The Entanglement [Charlie Bar...

By driver_fans

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CharlieBarberXReader fanfiction story Once Charlie returned to NYC full time he was able to focus on bigger B... More

Chapter 1: Good girl, Dirty mind
Chapter 2: Fire on Fire
Chapter 3: The Awakening
Chapter 4: Wondrous Bliss
Chapter 5: Instincts
Chapter 6: Fifteen Minutes
Chapter 7: The Rise of Lady Domme
Chapter 8: Scarlett
Chapter 9: The Red Room
Chapter 10: Pity
Chapter 11: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 13: Hurts like Hell
Chapter 14: Secrets
Chapter 15: Together
Chapter 16: Isabel Porter
Chapter 17: Birthday Girl
Chapter 18: Queen Bitch
Chapter 19: Wicked Games
Chapter 20: Gone
Chapter 21: Vengeance
Chapter 22: Bad Girl, Good Boy
Chapter 23: Earn It
Chapter 24: A New Life
Chapter 25: Breakthrough
Chapter 26: Love
Chapter 27: Casting
Chapter 28: Sorry, daddy
Chapter 29: Cue, Lady Marmalade
Chapter 30: Void
Chapter 31: Goodbye, New York
Chapter 32: Hello, Paris
Chapter 33: Hello, L.A.

Chapter 12: King.

3K 112 364
By driver_fans

A/N: First thing you should know: I created a Spotify playlist for this fic and the link is available on the message board. Second thing: there's a new kink I'm introducing in this chapter. Is it hot? Yes. Will you be traumatized? Perhaps. No disclaimers though because I think it's important to understand how a real dominant should behave with this kink.

Don't be afraid, daddy Charlie's been training for this. Just hold my damn hand, and let it happen, okay? Lights, camera...ACTION...

Jeffrey sat across the table from you looking over his menu as you did the same. It had been a couple of days since you moved into your own place so you wanted to take him out for a nice lunch to thank him for the generosity of letting you crash on his couch for much longer than you intended.

"Hmmm... shall I get the steak... or the lobster?" he scanned the menu like the diva he was. "Ah... surf and turf. Perfect." he said, looking up at you and cocking his brow mischievously.

You shrugged in agreement. "Like I said, whatever you greedy little bitch." you both chuckled and placed your orders with the waiter.

"So...are you getting settled in the new palace?" he asked, sipping on his water.

"Yeah, I mean, it's still pretty empty. I have a new bed being delivered later today, though." you said, taking a sip of your water and chewing on the straw. Charlie had insisted you sleep at his place until the bed arrived.

"Well aren't you fancy! Are you in, like, so much credit card debit now?" He asked, gaze moving to people-watch out the window.

"Ummm... Charlie actually bought it." You said, feeling a bit shameful. "But I'm going to pay him back as soon as I can. One hundred percent." you quickly added.

Jeffrey's eyes snapped back to you, looking surprised. "Charlie bought you a bed? You guys went furniture shopping together??" He leaned back in his chair, giving you a puzzled look. "When's the wedding?"

"It's not a big deal, don't make it into one." you held up your hand to stop him. "It's just a loan."

He nodded. "Sure. Yeah... sounds good." He paused briefly then continued. "So are you allowed to fuck other people on Charlie's new bed or...? How does that work?" he asked, sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes at him. "OH MY GOD. It's not his bed... it's my bed." Your heart rate started to pick up feeling overly defensive of your actions. "He can't tell me what to do, or not do, in it..."

"Mmk." Jeffrey replied, clearly seeing how you were getting worked up so he changed the subject. "I have to say, when I opened my front door and saw him standing in front of me all... tall and dark...", his eyes rolled to the back of head. "... I practically came right then and there." he laughed.

You smirked, feeling your blood pressure lower back down to normal. Charlie was a sight to behold, especially if you weren't expecting him. You remembered walking in on him in the dressing room and how it made your stomach flip seeing him standing there, half naked. Of course, you'd seen plenty of him before that night but there was something about Charlie, something so striking that would stop your heart every time you laid eyes on him.

Your mind wandered to other moments of that crazy night.

