Publicity (One Direction Fanf...


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How would you feel if you were hired to date someone... Someone you hate. Harry and Ashlynn dont get on very... More

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)
Heartbreak is the worst
Here She Is...
Settling into America
Taking the Blow
This will only work one way...
Pretending Isnt Easy
The Truth Hurts
Dates, drama, departure
People to Talk to Are All We Need
Christmas Spirit
We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.
Piece of My Heart
Our Relationship Shouldn't Be A Decision?
I dont deserve this
This Will Always Be Hard
Wrong Timing
What Is It Going To Take?
Author's Note
Authors Note~~~
Back To Normal
I Just Met You
Dang You Do Have It Bad
Well Shit...
Meet Kat...

This Is Going To Be Different

2.7K 34 2

Ok kind of just a filler chapter here.  I kind of wrote this one based on the way I feel Perrie Eleanor and Dani might feel sometimes.  If I ever saw them in person on a date with one of the guys, I dont think I'd interuppt to be honest.  I;d just take pictures from afar.  They deserve their alone time too.  Anywho, hope you enjoy this chapter!  It has a semi cute ending! (((: 



Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"Ashlynn!?  You coming with us, or meeting as at the venue later!?"  Harry called to me from our hotel rooms kitchen.  I was in the bedroom getting ready for the boys show tonight.  I planned on going with them, until I put on my leather boots, and the heel broke off.  Lucky freaking me! 

I pouted as I walked into the kitchen.  The heel in one hand, my poor boot in the other.  "Looks like your going shopping then meeting us there yes?" Harry quirked an eyebrow at me, and chuckled.  I nodded, my bottom lip jutted out.  

"Awww, it'll be ok love.  I'll bet you can find boots even cuter! "  Harry laughed, pulling me into a quick hug and kissing my forehead. 

"well you ought to get going before Liam comes in here and drags you to the car." I giggled, sitting myself onto one of the metal barstools.  Harry laughed at my comment.  

"Your probably right!  I'll see you at 6:00 then?" Harry asked, putting on his coat.  I nodded in response as he gave me a quick peck on the lips before heading out the door.  I sat in the silence of the room, before sliding off my stool. I walked to my room and threw on a pair of black boots.  They didnt go well with the outfit but I didnt have much of a choice.  I was wearing a purple flowy shirt with a see through back.  I matched it with a pair of dark skinny jeans, and hopefully a new pair of brown leather boots.  I grabbed my purse, and pea coat, and slipped out the door.  

I decdied Barny's or sacs would be a good place to start, but catching a cab at this hour was going to be impossible, so I decided to walk.  Sacs was only a few blocks away.  I began to strut down the busy street, as a flash startled me.  I looked back to see three paps following close behind.  I ducked my head and tried walk faster.  Seriously?  Why do they want pictures of me?  My boyfriends the famous one!

Suddenly the photograhpers began asking me questions, and ran in front of me.  I tried to walk around them, but I couldnt do it.  "ASHLYNN ASHLYNN WHERES HARRY!?"  


 "ASHLYNN SMILE FOR US!" They yelled and yelled, but all I could do was ignore them.  I quickly sent a text to Harry asking what exactly I should do.  I'v never had to deal with this before.  

To:  "Boyfriend" 

Ummm I've got like 3 paps following me.  They're asking questions and taking pictures.  What should I do?

I pressed send and continued to walk to my destination.  Suddenly, a group of teenage girls spotted me as well.  Great.  They ran over asking for pictures and hugs.  I hugged a few of them, but rejected the pictures.  I was relieved to feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. 

From:  "Boyfriend" 

Where are you going?  I'll bring a guard to you. 

Really?  I'd never had to have a body guard before.  I guess thats just what comes along with "dating" A popstar.  I told Harry where I was going, and slipped my phone into my purse.  By now there were atleast 15 teen girls following me asking for pictures and hugs, and even Harry's number!  Sorry love, but thats mine! 

Photographers were shouting out random questions all around.  I was on the verge of tears, just from merely being stressed out.  How the hell do the boys deal with this on a daily basis!?   I let out a sigh of relief as I spotted sacs, and I hurriedly entered the store.  The security didnt allow the fans and paps in.  

"Sorry about that." I apologized to one of the guards.  As I wiped my eyes and fluffed my hair.

