~the night of the full moon~

By az1029383756

1.2K 65 4

~sterek~ *we can't be together* *who is going to stop us? huh?* *Stiles, you know that if you stay with me yo... More

~the end of our pack~
~the cabin~
~a long ride~
~like a 5 year old~
~phone calls~
~not a single word~
~the lake~
~stronger than anyone~
~what do I do?~
~let's talk~
new profile

~what's wrong ?~

111 4 0
By az1029383756

The sun was shining through Stiles' window once again waking him up from his deep sleep.

The boy opened his eyes slightly rubbing them right after trying to get the tiredness out of them.

Getting up from his bed he realised that he was still dressed with his previous day's clothes.

Stiles decided to take a shower before going out to find Derek.

You might wonder "why would Stiles want to find Derek?"

Well the reason is not for him to fuck him, that's for sure.

Well not yet anyway.

The eighteen year old boy just wanted to ask Derek for advice on what he should do about the pack separating.

He knew that Derek has been through this before, the destroyed pack being his own family.

So after the shower the brunet took his keys making his way to the blue jeep.

After a few minutes of driving, the boy could see the old, burned down Hale house in the distance.

Stopping the car in front of the house he realized that something was off.

Not quite sure what the problem was he decided to step closer only to find the door opened.

When the honey-brown eyed boy stepped inside the house he was greeted by the unconscious body of Derek Hale.

Stiles: What... happened...?

Derek had passed out his nose a little bloody and his shirt ripped making his torso exposed.

Stiles went a bit closer trying to examine Derek.

When he approached the black haired man and got his face close to other's, only then he realised the mistake he made to get that close to him.


Let's just say that Derek woke up and head bumped him hard enough to make him stumble back.

Stiles: ohh God.

The werewolf gasped for air his breaths uneven and his skin paler than usual.

Stiles: fuck.. I think you just gave me a concussion.

Derek got up quickly grabbing Stiles' arm in the process stabilizing himself.

Derek: run..

The word came out as a whisper making Stiles ask the man infront of him what he said.

Stiles: what?

Derek: RUN.

The both of them run out of the house and into the woods taking sharp breaths in the process.

When they finally came to a stop the brunet had the chance to ask the question that he kept inside of him for quite a while.


Derek: Someone is after me and Scott.

The boy placed a hand over his chest trying to find his pulse making sure he is not going to die due to luck of oxygen in his lungs.

Stiles: w-who is?

Derek: The only thing I know about them is that they are a very rare kind of werewolfs.

After a second or two Derek added.

Derek: we need to find a place to hide.

Something clicked inside Stiles' head and he started talking.

Stiles: go get your stuff while I go get Scott. Be quick. Get whatever you think is going to be in good use. Don't tell anyone about this.

Derek didn't ask he just started running back to the house while Stiles passed towards his jeep getting his keys out quickly and driving to Scott's place.

When he approached Scott's place he banged on the door as hard as he could.

Sweat started to form on his forehead and his hands starting to tremble a little.


The door opened revealing an eighteen year old alpha.

Stiles: pack your things we need to go...

Scott: go where?

Stiles: Scott for the love of God just listen to me.

Stiles eventually got Scott to get in the car with much struggle.

Scott: Can you explain what happened now?

The brunet looked at his best friend liking his lips before explaining what happened before finally pulling into the Hale house gravel road.

The black haired man reached the jeep getting in the passenger's seat making Scott get in the back.

Derek: so where are we going?

Stiles: we are going to my family's cabin in the woods.

As the car started and the gravel rubbed with the tyres making a noise alarming the two werewolfs to put their seat belts on.

Stiles: this is going to be a long ride.


So this is the second chapter of my book.

I really hope you liked it.

If you have anything to ask me about the future of the book you can leave a comment for me to read.

Love you


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