chapter 5

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~avanis pov~
i am honestly scared to see charli and anthony's reactions. amelie and nick already know cause like they were there when this all went down. "so basically..." i start. "ages ago me and chase dated.." i saw the confused look on charlis face but the angry look on anthony's while amelie and nick laughed to themselves. "it was early summer 2019, since we had been friends for so long i asked him to my prom" i continue. anthony's face changes to a more kind look. "i took it the wrong way and thought she liked me. so later on i kissed her and asked her to be my girlfriend" chase adds. "it was actually really cute. you should of saw it" amelie says giggling. "ignore they two. they still want us together" i glare pat them. "anyways i then said yes and we dated for a while until cynthia came along, then nessa and then here we are now" i say using a lot of hand gestures. "so you two wouldn't of broke up if it wasn't for cynthia and nessa?" charli asks going quite pale. "i don't know... it was a long time ago. we were just kids" chase says giving charli a hopeful smile. she looks sad, disappointed every bad feeling right now and if i'm honest i don't know how to help.
~charlis pov~
i just keep telling myself over and over "it's ok charli, breathe". i don't know why i feel like this. it's not like i have feelings for chase. i honestly don't know what to do. i don't wanna stay here but i can't go home, my parents are out and i can't face dixie by myself. i just grab my phone and house keys and run. i just keep going until i get to the bottom of the drive way i just break down. i hear foot steps coming towards me. i expect to see avani or chase but no, it's just anthony. he sits down next to me. "look, i understand you probably hate me but i understand how your feeling" he says rubbing my back. "i don't hate you. your here because you were fighting against your own friends earlier for us" i say smiling slightly. "want me to drive you home?" he offers. "our parents are out and i'm not staying alone with dixie" i sigh. "here" he hands me a set of keys and i make a confused face. "they go to amelies apartment" he says not making me any less confused.
"i will take you there and you can stay there"  he says slower to help he understand. "so we're just gonna break in?" i ask still confused as hell. "of course not. i'll go tell her cause i'm guessing you don't wanna go back in there" he says standing up. "you guessed correct" he helps me up and i get into his car while he goes back inside. i see him come back outside around 2 minutes later with chase following behind him. " i thought you were just gonna tell amelie" i ask annoyed.
"i didn't know he was eavesdropping" anthony complains. "chase i don't wanna talk to you right now" i say trying to stay calm. "charli, i don't even understand your so mad at me. it's not like you like me or anything!" chase shouts. "anthony can we please go now" i say holding back tears and anger. no one else says anything. anthony just pulls out the driveway and drives us to a very nice set of apartments. we both get out and before he can say anything i just hug him. he hugs me back and we stay like that for a minute until i pull away. "thank you so much" i say still with some tears escaping to eyes. "you know who to call when you need anything" he smiles at me. he starts to walk away until i say "anthony" he turns around "yes, charls" i laugh a little and continue "tell avani you like her" i smile he returns it. "i wish i could but it's not that easy" he sighs. "i understand" i also sigh. "well goodnight anyways" he waves getting in the car. "goodnight ant" i say and he laughs at me then drives away. i start walking into the apartments when i get a text from amelie.

