Foreigner of Trollmanity


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You remember when the Trolls were stuck in the human world with (Y/n)? Well now (Y/n) is stuck in Troll world... More

《①》'Back on Crack'
《②》'Shia LaBeouf-'
《③》'Are you... pregananat?'
《④》'Plot? Start!'
《⑤》'Ooooh, go get some!-'
《⑥》'Stabby sticks'
《⑦》'Hickory Dickory Dock, I'm Watchin' Your Ass Like a Hawk~'
《⑧》'In Which The Trolls Don't Share Their Acid with (Y/n)'
《⑨》'(Y/n)'s gonna punch Poppy one of these days-'
《①⓪》'You Get a Regret! And You Get a Regret! Oh! And You Get a-'
《①①》'Thriller-! Uh, I Mean Rock Zombies!'
《①②》'Running Away From Your Problems is Always the Solution, Kids!'
【The Adventures of Story-Time!】
〔Suggestive Themes〕【The Hole】

〔LEMON〕【Library Finds and First Times~】

11.5K 184 1.3K

Merry Christmas! Have a lemon!-

(Y/n)'s Status: Present

Series/Episode: N/A

Extra note: Takes place after these two have been together for at least a year or two, and this one-shot is not connected to any of the others in any way, so in other words, it never happened-

Warnings: I'm about to fuck up the way you see Trolls forever, Branch is a bottom and no one can change my mind-, Loss of virginity, Biting, Cursing (all from (Y/n)-), Praising, Nervous virgin boi Branch, Lots of confusion about body parts, Sweet vanilla smex, Unprotected smex-

Don't be like these two idiots and wear a condom, people! The chances of banging someone who's an entirely different species, therefore being unable to reproduce, is slim to none!

Extra Extra Note: Me out here honestly struggling to come up with the plot that leads to the lemon, struggling at making it heartfelt, mushy, and sweet, and resisting the uncontrollable urge to write stupid words like coochie and hoo-ha-


So, you got stuck going to the library with a bunch of kids, Poppy, and Branch... and while they began doing story time, you decided to not stick around and to just go fuck around looking at all the story titles, wandering around the library in boredom, half listening to the tales being told in the center of the library and the other half being completely brain dead- ... and you didn't even realize you had entered the very back of the library, which looked like no one has even looked in this general direction, covered in fat layers of cobwebs and had no lights to light up the path-

Ok, I'll stop.

Now, you're probably wondering: How the fuck did you shrink again?! Well, the simple, plot convenient, answer to that question would be Funk Troll Tech!

Yeah, they showed up for a surprise visit earlier today, and after some discussion, they revealed they had a surprise for you... with was shrinking your ass again, but apparently they upgraded it since the first time you got transported onto their ship and you'll be shrunk like this for a few days instead of a few hours... so that's cool, I guess.

Except for the vomit inducing technique the bubble had to do in order to shrink you-

Ugh... you're still nauseous from the violent spinning...

You could hear Poppy and Branch arguing over who's the better storyteller in the background as you half-assed read through the titles...

'Curing Chuckle Fever with Dr. YamYam!'

'The Troll who Trolled all that's Trolly!'

'What's Your Spirit-Cupcake?! Read to Find Out!'

'The Art of Cuddling!'

'How To Tame a-'

Wait wat?

You quickly snapped your eyes back onto the blue scrapbook, rereading the title to make sure you didn't accidentally read it wrong...

'The Art of Cuddling!'

Yeah, nope! You didn't read it wrong! Holy shit!

... A perverted grin crept onto your face as you slid the fuzzy book from its place on the shelf, flipping it over so you could see the cover.

It was two Trolls, one purple and one green, blushing and holding hands, surrounded by three layers of a big red heart.

Holy shit, you can't believe the answers to your most avoided question is literally in your hands!....

You quickly looked around, making sure no one was near you... then because paranoia is a bitch, you crept over to the end of the aisle and peeked out towards the center of the library... where Poppy and Branch were at each other's throats competing in story-time while the kids watched on in sadistic amusement.

Good. Everyone's distracted.

A silent, evil, chuckle left you as you hurried back to the very back of the library, out of sight... and out of mind~

You flipped open the scrapbook to the first page, which showed the same two Trolls from the cover, still holding hands and blushing, but this time, they had bubble-texts showing they were speaking.

"I'm ready!"

"Me too!"

... there was nothing else on the first page, so you flipped it to the next, and found actual writing this time.

'Do you have no way to tell your child what Cuddling is? Are you too embarrassed to make a scrapbook for them? Or maybe you are the Troll looking for answers? Well! Today's your lucky day! For I, an anonymous Troll, have created this scrapbook to help you!'

There was a cut out of a cloaked figure, a bubble-text hovering above them. "Yay! I'm Mysterious! Let's get down to business!"

You looked to the next page, which held those blushing, hand-holding, Trolls again.

'So, first things first! The act of Cuddling is only reserved for the Troll you plan to spend a long time with! Romantic, right? Well, Cuddling is the best way to show you love them, after all!'

Weird... and also still doesn't makes sense why everyone's so keen on shutting you up whenever you even begin on trying to ask about it-

'But when you truly find the one Troll you wish to show your love to in full, and you're ready to make the commitment, that's where Cuddling comes into play!

Cuddling sets the bond! And links you together in harmony!'

You flipped the page, showing those two bastards that were on the cover, now stroking each other's hair, still blushing.

'The first step to Cuddling is to get your partner in the mood! Begin by stroking their hair! But don't mistake this for friendship hair stroking! This is romantic hair stroking! They are sometimes very hard to tell apart, and are often mistaken for friendly hair stroking, so to avoid this awkward outcome, make sure to penetrate the hair! Don't just stroke the outside- don't be afraid to dip your fingers in!!'

You couldn't help the snort that left you when you read this whole paragraph... penetrate the hair?! What the fuck! You don't know why that's so funny, but those are some words you never thought would be put together!

'Once you both know that this is what the two of you want, the next step is to serenade them! Sing them a song from the depths of your very being that becomes the very embodiment of your love for your partner!'

It showed a cut out of the purple Troll on top of the green one, musical notes leaving the top's mouth while the bottom blushed...

Oh hell, that would definitely be a problem... if shit ever ends up going that far, then you'll have to improvise with some Human ways-


"Hey (Y/n)! Where'd you go?"

Both Branch and Poppy's voices rang out somewhere nearby, causing you to slam the scrapbook closed and shove it back into its place on the shelf, not wanting to sit through one of Poppy or Branch's rants if they seen you basically reading Troll porn-

Eh, you pretty much got the idea of how to start it, so you don't need the book!

