PERIM Season 1

By Quahvoo23

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Based on original TCG card game franchise, "Chaotic". Including the animated series comes an all new fanficti... More

Episode 1 Welcome to Perim [Part 1]
Welcome to Perim [Part 2]
Welcome to Perim [Part 3]
Welcome to Perim [Part 4] [Finale]
Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 2]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 4]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 5]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]
Happy Birthday Leo [Part 2] [Finale]
Episode 4 New Legend of Perim [Part 1]

Episode 3 Happy Birthday Leo [Part 1]

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By Quahvoo23

At Kiru City

It was a beautiful, full of fresh air, peace and quite. In the morning, at 10 am, Leo woke up and felt happier knowing that it's his 12th birthday. He gets up, brush his teeth, and sees his father sleeping on his bed. But he decided not to wake him up. Tangath, Vitog, Maxxor, Najarin, and Tartarek have worked to decorate his birthday setup and he has huge bag under his eyes knowing that he felt more tired. 

"Oh my goodness!! I can't believe its my birthday!! I'm now 12!!" Leo looked around the house full of so many decorate spread across the hallway as well. "Wow!! He really worked so hard on making decorations for me." said Leon smiling in shocked.

"I wanna see what present do I got on the table." said Leo excited as he starts to see his present on the table.

When he did, he saw full of Atari games along with the game system. And also the ancient book of Perim. He was more shocked as his eyes are widened in amazement.

"OH MY GOSH!! SO MANY ATARI GAMES!!! AND A BOOK OF ANCIENT PERIM??? AWESOME!!" said Leon as he squeals in joy.

Tangath finally gets up, stretch, brush his teeth, and went to the living room where his son's at. He smiles happily seeing his son getting more excited. He walks towards the kitchen and making his son's breakfast. The breakfast he's making was pankcake, eggs, and spicy sausage. 

"Well, good morning son. And happy birthday." said Tangath smiling as he starts to set up the breakfast. 

"Aww thanks dad!! I've finally reach to 12!!" Leo smiled.

"I know, boy. It's a good thing me and my friends finally decorate the house. And one more thing, I told Vitog saying he'll take you and his son "Riq" to the movie theater, watching "Lightyear" movie. Then second, he'll take you boys to Flying Squirrel, you know, a place full of trampoline. The movie which is one of your favorite movie called "Lightyear" (2022). Then third, Basket N' Robins for you to give some ice creams. And finally he'll take you back home once me, Maxxor, Intress, Emerald, Opal, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Yokkis, and the rest of the Overworlders will meet you with more presents at night." Tangath Toborn explain smiling.

"Okay pap. I can't wait to go very soon. I can just watch tv and I wonder what's on." said Leo, shooking his head.

And so he use the remote control and press the power button. He went to see what channels do they have. And luckily Power Rangers, one of his favorite show was on at Nick Toons. He sits down the couch and watch it and wait until his father calls him for breakfast. 

When suddenly the house phone ringed which caught Tangath and his son's attention. Tangath gets the phone and sees the 406-899-9154 which was Najarin's castle phone number. He called him.

"Hello?? Najarin!! Hey!! How Are You Doing??" said Tangath smiling with his eyes widened.

"Greetings Tangath. So glad to meet you." said Najarin smiling.

"Me too Najarin, me too. Now why did you call me for??" asked Tangath 

Before Najarin explains, Tangath quickly interrupted with huge smile on his face. "Don't tell me. It's my son's birthday you're about to say." 

"Yes!! How did you know??" Najarin blinked.

"Huh, lucky guess. And besides, it's definitely gonna be great once I'll prepare something special. I got a birthday cake for Leo. So there's much more plenty for you and all the overworlds coming to visit tonight." Tangath chuckles.

"Oh, yes. I can't wait to visit your house to see Leo, now that he's 12." said Najarin.

"Totally agreeing there. So, Najarin. What is it that you call me for, now that is my son's birthday." 

"I just want to say that I'm glad me and Tartarek got the early present for him just in case. But soon enough the others are coming for more presents in the afternoon. What about you, Tangath? Did you get the presents for your son?"