"Hey, did you tell David about Charlie and I?" you asked, recalling how one of your castmates heard from someone named 'David' that you call Charlie "daddy".

Jeffrey narrowed his eyes. "Well, yeah. We do live together and tell each other most things. But I told him not to tell anyone." he cocked his head to the side. "Why?"

You shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Some of my castmates found out. I'm the local tramp now." you took a big gulp of water. "It's fine. I just hope Charlie doesn't get upset."

A devilish grin appeared on Jeffrey's face. "Oh? Is daddy gonna punish you?"

You kicked him from under the table and he winced.

"Maybe I'll just send him your way? You'd like that, wouldn't you?" You bit your bottom lip and grinned.

"Bitch, please. I would rock his world so good, you would never see him again."


You waited in your apartment for the bed to be delivered, sitting in a folding chair that was positioned by the window, next to a ledge that you used a side table for your coffee mug. At that point, it was the only piece of furniture you had; a folding chair next to a window. It didn't discourage you, though. You found it refreshing to start over and rebuild on your own.

Well, kind of on your own, with Charlie helping until you could get there.

A knock at the door echoed through the empty room as you stood and walked over to let in the delivery guys. They piled in with all the furniture pieces and began putting the bed together.

Something definitely looked off when they set the frame down because it was much larger than you remembered. You worried it was too big for your studio as you scanned the receipt to verify what you purchased.

"Um, quick question. Is this a full?" You asked, pointing at the receipt and showing one of the delivery guys.

He pulled out another receipt from his back pocket. "King." He handed you the paperwork that showed a king sized bed to be delivered to your address. Confused by the misprint, you started to panic.

"Whoa, I ordered a full. I can't afford anything bigger." you said as you watched the men construct the four poster bed into the air. You realized it looked almost identical to Charlie's. In fact... it was Charlie's bed, but in the color white.

"Sorry miss, I just do what the paperwork tells me." the man shrugged, leaving you in your stupor as he helped the other guys finish putting the bed together.

Once everyone left, you closed and locked your front door, walking over to the bed that was so massive, it took up the majority of your tiny studio. You ran both hands through your hair and sighed. It was absolutely beautiful but you knew it was way out of your price range. It would take you years to pay him back for this.

You glanced around for any free space, wondering where in the hell you would put a sofa or a small dining table. There simply wasn't room for anything else. Your entire apartment was just one big bed now. A part of you resented him for making such a big change without consulting you first about it.

You sat on the plush mattress and bounced up and down. You lifted your legs up and reclined back to lay down. Holy fucking shit, it was the most comfortable bed you'd ever felt in your life. You playfully rolled several times across the extra wide mattress until you reached the other side and giggled.

Okay. Maybe you could forgive him. For now.

You arrived at the theatre that evening and saw Charlie standing near the audio booth, reviewing settings with a tech.

"Mr. Barber, may I speak with you?" You said, in the most professional tone, catching his attention away from the tech as he gave you a wicked look.

He patted the tech on the shoulder without a word and walked past you, nodding in the direction he was walking as an unspoken invitation to follow him into the private audio booth. You walked into the cramped space, trying not to bump into the motherboards and switches that were lit up in all different colors.

Charlie closed the door and sat on the only stool in the room while crossing his arms.

You both stared at each other in silence. He knew what you wanted to talk to him about so he waited for you to start, giving you a look of amusement.

"What were you thinking? It's far too expensive." You said, trying to appear serious as you suppressed the smile behind your face. He was so damn cute sitting there acting all innocent.

"I believe the words you are looking for are... Thank you, daddy." he said in his deep voice, giving you a crooked smile.

"You know I can't fit anything else in my apartment now, right?" you argued back.

"What else would you need to do besides sleep, fuck and shower?" he glanced over to the switch panel, appearing uninterested in your concern.

You scoffed at him and reached over to tilt his chin back towards you. "Is that all you think I do?" your gaze was heavy on him as he peered at you. "I'll have you know I'm much more than just your little fuck doll."

He smirked. "Prove it."