"No problem miss.  Did you need help finding anything?" The guard asked.  A tiny man in a black suit approached the two of us as well.  

"Hello mam, could we help you with somthing?" He asked.  I read his name tag.  Ted. 

"Um yes actually, could you tell me where the shoes department is?" I asked nicely, thankful for the polite workers.  Finally some normal people that didnt want pictures and autographs.  

"Ofcourse, its right down the escelator and to the right.  We'll have a team of guards down there making sure the peace is kept." He smiled  

"Thank you!  And my boyfriend is actually on his was to meet me here.  Harry Styles is his name.  Could you tell him where I am?" I asked, knowing Harry wouldnt have the first idea where to go.  

"Ofcourse mam!  Happy shopping!" Ted scurried off in the opposite direction, and I headed to the escelator.  Sure enough, the shoes were directly to the right as I walked off the moving stairs.  

"Hello mam, could I help you with somthing today!?"  An employee of the shoes department asked.  I looked down at her tag as well, finding her name was Julie.  

"Yes please, I was looking for a pair of tan leather boots.  Do you have any in stock?" I asked Julie. 

"We sure do!  We just got a new shipment in this morning as a metter of fact!" She clapped her hands, before turning around and guiding me to a wall filled with boots.  

"Its my lucky day then!" I giggled, in love with all of the shoes.  But one pair caught my eyes.  They were tall and a light brown color, with a buckle at the top and bottom.  The zipper was on the inside of the boot so it wasnt noticable, and they had a 3 inch heel.  

"I love those too."  The clerk smiled at me.  She must have noticed me staring at the amazing shoe.

 "Size?" She asked me, breaking me from my trance.  

"7 1/2 "  I said.  She scurried off to the back room, looking for my size.  I took a seat in one of the many open chairs, and noticed another little girl and her friend taking a picture of me.  

All of this sudden attention was a little overwhelming.  Ever since the announcment of me and Harry, I havent really been out much in public, except with the boys, which ofcourse were filled with paps and fans.  But I didnt expect to have all of this attention on my own.  I sighed, giving up on trying to hide my face.  

"Having a hard time?"  a very familiar voice rang from behind me.  I jumped up, and turned to find Harry behind me.  Thank God!  

"Finally!" I sighed a sigh of relief, giving him a big hug.  He chuckled, and squeezed me back.  

"Aw!" The two girls from earlier were fan girling from afar.  Harry laughed and went over to say hello, leaving me with a very large man.  

"Erm... hi." I gave him an awkward smile.  The man burst into laughter.  

"hello, I'm jimmy.  I'll be walking around with you, keeping away any crazy fans or paps." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake.  I grasped it, and noticed just how big it was.  My tiny fingers looked like sticks compared to his.  

"So I hear you've had a hard day today?  Mr. Styles says he wants me too keep both eyes on you.  Its not to big of a deal.  I'll keep myself on the down low, and only pull my body guard face on when neccessary!" Jimmy continued.  I just nodded, thinking about my recent panic attack as i was being attacked by fans and flashes.  

"I specifiaclly requested Jimmy here.  I told them I wanted my best for you." harry chuckled, joining the two of us again.  

"mam, I have your sh-" Julie walked back into the store, and stopped as soon as she saw Harry.

 "Oh, Hello!"  The middle aged lady greeted him.  

"afternoon." Harry nodded with a dimply smile.  I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness.  

"Your... your Harry Styles right?  My daughter has the biggest crush on you and your band mates." Julie laughed, handing me the box of boots.  

"Oh thats nice!  Whats her name?" Harry asked, politley conversing with the woman as I tried on my dream boots.  They fit like a glove!  I smiled brightly, standing up and modeling them for Jimmy.

"Theyre lovely!"  He laughed, and helped me do a twirl!   How exciting!  I love new shoes!

"Kary.  She's 16.  She's got posters of you all scattered all around teh house!" Julie laughed., answering Harry's question. 

"Would you mind if I got a picture of you?  She'd never believe me if I told her you came to my store today." The employee asked.  Harry nodded, and stepped back as Julie took her phone out.  

"She'll be so excited!"  Julie clapped, after snapping the photo. 

"I love them!"  I chirped, showing my boots to Harry.  

"They look lovely!  We'll take them." Harry told the lady.  She nodded, and walked over to the check out counter.  Harry helped me out of the boots, and took them over to Julie as I put my shoes back on.  I joined them when I was done.  Julie was just handing Harry the bag as I approached them.  

