By minimini0729

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Yoonmin UwU Oneshots that will make your heart soft... UwU More



917 42 130
By minimini0729

Now it's 12.36 a.m. but I wanted to finish this...

And there is a cockroach...



"If you spit anything about this we'll watch later..."

"But I can't do this alone, we are a group and..." Jimin protested but got a heavy slap on his puffy cheek and his tie pulled hard. It was his sign to be silent.

"Okay..." Jimin mouthed trying not to cry at the pain.

It was their cleaning period and every student was grouped to clean certain places. They got to different places on different days and Jimin was grouped with the worst. There were Jo Bogum, Allan Bucket and Gangam Style, the worst bastards in their class. They always took advantage of Jimin being so innocent and skipped cleaning. And prevented Jimin from complaining by hurting him.

"You'll regret it one day..." Jimin sighed after them, leaving him alone in the art room. Now he had to clean the whole art room alone again. Jimin started moving chairs and desks to the corner and started sweeping the classroom. He should sweep, brush and mop the floor alone.

"What are you doing all alone? Isn't this a group work?"

Jimin flinched when the voice suddenly came behind him. When he moved his head, there was Min Yoongi, the school's head boy sternly staring at him.

"Oh! Hyung... good morning..." Jimin bowed.

Yoongi sighed.

"I asked you a question..."

Jimin gulped his eyes drowning into the tiles. Min Yoongi is known as the most savage head boy ever, they said, causing Jimin to always stay out of Yoongi's way. Now, there he was finally in front of the handsome blonde head boy finding anything to say.

"Uh... hyung... they went for an extra mop."

Jimin heard the head boy say nothing but stepping towards him.

"I don't need anybody lying, I hate liars and you are kind of bad at lying."

Jimin shivered with fear. Why did the head boy appear suddenly, questioning like there was a crime scene?

"Look at me!" Yoongi demanded.

Jimin slowly eyed the head boy who was standing an inch away. Jimin noted him, eying Jimin head to toe with his cat-like eyes. Not only did he look like a cute cat but also had that sassiness of a cat. Jimin gasped when the head boy's hands rose.


"Fix your uniform properly. You can't wear it like a wanderer..." Yoongi said, fixing Jimin's tie that had pulled hard before making Jimin's upper button showing.

"I'm sorry, hyu..."

"Why is this so tight? Did anybody pull your tie or did you do it for yourself?"

Jimin waited, sneaking glances at the head boy who was concentrating on untying his tie pulling the gray stripe out of Jimin's apron.

"Get rid of your apron kid."

Jimin slowly undressed the apron, his white shirt visible. Yoongi allowed the stripe around Jimin's collar and tied neatly pulling the knot upwards. Then he stared at Jimin's tie, satisfied with his work.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin mumbled thinking what will happen next.

"What is your name?"

"Park Jimin, hyung..."

"Where is your group?"

Jimin remained silent at the question, still failing to make eye contact with Yoongi. Yoongi walked past Jimin dragging a chair at the back of the class and sat comfortably.

"Does the silence mean that they skipped their responsibility threatening you to shut up?"

Jimin flinched. How did he know? Even if he didn't say it out loud, Yoongi could read his expressions as someone who has to deal with various students every day.

"I know because that's what many bastards do with innocents. Not only that, your puffy cheek tells everything about you"

Jimin's hand went to his swollen cheek and winced when it ached because of the hard slap earning warm tears in his eye sockets.

"Yeah he slaps me every time I protest," Jimin whispered.

"Why don't you report?"

"I don't like it hyung, they'll bully me more after if I do. Bullies are bullies. I don't want to make a scene and I believe that they'll regret it somehow..."

Yoongi smirked, standing and stepped towards Jimin unbuttoning his blazer. He grabbed Jimin's apron from the younger's hand and wore it while Jimin watched the head boy in surprise. Yoongi snatched the sweeper from Jimin's hand and started sweeping.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Helping you, so don't watch me standing there. I know that I'm handsome. Take the dustpan and bin here."

