First Love (Min Yoongi ff) |...

De somebangtanshit

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Yoongi is unhealthily obsessed with his piano teacher Areum. Ever since he was 11 years old he knew she was t... Mais



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De somebangtanshit

"So I got you some pyjamas, some underwear, I didn't know what size so I just got small, and then I got you some sweat pants and a hoody, but you can just wear one of mine if you want" he smiled brightly at her as he placed the pile of clothes on the floor by the bed.

"There is also some shampoo and shower gel in the shower and some tooth paste, when you want to brush your teeth you have to tell me so I can give you a toothbrush, oh and a hair brush if you need one"

"You won't give me a toothbrush or hairbrush?" She looked at him in confusion

"I-I don't want you to have anything you can turn into a weapon... I don't want you to hurt me or yourself" Yoongi gave a saddened smile

Areum internally rolled her eyes. Of course he is one step a head of me. He has literally thought of everything. She sighed.

"Ok. So I am going to untie you now. You have to promise you aren't going to hurt me or try and run. That's all I ask Areum. Please. I don't want to have to hurt you and hold you down again. I hate it"

Areum slowly nodded her head. She wasn't going to do anything. At least not yet. She knew she needed to earn his trust and when the time was right she would escape.

Yoongi took his pocket knife and cut the ties around her wrists and ankles. She rolled her joints around in relief.

Yoongi looked disappointed all of a sudden seeing her injured wrists "you kept tugging didn't you? When I told you to stop"

Aruem slowly nodded her head.

Yoongi pulled out some moisturising cream from his back pocket "hands" he said holding out his. She slowly put her hands in his and he gently rubbed some ointment into her wrists. Causing her to wince at the soreness of her friction burns.

Yoongi was really gentle with her she noticed. He really cared about. Whether it was fucked up or not. He cared a lot about her, she could see that.

He finished caring for her wounds and delicately lifted the back of her hands to his mouth kissing the back of each of one gently. As if it was going to help with the heeling.

He stood up and headed towards the locked door to which only he had the key "I'll bring you up some dinner later, I hope you like frozen pizza, I'm not really a great chef... yet... but I can learn" he said trying to give her no reason at all not to like him

"Yoongi, you know I can cook, why don't you let me come down and make us something" she pleaded

"Maybe some other time Areum" he smiled sadly and left, locking the door behind him.

Yoongi's heart ached. He hated this. He hated locking her up. But it was only temporary. Everything would be ok soon. He knew they just had to get through this rough patch and then they had the rest of their lives ahead of them.

A few days had passed. It was always the same situation. Yoongi would bring her food. Watch her whist she brushed her teeth and fixed her hair. Then he would read to her or she would read to him. They often did that even before all of this. When they used to hang out.

They would read poetry together, fantasy novels together, anything really. They both just really enjoyed books.

But even with Yoongi trying to entertain her, she still looked so sad. So empty. Like she had lost that bright flicker inside of her that Yoongi loved so much.

So he decided to bring up the piano. He knew it would be hard since it's an extremely heavy instrument, he really struggled to figure out how he could hoist it up. But after many calculations, and trials and erros with ropes later, he managed to create a pulley system that would help him drag it up.

Yoongi unlocked the door to his room excited to show her the piano he had brought her. He knew it was risk. That she could get into the piano and dismantle it and use part of it to hurt him or escape but his heart just couldn't take seeing her sad anymore. He had to do something to prove he wasn't a complete asshole.

"Areum" he chirped excitedly "I bought you something" he called out he looked around the room. She wasn't in bed. Yoongi quickly looked in the bathroom. Not there either, suddenly he started to panic. "Areum??! Where are you?!?"

He looked under the bed, inside the shower, behind the bathroom door "Areum this isn't funny. Where are you?" He looked and then he saw it "no, no, no, no" he panicked rushing over to the closet, seeing the attic lid was open "aruem you weren't supposed to find this" he called out as he hoisted himself up into the room.

And there she was just sitting quietly looking at all her pictures on the wall with her knees tucked under her chin.

"Areum you weren't supposed to see this"

She said nothing. He couldn't read her. She just stared at the pictures softly. Almost as if she was reminiscing. But Yoongi was still terrified of what she must now think of him "Areum please. Say something. Anything"

"This was the day I got my wisdom teeth taken out" she pointed to a photo of her climbing out of her car with cotton balls stuffed in her mouth, she giggled fondly at the memory of it "I remember they gave me so much pain killers that I thought I was going to candy land"

Yoongi smiled and chuckled a little.

"This was when I found out Jiwoo's boyfriend was cheating on her. That was not a good day for either of us. But I had been trying to tell her from the start that he was a piece of shit. She never listened" Areum started gossiping

Yoongi listened carefully and nodded his head "some guys are assholes"

"They areeee. I don't know why she never believed me. Best friends always know best" she smiled at him

"What did your best friend have to say about me then?" He asked curiously

Areum stopped smiling and frowned gently titling her head in thought "she said you seemed like a real sweetheart, like a misunderstood diamond in the rough"

"And what do you think of me?"

Areum looked around the creepy shrine dedicated to her and gave him a heartbroken expression, as if she was witnessing a funeral "I think you need help. From like a therapist. Yoongi you do. This is not normal" she said with completely sincerity

"I know" he looked down "I know how this looks. I know what you think of me. And I know you probably hate my guts right now" he hung his head in shame.

There was a moment of silence before he looked up at her "Areum" he said, and she looked over at him "nothing else in this world matters to me, other than you. Everything else on this planet is just white noise. The only thing I care about is you. I don't know what more I can say really. I know you think I'm a freak. I know you hate me. I know all that. But that's ok. You can hate me as much as you want. Just as long as you are ok. That's all that matters. Just as long as you are happy in life. That's all I care about"

Yoongi put his heart on his sleeve. He wasn't expecting a response, he didn't need one. He just needed to say it. He was completely utterly head over heels for her.

"I know this doesn't make any sense, it doesn't even make sense to me. I'm just crazy about you. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. You are the only girl for me Areum. I don't care about anyone else on this planet"

Areum just stared at him with sad eyes trying to digest what he was saying.

When aruem first opened the hatch and climbed up here to find this creeper stalker room, initially she was shocked and disgusted.

But then she just sat and saw some key moments in her life. As simple as falling into a puddle on a rainy day or a trivial as walking her dog on a summers morning. She soon just started thinking about all these little memories, that in a fucked up way, Yoongi had been there for.

Yes it was fucked up. Very fucked up. And she meant it when she said he needed help, but she did feel some what special, as if she had had a guardian angel looking out for her all this time. But maybe this was just the Stockholm syndrome talking.

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