๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ž? | ๐œ๐ก๏ฟฝ...

By soulcrs

39.9K 780 209

"๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’ ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ, ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ค ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘๐‘’" a ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ fanfiction... More

what are we.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8


1K 25 36
By soulcrs

𝟮𝟰𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿

it's christmas eve and i still haven't talked to chase. avani, anthony, nessa, dixie, josh, griffin and i are sitting in our apartment blaring music as we drink alcohol and eat pizza from our favourite delivery place.

"we're down five but i would say we've got a pretty good team here" avani grins before laying her head against anthony.

"i wouldn't want to be spending christmas with anyone else" dixie adds as she pulls me into a side hug.

"there's 20 minutes till it's officially christmas" i say while taking a sip of my vodka.

we all separate into our own conversations. griffin and dixie are talking about some noah guy, josh and anthony are talking about who knows what and avani, nessa and i are talking about tiktok and how toxic everything is getting. that is until madi comes sprinting through the door.

"c-chase is o-n h-is wa-y" she says trying to catch her breath.

"you could have just sent a text you know. you didn't have to run here" griffin says raising his eyebrows.

"well there's m-ore. chris cheated on m-e, bryce l-eft addi, also uhm chase k-kissed cynthia"  madi says causing everybody's face to drop.

"h-he" charli mumbles before breaking down in dixies arms.

"I SWEAR I AM GONNA KILL THAT BITCH!" avani screams as she storms over to the apartment door. at the exact right time she swings the door open revealing chase.

"omg what happened in here" he asks referencing charli and madi who are curled up in the girls arms as they cry there eyes out.

"your responsible for one of them" anthony says as he walks up behind avani.

"let me guess, this is because i slept with lauren kettering?" chase asks shocking everyone a little more.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" avani screams before lunging herself at him.

"oh shit" josh whispers as he runs over to the door.

it took many people and about 5 minutes but they finally got avani away from chase. lets just say his face isn't going to be looking so good for awhile. josh shoves chase out the door and slams it immediately. griffin grabs the key and locks the door in hope no one else will bother us.

"thanks av" i say throwing my arms around avani with tears still streaming down my face.

"he's not worth your time baby" she says, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"guys i know this isn't the best timing but, it's christmas" dixie says with a soft smile.

"it's perfect timing" i walk over to the window and trail avani along with me.

"omg it's snowing" she whispers mesmerised by the white particles falling from the sky.

i take her hand and everyone else gathers around the window. anthony of course puts his arms around avani, josh and griffin do the same for there girlfriends and madi wraps hers around me which causes me to let out a giggle, i guess moving isn't that bad after all.


"CHARLI CHARLI! WAKE UP! ITS CHRISTMAS!" an excited amber jumps into my arms.

i watch as avani and anthony drag themselves to my door. the dark circles u see under their eyes tell me that they were definitely the last to sleep last night.

"come on! come on!" amber jumps up and grabs my hand before dragging me to the livingroom.

i see stacks and stacks of presents, now i know why they were up so late. i scan the room and my face lights up when i see a huge pile with my name on it. amber and i both look at eachother before letting out a squeal as we jump up and down.

"everybody else bought presents for you too but you'll get them when they come for dinner" avani smiles at our reactions.

"can we open them?!" amber squeals again.

"go for it" anthony replies making our faces light up.

we open and open our presents while avani and anthony sit on the couch watching us like we're their children, well one actually is but still they look like a married couple.

"you wanna go bring out the gifts we bought them?" i whisper over to amber. she nods so we both stand up.

"we need to go grab something" amber giggles as we run into my bedroom.

she picks up. an envelope and i grab the giant box. we come walking out and see there eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"merry christmas" i say softly.

amber hands them the envelope and i place the box infront of them. avani opens the envelope first and squeals as soon as she pulls it out.

"it's tickets to our favourite fashion show!" avani squeaks with excitement.

they both pull us into there arms.

"thank you! thank you! thank you!" she says ecstatic.

"you know you didn't have to get us anything" anthony says with a smile.

"well there's more" amber giggles.

i pull away from the hug and sit next to avani while amber sits on anthony's lap. they pull open the box and reveal a slushy machine. both there mouths drop open and avani hugs me once again.

"i love it so much, thank you bae" she whispers for only me to hear.

"you've done so much for me it's the least i could do, plus amber had fun finding presents with me" i whisper into her hair.

we hear the door open and pull away.

"auntie ness and uncle josh are here" nessa announces excited.

we watch as amber runs into their arms.

"uncle josh! come see what i got!" amber exclaims as she pulls josh over next to the christmas tree.

"so how's it going so far?" nessa asks as she places down the presents and sits on the arm chair next to us.

"for our first christmas with technically two children i would say we did a pretty good job" avani says happy with herself.

"two?" nessa questions.

"you know half of these presents are charlis" anthony chuckles.

i allow a cheeky grin to grow on my face.