When he said that, Tangath's eyes began to widen in shock as he forgot to get his son's presents. The reason why Tangath forgot for his son's birthday was because of Yokkis's pranks from one month ago. The present he was giving for his son was a "Guitar". He didn't have time to get him because the store was closed because of Yokkis's evil pranks from the last episode, "Prank Gone Wrong". He only got caught up by focusing to protect the Overworlders along with the warriors. That's what snap him for remembrance today. After Yokkis got defeated and transform back to normal. The entire Perim was safe once more. He and his friends were decorating his house which was last night. But what he forgot was the main present he was giving for his son's present. 


"Tangath?? Tangath you didn't answer me. What's wrong??" Najarin was confused knowing that Tangath hasn't answer.

Tangath secretly turning away from his son and start telling Najarin a secret.

"Hey, Najarin, can you whisper for now?? I have something awful news." Tangath sighed.

"Let me guess. You forgot to buy a guitar for him after Yokkis's defeated two days ago??" Najarin shook his head.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" Tangath eyes widened as he screams in whisper.

"Just some lucky guess. Tangath, did your son already realize something?" said Najarin with whisper.

"Nope. Luckily, thank Perim he didn't recognize when he came to the living room while I still slept." 

Tangath turns to Leo, still watching TV on the couch.

Najarin felt relief after hearing Tangath's answer.

"Good. Tangath, you've got to think of a way on how to keep stalling him before he notices."

"Not to worry. Vitog will be here soon once he's here to pick up Leo and his son on going to the theater of watching Lightyear movie during the trip." Tangath grins.

"Good. I'll tell Maxxor, Garv, and Tartarek about this. Maybe we'll help you on a trip to the store far away to find a special guitar for Leo."

"Thanks, Najarin. But I do need more help as well. I'll also need Arias, Frafdo, and Viqtarr just in case for back up. Because the road where the guitar is in the store will be far away. Once Leo's gone with the two I'll head back to pick you guys up for the mission." said Tangath, scratching his head. 

"Okay. Then it settle. I'll see you once you arrive." Najarin nodded his head, agreeing.

"Alright. I'll see you later, Najarin." said Tangath, smiling as he and Najarin both hung up.

After Tangath have finally finish making breakfast, he called his son knowing that breakfast is ready. He happily jumps off the couch and jump on the chair as Tangath gave him a delicious food. He start eating and enjoys the meal. Tangath smile begins to fade away in worry now that he forgot to give his son's guitar (even though he forgot at that time). He started to feel regret knowing that he couldn't help but blame himself. He just hopes that he'll set things right once he buys the special gift for his son's birthday.

12:45 PM 

Two hours have passed and Tangath heard a bell ringing. He gets up and walks towards the door and it's none other than Vitog and his son Riq holding his father's hands. He smiles as he greets them. They both hugged as friends. Tangath secretly told Vitog in his ears and told him about everything that he forgot to get a present for his son's birthday. Vitog's eyes widened before he turn to him as he understands. He'll do anything for his old friend (Even though they were once foes from the old timeline.)

"Don't worry, Tangath. Your secrets safe with me." said Vitog winks, after whispering to Tangath.

Leo walks in and see his old friend, Riq as he smiles happily and walk towards him. 

"Riq!! I'm so glad you're here." Leo smiles in happy.

"Hi Leo!! I wanna say Happy Birthday!" Riq smiles as he hugs him.

"Thanks Riq! It's so nice for you and your dad to drop by!" 

"Yeah! But hey, can you believe we're about to see "Lightyear" in the theaters?"

"Oh yeah! I can't wait to see the movie!" 

"That's right!"

And so Vitog and Tangath shook their hands as they say good bye to each other as he, his son and Tangath's son went into Vitog's car. Tangath smiles and waves his cub goodbye as they drove away from avenue. Tangath felt relief now that he's ready to go towards his car and drive an opposite direction to find Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Arias, Frafdo, and Viqtarr at the Kiru City.

At Kiru City

Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Arias, Frafdo, and Viqtarr were standing out of the castle and wait for Tangath to arrive.

