Dracula and Her Darling

By Deuk_Deuki

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Before Lisa could muddle out a reply, the sharp fangs of the women above her sinked into her neck making her... More



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By Deuk_Deuki

Lisa trembled the next moment when she felt his dangerous eyes on her, ready to charge and rip her apart. 

Jennie turned around and placed a kiss on Lisa's nose, "I want you to turn around and sit behind that big rock over there" she gestured to a gigantic boulder behind Lisa, way more enough to cover her cowering body. 

"Close your eyes and cover your ears, don't peek, and don't listen, okay?" she said. 

Lisa hesitantly nodded and did as she was told, hurriedly turned her back around and went behind the big rock. She sat down on her butt and brought her knees to her chest and closed her eyes, with her hands covering her ear. 

She stayed in that position seeing nothing but the darkness of her eyelids. Despite having her ears covered, she can still hear muffled sounds in the background. Although she's trying not to, her instincts forced her to listen and pay attention to those sounds. 

Lisa feels herself shaking, afraid of the present moment of her staying behind this rock and how Jennie is possibly fighting that beast. She felt her heart pinch at the thought of her getting hurt. 

But she's strong, right? She will be fine, right? Deep down something tells Lisa that Jennie will be fine, but that worry just won't go away. 

A full moon. 

The nights where the radiating bright round orb hangs itself there for everyone to see, it empowers some of the strong, to be stronger. 

Werewolves in particular, on the those nights, with the help of the moon they become stronger, bigger, more ferocious, more deadly. Of course sweet little Lisa isn't one to be aware of those knowledges. She was taught the basics of human anatomy, but none of those creatures of super beings. 

But Jennie, the colour of her blood as the staple of her identity, her power, only stands her ground in front of what would usually be a mere fly. 

But the moon is showing it's entire self tonight, and Jennie has not had her fill of what is keeping her life force in a very long time. She's weak, and her opponent even if it's just tonight, is in one of his strongest times of his life. 

Jennie told Lisa to hid behind the rock because even if, she can take him out easy, she didn't want the girl to see her ferocious side. 

A side of Jennie where she becomes merciless, and cold enough to kill without batting an eyelash. 

Seconds by seconds the sun is setting a little bit more by each. Wonho leaped off the branch and flew to the rock where Lisa was crouching behind, and reached for the spec of blonde he saw. But before he could get anywhere close to touching her, Jennie suddenly appeared in front of him, and swatted his face with the back of her hand causing him to fly back and crash into a sturdy trunk of a big tree. Wonho gasped at the harsh contact, the more than one metre thick tree slowly snapped in half and his body dropped down to the floor, he was shaking and struggling to get up. He tried to use his elbows for support, but a sudden sharp pain in his stomach caused him to collapsed again and violently coughed out blood. 

"Argh! *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH*" he coughed and groaned at the pain. That crash probably caused him about 5 broken ribs, a shattered spine, grade three concussion and punctured organs. 

He saw black shoes step on the dirt floor in his sight, and he looked up. With his yellow eyes, he met what usually would be a blood coloured red, in it's darker shade because of her thirst and quench for food

She leaned down, and slowly brushed her finger against his left eye, circling around and around the eyeball that was Wonho's only source to see the light come to day every morning. 

Jennie focused her nail in the centre of Wonho's yellow iris and the latter widened his eyes in fear, "You talked so big, look at you right now. Pathetic" Jennie said as she inched her finger slowly into Wonho's left eye. The guy on the floor would've usually screamed and begged for mercy, but instead a cocky smirk grew on his face. 

"Don't you think you've been too focused on me, have you forgotten I have other members in the clan? Look behind you," Wonho said. 

Jennie froze, if someone came she would've known, she would've heard them and felt their presence. But Lisa- 

She whipped her head around to see nothing, except for the pitch black of darkness from the sunless sky. And so she missed the devious smile that grew on the wounded man's face. 

She felt a force come up at an amazing speed to her face and she jumped back, but she was still too late. The werewolf managed to land his attack and there are three giant claw marks leading from the side of her neck to her jaw, black liquid dripping out from each. 

Jennie clenched her jaw, it's been a long time since someone was able to land a hit on her. 

"Tsk tsk tsk," Wonho chastised with his tongue, as he slowly got up from the floor as if the pain was non existent. 

"Too long, Ms. Kim. You took too long to finish me off. And falling for such a pathetic trick, *sigh*, you've become blunt and stupid" Wonho smirked. 

"I'm sure you know how fast werewolves heal, just like vampires. But you guys still, heal faster than us. This moon" he looked and pointed at the sky, "Will be my saviour tonight" he smiled. 

Jennie just stood in silence, black blood dripping from the gigantic claws marks running up her neck. The wounds are starting to close, but upon usual, this type of wound would've healed completely in a matter of minutes. But her regeneration abilities have weakened massively since her unintended fasting of blood. 