Fuck the book! This decision definitely won't come back to bite you in the ass!-

You made your way out of the back of the library and over to where all the kids were, hands shoved in your pockets in a non-suspicious way.

"Oh hey, look!"

"(Y/n)'s back!"

"Hi (Y/n)!"

You pulled out a hand and gave a simple salute to the lil' turds. "Sup. How'd story time go?"

Some laughed and some groaned.

"Fighting again, eh?" You huffed a short laugh when they all groaned out an unenthusiastic 'yes'.

"We were not!" Poppy protested, popping out of an aisle with her hands on her hips. "We were just... uh..."

"Arguing." Came your blunt response.

"... Yeah, ok... Story time gets competitive sometimes! So what?!" Poppy tried to defended herself, crossing her arms.

You only shrugged, unable to respond as Branch found his way back to the center as well.

And a slight snort left you when you seen how he glared at Poppy.

Guess she might have won this round of story-time.

Everyone went their own ways once out of the library, with Poppy taking the kids back to the village, all of which waved you goodbye- honestly thought, you have no clue on why you're so popular with the kids. It's like you were that one cool aunt or something- but anyways, back on topic! Branch went off to go collect some kind of berries, saying he'll be gone for a bit and he'll see you later... and you heading in the direction of the Fear Bunker, a plan already in mind for the bullshit you were about to pull.

Good thing Branch trusted you enough to tell you the password to get in, or you'd have to pull some spy-shit and sneak in through the vent or something!

You lifted the doormat once you put in the correct password, dropping onto the platform below, and pulling the lever to go down.

... So, like the sneaky piece of shit you are, you have decided to be smooth about this. When Branch gets back, you'll wait a bit to see what kind of mood he's in, and if it's not an overly grumpy one, you'll set your plan into action! Which will be the hair stroking the scrapbook talked about, and depending on how he reacts to that will determine if you take it further or not, because honestly, you're just curious on how he'll react.

If he seems uncomfortable in a bad way, you'll stop and play it off like you had no fucking clue on what you were doing and never pull that shit again! Respect boi!

But, if he seems to get uncomfortable in the way you intend him to be and there's no evidence of him wanting you to stop, then you'll proceed to action plan número dos if he wants to~

A foolproof plan!

Way to go horny brain cell!-

But now there's one last thing to get done before your plan can even begin to take place...

To get rid of the damn Trolls hiding around the Bunker being the creepy pieces of shit they are!

You cleared your throat once you reached the bottom of the elevator, taking a deep breath. "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS! IMA 'BOUT TO TRY AN' TAP DAT ASS!"

.... nothing...

You sighed, rolling your eyes. "I'M GONNA CUDDLE H-"

Trolls came pouring out of various places, all rushing for the elevator, blushes of all kinds on their faces as they refused to make eye contact with you, let alone look at you.

Some more familiar than others, like the yellow-man-child-girl, the giraffe dude, glitter-bitch, that one Troll covered in paint, and... is that King Peppy?! What the fuck?!-

"Make sure not to mention this to anyone!" You grinned, enjoying how uncomfortable everyone piled on the elevator was.

"Oh my Gud- Uh- of course! Y-yeah! Bye!" Was all the man-child-girl gruffed embarrassedly before yanking on the lever and sending everyone skyrocketing towards the surface.

Huh, who would have thought the easiest way to clear a room is say the word 'Cuddle'.

.... oh wait, you did-

With all the weirdos gone, the only thing left to do is wait...

You nearly fell asleep on the damn couch waiting for Branch to get his ass back in the Fear Bunker, but you jolted back to the world of the living with a snort once you heard the elevator descending, quickly wiping away the trail of drool that had tried to escape.

... and as you laid there for a few moments, a new idea popped into your mind.... you've realize a slight flaw in your plan. You and Branch... aren't exactly affectionate towards each other... so it's definitely gonna be a little weird and a tad bit suspicious just suddenly deciding to be affectionate.

"AHH!- (Y-Y/N)?!" Branch jumped when he seen you sit up on the couch, striking a defensive pose, seeming to have not expected you to be in his bunker.

"Sup." You yawned, stretching out to wake yourself up more. "Did you get what you went out for?"

Branch seemed to recover from the short fright at the question, and shook his head, walking further into the bunker from where he had been standing on the elevator platform, closer to where you were. "No." He sighed in disappointment. "A bunch of Finders-Keepers critters swarmed the place and took all the berries I was looking for."

You scooted over, so you weren't taking up the whole damn couch anymore, an obvious open invitation for the survivalist to sit down, which he did with a sigh, subconsciously leaning closer to you.

"Well, when's the next time they grow?" You asked, kinda curious as to why he needed the berries.

He shrugged slightly, reaching up and pulling a scrapbook from his hair, flipping it to a page with a big fat neon yellow berry on it. "Well, it says here that the Screemple Berries will grow back.... in a few days! So it shouldn't be that hard to find again... the only problem is going to be the Finders-Keepers Critters." He groaned, running a hand down his face.

You pat his back in sympathy, taking note on how he seemed to unknowingly lean into your touch. "Don't worry 'bout that. If you take me with you, I'll yeet those fuckers into the next dimension." You offered, a grin slowly forming when Branch snorted and shook his head at your antics.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind." He huffed, leaning closer and closer- until he jolted slightly when his head met your shoulder. Only just now realizing how close he had gotten to you. "O-oh uh, sorry!" He tried to apologize, attempting to distance himself from you-

But fuck that!

You wrapped the arm that had been on his back around his shoulder and pulled him back over to you, deliberately ignoring the squeak- uh, I mean 'manly noise of surprise' that came from him out of the decently of your heart- "Eh, don't worry about it." You dismissed, forcing the two of you to lean back into the couch. "Just relax."

It took a few moments... but Branch eventually laid his head on your shoulder again and slowly lost the tension in his muscles.

This is definitely the most affectionate either of you have been with each other since maybe the few times you've hugged or physically messed with him or something for some bullshit reason or another.

... it's actually... kinda nice...

Nothing but the sound of each other's breathing being heard in the silence of the bunker, creating a sense of peace in the two of your, usually hectic, lives.

You let the calm veil of silence persist for a few more moments, memorizing the feeling of Branch's head on your shoulder and the calm rhythm of his breathing.