ams🦋- go to apartment 103 on the 4th floor

charls🥺- thanks ams, i love you

ams🦋-love you too charls

i get into the elevator and click the number 4. after only around 30 seconds we stop. ugh who's getting in the elevator at 1am. they walk in and i see griffin. that's dixies crush and friend. i just stand silently in the corner hoping he doesn't recognise me. he's been over quiet a few times so that scares me more. "why are you here charli?" he asks turning around to look at me. "going to a friends" i gulp. "amelie isn't home. she's supposed to be at a sleepover with you" he says testing me. "that's why i'm here" i say shaking. "so your breaking in?" he asks surprised. "no. i have a key" i hold up the key. then the elevator stops. i start walking out without looking down until griffin puts his hand in front of me. "look down" he states. i look down to see we've stopped in between floors. if he didn't stop me i would be dead right down. that hole goes straight down to who knows where. i jump back and start to freak out. "charli calm" down he says calm. "why are you even being nice to me. i thought u hated me" my voice echos. "char the only reason i hang out with horrible people like them is cause i am in love with you sister" he fights back without raising his voice. "shouldn't she love you no matter who you hang out with?" i ask calming down a little. "i wish but nessa has her wrapped around her finger and told her different" he says annoyed. "did you help beat up anthony, nick and you know earlier" i couldn't even say his name. "of course not. but what i want to know is why you can't say 'you knows' name" he questions me. "i found out him and avani used to date and that's why i'm no longer at the sleepover. anthony dropped me off here" i look down. "are you gonna fight for him?" griffin asks. "who exactly am i fighting with?" i ask confused. "avani, dumbass" he replies smirking. "avani is in love with anthony, dumbass" i mock him. we're stuck in there for a little longer until the fire department comes. i hear a knock on the elevator. "hello?" griffin says a little confused. "hi there sir. we're going to have to burst open the door so if you and anyone else in there please huddle in the back right corner" the man says in a deep voice. "on it sir" griffin smiles slightly at me. "you go in the back cause i would never forgive myself if something happened to you" he says calmly. i walk into the corner and griffin comes infrot of me to shield me. "we're ready sir!" griffin yells when suddenly a crowbar comes full speed through the middle of the door. i jump a bit. "jeez, no warnings?" we both laugh. "how many people do we have in here?" the man says looking through the small gap just big enough for our bodies to fit through. "just two" i say coming out from behind griffin. "who's coming out first?" the man asks. "she will" griffin pushes me forwards a little. "char, don't look down when your going" griffin whispers to me. i nod and sit down with my feet hanging out. i have to aleast get my waist out so they can grab me but it's such a long drop. we end up doing hit so griffin has to hold my hands to keep me from falling while i slide out. the man lifts me down and griffin jumps down after me. we thank him and walk back up the stairs. "bye char char" he says while he hugs me. "bye grif" i say then we part our ways. i make it to amelies apartment to see my phone screen packed with notifications. the only one i reply to is amelies letting her know what happened. i then shut my phone off and drift of to sleep.
i wake up to my phone blowing up like crazy again. i thought i put it on silent last night. i rub my eyes and reach for my phone. i see many messages, amelie is at lunch with addison, dixie saying i'm grounded. griffin must of told her. and avani and chase saying their outside. WAIT. LIKE OUTSIDE HERE. i run and look out the window to see avani opening the main building door with her key. of course she has a fricken key! i quickly put the chain on the door and jump back in bed to fake sleep. i love them so much and i don't know why i'm so mad but i can't let them see me like this. i've got tear stained cheeks. my eyes are all red and puffy. just as i'm thinking i hear the chain fall. i close my eyes and try to make it look real. i hear footsteps coming next to the bed, i feel them grab my hand. they then go down and kiss my forehead. i instantly know it's avani as soon as her hair touched my face. "hey charls, i know your asleep but i just want to say i'm sorry and i don't know why i didn't tell you. i guess i just thought it wouldn't matter but yet here i am explaining it. i love you to infinity angel and will do anything for you to forgive me" i hear her silent cry and start to leave. i grab her hand and open my eyes letting her know i'm awake. "i love you to infinity too ava and i forgive you" i give her a big smile and she hugs me. "want me to send chase in?" she asks me. i nod and she kisses my forehead then leaves. i hear him open the door and i look up. i get out of bed and the only thing i want to do is hug him. before i do he picks me up and spins me around. i giggle and he chuckles. he puts me down and we both sit on the bed. "can we go back to being best friends again?" he asks giving me a nervous smile. "of course we can" i give him a smile in return. we hug again then walk out to see avani making pancakes. we laugh at her failing miserably . "hey! i'm a great chef and plus what else were we gonna eat, a mouldy yogurt?" she says offended. "let me help" i say walking over and taking the pan. i pour pancake mix on and let it cook for a little. i then flip it and see both of their amazed faces. i make a few more and serve them onto three plates. i drizzle sauces over them and slide them along the table. we all the. stuff our faces with pancakes without even saying a word. "oh my goddd, they were so goooddd" avani says taking a sip of her water. "i know righttt" chase agrees. "well you know i am the best" i say all cocky and flip my hair. we all have a little laugh then decide to leave amelies house. we walk outside the building and along the street a little when avani says "i'm gonna have to go meet up with anthony, see you guys later?". "ofc. go get your man" i say teasing her. "he's not my man.......yet" she says winking at us and walking off. "bye!" me and chase shout. she waves back and walks into the distance. "so, what do you wanna do?" chase asks me. i think for a minute but then squeal out "dunkin!". "i'll take you to dunkin child. come on" he says laughing at my excitement. after walking for a little we reach dunkin. "iced coffee?" chase asks as we walk up to the counter. "you know me to well" i say when we reach the counter. we order but the person serving us keeps checking me out. not gonna lie he's cute but like... i think i already like someone else... chase then snaps me out my thoughts. "oh, sorry" i say looking him in the eyes. "your fine bubs" he laughs a little. "bubs?" i ask. "that's your new nickname". he replies with making me smile.

I like your Skechers, you like me my Gucci shoes
I'll buy you the purse, only if you show me your boobs
I like your Skechers
You like me too

|song of the chapter-
sketchers by dripreport|

sorry i know i haven't posted in ages but this chapter is really long to try make up for it. also thank uuuuu, this story is number 6 on #chacha so thank u so much yall. i love u angels, i'll post soon 🥺🤍🥰

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