You were taken aback by the challenge. "Okay. Fine." you paused, trying to think of something non-sexual. "I'll cook dinner. Tonight. At your place, obviously, since I don't have a dining table." you aimed the last words at him.

He grinned sweetly at you, standing up from the stool and kissing your forehead. "I look forward to it."

He exited the booth as you took a moment to yourself to gather your thoughts. After a second you realized it wasn't your thoughts you had to sort through. It was your heart. Charlie was growing on you in a major way. You knew it was dangerous territory since he had been clear he wasn't in this for anything serious. He was emotionally unavailable and you should be, too.

The cast gathered in the green room, chatting and getting ready for the pre-show. You were sitting on a couch with Sam as he told you the dramatic story of his apartment being broken into when your attention was interrupted by Ben standing in the doorway. He walked into the room, fists balled and face red, looking like he was about to explode from rage.

It took you .2 seconds to remember why he would be so pissed as you glanced across the room to Charlie who was total oblivious that Ben even walked in. He stormed over to Charlie and you stood up quickly.

"Ben!" you shouted, causing everyone to turn and look at you, including Charlie. That's when Ben's fist collided with Charlie's cheek, causing Charlie's face whip to the side from the unexpected impact.

Charlie grabbed his jaw, looking stunned as everyone gasped, watching and waiting for what would happen next.

Ben pointed his finger in Charlie's face. "You're a fucking asshole."

You stood frozen, witnessing the scene unfold before you. Charlie's chest was rising and falling heavily as he tried to keep his cool in front of everyone but you could see the anger boiling up inside of him.

Once you found the ability to move, you walked over in between them and placed your hand on Ben's chest, pushing him back away from Charlie.

"Enough..." you warned Ben. "You should be angry with me, not him."

You saw tears starting to build in Ben's eyes as he looked at you defending Charlie. "What is he doing to you...?" he said, shaking his head. "This isn't you." He gestured to you and Charlie with his hands.

You looked around the room, all eyes still on you with the show set to start in less than ten minutes. You tugged Ben's arm and led him out of the green room into a vacant dressing room across the hall and closed the door.

"Have you lost you're fucking mind?? You just punched the director of the show." you shoved Ben. "Your boss!"

Ben was fuming. "OUR boss! He is our boss and you fucked him on my couch?!?" He shouted back.

You exhaled sharply and raised your voice. "Might I remind you that I wouldn't have fucked him at ALL if it wasn't for you being a lying, cheating prick!!"

You knew that was a lie, you certainly would've fucked Charlie at some point, giving into the sexual tension, which would have landed you in the hot seat instead of Ben.

You both stood in an angry silence as you let yourself come down from the fight.

You heard a loud boom from the other side of the wall and it startled you. Peeking out the door and into the hallway, you watched Charlie's figure storm off towards the exit. Drywall crumbled from the wall only feet away.

He must have heard you.

Sam stood in the doorway of the green room, glancing at the hole in the wall then locking eyes on you. "So... showtime?" he said, tilting his brow.

Running through the show without Charlie there felt awkward. You had only done it once before, and that was when you ran into him later that night on a date. Needless to say, when he wasn't at the live shows, he was up to no good.

When the show finished, you quickly grabbed your belongings and left without even changing out of your waitress costume. You took the train to Charlie's and arrived on his doorstep within 20 minutes of the show ending.

You knocked, but no one answered. You rang the doorbell with the same outcome. Deeply sighing, you turned to walk down the steps of his brownstone, wondering where else he could be.

The buzzing of your phone made you pause mid-step as you pulled it out. It was a text from Charlie.

Door code 1983

You pinched your brow and looked back up towards the door. There was a keypad that you never realized was there before. You stepped back up and entered the code, hearing the lock hum as it released. You turned the knob and found yourself standing in Charlie's foyer, alone in a mostly dark house.

"Hello?" you said into the darkness. Nothing answered back but stillness. You walked up the dark stairway, feeling your heart race when you saw the soft glow of a light from under the closed bedroom door.

You stood in front of the door and swallowed slowly, taking a deep breath before opening it.