"I sure hope Tangath better arrive here. I've heard the message from you, Najarin, that he forgot his son's present." said Garv, feeling bad for Tangath.

"I'm glad you did, Garv. He did told me that he'll be here for 12:45 PM, so I could sense that he's coming for about 2 minutes." said Najarin

"Huh!! 2 minutes, eh?? I'm surprised you got some psychic in ya, Najarin. You might come in handy as a great and all mighty wizard. Of course you're already a wizard that is. I'm just impressed on how you'll know he'll be here." said Arias as he turns to Najarin with smirks on his face.

"He does have a point there." said Frafdo agreeing.

"Oh totally." said Viqtarr agreeing as well.

"Of course Najarin's a psychic person. So am I. I'm also a psychic turtle of knowing my guts, as well." said Tartarek giggling. 

"Hey guys. I could see him at the distance. Get ready cause I think he's gonna pull over." said Maxxor pointing to the distance where Tangath's car at.

Tangath have finally made it to Kiru City and and pull a brake as he pulls towards them slowly. He rolled down his window and smiles.

"Hey there, guys. I've finally arrive." said Tangath smiling.

"Glad to see you again, Tangath. We've got you and Najarin's message and realize you forgot to get your son's present." said Maxxor as he and the rest of them walks in Tangath's car and gets in.

"Yeah, I know. I was too busy of protecting the people in Kiru City, all because of Yokkis's pranks from last month ago." said Tangath frowning.

"Yep. Back in Episode 3 "Prank Gone Wrong"  Part 1-6." said Frafdo as he mentioned the episode past. 

"And after all it did took a long road for Najarin, Tartarek, Garv and Maxxor along with the rest of the guys to get here with the plants."  Viqtarr pouts in disappointment while still remembering the past.

"Yeah, we know. And we're sorry again for taking so long during our mission. We don't want to talk about after what happened to us. We met one of our old friend named, Funkdo. He's the guardian who showed us the plants after we do the awful and horrific training in order to become the pranksters." said Garv, before he shutters in disgust while still remembering those torture and disturbing past.

Frafdo's eyes widened in shocked as he realize of why they took so long during their journey while their still in danger by Yokkis's pranks.


"Trust us. You all don't want to know." said Maxxor as he close his eyes and shook his head.

"Oh yeah. I agree with Maxxor. It's better that we don't want to talk about it after what just happened." said Tartarek, shutters in disgust.

"But anyways, now that you're here, Tangath, we should start heading far away road towards the store and find that sword for your son, Leo. And by the way, has he left along with Vitog and his son Riq on the theater??"

"Yep. He left along with them before I drove to find you guys here." Tangath smiled.

"That's good! Then let's head towards the store as fast as possible before night." said Garv.

And so Tangath begin to drove away from Kiru City and travel a long road to find a store. He only knew that it's not too late once they return back to his house. 

It took a while as they travel to the road. Frafdo is of course flying as he follows them on the road. It's been soon long enough to find a a store.

Tangath calls Frafdo on the radio while focusing on the road. 

"Frafdo. Do you see any store coming by???" asked Tangath.

"Yep. I can see the store head. It's actually far away distance for about... 50 miles." said Frafdo as he let out a sigh.

"50 MILES??" said Tangath as he let out rage.

"A-Huh. I think it's gonna took a long way to get there. Sorry for the news, Tangath." said Frafdo as he frowns.

"It's alright, Frafdo. Thanks for telling me." said Tangath as he and Frafdo both hung up.

"Well, this stinks. Looks like we're gonna wait once we get to the store." said Viqtarr pouting back the seat along with Arias. 

"Yeah, never thought it was the time to find where is at." said Arias as he puts his elbow on the door. 

"The store is of course gonna take 50 miles but not to worry. We will hurry back. At least Leo is starting to having fun along with Vitog and his son Riq." said Maxxor, turning to them.

So they still drive on the road while Frafdo was still flying and follow them.

Meanwhile At Perim Theatre 

Vitog, his son Riq, and his friend's son Leo have finally arrive on the theatre. He carefully parked on the parking lot along with the cars. After that he turn of the car as he took out his keys and put it in his backpack. He turns to the boys and smiles.