"Thanks again for the picture!!"  The lady smiled.  

"Anytime!  And thank your daughter for her support!  We'de be nowhere without her!"  Harry nodded a goodbye, and we walked out of the store.  Jimmy following.  

"Mr. Styles.  Hood up please." Jimmy asked as we reached the exit of sacs.  

"Oh right!  I almost forgot!" Harry laughed, throwing his hood up.  He wrapped and arm around my shoulder, halfway blocking my face.  

"we've got to hurry back.  The boys were just getting ready for sound check." Harry said, tugging me through all of the people.  We scurried along the sidewalk, keeping our heads low.  

"HARRY!" A shrill voice screamed.  I felt my 'boyfriend' tense up as the girl screamed his name.  He slowly turned to find a red headed girl giggling with her blonde friend.  They didnt look a day over 9 years old.  

"OHMYGOSH!  ITS ASHLYNN TOO!"  The blonde screamed.  Their mother was standing behind them, a secure hand on their shoulders.  

"Hello lovelies." Harry smiled, squatting down.  The ginger jumped in his arms, hugging him tightly.  The blonde girl ran to me.  

"Your the prettiest girl in the world!  I wanna look like you when I get old!" She giggled, hugging my waist.  I knelt down and smiled to her.  I loved Harry's fans like these.  It reminded me that some people are still nice.  

"Thats so sweet, but your beautiful too!  I wish I'd looked like you when I was little!" I laughed, tucking a peice of hair behind her ears.  

"You mean that!?" She gasped, looking absolutly shocked.  I giggled and nodded.  She threw her arms around my neck, and started to cry.  Cry!  I couldnt believe what big of an impact I made on this little girl, never the less the impact Harry was making!  One Direction really could change someones lives just by meeting them!  

"Mrs. Stegway, are you ready to continue?" Jimmy asked, holding out a hand to help me to my feet.  I nodded, and gave the little girl a hug goodbye.  I could hear them fangirling as we walked away.  

"She liked you!" Harry laughed, poking my cheek.  

"Yeah, I guess she did." 

Harry's P.O.V.

I hated that my fans had caused Ashlynn so much trouble today, but she seemed to be feeling a bit better  now.  It'll take some time for her to get used to all the attention, but I had no doubts that she could handle it.

When she got here, Lou surprised her with Heidi.  I knew she was glad to have someone to keep her company while we were getting ready for the show.  Right now though, I had her all to myself.  Our opening acts were on, and the mates and  I had a little free time before it was our turn on stage.  I decided to spend mine with Ashlynn.  She was tossing grapes into my mouth from across the room.  "YEAH!" She cheered when one landed right in my motuh.  "VICTORY!" I screamed, running to her and picking her up.  We laughed at the dramatic reaction we were causing.  I finally sat down on the couch, pulling her into my lap.  

"You excited?" She asked me.  

"Yeah, I always get all jittery before a show.  I love it." I chuckled, thinking about how excited I always got before going onstage.  

"I think its nice you boys dont ever forget how lucky you are.  You guys never take anything for granted." Ashlynn sighed, laying her head on my shoulder.  Just then, Niall walked into the room.  

"Hey haz do you have a br-" He stopped mid scentence, a strange look crossing his face.  

"Whats that?" I asked, wanting him to finish his scenetence.  

"A brush.  Do you have one?" He finished, refusing to make eye contact with me.  Just then Ashlynn shifted uncomfortably in my lap.  Thats when I remembered.  Ashlynn used to have a crush on Niall didnt she?  And Niall crushed on her.  What the hell was going on here?  Hell no.  Ashlynn was mine.  She was MY girlfreind!

"Yeah, right there." I pointed to a spot on my dressing room table.  Niall spotted the comb and picked it up, walking out of the room again.  

"Whats been eating him lately?" I asked, wanting to know if Ashlynn would be truthful with me.  Would she tell me if she and Niall had a thing?  She merely shrugged in response.

"He has been a little off lately, he just hasnt mentioned anything to me about it." She sighed, looking a little nervous.  Yeah, somthing was deffinitly up with them.

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

Great.  Way to play it smooth Ashlynn.  I could totally tell Harry noticed somthing was off between me and Niall.  We were going to have to get better at acting.  I sighed, snuggling deeper into Harry's chest and closing my eyes.