Jimin shrugged and did as Yoongi said. They worked silently and at the end both collapsed on chairs under the twirling fan.

"Imagine if you have to do this all alone, I'm exhausted" Yoongi said.

"I've done it several times hyung."

"This makes me feel bad, Jimin."

"Why?" Jimin asked but didn't get any reply because the bell rang.

"I have math," Yoongi said and left.

Jimin watched the head boy leaving with a small smile forgetting to thank the elder. When Jimin was about to leave the art room he saw something wrong.

"Oh my god!" Jimin gasped and ran outside looking for Yoongi.


Yoongi was already late to class. It didn't matter because he had a duty and his math teacher Mr. Kim wasn't that troublesome. Yoongi slid the classroom slowly and bowed.

"Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm late," he said knowing that Mr. Kim would accept his apology. But today it didn't seem alright. Mr. Kim looked at Yoongi with an amused expression through his glasses. His classmates moved to look at him too and the result was the same.

That's how Yoongi looked downwards checking himself realizing that he forgot his blazer in the art room. How did he lose his mind? Instead of the blazer, he was wearing Jimin's apron which has Jimin's name across it.

That's why he felt Jimin's scent all over him...

That scent made him dizzy...

He thought it was his mind messing with him...

Of course, it was that scent messing with him...

"Yoongi hyung!"

Jimin shouted from the corridor running into Yoongi causing his fellow classmates to laugh loudly. Mr. Kim gestured to Yoongi to go and get his blazer back. When he was about to slide the door Jimin reached him with a sweet smile and face flushed because he ran.

"Hyung you left your blazer in the art room."

Jimin moved his head when he heard Yoongi's classmates laughing at them and Mr. Kim waving his hand at him. Yoongi shut the sliding door blushing hard. He was afraid that Jimin would understand them wrong. But Jimin smiled, putting his heart at ease.

"Both of us didn't realize that you were wearing my apron."

Yoongi didn't respond and quietly removed Jimin's apron untying it from the back and sharply inhaling the scent when he removed it from the head. He handed the apron back to Jimin and covered himself with his blazer.


"No hyung, I'm the one who should thank you. Sorry for being ungrateful and forgetting to thank you..."

Yoongi nodded, turning back to the classroom.

"See you around then," it was only Yoongi could say his words hitch in his throat.

"Of course!" Jimin said his eyes smiling for Yoongi.

When Yoongi felt that he was about to explode at any moment he went into the classroom not waiting to see the younger one gone but he barely caught the sight of the younger embracing his apron to his chest and... did he... did Jimin recognize Yoongi's scent?

Yoongi sat ignoring the amused stares and his ridiculous seatmate Jackson Wang muttering something about babying pretty boys.


Yoongi was addicted to his duty, which was watching juniors cleaning properly. He quickened and checked all the places and went to help Jimin. Jimin also began to enjoy the head boy's company and used to talk about random things he felt with Yoongi.

"Jimin, I just want to ask you something," Yoongi suddenly said once they were in the music room.

Jimin kept his brush away, giving a concerned look at Yoongi.

"What is it hyung?"

Yoongi stepped towards Jimin standing an inch away as he used to do with Jimin. Even though that distance was a bit much, Jimin liked it. He couldn't tell what but Jimin loved how it felt like he was going to lose his balance to stand and his toes curling under his shoes, imagining how Yoongi would catch him leaning closer when he was off balance.

"Am I being a bad head boy?"

"You? Of course not hyung! Why do you think like that?" Jimin said, noticing the worried look in Yoongi's eyes.

"Like just even I am capable of taking an action for those guys skipping this and I should take an action, but all I'm doing is skipping my duty like them. I feel so bad and I don't know why I'm telling you this... never mind I'm sorry Jimin."

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head going back to work but Jimin stopped him lightly, hugging the head boy. It was a quick one but so soft and filled with affection. Yeah, Yoongi felt that. He looked at Jimin who blushed so hard smiling at him.