"Okay boys, here we are. Now does any one of you have to go use the bathroom first before we head to watch Lightyear movie??" said Vitog smiling

"Yeah dad. I want to go cause I might of drank the whole water." said Riq as he raised his hand. 

"What about you Birthday Cub?? Are you gonna go too??" Vitog turns to Leo.

"Actually I'm going too along with Riq now that you mention it." said Leo as he blush.

"Alright then. Let's get out of the car as soon as possible." said Vitog

"Okay." Leo and Riq both spoke at the same time as they get up out of the door and walks but stop when they see another car coming. 

And so they they walk around carefully while they reach to the door and open as they went in. They went inside and as Vitog let them go on use the bathroom. 

"Now, I'll go get the ticket while you boys are in the bathroom, okay?" said Vitog smiling

"Sure thing, dad." said Riq smiling as he and Leo goes to the bathroom. 

Vitog chuckles as he walks back to the line. A few seconds later he finally got towards the cashier as he walks in to them. He saw Xaerv who works at the theatre.

"Oh!! Hi there Vitog!! Glad to see you here!! Also I saw your son and Leo along with you. Did they go to the bathroom?" said  Xaerv.

"Yeah. They went to the bathroom. Anyways we're here to go see the movie Lightyear. What time does it start after the whole trailer." said Vitog.

"Well since you're all right on time. It's 1:25 so the movie will start at 2:45 once its starting." Xaerv explains to him.

Vitog sigh in relief. "AHH!! YES!! So now anyways, I got the three popcorn buckets so I'll need more popcorn there just in case." said Vitog as he takes the three bucket on to Xaerv.

"Okay, I'm on it." said Xaerv as he takes each bucket to fill up the popcorn before he takes another one.

Afterwards he takes back to Vitog as he gives him a three tickets.

"Okay, there you go. Oh!! And I got to tell you where "Lightyear" movie's at. You guys go to the right, then to the first left and when you see the title on the top side of the door, that's where you'll find them." said Xaerv as he mentioned it.

"Okay, Xaerv, thanks for the tip. I guess I'll be seeing you once the movie ends." said Vitog smiling as he walks away towards the bathroom and saw Leo and his son Riq out as they sit in the couch waiting for him.

"Sure thing, bud. I'll be seeing ya." Xaerv wave at Vitog seeing him and the boys walk away towards the hallways.

"Okay, boys. I'll show you where the movies at." said Vitog after the boys hops out of the couch and begin to walk through hallways as they walk to the right, then to the left as they finally reach to the title beside the door. 

And when they found it the boys eyes widened as they smiles and jumps towards the door. 

"Boys!! slow down!!" said Vitog as they go in the door and find the seat.

They saw some Overworlders sitting on the chair as they look on the humongous screen. They found the seat upstairs as they go on top and sits on chairs comfortable. They soon enjoys the trailers before the movie start. Vitog gave them two each popcorn full of half salt and butter. Riq and Leo decided not to eat and drink soda as they wait when the movie starts.

Meanwhile at the road

Tangath, Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Arias, and Viqtarr are still driving. Frafdo saws the store coming closer to them as he smiles. He holds his phone and calls the guys for the good news. They heard a phone ringing at the radio. Tangath press the call as he calls Frafdo.

"What is it, Frafdo?? Are we closer to the store???" said Tangath Toborn.

"You bet ya!! We're finally closer then we thought." said Frafdo as he smiles

"YES!! As soon as we go to the store everything will be fine once we return back to my house." said Tangath smiles relief.

"AWW, MAN!! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!! I CAN"T WAIT TO GET THIS OVER WITH!!" said Viqtarr as he almost slept and blinked his eyes.

"Oh yeah!! Who knew that road might took so long. We almost slept during the ride." said Arias as he almost slept along with him.

"Don't worry, guys. We'll be back before Vitog and the kids shows up." said Tangath smiling.

After they finally reach to the store they were happy as they get out after Tangath parks the car in the parking lot as he takes his key out and puts his pocket. 

"AHHH!! Fresh air!!" said Viqtarr as he and Arias begins to stretch.