Well, except for the hair that kept tickling your face and stabbing you-

Branch is so glad you can't see his face right now. He could feel his ears burning along with his face, his heart hammering away in his chest, and for a moment, he wondered if you could hear it. Being so close to you, leaning against you, hypersensitive to the feeling of your arm wrapped around his shoulder and lightly holding him against your side... light enough that if he wanted to, he could pull away... but.. he didn't really want to...

... Then, after a few moments, he felt the hand on his shoulder shift upwards- and he had to muffle the squeak that caught in his throat when your fingers threaded through his hair, just stroking it!

'Calm down! Calm down! She doesn't know what she's doing, Branch! She doesn't know! Calm down!' His mind was screaming on repeat when you repeated the action, showing that it wasn't an accident, unexpected pleasure tingling down his spine and settling in his gut with each stroke of your hand.

The grumpy Troll drew in a shuddering breath when your fingers went deeper, his hair giving off a subtle tremble as he tried to keep control over it.

... And yet... he didn't say anything to make you stop.

Branch shifted slightly in his spot, trying not to make it obvious that what you were doing was having that kind of affect on him... but with each stroke of your fingers, his resolve was quickly crumbling, and his legs began rubbing together as subtlety as he could manage to create friction.

It wasn't long before his hair began to do whatever it wanted, having lost control of it by trying to focus on too many things at once, and the indigo tips slowly moved down to gently wrap around the wrist of your hand, not tight or restricting, but just resting there and seemingly encouraging you to continue as they tried to coax your hand deeper.

A life of isolation has deprived him of all types of things Trolls have usually at least tried, including things that have to do with another Troll by the time they're in their twenties...

Of course, he's.. experimented with himself before, curiosity and loneliness pushing him forward throughout his years to find out how his body worked.

... And he thought he had figured everything out. He thought he knew what he was missing out on... but this- this simple touch from your hand is so much more intense then when he touched himself.

... It made him wonder what else felt different.

"(Y-y/n)..." Branch trailed off breathlessly, the small tingles of pleasure beginning to drive him crazy and make him want more... yet not entirely knowing how.

He heard you hum in response, and your voice only served to work him up more as it sent a shock through his body, the tips of his hair trembling as it tightened ever so slightly on your wrist.

... You've both been in a relationship for a long time now... and Trolls usually... show their commitments way earlier in their relationship... and... it's way overdue by now...

.... and this was the perfect opportunity...

He's.. he's ready! He'll give his first time to you!

Branch nervously sucked in another shuddering breath as he brought up a hand to take hold of the hand in his hair, nearly wanting to tell you to continue when you stopped, and forcing his hair to let go of your wrist, sitting back up to face you, and unwrapping your arm from his shoulders. He slowly brought the hand down near his lap, but not letting it touch, and holding your hand in both of his. He couldn't look you in the eye for a few seconds, his entire face burning with both excitement and embarrassment, his body feeling hot, and a pressure building up in his gut that he knew the meaning to...

"(Y/n)..." He swallowed the spit that built up in his mouth, slowly looking up to make eye contact with you, lightly squeezing your hand when you raised an eyebrow at him, mostly to reassure himself that it's ok. This is (Y/n), this is you. You won't think of him differently even if you say no, you won't leave him, you won't embarrass him...

He felt your fingers curl around him hand, returning the gesture in lightly squeezing his hand to reassure him.

Ok, Branch, you can do this. Just ask. It's fine.

He took in a deep breath, looking down at your conjoined hands. "W-we've.. we've been in a relationship for a long time now..." He paused, looking up when you gave a small nod. "... a-and I know it's sudden.. but... I think I'm ready... to.." Branch groaned a bit in embarrassment as he looked away from your face, shifting in his spot, but not letting go of your hand. "To... cu.. cuddle.."

The survivalist was forced to look back up at your face when he felt you shifting beside him, swallowing nervously when he seen that you had leaned down a bit to be level with him, one of the softest looks he's ever seen on your face.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to regret this later." You asked him, your thumb rubbing over the back of his hand, probably to reassure him that it was alright to back out.

"No!-" Branch was quick to blurt, snapping his head up, ears perked in alarm. "I.. I mean... I want this... I've.. actually been trying to find the perfect opportunity to ask... that's why I kept taking you deep in the woods all those times- to the glowing ones, because I remember you said those places were seen as, uh... human.. advances..." He admitted embarrassedly, glancing off to the side as the blush that had began to calm down reappeared.

"... Huh.. wow.. I had no clue that's why we were out there... But it makes so much more sense now." You huffed, a stupid smile creeping onto your face... and Branch couldn't help but think it belonged there... that smile added to your unique beauty that only you could pull off. "But... if you're sure, then we should probably move to a bed."

Branch's blush came back with a vengeance, an unidentifiable sound coming from his throat as he tried to calm himself. "Y-yeah... it's- it's this way." He stumbled over his words as he got off the couch, leading you by the hand to his bedroom.

Sooo, this worked out way better than you had expected it to.

That was one of the many things going through your mind at the moment, along with some internal screaming-

But you couldn't help but find it adorable how nervous Branch was as he led you through the different hallways. He'd occasionally glance back at you, a blush coating his entire face to the tips of his ears before he'd quickly turn back to look ahead, and he was either so excited or nervous because he took the wrong turns a few times, causing you both to have to back-track, but you both eventually found his bedroom without further hitch.

He was quick to usher you into the room before shutting the door, and you took this short time to take in the room. There was a bed- obviously- but it was made from large sticks and tied together with rope. A mattress, blanket, pillows on top of it... yep, that's a bed alright- ok, ok... there was a nightstand next to it, a picture frame on top of it, along with an empty mug... and as for the rest of his room.. it was pretty fucking empty besides some stray supplies scattered along the wall.

"O-ok.. so uh..." Branch caught your attention, running off to one of the corners, searching for something... under the floor?.. Before he hopped back up, rushing back over to you with his nose in an open book. "So- I've read through this before, but it never hurts to be reread through it to make sure we're doing it right-"

Oh my fucking god. It's a book about Troll Anatomy... and he's reading the section written about Troll Reproduction- Bruh, I swear-

You were quick to push the book down away from his face, causing him to look up at you with a raised eyebrow, wondering why you stopped him.

This caused you to snort a bit. "We don't need the book, Branch... now, where do you keep your towels?"

This is gonna get messy, it always is, so towels are a necessity so you don't make the bed all gross.

It took him a second, seeming to only become more confused by the second. "Uh... D-down the hall, take a left, then another left, and they should be in a shelf along the wall."

"Cool. Be right back." You nodded, doing a half-assed hand salute before disappearing out the door to go find the towels.

... Not there to witness Branch trying to speed read what he could about Troll Reproduction before you came back.