"Did I tell you that you are the sweetest hyung ever? I believe in you and you should know that. You are my cat hyung, inside my mind I call you cat hyung."

"Oh Jimin! Really?" Yoongi rolled his eyes but couldn't stop smiling at his nickname.


Jimin watched his jaw drop seeing the three guys followed by Yoongi to the principal's office. When Yoongi saw Jimin in the corridor, he winked making Jimin blush but he wasn't in a state of reacting to the cheering and whistling crowd of students around him thinking what was going on. He couldn't stay long because the bell rang and he should be in his class. He almost tripped on the staircase when he saw Yoongi in the corridor. Yoongi smiled.

"Hyung, what happened?"

Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair.

"You have no worries, no more alone work. Mr. Kim caught them bullying a junior and I got the chance to show my report about them skipping classes, stealing money and many other things. Ah! The major thing was heartlessly hurting their sweetest classmate..."

"You... you were making a report?" Jimin asked, his eyes widening in surprise. Yoongi nodded excitedly but then saw Jimin's face fall.

"What's wrong? Don't you feel happy?"

"No hyung, I'm the happiest person on the earth now but at the same time I'm the saddest one because... because I'm gonna miss you."

Yoongi patted sad Jimin on the shoulder. He knew this was going to happen before. But he didn't think it was this hard. He would miss Jimin as well. He would miss their small talks, random jokes and those precious moments when they were having conversations with eyes, those moments that they didn't know what to talk but having too much to tell each other.

"I miss you too but I'm coming for duty... okay?"

When Jimin was about to ask Yoongi's number, Yoongi left him. Sadly, he missed his last chance to keep Yoongi closer.


Jimin took a deep breath trying not to cry. It was the last day. It was the last day he was meeting Yoongi at school but still he had many things to say. He slipped through the crowd at the assembly hall looking for Yoongi. When he saw Yoongi through the crowd, he tugged behind Yoongi. Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear.

"I'll meet you in the art room... wait there when the school ends. Okay?"


"Hyung..." Jimin ran to Yoongi when the elder entered the art room.

Yoongi smiled quietly standing in front of the younger one an inch away after a damn long time.

"Hyung this is for you... this is not much but I thought this would be lovely..."

Jimin handed Yoongi a chocolate wrapped by a purple cellophane and a pink ribbon.

"Anything would be lovely if they were given by you Jimin," Yoongi said while taking the chocolate.

"Why is that?" both of them looking at each other without breaking eye contact.

"It is, however" Yoongi replied, placing his gift on a nearby table. They looked at each other leaning closer second by second but not knowing what to do or say, just doing their own thing by getting lost in each other's eyes.

"Do you know why I take a slow action with your case? Do you want to know?" Yoongi asked while Jimin nodded.

"First, you didn't want to make a scene and I didn't want to blow everything because of you. The second I was being so selfish..."

"You? Selfish?" Jimin mouthed amusedly.

"Yeah I was so selfish to let go of those precious times I was going to have with you. I was so greedy to see you and lost myself inside your eyes. That's why..."


"I'm sorry Jimin"

"You are such a stupid cat hyung... just now at last don't hesitate and give me your number..."

Yoongi laughed, "One thing left, do you know why I've never asked for your number?"

"Why? You don't know how much I suffered to get your number"

"I thought as the head boy it was unprofessional..."

"What? Having your friend's number is unprofessional?" Jimin arched his brows.

Before replying, Yoongi took Jimin by the waist as Jimin was wishing for it to happen so badly. Now there was a one-centimeter gap between their lips. Jimin felt that bare touch of Yoongi's lips on his mouth.

"No it's not but when it comes to you it was Jimin. I tell you, it was..."

Then it lasted Jimin kissing Yoongi softly while slipping his hand into Yoongi's pockets with a chit he brought, his number written on it with loads of pink hearts around. 


Hope this is cute and UwU ... *u*

Thank you guys for encouraging me so much...

Love from minimini0729

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