"Well, it's been a long road now. We'll have to find a sword and get out." said Arias smiling

"Okay, guys, let's go to the store as soon as possible." said Tangath.

But unfortunately, as when they're about to go towards the store, there's so many people lining up to go inside. Their eyes are widened in shocked as they saw many people. They couldn't believe in they're own eyes. Looks like they'll have no choice but to wait before the line ends.


Maxxor facepalm as he rubs off his face and sighed.

"Well, looks like we'll have to go on the line and wait. This is such a fuckin waste of time." said Maxxor as he growls.

And so they decided to do so. Tangath couldn't believe it either. First he forgot to get his son's birthday and now what's even worst is that he has to face the line. He gulped and begins to follow them, walking towards the line. 

Meanwhile at the theatre

Vitog, Riq and Leo still enjoys the movie very well as they're eating popcorn and drink soda. This scene was more intense. The scene where Buzz begins to fight against Zurg during mission. They were more shocked and excited as they saw the battle going on. 

"WOW!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!" Leo whispers in joy.

"I KNOW, RIGHT? WHAT A GREAT BATTLE!!" Riq whisper as he agrees with Leo.

"Huh, you know, it's quite not that bad at all, ever. This movie really, and I mean REALLY turns out amazing than I thought." said Vitog smiling of seeing battle scene right in front of him.

They do enjoy watching Lightyear (2022). They have no idea this was actually a great plot, great characters, and most of all great editing along with amazing 3d animation. 

4:57 PM

And so, hours have passed after the movie ends. The three went out as they're happily were in shocked after they saw the movie. Leo can't wait to tell his father about what happened. The boys were much happier than before. Vitog was more happy for seeing his son Riq feeling more happy than ever. Especially seeing Leo more happy, since it's now his birthday. He went back to see Xaerv again. Xaerv smiles for seeing him and the boys coming back after the movie ends.

"Well, hello there Vitog!! How was the movie???" said Xaerv smiling as he see the three returning.

"Oh, it was hyped up awesome!! The boys definitely enjoys it!!" said Vitog smiling when he walks towards him.

"Well, I'm so glad you did. So, what're you guys going to do afterwards now that the movie's over???" asked Xaerv.

"The next thing we're going is "Flying Squirrel". Then after that, we're going to the "Basket N Robins" to go get some Ice Creams for each of us. And of course the coconut, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry mix cake for Leo's birthday." Vitog explains to him.

Vitog came closer to Xaerv and speak towards his ears while telling him a secret. Like Tangath did to him while telling him about it. 

"And just between you and me. Tangath forgot to get a guitar for his son's birthday after Yokkis's defeat. So which means he left his house to go towards the store while buying it for him." Vitog whisper his ears.

Xaerv's eyes widened in shocked. He have no idea this has happened to Tangath, now he felt bad for him.

"Oh My Goodness!! He forgot to get his son's present??? That's Awful!! I hope he'll return fast before you guys travel back." Xaerv's in shocked.

"Yeah, me too. So please. Don't ever tell anyone about this. Cause since today's Leo's birthday, I have to do this for my old friend while he's out there buying something special for his son." 

"Oh sure!! I won't even dare spill the beans. Just to let you know that my lips are sealed. And I wish I could be here with you guys but sadly, I'll be staying here until 10:15 PM at night." said Xaerv as he frowns.

"I see. But Don't worry, Xaerv. At least you'll give him a present for that candy on the bottom that is." said Vitog; as he points to the glass of where the candies are.

"OH RIGHT!! OF COURSE!!!" Xaerv felt stupid and laughs.

"Hey, Leo! Can you come in and pick the candies for your birthday??" said Vitog as Leo walks towards Xaerv and saw the candies.

"Oh sure! Let's see I'll pick Recess, Twix, and, Skitters. I'll have to eat candy for each day, you know?" said Leo as he choose the candies.

"Alright. Excellent choice." Xaerv opens the lid as he picks three each Recess, Twix, and Skitters and gave it to him.

"That'll be about $15, please." 

Vitog gave him a $15 as they begin to break conversation and waves at Xaerv and leave out of the theatre.