Charlie was sitting in his reading chair by the window but he looked different. You registered next that his hand was bloody. Stepping in further to the room, you saw his dresser mirror was shattered with broken glass scattered on the floor in front of it.

"Charlie..." you whispered out of concern before you could even stop yourself.

His eyes snapped from the floor and up to you, giving you a threatening look.

"I'm sorry, I- ...are you alright?" you stepped towards him cautiously, tip-toeing across the broken glass.

He moved his dark gaze back to the floor as his bloody hand rested on the arm of the chair. You guessed that between the wall and the mirror, his hand was broken by now.

Once you made it through the field of shattered glass, you stood next to him and peered down to his injury. Kneeling to take a closer look, you placed your hand on his knee while his bloody hand was level to your face. You silently studied it, and narrowed your eyes. There were several gashes and deep cuts along his knuckles. An empty glass of hard liquor was sitting loosely in his other hand.

He hadn't spoken a word to you yet and you wondered how you could help him. It seemed clear to you that he was feeling a loss of power and needed to feel in control again. Charlie never did hit Ben back, but you knew he wanted to do it more than ever. He was pissed that Ben acted cowardly by striking him when he wasn't expecting it in front of everyone. Also, if he heard your fight with Ben, it might've triggered more rage on top of it all.

You knew what you needed to do.

"...daddy...." you said softly, bringing your lips to his bloody hand and kissing it. "...I wanna make you feel better..." you said, looking up at him with intention.

His gazed quickly moved to you as his bourbon laced breath became heavy, lips parted watching you trail kisses across his injured hand, blood staining your mouth along the way. It was as if he couldn't believe you would show him such compassion and kindness in his moment of destructive weakness.

Pulling your mouth away, you licked the blood from your lips, sucking on them while keeping your eyes on his. The taste of metal against your tongue was decadent knowing it was the flavor of Charlie.

"I'm angry." he finally said, voice dark and broken. "Real fucking angry. I'm not sure you can help with that."

You considered him for a moment, biting your bottom lip, searching for purpose. You trusted him and knew he needed a place to release his fury.

"Use me." you offered, selflessly. "Take it out on me."

Arousal painted across his face, looking at you with fierce passion in his eyes. It's possible you may have just evoked the devil to come play with you but for whatever reason, you wanted to do anything to make him feel better.

Charlie placed the empty bourbon glass on the side table and brought his hand to your throat. "I can't guarantee I'm in the right mind to stop myself if you use your safe word tonight." he warned, keeping his lips inches away from yours.

Your breath picked up, gazing into his eyes. "Something tells me I won't want you to stop, daddy."

He pressed his kiss against you, hard, smothering you as his hand squeezed your throat. After a few seconds he pulled away as you gasped for air.

"Take off your fucking clothes." he ordered, leaning back into the chair.

You stood up and removed the waitress costume you had kept on from the play, tossing it to the side of the room and standing in your bra and panties in front of him. His eyes scanned your body before landing on your gaze, raising his brow.

You reached behind and unhooked your bra, letting it fall to the floor. Charlie bit his lip, studying your breasts as you slowly hooked your fingers into your panties to pull them down.

"Give those to me." he reached his hand out.

You placed the panties into his grasp and he bunched them up in his hand, keeping them safe in his pocket. Your body began to shiver from being so exposed to the cool air of the room.

Charlie stood from the chair and stalked towards you, causing you to rescind backwards until you felt the edge of the bed against your heels.

"Don't move."

His voice was so dark, you wouldn't dare disobey him. He stepped away to retrieve something from his closet and came back to you. The sound of velcro tearing stunned you as he wrapped your wrists in heavy duty cuffs, tossing the other end over his poster bed railing and attaching your other wrist. Your arms were fully extended above you now as you dangled from the edge of the bed, toes still touching the floor enough for some control.

Walking over to his nightstand next, he pulled the duct tape out, ripped a piece off and came back over to you. He kissed you roughly for a second before pulling away and replacing his lips with the tape across your mouth.

Fear and excitement mingled together in your veins, knowing how much the tape would hurt once he yanked it from your mouth, whenever that would be.

He ran his bloody hand down your neck, to your chest, smearing the red, sticky substance on your body as he clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils.

