so much better now. More self-confident. More at ease with yourself. It seems sending you to New York was a good idea."

That made Eiji smile. "Yes, the time in New York helped me to see things from another perspective. I noticed that there are much worse things that can happen to you than a sprained ankle. And a revoked scholarship. Ash taught me what real courage is. He was often in desperate situations but never lost hope or gave up. But I also met many other great people during my stay there. Thank you for allowing me to go to New York."

His mom suddenly closed her eyes and took a calming breath and focused a bit too much on cooking. Eiji wondered why she was so nervous, but her next question explained it.

"Eiji, it's much too late to ask you this, but your love for Ash is more than mere friendship, right? You're in love with him, and Ash obviously returns your feelings. You're romantically involved with him, aren't you?" His mom's eyes were intense as she looked at him. "It's undeniable when watching you two, but I just wanted to make sure. To hear it directly from you.", she added honestly while attempting a smile but not succeeding.

For a moment, pure panic shot through Eiji. He had feared this topic because he didn't know how his mom would react. At all. He wished he could just leave the room, run away or just escape. But that wouldn't be fair to his mom. And they had to talk about it eventually...

She was a great mom and had raised Hana and him practically alone, so she deserved an honest answer. He looked at her again. Both of them had stopped cooking, realizing that this topic was too serious to have their focus somewhere else.

"Yes, you're right. We're romantically involved. Or a couple."

The silence that followed this confession felt as if it lasted forever. When his mom remained silent, Eiji grew even more nervous but finally couldn't stand the silence any longer and addressed his mom.

"Can you please say something? Anything? React in some way? Because I can't figure out what you're thinking. Are you disappointed in me?", Eiji asked quietly, looking away from his mom while not daring to look into her eyes, too afraid to see the truth there. A truth he maybe didn't want to see... His mom had probably never been faced with homosexuality before. So he had absolutely no clue how she would react.

He hoped his mom would accept that he was gay. The worst turnout for him would be if he had to choose between his family and Ash. That was a choice he didn't want to make...

"Well, it's true that when I pictured you in a relationship one day, I automatically thought of a girl and not of a boy.", she admitted honestly. "But I'm not disappointed in you, Eiji. I just need some time to get used to the idea that you're dating a boy.", she tried to explain. Eiji nodded, understanding her reasoning. She avoided the term gay on purpose. She probably needed some time to accept it. But she had been honest with him, and she was trying hard for his sake. Eiji was grateful for that.

He honestly thought that conversation would be much worse because his mother came from a pretty conservative family with some old-fashioned values. But at the same time, his mother had always placed the happiness of himself and Hana above such values.
Yet, in her small world, homosexuality was non-existent. She would probably just need some time to come to terms with it. At least, he hoped so...

His mom pulled him out of his many thoughts swirling around in his head when she continued talking.

"Let me ask you a question. Does Ash make you happy? Because there's a new brightness to your eyes that hasn't been there before.", she asked him while they shared ingredients and prepared the rest of the meal together. "And I like it."

"Yes, he does.", Eiji said, relieved at his mother's words. It probably wasn't perfect. But she was making an effort. That was enough for him. "We've gone through a lot together, and I'd do anything for him." He carefully met his mom's gaze and saw how her features relaxed. She even smiled at him.

"Then it's fine, I guess. I think that it's great you found someone who loves you back. Ash loves you, unconditionally. It's in the way he looks at you, but his body language is... I don't know... still a bit distant. He doesn't like being touched, and you're probably the only one he let's get so close. But I'm glad I learned the reason behind it."

"Thank you, mom. I understand that you need some time, but I'm happy you were so honest with me and that you're even trying. To be honest, I was scared to talk about that with you. I love you and Hana and don't want anything to change between us."
Eiji hugged his mom, and tears ran down his face.

"You've always been a crybaby.", she said, hugging him back before wiping away his tears. "Some things never change. But you really should know me better.", she scolded him softly.

"Eiji, you're my son, and I love you. I just want you to be happy. And Ash is good for you. And the way you comforted him showed me that he needs you. He's still suffering a lot. You're his pillar of strength. I'm so proud of you. You've become a kind-hearted and caring person, and the violence in New York hasn't shattered this kindness." She pulled him closer again and ran a hand through his hair.

"Let's finish cooking, ok?", she suggested, smiling at him.

After a moment of silence, she added something else while concern clouded her features. "Ash needs professional help, Eiji. You know that, right? Such terrifying experiences have to be treated professionally in therapy. There's only so much you can do yourself.", his mother advised him while they added some last spices to their meal.

"I know that. But Ash doesn't trust psychologists or psychiatrists and refuses to get help. But don't worry, I won't give up so easily. I'll make sure he agrees to therapy eventually." Eiji grinned at her while laying the table.