Once you came back, confiscated Branch's Anatomy book, and laid the towels out on the bed where you'd both be, which was the middle of the bed... everything was done.

It was all ready. You were ready.

And not gonna lie, you were excited. You could feel your heart hammering away in your chest and a buzz in your gut as you stood at the foot of the bed, taking in a deep breath to try and calm yourself a bit.

A smirk worked its way onto your face as you turned to your partner, who was standing in the middle of the room, looking so lost and not knowing what to do. "Alright." You caught his attention, his ears perking and eyes on you. "On the bed, on the towels."

It didn't take him long to comply, excitement as clear as day in his actions.

Once he was on his back, exactly where you told him to lay, you placed your knee on the bed, pulling your body all the way onto it, before slowly crawling up the bed, until you hovered over the nervous yet excited survivalist Troll.

His hands laid stiff next to him.. actually, his whole body was still as a board, not an inch moving as he stared back at you, lower lip caught between his teeth...

And you know he said he wanted this, you knew he was nervous.. but with how stiff he was, it placed some second thoughts in your mind that maybe he had wanted to do this but is having second thoughts, but is thinking he can't say no because he already said yes.

You sighed, lowering your head until your forehead rested against his, your eyes closing, taking in every reaction he had to your touch, to how his breath hitched when your foreheads touched, to how he leaned into you until your noses were brushing against each other.

"Branch." You spoke softly, trying to convey as much emotion into your words as you could.. which was kinda hard to do when you're emotionally constipated- "If you want to stop, then we can. I won't be mad, I won't be annoyed. I'll understand, I won't question it... just say the word and we can pretend this never happened."

One of his hands were quick to grab onto the shoulder of your shirt when you said those words, like he was scared you'd leave if he didn't keep ahold of you. "N-no.. I want this. I really do!" He sighed, leaning back so your foreheads weren't touching anymore, so he could look at you, and you got the memo and pulled back as well so you were looking at each other now. "I... it's just.. I've.. never done this before... and I'm just nervous.." He shrunk a bit at this confession, a frown working its way into his face, refusing to look at you as he slowly let go of your shirt to fiddle with the fingers of both his hands, his hands now resting on his chest.... almost like he was ashamed.

... Holy shit... bruh. He a virgin-

Oh shit-

"You... never?" You couldn't stop the question from slipping out, now wondering if this was such a good idea-

He shook his head, ears drooping as his frown deepened a bit. "I.. I know Trolls have usually done it at least once by now- but.. I just-"

You cut him off before he could continue down that train of thoughts. "Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter if you've done this before or not. This is about you and me. Nothing else matters here. So if you want your first time to be with me, then that's how it'll be." You reassured, smiling when he finally looked at you, his frown disappearing and being replaced by a small relieved smile.

"Yeah... I- I want that.." He whispered, "No matter how many times you ask, I'll always say I wanted this.. and I won't regret it. Because it'll be you." He confessed, one of his hands that was resting on his chest now slowly coming up... and hesitantly touching your face.. before it cupped your cheek, showing you that it was ok...

.... Holy shit... this is so damn mushy.

Your heart. It slippin' on these feels-

But.. if that's what he wants, then that's what's gonna happen. It's his first time, so you'll try to make it as perfect and pleasurable as possible for him.

But first, there are some things you'll have to go over with him.

"I know I'm ruining the moment, but there are some things I have to tell you before we get started." You sighed, unable to ignore the way he smiled up at you reassuringly and ran his thumb over your cheek.

He nodded.

"Ok... so, I can't give you everything another Troll could. I can't sing you a song that'll tickle your dick.. so I'll have to improvise with something.. well.. Human." You informed, wanting to get that out of the way so he's not disappointed later when and if you can't do something a Troll could.

Branch shook his head, slowly drawing away his hand to rest on his chest again. "That's ok. We uh.. we aren't exactly the same species, so it's to be expected." He joked, his smile growing a bit wider when you huffed out a short laugh.

Oh thank the stars above.. he didn't notice you basically outed yourself for knowing some cuddling info-

"Alright..." You chuckled, not even giving him any warning before you lowered your head to the side of his neck and pressed your face into it, causing him to suck in a breath through his teeth, body stiffening in surprise.

You rumbled out a short laugh into his neck at this, casing him to shiver a bit at the feeling of your hot breath on his skin. "Relax." You purred, pressing your lips to his neck in a kiss.

Branch shuttered in response, giving a short nod as he took in a deep breath.. before releasing it... and slowly relaxing his body, tilting his head to the side so you have better access.

"Good. Very good." You praised as you went back to spreading kisses across his neck, only to pause when a muffled noise left the Troll beneath you at your praise.

... oh this keeps getting better.

Seems like Branch here has got himself a praise kink-

You decided to ignore it for now, handing that tad bit of info over to your brain-cell for later use, instead focusing on looking for a certain spot that you hoped Trolls have and you aren't just mouthing at his neck for nothing-

And lo' and behold, just as you reached the juncture that marked the beginning of his shoulder, his body jolted a bit and his breath hitched.

A feral kind of grin curled onto your face as you grazed the sweet spot with your teeth... before you slowly pressed your lips back to the spot, and began to suck on it.

"A-Ah! I- (Y-y/n)!" This got an actual gasp from Branch as he spoke your name like a prayer, his eyes squeezed shut and head tilting more for you to have better access. His hands clenching onto the towel beneath him and his heels digging into the mattress as his hips jerked upwards into the air that separated the two of you, just barely brushing up against you.

... His skin tasted like minty blueberries... goddamnit, you forgot about that-

As you continued to suck a hickey into his skin, you could feel him squirming under you, panting out your name and not seeming to know what to do with himself while receiving this new kind of pleasure. One of his feet unburied itself from the mattress and found support by hooking his heel behind your thigh, and the way he jerked and jolted, it almost made your leg shift.

You let go of his neck after you were sure a hickey would form, trailing another line of kisses up his neck to his large ear, enjoying the way he bit back a moan when you licked a line up the shell of his ear.

But then you nipped the pointed tip-

And he whimpered. Honest to god whimpered.

You began to pull away after leaving a few more hickeys on both sides of his neck, smiling when one of his hands came up to grab your shirt to keep you from pulling away from him.

"(Y/n).. please.. I-" He cut himself off with a groan, using the hand that didn't have ahold of you to cover his burning face. "I need- I need you."

