All I Want For Christmas / BT...

By tamzen7991

348 52 3

Isabel's coworker takes her wish to spend one perfect night with Kim Taehyung a little too much to heart. Chr... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

75 5 0
By tamzen7991

"Isabel what are you doing tonight?" her cubicle mate leans over the half wall tapping on top of her monitor to get her attention. Isabel looks up at her, distracted from the spreadsheet on the screen.

"What? Oh, nothing really. None of my family live in Seoul so it'll just be me at home for Christmas Eve." She frowns a little bit but it doesn't really bother her anymore. It's been a few years since she moved away from home for university and holidays are always spent working now that she's finally landed a good entry level job. It's soul sucking, but it's the right step on the ladder her parents expect her to be on.

"What are you up to?"she asks, not fully interested in her response.

Chloe smiles broadly. "Oh you know me, I'll have three or four parties lined up and of course then Park Jimin  will show up at my door in a big red ribbon and nothing else," she teases.

Isabel smirks. "Yeah right. You wish."

"Oh I really do." She smiles staring off into the distance in a dreamy state.

"Maybe next year," Isabel comforts her, teasing her more. She glances over at the picture she has of BTS on the side of her monitor and smiles thinking about them. She and Chloe bonded on day one, four months ago when Chloe saw her BTS pictures. They've  been close workmates ever since, having lunch together when they get a break, although they've yet to socialize outside of work. She marks off a few notes on a pad of paper and she stares back at the figures on the screen.

"If you could have one Christmas wish, anything in the world, what would it be?" Chloe rests her head on her hands on top of the monitor.

"Huh?" Isabel has stopped paying attention.

"You know, like if a Genie came out of a bottle, and granted you one wish what would it be?"

"Obviously more wishes right," she says still double checking the figures.

"Everyone says that but I'm pretty sure all Genies have an unwritten rule that 'more wishes' is non applicable." She rolls her eyes. "Seriously, what would you wish?"

Isabel looks up from her monitor and thinks for a moment, her eyes squinting as she plays over different options, then her eyes fall to a picture she has of V, looking devastatingly handsome in a black velvet suit jacket and white ruffled collar.

"Hmm," she smiles thinking of something. She looks up at Chloe who is waiting anxiously for her response. " I guess if I had one Christmas wish, I'd have one perfect evening alone in a room with Kim Taehyung." She smirks to herself thinking about it.

"Oh is that all?" She waves it off.

"Is that all? That's a pretty good wish," Isabel protests.

"But one night? I would have thought you were the romance type and would want to marry him or something."

"I don't want to be greedy. One night would be enough." She gets a devilish glint in her eye as she thinks about it.

"Really?" Chloe thinks for a moment, watching Isabel go back to her work. "Maybe you'll get your wish." She smiles and sits back down at her desk. Isabel returns to the spreadsheet, finding her error and correcting it, relieved. One less thing to worry about at night, at home on her own.

A few hours later, Isabel is still sat working on her reports when Chloe pops back up over the side of the cubicle.

"Hey I'm leaving early to run an errand. Can you meet me tonight at 6? It's important." She has a serious look on her face. Isabel is confused.

"Why what's going on?" She stares up at her.

"Just say you'll meet me, it won't take long I promise." She pouts.

"Ok," Isabel says sounding unsure. "But I don't want to stay out too late." She warns.

"I'll text you the address at 530, just come straight from work," she whispers looking around to make sure no one is listening. Isabel nods, frowning a little at the subterfuge.

Chloe has never invited her out. She's had lunch with her a few times a week, but that's it. It seems oddly timed and she wonders if she's not being set up on some sort of blind date. But, if she is, would that be so bad? She hasn't had a boyfriend in almost a year and it sure would be nice to have a man look at her in that way. All the men she's met since starting this new job look at her as a threat since she is the youngest hire in the department and she has the best degree. None of them would even consider asking her out and she works too many hours to meet anyone outside of work.

She sighs. Whatever Chloe has planned it's got to be better than sitting alone in her apartment eating Ramyeon for one on Christmas Eve.  She looks back over the stack of papers with figures she still has to compare against the spreadsheet and gets back to work.

She's spent most of the afternoon correcting errors made by others, and few of her own, to finish the report before she can leave for the holiday. She only has one day off work, but she may as well be at work since that day will be spent alone, sitting around her apartment staring at the TV or her phone. Still, it will be nice to sleep in and not to have to get dressed for work, her skirt is too tight to be sat down all day, and she hates wearing this much make up but she was told by her boss during her interview that she was expected to dress professionally. He said this while eyeing her in a disappointed manner. She had thought she was dressed up, so he obviously was making a statement that he expected something a little more from her.

As she turns off her monitor, she waves a goodbye to her pictures of BTS, feeling silly doing it, but there's no one else around to say goodbye, and Merry Christmas to, everyone else having left right at 5 to rush off to their homes or friends. She grabs her long coat and her purse and heads to the elevator. Just as the doors open, she gets a text from Chloe with an unknown location in Itaewon. 'Oh great, she wants to go clubbing and get mugged,' Isabel rolls her eyes. But she did promise to meet her, so she hails a taxi in front of her building and heads to the address.

As the taxi comes to a stop on the darkened street, she looks out the window to see a dark warehouse, with no sign of what the business is.

"Are you sure this is the address?" the driver asks, dubious.

Isabel checks her phone again, its the same address. "Can you wait a moment while I text to make sure?" He nods, watching her in the rearview mirror. She begins texting Chloe: 'I'm out front, what is this place?'

A message returns: 'Great, almost ready, come to the side door!'

"Thank you for waiting, this is the place." She bows her head to him as she gets out of the car. She looks around the dark street; empty storefronts, closed, warehouses, the only sounds are that of people far in the distance, laughing and shouting with friends at clubs in the more popular streets.

She turns and watches the taxi drive off around the corner, now alone on the street and instantly regretting agreeing to this. 'I guess this isn't a blind date, unless she's planning on having him murder me,' she thinks to herself. She steps toward the side of the building, even darker than the front. She creeps slowly along the wall until she sees the outline of a steel door. She tentatively tries the handle, it's locked. She knocks quietly. There is no response. She looks around, feeling very uneasy being in this area alone, and hoping someone will open the door. She knocks louder and she hears the door being unlocked. She steps back quickly as it's swung open. A tall man in military camouflage stands in front of her. She stares up at him, unsure whether to be terrified or relieved.

"You Isabel?" he grunts, staring down at her blankly. She nods slowly. "Then get in!" he demands, holding the door open wider as he looks around the street behind her. She gulps hard, takes one last look back to the empty street, and slowly walks passed him into the building.

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