"i want to be your child" nessa sighs.

"well actually wait right here" avani smiles as so walks into her and anthony's bedroom.

she comes walking back out with a huge gift bag and a medium sized one. she hands the huge one to nessa and the other one to josh. the smile on there faces grows 10 times bigger. nessa throws the tissue paper out the way and peaks inside.

"NO YOU DIDNT" she cries.

tears drip down her face as she pulls out a chanel bag. my mouth makes an o shape as i touch the black leather.

"omg it's gorgeous" she says as tears still drop down her face.

she throws herself in avanis arms.

"not gonna lie it was more anthony's idea than mine" she smiles.

nessa then hugs anthony as tight as possible.

"there's still more you know" avani says making nessa jump back up.

she scurries over to the gift bag once again and pulls out the next layer.

"oh my fucking god" she whispers pulling out the shoe box.

she slowly opens it to reveal the grey air jordans she had been wanting for a long time.

"i love you two so much right now" she says as tears form in her eyes again.

"there's one more thing" avani says with a smile.

nessa takes off the last layer of wrapping paper to see a magazine. not just any magazine, vogue.

"YOU GOT ME ON THE COVER OF VOGUE" she screams as she balls her eyes out.

this has been her dream for her whole entire life. it's her life goal and now it's completed. she lunges herself on both of them as the tears cover their pyjama shirts.

"merry christmas ness" they both say in sync.

"you guys have out done my gift for her already" josh says scratching the back of his head.

we all let out a small chuckle before anthony and josh are dragged into playing barbies with amber.


avani and i are setting up the dinner table when once again the door opens. we all turn around to see dixie, griffin, madi and addison. we decided to invite them after last night.

"hello and welcome to your christmas at the reeves house" i say emerging from the kitchen.

everybody lets out a laugh before amber also drags griffin into playing barbies. the girls all follow me to the kitchen but put their presents down on the way.

"hello mrs reeves" addison jokes.

"hello miss rae" avani giggles.

we sit ourselves around the kitchen island trying to help avani cook but also just being annoying and talking.

"dix your cutting these up" avani demands as she slides the board, knife and potato's over to dixie.

"ness your on washing duty" she then says before throwing a dish towel at nessa.

"addi here's some carrots" she passes addison a knife and the carrots.

"char your a good chef so you can fix these potatoes but mashed instead" she passes me everything needed.

"mads baby your decorating these cookies so here" avani finshes instructing madi and goes back to making the main stuff.

after awhile most of the food is ready so we're sent out to set the table which we do and then of course everyone is called to come sit as avani serves us the food. once she sits down literally everybody starts scoffing down the food. like wow this girl can cook.

we all sit there for awhile and just talk about everything from breakups to family to tiktok, everything possible. i'm in the middle of a conversation with nessa when there's knock on the door. everyone's conversations die so on curiosity i get up and walk over to the door. i check the peep hole to see no one there, i open the door and still no one. as i'm about to close the door i see a gift bag sat on the door mat, i pick it up and read the tag.

"dear charli, love from chase"

even just knowing he still bought me a gift or even thought of me makes my heart skip a beat. i walk back inside and close the door. i take the small bag over to the couch and untie the ribbon shaped like a bow that holds it closed. i see a card and take that out first. i slowly open it to see a paragraph inside.

"hi charles, i know your still mad at me but i couldn't not buy you a christmas gift. ive learned so much from you even if i haven't known you for long. this was supposed to be our first christmas together but once again i ruined it. i'm not expecting anything back or even for you to talk to me but i just want you to know i miss you, also when desert comes out always remember to take some extra sugar cookies. avani only makes them once a year and they're the best things you could ever eat. anyways i hope you have the best christmas and i hope you like your gift. uhm i love you.."

every part i read brings more tears to my eyes and before i know it i'm practically sobbing. i hear footsteps coming from behind me but chose to ignore them. i pick up the first small white box and open it. i see an engraved silver ring, on the outside it had a gorgeous design and on the inside it is engraved our initials.

"c + c"

i allow myself to giggle while the tears still drop. i slip the ring on my finger and pick up the next box. this one is a dark shade of blue. i open it up to see a sliver necklace that has also been permanently engraved but this time with the words:

"i'll love you forever"

i begin sobbing once again. the footsteps come closer.

"baby what happened?" thank goodness it's just avani.

"i- i uhm.. i st-ill l-l-love him" i cry as she pulls me into her arms.

she kisses my forehead before speaking.

"char i know what he did was absolutely unbelievable but you love eachother, follow your heart for once" she sighs.

"i need to go find him and tell him i love him" i come to a realisation and spring into the air.

"ant were going out for a little bit we will be quick i promise!" avani shouts opening the door. i give her a greatfull smile and run straight to the elevator.

omg i'm actually gonna tell him i love him.


merry christmas loves 💗💗

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