You hummed, taking the hand gripping your shirt in yours as you pulled away, shifting to where you were sitting on your heels, thighs on either side of his body, making sure to unhook the leg that had been around your thigh so you wouldn't crush it. "I got you, buddy." You reassured as you gave a slight tug to his leaf vest, which somehow hasn't fallen open this whole damn time. "But we gotta take off our clothes before we can do anything else."

"R-right! Right." Branch stuttered as he sat up, fumbling with his vest, and you had to use every ounce of willpower you had to keep from laughing when it got stuck from him trying to pull it off too quickly.

The blue Troll gave a nervous laugh as he continued to struggle with the vest. "I- uh.. hold on- I got this!"

To spare him of this torture, you decided to help him by taking both sides of the collar of his vest and pushing them down his shoulders, revealing his naked upper body to you.

Your eyes were immediately drawn to his body, and with you staring at him, Branch felt a tad bit self-conscious of his body for the first time in a long time, causing him to shift slightly and glance away.

Everything was blue, which was to be expected, but parts of him were flushed a redder tint from excitement, like his shoulders and neck, not a hair to be found besides that strange peach-fuzz all Trolls have, and there was an unmissable pouch of fat that was connected to his stomach... was his stomach?- whatever- it's something that you've noticed all Trolls have throughout your time being surrounded by them, so you weren't surprised by the sight of it.

You trailed your eyes back up, ready to compliment him or something because you could basically smell his self-consciousness-

Only to stop and stare at his chest....

You could see Branch awkwardly shifting under your stare, slowly bringing his arms up to cover his chest even though he had no idea what you were staring at. "What is it? Is- is there something wrong?-"

"Bruh..." You darted your gaze up to meet his, noticing the nervous uncertainty in his eyes by how you reacted.

........ "Where's your nipples?!"

Branch faltered for a moment, lowering his arms from his chest to give you a look. "My... my what?"

"Your tits- you know, tatas! They- ah, you know what, hold on-" You quickly began to pull off your shirt, ignoring how Branch flustered even more when you yeeted your shirt off the bed to be forgotten.

You weren't bothered by Branch's wandering eyes and how he embarrassedly took in your upper body, like he wanted to be polite and look away, but couldn't.

I know, a train-wreck, am I right?

Just as you were about to unclip your bra, Branch stopped you.

"Wait, wait, wait! Where's your pouch?!" He exclaimed as he leaned forward to press his hands to your stomach and around your waist, like a pouch would magically appear if he poked around enough.

His hands felt warm against your skin, maybe a little bit clammy-, and you let him explore for a few moments before deciding to answer him, hands still on the clip of your bra. "Don't have one. Never had one. Just like how you apparently don't have nips." You shrugged, unclipping the back of your bra, and letting it slide off your shoulders, revealing your hardened tits to the world.

Or more specifically, Branch.

It was pretty funny when he looked up and looked so damn confused yet curious at the same time when he made eye contact with your chest.

"What are those?!" He blurted out, looking up at you with a 'what the fuck' kind of look.

'They. are. my. crocs-'

You couldn't stop the snort that ripped itself from your nose even if you tried. "Tits, my good man, they are my tits."

"What- I- What do they do?" He asked, slowly becoming more curious then embarrassed at the moment, his hands twitching a bit on your waist like he wanted to touch them, but didn't know if he was allowed to or not.

"Jack shit, that's what they do....." You sighed when Branch raised an eyebrow at you. ".... Nothing. They do nothing..... You can touch 'em if you want, they're not gonna bite." You smirked when you seen his eyes struggling to not look at them.

He flustered more at this, stumbling over his words as he tried to come up with something to say. "I- uh- are you sure? I don't- I don't want to do something wrong or hurt you-"

"Just poke one." You snorted, having to bite your tongue when he looked like his brain was about to explode, slowly bringing up a finger, and giving it the fastest poke that could give Sonic the Hedgehog a run for his money.

"... Eh, don't worry about it, boobs aren't for everyone." You chuckled as you pressed a hand to his chest and guided him back down on his back, getting a silent nod from the blue Troll at your reassurance. "Now," You hummed, trapping Branch between you and the bed again, now having a clear view of how his (nipple-less-) chest heaved with every breath and a clearer view of the hickeys beginning to finally appear on his neck and shoulders. "Do you know what a bj- sorry, uh, blowjob is?" You raised an eyebrow.

"U-uh." Branch began, probably searching his memory for the word. "... no?"

The evil grin returned.

Oh, you can't wait for his reaction to this.

"Well, it's something special Humans do to each other before they fu- uh- cuddle.. and since I can't sing to you, that's what we'll be doing." You purred, the hand that had been resting on his chest slowly moving down, your nails leaving a feather-like trial in their wake down his body, and you took personal pleasure in the way his stomach jerked with sensitivity under your fingers as they made their way to the hems of his homemade shorts.

"(Y/n)!" Branch fucking squeaked when your hand slipped into his shorts, legs trembling as they spread apart for you to have better access to whatever you were about to do. Eyes wide and face on fire as his mind was racing, only able to really focus on the fact that your hand was moving around in his shorts.




... You were trying to be sexy. You really were.... but how can you be sexy when you can't even find his goddamn dick?!

Like, you were feeling around where someone's dick would usually be, but there was nothing but the strangely stiff lower area of his stomach pouch.

And it seemed like you still looked like you knew what you were doing, because Branch hasn't commented on your touching and dumbly wandering hand, instead seeming to be focusing on keeping his breathing calm, occasionally his body would jerk or jolt when you applied some pressure to the lower pouch, a few stray moans and breathless calls of your name when you pressed into a particularly sensitive spot.

... It was only when you went low enough to reach a crease that separated his upper thighs from his pouch and still felt nothing, that you decided to drop the act of 'I-know-what-the-fuck-I'm-doing-and-ima-be-sexy-while-doing-it'.

"Dude. Where's your dick? I can't find it." You deadpanned, wondering if this is how a dude feels when he can't find a girl's clit-

Branch seemed caught between embarrassment and being disappointed in you, but it seems like it's leaning more towards giving you one of his 'disappointed mom looks'. "(Y/n), we've been over this. I don't know what a dick is." He groaned, slapping a hand onto his face. "Ugh. We wouldn't be having this problem if you had just read through the anatomy book with me."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't sass me! The whole fun of first times is the exploring part, and the book would have just ruined the moment!" You defended yourself, for a brief moment thinking about how weird this conversation might look to literally anyone else, with your hand down his shorts, Branch facepalming, and the two of you arguing over an anatomy book...