And so up next will be Flying Squirrel as they're excited of playing on every trampolines around the corner. 

"Okay, boys. Up next will be Flying Squirrel. Aren't you excited to play there???" said Vitog smiling.

"Oh yeah!! This is gonna be fun!! I can't believe after we watch the Lightyear movie. And most of all the story was so epic and drama!!" said Riq as he smiles.

"I know, right?? It was quite the best battle I've never seen in my life. Wait until I tell dad about this. He'll be so impressed once he hears it." said Leo in amazed in joy.

And so they finally went to the Flying Squirrel. They hop out of the car and go there. It was a beautiful afternoon with the sun shining down on them along with a clear sky. And so as they went in and Vitog goes to the cashier as they're having a conversation about the rules. After the rules, the boys put on Flying Squirrel socks as they go running upstairs and start jumping on each and every trampoline around the place. Vitog looked at them with smiling on his face. He walks on upstairs and saw the chairs as he sits down seeing them playing. But when suddenly his cell phone ringed as he takes out of his pocket and see who calls him. It was none other than Tangath Toborn by his phone cell number, 406-896-3769. He calls him to see what's going on.

"Hi, Tangath. What's going on???" said Vitog smiling but on the inside he's worried.

Tangath let out a sigh with his low tone. "Hey, Vitog. The reason I call you is that there's much more problem going on around the store." 

"What do you mean there's a problem in the store?" said Vitog; skeptically.

"Well, you see, there's so many people on the line. Which means I won't be back on time before the line ends." said Tangath as he frowns.


"I don't know, Vitog. But the good news is that we're almost in the stores as the others are out." said Tangath for the good news.

"PHEW!!! Well, that's a good news for ya. I'm sorry to hear that, Tangath. I'm sure you'll be back once this whole drama is done. And don't worry. I promise I'll make sure I'll keep stalling your son while you and the guys are finally reaching inside." said Vitog smiling in relief.

"Thank you, Vitog. I knew I can count on you as a friend. And I'm glad that me and the guys can't wait to go in the store, fast. So I guess, I'll call you once everything's all set and done." Tangath smiles.

"Okay, Tangath. I'll be seeing you. You be careful, old friend." said Vitog as he and Tangath both hung up on their phones. 

Back at the Store

Tangath Toborn, Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Arias, Frafdo, and Viqtarr have waited this long. As soon as possible they finally made it inside the store and they begin to felt relief. After that, Tangath runs around fast to find the guitar. The guys quickly followed him as they finally found it. They found the store where the guitar and full of instrumental, even mugics are called "MUGIC TO MUSIC INC. Tangath's eyes widened as he went in and saw an unknown beaver creature who looked like Olkiex. He's more buff and also handsome. Tangath goes towards the unknown creature as he greets him. 

"Hello there, sir. I'm Tangath Toborn and these are Maxxor, Najarin, Garv, Tartarek, Frafdo, Arias, and Viqtarr." said Tangath as he manly introduce the unknown creature to them.

"Hello there." said Maxxor greeting.

"Greetings sir." said Najarin greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you." said Garv greeting.

"Hello." said Tartarek greeting.

"Hi there." said Frafdo greeting.

"Sup." said Arias greeting

"Hey." said Viqtarr greeting.

"Well, Well, Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all. My name's "Owarni".

 And I'm here to give you a new instrument of MUGIC to MUSIC for a backup. Now what brings you here for a reason." said Owarni; as he greets them smiling.

"The reason we're here is cause I need a guitar for my son named, Leo. You see it's my son's birthday. And I want to give him something special before I head back." Tangath explained.

"Oh ho, ho, well you've got the right guy over here. Here I'll show you many guitars you could choose and pick." said Owarni as he gets up and takes Tangath to all mugic and instruments.

"We'll wait for you here Tangath." Said Maxxor.

And so Owarni takes Tangath far down the lair bunker as he shows him. Tangath was more shocked than ever when he saw so many swords on the walls. He walks towards the guitars as he researches to find a better one.

"This is amazing. How on Perim did you make so many mugics???" said Tangath as he walks around and sees so many instruments.