 "You sleepy?" Harry chuckled, his chest vibrating at the movement.  I merely nodded, my eyes still shut.  

"Harry!  We need you to go for final makeup and hair check.  We're on in 15." Liam said, popping his head into the room.  

"Alright mate." Harry nodded, gently lifting me up and placing me on the coach.  He threw his coat over my body and kissed my forehead.  

"see you by the stage in a few?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.  I nodded, leaning up and pecking his lips.  

"Break a leg!"  I smiled, snuggling back into the couch.

Harry's P.O.V.

"THATS WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!"  I belted out the words to the closing song as the fans screamed and cheered.  The end of each show always gave me an adrenaline rush.  I winked at a few girls in the front row before running of stage with the mates.  

My eyes scanned the room for Ashlynn, and I finally noticed her blonde head bobbing around about 5 yards away.  I ran up behind her quietly, her back still turned to me.  I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist.  

"BOO!" I whisper yelled in her ear.  She screeched, and jumped at my sudden scare.  

'Harry!" She cried, whacking my arm.  I chuckled, pulling her in to a quick peck on the lips.  

"IM HUNGRY!"  Niall blurted out, interuppting our kiss.  

"As am I mate!" Louis agreed, his arm wrapped around Heidi's shoulder.  

"Me too!" Ashlynn chirped.  I was happy to hear her say that.  The past couple of weeks I've been keeping a close eye on my girlfriend.  She was eating breakfast lunch and dinner, and I'd been making sure it was staying IN her stomach where it belonged.  We also found her an on the road therapist, whom she spoke on the phone with twice a day.  I was happy to see that she was feeling comfortable in her skin again.

"Lets stop at a mcdonalds on the way home then yeah?" Liam suggested, letting a set worker take off his microphone.  

"Sounds perfect!

"Harry stop!' Ashlynn giggled, blocking her face from the fries I was throwing at her.  I'd filled myself up, and still had a few stray french fries, and didnt want them to go to waist!  So I decided to throw them at Ashlynn!  

"Ok ok im done." I lied, as Ashlynn unblocked her face.  I chunked the last fry at her face, and she squealed, slapping my arm.  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, interrupting our play fight.  I picked Ashlynn up in one arm, and carried her to the door.  I held her tight, making sure she couldnt escape.  

"What are you two cheeky kids doing in here?" Louis quirked an eyebrow as he guided Heidi into our room.  We all gathered into the hotel rom, sitting on the beds.  

"Having a french fry fight lou." I rolled my eyes at his pervertness.  

"Sure you were!  Anywho, Paul told us to stop by and tell you about plans for tomorrow.  Managment set up a group date at some resteraunt for me you and Zayn and Perrie."  Louis explained, laying back on my bed.  Well technically since me and Ashlynn were sharing beds now, it was an empty one.  

"Sounds good." I shrugged, not like I had anything else to do tomorrow.  

"So I take it Heidi's staying with you tonight?" I winked at Lou's girlfriend.  She blushed, and ruffled her hair.  

"No actually she's staying with me.  I forgot to tell you, your having a guys night with lou." Ashlynn laughed, looking at my stunned face.  

"What!?  What if I wanted to be a part of your little sleepover?" I play pouted, jutting out my bottom lip.  

"No can do.  Girls only!" Ashlynn giggled, tapping my nose.  I sighed in defeat, rolling off the bed and grabbing a pair of boxers.  Ofcourse i wanted to stay with Ashlynn tonight, but guys night was intriguing as well.  I hadnt spent a night in Louis' hotel room in ages, and I missed our bro time.

"Lets go then mate." I sighed, walking to the front door.  Louis pecked Heidi's cheek, and walked twoards me. 

"Night girls!" I called to them.  They waved goodbye as me and my bestfriend walked out of the door.  We made it halfway down the hallway before I realized I'd forgotten somthing.  

"Hold up man, I left somthing." I said, jogging back down the long corridor.  I knocked on our rooms door, and Ashlynn answered it. 

"What'd you forget?" She rolled her eyes.  I pulled her waist into mine, and smashed my lips onto hers.  

"That." I smirked, after pulling away from our mini snog session.  Ashlynn looked a bit out of breathe, which told me she liked the kiss.  

"Goodnight Harry." She rolled her eyes, placing her finger on my chest and pushing me out the door.  


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