"(Y/n)... you are ruining the moment." He shot back, sighing like dealing with you was deducting years off his life, a burden on his very soul-

"Damn, shots fired... But you know," You started, searching your mind for every possible word for dick in your personal dictionary, while Branch deadpanned at you with a brow raised. "Cock?.. no?- ok, how about penis?.. Prick? Your Willy?- phf- no? Ding-dong?.... Manhood?" You cleared your throat as you tried to come up with a word that'd make him understand what you were asking.

Oop- science! Of course!

"Your reproductive organ."

That seemed to click with him, of course it fucking did- a look of understanding crossing his face, and it seems that he's lost some of that shyness from earlier from having to deal with your familiar bullshit, because it didn't take him long to answer you. "... My.. cuddle-stick..."

... No... no fucking way that's what it's called.

And yet, it makes so much sense that Trolls would call it that, and second of all, so Trolls do have dicks!-

A stupid ass look crept onto your face as you took in a shaky inhale through your nose, trying not to laugh at what he just said... and Branch could see it.

... and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling along with you, your growing grin being contagious to him in almost all scenarios... and that's just one of the many reasons why he loves y-

"Dude. Dude- you gotta tell me what girl bits are called." You interrupted his train of thought before he could complete it, and it was the sudden flooding of thoughts about Troll girl parts that caused him to flush red again.

.. "They're called uh..." You leaned closer to hear what he said when his voice began to drift off. "... Cuddle-holes." He whispered, feeling less embarrassed when he focused on the nice sounding bark of laughter that left you at the reveal of the names of Troll genitals.

"D-dude! Oh my god!" You crackled, the immature nature of your very soul causing this dumb shit to be funnier then it probably actually was. "I fucking can't with this shit!"

It took a few moments for you to calm down, but you eventually sucked in a deep breath and calmed down the giggles, clearing your throat as you looked back at Branch's face.. only now noticing that he had been staring up at you with a content smile and adoring eyes...

You sighed through your nose, the smile unable to be wiped from your face. "So, I don't know where your cuddle-stick is. Care to show me?"

Wow, real smooth-

And it was in that moment that Branch remembered that you had your hand down his shorts and was cluelessly searching for his cuddle-stick... and the throbbing in his groin that's been growing more and more intense since you sucked those spots on his neck making itself known once again... just this time, a bit painfully so.

"Uh.. you'll have to move your hand..." Branch coughed, refusing to look in your direction as you pulled your hand out of his shorts, and shyly shifted so he was sitting up, hands fiddling together in front of his chest... before he slowly brought them down to grip the hems of his shorts, all too aware of your eyes on him as he pulled them down to his knees... revealing nothing there.

.. So you weren't just having a mega dumb-bitch moment-

But then he grabbed the pouch of fat and shyly lifted it a bit, allowing his other hand to reach under and pull something out from under it.

Branch hissed as the air hit his overly sensitive shaft, his entire body burning and wanting to hide from your unyielding gaze at the feeling of your eyes taking in the most private and sensitive part of his body... but he took a deep breath and let go, allowing his shaft to stand on its own and pulse against his pouch, fully revealing himself to you for the first time.

... He just hoped this wasn't too weird or too different compared to Human anatomy.

... Bro.. you are never going to look at Glitter-Bitch the same way ever again... no, scratch that: You will never be able to look at any Troll the same way again... not when you just found out they have secret dicks an' shit hidden under those stomach pouches-

But going back to the matter at hand! You could see how nervous Branch was, could see how his body would twitch and shift like he wanted to hide himself from you or was waiting for you to say something bad about his body, and it honestly made you want to keep this precious bean away from the world- like seriously, who hurt this boi?!

"You're beautiful, you know?" You hummed as you placed a hand on his thigh, giving him the gentlest smile you could muster when he jumped under your touch, and used the other hand to turn his head back to face you when he tried to turn away in shame. "The most good looking person I've ever met- and the smartest.. The way you can pull a witty comeback out of your ass and be the most sarcastic motherfucker around honestly makes me jealous." You smiled, tilting your head to keep eye contact with Branch when he looked away. "And I'm always like; Damn, wish I could be like that- then you go and make all these cool ass inventions and traps to help keep the Trolls safe- like shit man." You emphasized, leaning forward into his personal bubble until you were barely an inch from his face, nearly touching noses. "How the fuck did I get so lucky?" You muttered lowly, trying to chase away the blue Troll's insecurities.

You didn't give him a chance to answer before you closed your eyes and gently pressed your lips to his, causing him to freeze in shock, the hand you had on his cheek snaking around to the back of his head to keep him from pulling away, fingers lightly gripping onto his indigo hair...

You pulled away after a few seconds, before he could recover and even begin to return the kiss, leaving him reeling as your hand left his hair and you gently pushed him back down again for the millionth time.

"H-hah!" He was forcefully pulled from his shocked state when one of your hands wrapped around his dick, his breath getting caught in his throat as his body tensed, head quick to snap up and look at you, eyes wide as he used his elbows to prop himself up. "(Y-y/n)!-" He struggled to form a sentence, and was only able to give a throaty groan when you gave his shaft a few experimental strokes, familiarizing yourself with it before you went any further.

It was nothing mind-blowing, unless you count it being blue as mind-blowing, then holy shit, this is fucking extraordinary!- but it was about average size, fitting nicely in your fisted hand, with the darker blue tip poking through, and had a nice girth to it, but not so much so that you couldn't touch your thumb to the first joint of your index finger, and when you looked further down, you took notice that he didn't have any balls, and after a brief moment of wondering where the fuck they were, you took an educated guess that they were on the inside rather than the outside.

... you really need to look through that anatomy book-

His breathing was getting more erratic and his hips were beginning to rise off the bed in jerky movements to meet your hand with each rhythmic motion of your hand, creating a clapping noise of skin on skin, his upper body still being propped up on his elbows, his hands fisting the towel, but his head was thrown back, teeth gritting and eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, and you could see his hair moving slightly, the tips curling in on themselves, waving around, and sometimes intertwining with each other... and you have no fucking clue on why.

It was only when you felt him twitch in your hand that you decided it was time to show him what a blowjob is- but like hell you were getting off the bed or laying on your stomach. Nah, fuck that.

But oh my god, sound of his confused whimper when you let go of his throbbing cock sent tingles straight to your hoo-ha. You pulled his shorts off the rest of the way and tossed them somewhere behind you, to be forgotten just like your shirt, bra, and his vest.

His eyes snapped open and he let out a slight yelp of your name when you yanked him so his ass was on your lap and his legs were on either side of your waist, his upper half falling back down as his elbows gave out on him from his body being jerked.