"Well mate, I've got some sleeves I want to create. After all the MUGIC to MUSIC got so much equipment. Such as, water, earth, fire, air, and even the magic. You can pick as much as you want, I don't care." said Owarni as he explained.

"I think I'll buy this one. I'm sure my son will love it once he sees it." said Tangath as he choose both elements of fire, lightning, and magic guitar. 

"Excellent Mate!! Now that'll be $250." said Owarni smiling

Tangath gives Owarni $250 as he smiles. They went back upstairs to see Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Frafdo, Arias, and Viqtarr. Owarni gives him a bill and gives him a warning to take care of a sentient guitar. 

"So mate?? Are you sure you're gonna take care of that guitar?" said Owarni smirking.

"No worries, Owarni. I'll make sure it will be safe once again. After all, it's my son's birthday, remember?? So soon enough he'll learn to play with it no less." said Tangath grabs the large rectangular box where the guitar is in.

"I see that now." Owarni sighed knowing that everything will be okay.

"Oh but wait, Owarni!! Before we leave, you look quite familiar that we know someone in our Kiru City." said Arias as he sees Owarni features knowing that he look just like Olkiex as they both agree with him.

"Huh??? I look familiar with someone in your home??? What do ya mean by that???" Owarni looks confused trying to think what they're talking about.

"Well you see, all your features and your looks and most of all your four arms as well. You look completely just like one of ours in Kiru City." said Garv.

Owarni starts to murmured trying to know what they looked at his features for a reason. "Hmm. My features, my looks, my four arms. Who were they talking about?" When suddenly, Owarni's eyes widened as he knows why they look him as familiar. 

"OHH!!! YOU MEAN OLKIEX!!!" said Owarni as he turns to them and smiles.

They were both shocked. Did he just know Olkiex??? They couldn't believe in their ears.


"Well you see mate, me and Olkiex were.... actually brothers." said Owarni as he frowns when he remember his lost brother.

They were more shocked again when they hear that. Did he just said that they're brothers??



Owarni sighed and frowned when he heard him say that. His brother had never told them about his family members?

"I knew it. He haven't told you all about me, didn't he??" Owarni frowns and felt broke.

"He didn't told us about you??? Why?? What Happened?? Is there something going on with you two??" said Tartarek.

"Actually, when you put it that way, yes. Yes it is." said Owarni still frowning as he continues to tell his story.

After explaining to them for about 25 minutes, Owarni let out a sad sigh, remembering the past back in the day along with his brother.

"I just don't understand of why does this whole drama existed. All I try is to speak to him on the phone to see if he's okay, but he didn't answer me. I just wished that he could return for me. And realize some mistake." Owarni still frowns.

Tangath, Maxxor, Najarin, Tartarek, Garv, Arias, Frafdo, and Viqtarr now had their sad expression on their face. They couldn't believe what they just heard. They felt more bad to see him this way. They have no idea of why this happened. No wonder Olkiex never told them about his brother before.

Tangath walks towards him and pats his shoulder. "Owarni, we're so sorry. We have no idea of why this actually happen to you guys."

Owarni turns his head towards him smiling. "It's alright mate, sometimes I know Olkiex didn't mean to leave me. He's probably still thinking about me when he's in Kiru City with you guys."

"Yeah, come to think of it I saw him look unhappy for his birthday over the years." said Maxxor.

"No wonder he's upset all the time for his birthday!!" Arias gasped.

"You know what Owarni, hopefully on next birthday for Olkiex, we might as well pick you up on a trip to see him again." Maxxor had an idea as he smiles.

Owarni begins to smile with that idea.

"Yeah, That might be a great idea!!" said Owarni feeling relief.

And so after all conversation they had with Owarni, they begin to leave out of his store as they wave him with smiles on his face to let him know they'll return to see him. They head back to the car after checking. And now they're finally on their way for Tangath and his son, Leo's house. Hopefully not too late.

"It's not over yet readers. The next part will be back once we return for my son's guitar." said Tangath breaking the fourth wall. 

"He's right guys, to be continued is part 2. So sit back and enjoy the next plot." said Maxxor breaking the fourth wall too. 

To Be Continued...

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