When Ash and Hana returned, and they had introduced her to Max, they had lunch together. Ash leaned a bit closer to Eiji, whispering something into his ear so that no one would hear it.

"Are you fine? You were crying." Surprise had apparently shown on his face because Ash added something. "Did something happen?"

"I'll fill you in later, but it was something good, don't worry.", he whispered back.
Ash stared at him for a moment longer, then nodded. Meanwhile, his mom had filled all the plates, and they enjoyed the food in comfortable silence for a while. Eiji noticed how much he had missed his mom's cooking.

"I really missed your cooking. I think I have to come by more often."

"I'd like that. You two are always welcome here."

"Now, I know where Eiji got his amazing cooking skills from.", Max said cheerfully. "It's really delicious, Eri."

"Eiji often cooked in New York as well, mostly Japanese food. He told me it's healthier and I should stop just eating meat all the time.", Ash complained, but he still saw a spark of happiness in his eyes.

"He's probably right about that. And how did you like it?", his mom asked.

"Most of it was delicious. But he only made food that smelt bad.", Ash replied, turning up his nose. Hana grinned at that. "In the US, food doesn't smell like that. But Eiji told me you say it has aroma in Japan."

Ibe grinned at that. "He's right about that. Max complained about that to me as well."

"And I found out that I can't stand natto." Hana burst out laughing. "That's because natto is disgusting. It's slimy and sticky. Eiji loves it, though. Same as our dad."

"So, Hana, how was school?"

Hana groaned and shook her head in frustration.

"Boring as ever. I wish we would read books like The Catcher in the Rye in school.
Ash gave it to me. I really liked it. It reminded me of Eiji a bit. He's like the innocent children Holden wants to protect. And it gave me some insights about Eiji's depression and what he's gone through even though Holden's trauma was different."

"Hana...", was all Eiji ended up saying, too stunned by her comment. He exchanged a surprised glance with his mom before they both stared at Hana in disbelief.

Ash smiled at her. "I knew you'd understand why I've given you the book. I'm glad it helped you. I could see you were still worried about Eiji."

"And, how did it go at school?", his mom changed the topic. "Did Ash find you at once?"

"Yes, it was great! My friend Ayumi nearly fainted when seeing Ash. So did all the others. My friends all thought I had made Ash up.", she complained, pouting.
"Now, they'll finally believe me. They all asked me if he was famous or a supermodel.", she chuckled, clearly enjoying herself.

"My teacher looked suspiciously at Ash, though. He kind of stands out with his blonde hair and green eyes. And it's obvious we aren't related. So, Ash talked to her and gave her his most angelic smile. She was utterly defenseless against it. Anyone is.", she added with an amused look at Ash. He grinned at her. "You're exaggerating."

"Oh, and then I just explained to her that he's my brother's boyfriend.", she announced boldly.

Everyone nearly choked on their food at that remark. Hana looked at each of them in surprise.

"What? It's the truth, isn't it? Everyone can see they're in love. They share exactly the same glances as they do in those Korean dramas I watch. They finish each other's sentences, and they wear a necklace with each other's initials. I'm already 14 and not blind, you know?" Eiji stared at his sister, speechless, for a moment.

"You have a pretty smart sister there, Eiji. Be careful.", Max teased him, grinning.
Ibe smiled as well before turning to Eiji. "You really should have known better."

"We've been caught, Eiji. Hana is way smarter than we thought." He grinned at Hana and patted her head affectionately. "We've clearly underestimated you." If Eiji had done that, she would have gotten mad, insisting that she's not a kid anymore. But he was happy that Hana got along so well with Ash.

"Yes, of course, you're right, Hana. I just thought you hadn't realized that yet. What do you think about it?", Eiji asked carefully, a bit anxious about her reaction after just talking with his mom about it.

"I think you look happy, and I like the more confident version of you. You've found your reason to live again. Your depression is gone, and you go to college again. And I got my cheerful brother back. That's all I ever wanted." Hana looked at him and smiled warmly at him.

"My charm has also worked. You found someone you love. And who returns your feelings.", she added, boasting with pride before glancing at Ash. "I read in a book once that love has no race, no gender, no color and no religion. That love is universal, and no one should be excluded from love. I liked that."

"That's a beautiful description, Hana.", Eiji said while tears pricked at his eyes.
"You're such a crybaby, you know?", she chastised him but still smiled softly at him.

"Now that you owe me big time, you can finally keep your promise."

"Which promise?", Eiji asked in confusion, wondering what his little sister was talking about.

"You mean you don't remember?", she asked incredulously. "That's so mean!", she said, pouting at him before turning away from him.

"Hana, that was two years ago.", Ash reminded her in a low voice.

"Was that the promise I gave you right before going to New York? That when I'm back, I'll show you around Tokyo?"

"So, you do remember!", she said, beaming at him. "Mom told me I couldn't go alone."