"W-what are you doing?!" He exclaimed when you gripped the back of his knees and lifted his legs so his knees were hooked onto your shoulders, his feet dangling uselessly behind your head, while his back was curved along your front, his shoulders on your knees, and his head hanging off and resting on the bed.

"Relax... I'm gonna show you what a blowjob is." You shushed him, the hands on his knees tightening their grip to keep him in place when you felt him trying to close his knees together.

... and once he relaxed his knees and gave you a shy nod, you gave his knee a pat before letting go with one hand, using it to cup his cock and guide it towards your mouth, keeping eye contact with Branch the entire time, who had his head tilted to the side as he coyly kept glancing between your eyes to your mouth to his cuddle-stick...

And he was quick to bite down on his hand to muffle the pleasured sound that came from him when you ran your tongue over the head of his cock, squeezing his eyes shut again as he twitched in your hand again.

But they shot right back open when you wrapped your lips around the entire tip and sucked, both hands shooting down to grab onto the towel for support as his hips jolted in an instinctual reaction to try and get more of what you were giving him, his feet hooking together behind your head, and his throat no longer able to contain those pleasant sounds.

"O-oooh my gud! Oh gud! (Y/n)!" He cried out when your sinful tongue dipped into his slit, showing no mercy or giving him any time to get used to the overwhelming pleasure before you began going to town on him, running your tongue over every possible sensitive spot that even he didn't know existed and sucking him off in such a way that he couldn't figure out where he ended and you began, his mind being flooded with pleasure and shocks of electricity all over his body.

And embarrassingly enough, it wasn't long before he could feel welling pressure building up at the base of his cuddle-stick, rising more and more with each swirl of your tongue and each suck, and through the uncontrollable gasps and moans of pleasure, he tried to say something. "(Y-y/n)! O-oh gud!- A-ah! (Y/n)! I- I'm-!"

He couldn't get another word out before the pressure suddenly exploded, like the snap of a rubber-band, the pressure released and he was seeing white. His hips spazzed out as his head was thrown back, the loudest cry you've ever heard coming from him echoing off the walls, his hair shooting out and wrapping around the headboard of the bed and squeezing it.

Your mouth was flooded with a warm substance without warning...

Troll jizz-

You were quick to slip his softening cock out of your mouth, which flopped limplessly onto the pouch of his stomach, and make a face... dude.... why the fuck does his jizz taste like straight ass sugar?!

Now, usually in smuts, you'll see the girl swallow and act like it was some gourmet shit bestowed upon them by our lord and savior Gordon Ramsay himself- But that's nasty as hell! You ain't swallowing shit!

You zeroed in on the mug sitting innocently on the nightstand, and silently apologized to it.

You slipped Branch back onto the bed and snatched that bitch up and spit out Troll jizz.... and then noticed something strange about it just as you were about to put the mug back...

It was holographic....

Bruh. Why does that not even surprise you?

But you set the mug down because that isn't the main focus here! You have a Troll coming down from an orgasm right now!

You moved so you were hovering over Branch again, leaning down so your face was in his neck, beginning to slowly leave a trail of kisses along the sweaty discolored skin and shoulder where you had previously left hickeys, your hand shifting under his head and lightly stroking the hair on the back of his head, while the other was being used to hold you up...

.... and slowly, he began to recuperate, his arms coming up to wrap around your naked back, his face burying into the crook of your neck and nuzzling into it, and you let him, continuing to give him the love and affection he needed and deserved... and after a few minutes of comfortable silence, he sighed into your neck and leaned back, prompting you to pull away as well, and you took notice of his hair uncurling from the headboard and returning to its normal shape.

A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, remaining unbroken as you both waited for Branch to recover, both of you just admiring the other and memorizing this moment...

Then one of Branch's hands slide off of your back and came up to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb over the skin as he began to lean up.. only to hesitate and give you a sheepish smile. "Is it ok if I kiss you?"

A small huff of laughter left your nose at the dumb question as you leaned down towards him, not even bothering to give him a verbal answer as you connected lips with him for the second time tonight, this time giving him a chance to kiss back. He hummed against your mouth as he tilted his head for a better angle, both of you seeming to have a silent agreement to make this a slow and sweet kiss.

You groaned into his mouth as you lowered yourself onto your elbow, your body now flush to his, your naked chest pressed to his, both your abdomens pressed together, and your clothed groin pressed down on his, feeling every twitch of his cock as blood began to slowly rush back to it.

Branch's hands left your cheek and back in favor of wrapping around the back of your neck and curling into your hair, moaning into the kiss as one of his legs wrapped around your waist.

Needing some friction after waiting so long, you ground your hips into his, taking the edge off the tingling itch that's just been growing more and more unignorable with each passing second.

Branch gasped into the kiss, his hips twitching in response to your grinding, and his dick stiffening once again.

"(Y/n)." He groaned against your mouth as he pulled away, panting for breath and looking like a whole snack- "I-I'm ready."

It was finally time to get to the grand finale, the main course, if you will-

You couldn't even think of something stupid to say as you pulled away, Branch's arms slipping from around your neck to nervously grip onto the towel once again, and began to shimmy out of your sweat pants, not even bothering to even try to be sexy while doing it, taking your underwear down with them, all too aware of Branch sucking in a breath through his teeth as he stared at you... and after an instance of almost taking an ungraceful tumble off the bed, you were completely naked and ready to fuck.

Shit, if Branch wasn't hard before, he better fucking be now, cause you were about to be the Aladdin to his Jasmine and show him a whole new world-

You were back on top of him, hands on either side of his head... before one of your hands snaked down between your bodies and gently grabbed ahold of his stiff cock, shifting around to position yourself to where your entrance was barely an inch away from his cuddle-stick.

"Last chance, Branch." You began, causing the said Troll to meet your gaze. "Last chance to back out and keep your virginity."

Branch only gave you a nervous smile. "No.. I'm ready." He nodded to you, his hands leaving the towel to wrap around your upper back. "And... I'm glad my first time is with you." He confessed, looking so damn genuine it made your heart squeeze.

"I don't even know how to respond to that." You smiled, hoping it conveyed the emotions you were feeling right now, and slowly lowered yourself onto him, having to use your hand to move him around a bit before his tip dipped into your entrance, and you could feel Branch's fingers dig into your back from the feeling of your heat for the first time.

You groaned in unison with Branch as you sunk lower onto him, his tip becoming fully engulfed inside of you, having to rock your hips and gently grind down on him to take in more, keeping a close eye on Branch's reactions and facial expressions to make sure nothing was uncomfortable or too much, but so far, he's doing fine.

