THE Ravenclaw

By -RavenclawHeadgirl-

574 127 181

Any witches dream is to attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Phoebe Anne receives her Hogw... More

-A dream in a letter-
"All Aboard!"
The Sorting Ceremony
Terry Boot
Charms With the Gryffindors
One Terrible Feeling
The Haunting Halloween Feast
The mean girls
3 A.M Thoughts - Chapter 10 -
Remember your roots -Chapter 11
Curiouser and Curioser- Chapter 12
Ginger- Chapter 13
Raymond Coakley- Chapter 14
Closer- Chapter 15
The Weasleys- Chapter 16

"I am not what you thought"

41 6 14
By -RavenclawHeadgirl-

Word traveled extremely fast that the legendary Harry Potter had made the quidditch team, as a first year.

"Why should Harry be aloud when no one else is-"

"Gryffindor just wants the cup-"

"I heard he confunded people so he would make it-"

There were thousands of rumors going around.

"Do you think if I asked McGonagall if I could try out, she would let me?" Phoebe asked Terry.

"Many students have already asked, Mcgonagall said that Harry making the team was a "special case" whatever that means."

"But it isnt fair," Phoebe whispered under her breath."

Commotion rose at the Gryffindor table. All the other houses crowded around it too.

"HARRYS GOTTEN A BROOM!" someone yelled, making everyone burst into chatter.

Terry saw the look of longing on Phoebes face. She wanted so badly to be on the quidditch team. Maybe Harry deserved it more...

"Hey, dont worry! You'll make the team next year..."

As Phoebe headed to potions class she ran into Harry.

"Hi Harry," she said.


"So I was just wondering, what exactly did you do to get a spot on the quidditch team? That's quite hard for a first year to do.."

"I honestly dont know, I didn't even know quidditch existed until a week ago! Proffessor McGonagall said I needed to be seeker on her team."

"Oh..well congrats!" She said. She meant it, but at the same time she wished that she could have the same opportunity.

Maybe I just need to wow someone, just the same as Harry, she thought.

As night came around she sat in bed thinking for hours, trying to hatch a plan. Nothing came to her. She grabbed a book and headed out of the dorm.

As she approached the common room, someone was sitting in the nearest armchair.

"You scared the living daylights out of me!" She yelled.

"Am I really that ugly?" Michael Corner said, laughing. "And what in merlins beard are you doing?"

"I was heading to the library, it helps me think."

"I bet I could guess who you are thinking about-"

"Michael cut it out, I'm not in the mood." She said harshly. She sat down on the sofa nearest to the fire and avoided his eye.

"Well then whats the actual problem?" He said.

"Making the quidditch team. Everyone keeps telling me I can't do it...but...but I just have a feeling. I have a feeling I will be on the team this year."

"Well then why dont you just grab Roger Davies and make him watch you? If you're good enough maybe he will let you on the team-" He said. She got the impression he really was trying to help, but he wasn't really getting anywhere.

"Michael, first years arent allowed brooms. I'll be expelled if I am seen with one, Ecspecially during daytime."

"Then go at night?"

Phoebe laughed.

"What is with you? I am telling you, I can't fly or I'll be expelled. Do you want me thrown out?"

"Of course not....well actually," he started.

Phoebe slapped him in the arm with a book.



The next morning she woke up and went to breakfast immediately. She recieved a letter.


Dear Phoebe,

If you get word from anyone soon please don't bother to panic. I'm fine, I promise, I think I'm just a bit overwhemlmed with school and I'm still getting used to being non-magical. I miss you and love you,



The writing looked rushed, and Esme never signed her name as just Esme. She would always put something before like "your amazing sister" or "the best sister ever". 

"Terry, Michael, I'll see you in a bit, I forgot to finish my project for potions! You know how Proffesor Snape can be, so I better get it done!" She said with a quick smile as she ran out the door.

"She'd never be that happy if she forgot to do something," Michael said. "She would go completely bizerk. I think you better go check on your girlfriend, Boot, make sure she hasnt gone insane."

When Phoebe reached her room she pulled out the letter and whispered,

As she said the words, the original letters writing faded and a new message arose.


Phoebe, I don't know how much longer I can keep a grip on myself. My mind is slipping, I dont know whats happening to me..

If I lose my mental state again I may be gone forever, mum is not helping. I canno


The letter ended there. Phoebe panicked. She searched her dorm looking for the mirror that matched Esme's.

She had finally found it.

She was looking into her own house, where a great and giant black mass swirled around in the air. Shattered pictures and broken walls were what was left of her childhood home, splattered with shiny streaks of red.


Phoebe couldnt keep herself together. She threw the mirror back into her trunk trying to erase the image from her mind. She breathed heavily crying between breaths.

"Phoebe! Phoebe Anne!" A voice called from the common room. "You know boys can't come into your dormitory!"

She tried to ignore him, but couldn't. She crammed the letter into her pocket, and wiped her red eyes.

She came down into the common room.

"Oh..Phoebe whats wrong?" Terry asked, pulling her into a deep hug.

She tried to speak but only a small squeak came out.

"Proffessor Snape assigns so much work anyway, he probably wont even notice! And besides you are one of the best students he has, he can't possibly get that mad!" Terry said reassuringly.

She nodded her head, going along with the story.

"You'll figure it out, you always do." He said as he grinned big, giving her hand a slight squeeze.

As the rest of the day went along she couldnt focus, her mind could only see one thing.

"MS.ANNE ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO A WORD I AM SAYING!" Proffessor Snape yelled, making the room grow quiet.

"Yes sir," Phoebe said with great difficulty, trying to keep back the tears.

"Then I will ask AGAIN, what is a bezoar?!"

"It is-" she said swallowing. "A stone that grows in the stomach of a goat. It can be used to reverse the effects of most potions and poisons, but is extremely rare and should therefore be used sparingly."

Snape looked taken aback as though he expected her to not know a word.

"Very well then..." He said. "And 5 points from Ravenclaw for dazing off in my class."

He couldnt go a day without taking points at least once.


As night approached she had to get out of there. She couldnt sleep and something told her there were important places to be.

Once again she started to head down stairs. She grabbed her winters coat, her broom, and a small sack filled with necessities.

"What are you doing down here, again?" Phoebe asked as she spotted Michael in the same armchair as yesterday.

"I like to watch the common rooms constellations at night," He said. "And what are you doing?"

"Leaving. I have to do something." She said, sounding insane.

"You cant just leave?! Dumbledore will know, he always knows. And with Filch-" He said, sounding much unlike his usual carefree self.

"Listen Corner, You don't understand, my family is in trouble! And why do you care so much if I leave anyway?" She said almost to tears once more.

"I care because you are like a sister to me, Phoebe! So if you are going, so am I!" Michael said while getting to his feet.

"No, you arent going to be in any danger because of me! I need to be on my own. I want to be on my own..." She said quietly so that he couldnt hear.

"I know that you dont have a plan, and youve been actine weird all day. Wait....and we can go in prepared."

"We? Michael you arent coming!"

Phoebe couldnt argue anymore. She went back up to her room, mostly because she knew Michael was right. She didnt have a plan, and that could result in much worse.

She went to bed with great difficulty; not knowing was much worse than knowing.

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