She would be lying if she said she wasn't tired in the slightest bit. The energy taken from her body used to heal the open skin on her neck and jaw is beginning to take a tole on her. 

"This society we live in today, I never agreed with it. Humans mixing with vampires, werewolves, elves and everyone else in a peaceful manner? It's all BULLSHIT! Hunters will always be hunters, we eat, feast, and feed on humans. That's the law of nature, it's in our instincts, our blood, it's who we are! Your father made a mistake by bringing change to that rule. Marrying the princess to  create a united nation," Wonho rolled his eyes, "I'm disappointed" he said.

"And now you, your nature, ancestry all rubbed off on a human, food" he spat the word with venom. 

He started transforming, and in about 5 seconds he was in his original form. But with the help of the full moon tonight he was massive than ever. In less than a second he disappeared from where he was standing and appeared behind Jennie, throwing an attack with his massive claws. Jennie managed to dodge it, but just like before, it was close. Another wound ripped down her body, this time the gigantic claw marks ran across from her right shoulder down to the centre of her back. 

Jennie gritted her teeth as she breathed heavily. She's losing a lot of blood, and her previous wound has just began it's finishing to touch to the healing process. A sudden blur ran across her eyes, and she clenched her fist digging her nails into the palm of her hand to wake her up. 

Wonho looked at her and brought a hand up to his mouth, his eyes, both the seeing one and hollow space turning into a moon shape when he suddenly snickered "Ekekekeke."

"Look at you, what happened? Don't tell me you stopped eating too" Wonho snickered again. 

"I'll be generous enough to help you get your mind set straight. I should eat that girl, she must be delicious," he licked his big, slobbery tongue across his snout. 

Jennie's fist loosened. 

"She's quite petite but there's still quite the bit of meat on her. I can just imagine that juicy, tender flesh melting in my mou- ARGH!" Wonho choked out suddenly, grasping onto the hand that single handedly lifted his feet off the floor in a matter of less than a second. 

He choked and struggled at the tightening grip on his neck, choking and spazzing out saliva scratching at the arm that's supporting him off the floor. 

In front of him Jennie's head was tilted slightly, her eyes wide open with that same colour of red. But this time it was different, it was more dangerous, there was more of the desire to kill. She looked completely different from before. Blood continued to drip off of Jennie's back, staining her shirt and dripping onto the floor. But the wounds seemed to not have an effect on her no more. She was no longer tired, instead, she was the exact opposite. The strength she felt at that moment staring at the suffocating face of the werewolf who she had yet choked to death who made her picture Lisa being eaten by him. She hated it. She was furious. 

She tightened her grip even more and the werewolves body began to struggle, squirm and kicking the air. His eyes began to flip and turn white as his tongue can no longer be kept in his mouth. Choking sounds erupted as he desperately wanted the hand off his throat to let go, his blood flow was cutoff and air pipe was bursted. 

Jennie's grip was so tight her fingers started digging into the neck's flesh, red blood spazzing out from the sides. She continued to look at him with those red eyes of hers wide open, fingers digging deeper and deeper into the neck. And at last, the neck bursted from her grip and Wonho's head fell off of his body. 

Jennie looked down at his detached head from his body, blood oozing out the opening to the inter of his body. Instead of walking around of stepping over the dead body, she stepped on the head on her way bursting it as she walked towards the rock where Lisa was. 

When she reached the rock, she looked behind it. There was Lisa, doing as she was told with her hands up to her ear and her eyes closed. Jennie crouched down to look at her, Lisa's breathing was steady as her chest rose up and down, letting out a small sound not quite big enough to be called a snore. 

She was asleep. 

Jennie took of her jacket and wiped off her bloody right hand from bursting off the werewolves head. Once the the blood was wiped off as much as she could she tossed away the jacket on the floor, leaving a metallic scent on her pale hand. She sneaked an arm behind Lisa's back and her hand held onto the girls shoulder. Jennie placed her other hand and arm under Lisa's knee, and lifted her up. 

Jennie looked at the girl's peaceful state as she was asleep. Falling asleep in a situation like that, she must've been so exhausted her body forced her into shut down mood. 

And like that, Jennie carried her back to the mansion. 

Lisa's POV

Darkness, that's all I see. 

My eyes are closed, have I been sleeping? 

I struggled to open my eyes, my eyelids fluttered at the sight of such bright light from the sun.

I let out a deep sigh as I enjoyed sinking into the softness below me, my head placed on such comfortable surface. I turned around to lay on my right side as I stuffed my face into the pillow breathing in the nice scent. 

It smells like her. 

It took me about five seconds to realize. When I did, I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes fully to look around at the view in front of me. 

This is her room. 

"So you're awake" a voice said. 

I jerked under the soft sheets as I quickly turned around and winced as my sore muscles spazzed, and pain shot through my body. My eyes widened when I saw her sit on a chair beside the bed. 

"M-Master Jennie." 

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