"Your mom's right, Hana. Tokyo is much bigger than Izumo. Even much bigger than New York. You can easily get lost there. Big cities can be dangerous.", Ash replied seriously.

"Fine, I'll keep my promise. I have to buy a new camera lens anyway and some other equipment that I'll find much easier in Tokyo. What about next weekend? Ash has never been to Tokyo, either. Except for landing at Haneda Airport."

"Yay. Sounds great!" Hana looked at her mom, questioningly.

"If Eiji and Ash go with you, it's fine.", she finally told her. "But you stay together all the time.", his mom warned them sternly.

"So, Max, how long are you staying here?", she changed the topic, realizing that Max and Ibe had remained quiet for some time.

"Just until tomorrow evening." When Max saw sadness flickering across Ash's face for a moment, he added something else. "But I'll be back soon. "And then I'll take Jessica and Michael with me."

"What do you mean by that?", Ash asked in surprise, looking at Eiji. He just shrugged because he had no idea what Max was talking about, either.

"You still haven't told Ash?", Ibe asked incredulously while staring at Max.

"I forgot.", Max admitted reluctantly. "I wanted to tell Ash first, but...", he began.

"The short version is that my wife Jessica and I divorced, but in the end, we realized that we still love each other. We were both close to dying, which probably changed our priorities in life... Anyway, Jessica and I decided to marry again next year. And we wanted to do it here, in Izumo.", Max explained happily.

"It's great that you found each other again. I guess your little son is happy about that, too.", his mom exclaimed cheerfully. Max nodded at her.

"But why did you decide to do it here?", Ash asked in confusion. Eiji smiled at him, giving him an impatient look. "Ash, I think that's fairly obvious; stop being so clueless."

"I want you to be there, Ash. You're my son. Family. And I hoped you'd be my best man together with Ibe. It would mean a lot to Jessica and me if you celebrated this day with us. And to Michael as well. He still remembers you and what you did for him after Jessica... you know...", he let that sentence hang in the air.

"He really does? I thought he wouldn't remember me.", Ash said more to himself. Then, he looked up at Max.

"If it means that much to you, I guess I'll do it.", Ash finally said, smirking at him.

"Great!", Max sat next to him and ruffled his hair. "I knew I could count on my son."

"Stop that, old man! I'm not a kid anymore.", Ash exclaimed, glaring at him before pulling out of the hug. Eiji met Ibe's gaze, and they both burst out laughing.

"Are you really sure you two aren't related?", his mom asked curiously. "You're so alike. Like father and son."

"We're not alike at all!", Max and Ash exclaimed simultaneously while glaring at each other.

His mom grinned at that. "You're even perfectly in sync."

Ash and Max glared at each other for a moment longer before they grinned, too.

"Of course, your family is invited as well, Eri.", Max added. "Jessica would be delighted to meet you. I think she'd like you."

"Then, we'll be there.", she promised him.

"In the meantime, I really hope that you'll keep an eye on Ash for me. He's my son as far as I'm concerned. His big brother was my best friend. I couldn't save his brother during my Army days, but I'm so glad that I could save Ash. He deserves a much better life. Eiji is good for his impulsive behavior. He calms him down and shows him the right path towards happiness. He's just too stubborn for his own good sometimes."

"He got that from his dad.", Eiji grinned at him.

"Don't worry, Max. For me, a family is anyone who loves my family and me unconditionally. So Ash's already a part of my family, too."
She placed a hand on Ash's. "Family requires love, not DNA." Then, she looked at Hana.

"Don't you feel the same?"

As an answer, Hana moved closer to Ash and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before whispering to him:

(Welcome home, oniichan.)

Ash gaped at her in surprise while a small tear ran down his cheek.

I always thought Eiji's mother would know Ash and Eiji were hiding some things from her and would do some research herself.

The one where Eiji and his mom talked about his homosexuality was taken partly from my personal life. I thought his mom would notice that Ash and Eiji are a couple on her own.
In my hometown, homosexuality doesn't really exist (it's really small), so my family needed some time to accept that I live in a part of a bigger city where no one is straight. I thought the same could have happened to Eiji's mom, meaning she had never met LGBTQ people before and therefore would need a bit of time to accept that her son is gay. But that she'd be honest about it and astill love Eiji regardless because she sees her son is happy now.

I hope you'll like this story as well. Please tell me what you think about it here🙂
Your comments always encourage me to write more

The next chapter will be about a trip to Tokyo. Of course, something has to go wrong and before they know it danger lies ahead😏

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This story is placed in a world where Ash does not die and Eiji and doesn't leave to go back to Japan. Ash and Eiji have been dating for a while and...
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(requests are open) One shots, head canons and Scenarios . because I have ideas but they aren't good enough for a full book and because we all love...