It only took a few moments to become fully seated, removing your hand now that there was no need for it and moving it back to rest beside his head to help support your weight. His entire length was encased in your wet core, and you could feel him twitching and throbbing inside you, causing you to clench around him.

His breath hitched at the feeling of you tightening around him, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to get used to the feeling of his cuddle-stick being inside something hot, wet, and tight for the first time.

Slowly, you raised yourself and sunk back down on him-

"A-ah! W-wait! Wait wait wait!" Branch suddenly exclaimed, one of his legs kicking out as his hips jerked away from you, trying to get away from the overwhelming pleasure. "D-don't move. I'll burst." He panted, burying his burning face into your shoulder, either because he was embarrassed from almost cumming so fast or because he needed something to anchor him, you'll never know.

"I gotcha buddy, take your time. Just tell me when and we'll get started." You mumbled into his ear, keeping your lower half as still as possible while he focused on not releasing this very second.

It took a few good minutes of just silently reassuring him that it's ok if he finishes quickly, and that it's ok if he can't last more than a few minutes, but he finally nodded into your shoulder and gave you the go ahead to move.

And that's exactly what you did.

You gently rocked your hips against his, testing his reaction... and when he didn't tell you to stop again and instead moaned in your ear, you began to lift yourself off of him and slowly fall back down in a smooth repeated motion, setting a slow and steady rhythm while Branch's heels dug into the bed and his nailless fingers scratched at your back.

Branch's hips rocked with you, arching off the bed to meet your pace, his cock throbbing and twitching with each gentle thrust, his hips following yours like he didn't want to be separated from you.

"(Y-y/n).." Branch moaned into your shoulder, the side of his face pressing into your neck as he panted. "Faster.. please." He begged, his hips stuttering as they met with yours.

"Aye, aye captain." You growled, shifting a bit for a better position to go faster, your legs spreading more and your knees pressing further into the mattress, before you picked up the pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin now more prominent as Branch's body rocked with each thrust of your hips.

"Y-yes! Yes! Oh gud!- (Y/n)!" He praised, his squirming legs somehow finding their way to wrap around you and squeeze.

But as you thrust into him with a new vigor, your walls clenching around him and something familiar, hot and tingly, building up in your lower gut, and you weren't expecting his hair to begin intertwining with yours, curling and twisting around chunks and strands... and it was a little weird, but you didn't say anything about it, guessing it was a Troll thing that he didn't even realize he was doing.

"(Y/n)! H-hahhoo gud! (Y/n)!" Branch vocalized, tightening his grip on you.

"What- what is it, buddy?" You panted, really beginning to feel the burn in your thighs from all this work.

"I-I- a-ah!.. I love you! I love you.. so much!" He whimpered, and you could feel him hug you closer and his face aggressively nuzzle into your shoulder. "I- I know I don't m-mmm- say it out loud, but I love you so much!" He rambled, kissing your shoulder through his moaning and gasping.

"A-ah shit, dude. I love you too." You groaned, shimmying one of your hands under his upper back to return the hug.

"Haaa." Branch moaned as his cock twitched violently inside you, his breathing becoming more erratic by the second. "(Y/n)! S-say it again, please!"

You didn't hesitate to do as he asked. "I love you, Branch. I love you so damn muc-"

Branch's teeth sank into your shoulder as his back arched off the bed and pushed against yours, a choked cry of pleasure being muffled by your skin as his hips bucked up to meet yours, burying himself as deep as he could inside you as something hot and wet shot out and coated your walls.

.. It took your sex-driven mind a second to process what just happened, with your hips still gently rocking against him, and his body shaking, his hips jerking against you, and his cock softening and shrinking...

... He just came... ooooooh-

And even though you didn't get to finish, you couldn't bring yourself to feel disappointed. I mean, it's his first time, he's not gonna be some kind of sex god that has infinite stamina and natural talent in the bed that'd make any girl cream her panties within a span of two seconds-

This was about making his first time a great experience, not about trying to get yourself off.

You slipped off of him, gently shushing him when he whined in overstimulation, and used a hand to comb through his hair to comfort him while he rode out his second orgasm of the night.... and you know, you honestly weren't expecting Branch to be a biter, and it's a good thing his teeth were round and dull, or this bite would have hurt like a whole bitch-

It took a few moments, but Branch finally seemed to get ahold of himself and the pressure of his teeth in your shoulder lessened until it disappeared entirely, and he pulled back so his head was resting on a pillow and looking up at you, a bit dazed but over all looking satisfied and at peace with the world.

And that's exactly what you had hoped to achieve. Mission accomplished-

"W-wait..." Branch rasped, his voice spent from being so vocal in bed. His eyebrows furrowed in concern and... guilt? "You-... did you get to finish?"

His hands slowly slipped off your back when you shrugged like it was no big deal, so guilty looking it's like he accidentally ran over your puppy or something.

"Hey." You started, seeing how he was beginning to have a straight head dive into self-deprecating thoughts, and efficiently gaining his attention, his eyes looking up to meet yours. "Sex- uh- cuddling.. is about enjoying yourself with your partner and making them feel good- and I enjoyed myself and felt good... it isn't all about orgasms an' shit like that... it's about the experience." You spoke softly, smiling when some of the guilt left his face. "And besides, no one's some kind of expert their first time... and I'll tell you something right now, I don't know about Trolls, but Human women are the hardest damn things to get to orgasm. Most of the time, we can't." You shrugged, patting Branch on the shoulder when he slowly nodded in reluctant acceptance.

"Good. Now let's get cleaned and pass the fuck out, because I'm tired as hell."

..... "Are we moving? Oooor?" Branch raised an eyebrow when you didn't move.

"You kinda gotta let go of my hair first-"

"Ah!" Branch was quick to untangle his hair from yours, flustering a new shade of red. "Sorry!"

So, he didn't realize he did that-

Once you both got cleaned up and yeeted the dirty towels that were used to keep the bed clean into a laundry basket, you both pulled on some clothes, with Branch just deciding to pull on his shorts and nothing else, and you just putting on your sweatpants and t-shirt, saying fuck it, we're going commando to the bra and underwear, and crawled back into the bed, with you being the big spoon, and Branch being the little spoon...

... A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you both drifted off to sleep, at some point Branch turned over and buried his face into your neck, with your head buried in his hair, holding each other as you both slept....


...So, you survived-

She really just made this boi think it was his idea to finally go all the way-

But also tho:


Branch: *confused screaming-*

(Y/n): Shoves hand down Branch's pants

(Y/n): Feels nothing


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