Locking eyes with you, he held your jaw with his injured hand. "You want daddy to hurt you, princess?"

You could hear the beating of your own heart in your head as you breathed steadily through your nose, wanting to surrender your entire self to him, trusting he would take care of you after it was over.

You softened your eyes on his and nodded.

Charlie twisted your body around so that you were facing the bed as he propped his knee up on the frame and against the front of your hips. He ran his injured hand down your spine, dragging his fingers down to your ass.


A muffled yelp into the tape escaped you at the same time Charlie grunted from the pain shooting through his hand. Your body jolted forward but his firm knee kept you in place.

He continued spanking you on either ass cheek, mutually participating in the pain alongside you with each blow.

You lost count of how many times he spanked you but one thing was for sure, you would be sore for several days and his hand may never be the same.

Charlie twisted you back around to face him, smacking your tits as he did and spitting on your chest. You flinched from the act.

"You're a dirty little whore." he seethed, watching his spit trail down your chest, mixing with his dried blood. He unbuckled his belt with his good hand, unzipping and pulling his hard length free.

"I don't think you deserve to fuck this big cock." he said, focused solely on your tits as he licked his lips.

"You wanna prove to daddy that you deserve it?" he asked, locking eyes with you and tilting his brow. You nodded in agreement.

He reached up and tore the velcro loose from both of the cuffs, freeing you. He slowly walked backwards, holding his swollen cock, glaring at you with intensity. The crunching of glass under his shoes filled the air.

"Get on all fours."

You looked at the sea of broken glass under his feet and swallowed from behind the tape. You gradually lowered yourself to the clean floor underneath you.

"Good girl." He praised you. "Now come and get it." He directed in a deep voice, stroking himself teasingly.

The idea of crawling across broken glass for some dick made you cringe, but you swallowed your pride and pushed down the fear of pain as you began crawling forward, feeling the glass press into your hands at first. It wasn't too painful until your knees reached the broken pieces. They dug into your skin more and more with every movement.

You moaned and groaned from the pain, tensing your body as you tried to move in closer to him.

You saw him shift backwards further away and you whined loudly, feeling the sting on your knees and hands. Wetness came next and you knew it was puncturing the skin.

"Jesus... you're so fucking pathetic for me." he said, stroking his own ego now. "You need this cock so bad you're willing to bleed for it, aren't you?"

"Mmmhmm.." was all you managed to muffle out as you winced from the pain.

Charlie walked around behind you and lifted you up from the pile of glass and placed you back where you had been standing, brushing away the pieces of glass from your hands and hooking you back into the velcro cuffs. Surprisingly, your hands didn't seem to have any cuts but the blood dripping from your knees made up for it.

Once you were secured, he stepped back, taking in the view of you, stretched out and bleeding from the knees, with his dried blood smeared across your chest and neck.

"Fuuuuuck." he said under his breath, feeling aroused by his work as he stroked himself.

He scanned you up and down several times, rubbing himself, as you dangled from his bed, aching to be touched.

"I'm gonna fuck that pussy, but only because I feel bad for you." He said, chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to control himself. "I decide if you even get to cum at all." he concluded.

He pulled his sweater off, revealing his solid chest before pushing his pants and boxers down, stepping out of his shoes in the process. He approached you, fully nude now, as he grabbed your jaw and placed a hard kiss against the tape over your lips. You hated not feeling his full, soft lips.

He spit in his hand, stroking himself as he lifted one of your legs up, positioning himself to fuck you. Once you felt him inside, he moved your other leg up so that you could wrap yourself around his waist. There were still pieces of broken glass embedded in your bloody knees and you winced from the pain of him brushing against it.

He was a deviant on you as your arms remained extended upwards, succumbing completely to him as your control to do anything was taken away. His fingers dug into your ass, holding you tightly as he plunged himself into you erratically, grunting and growling loudly.

You felt him reach up from behind you to tug roughly on your hair, extending your head backwards so that he could suck on your neck, breathing heavy through his nose against your skin. You moaned into the tape over your mouth, feeling your walls begin to clamp down on him as pain mixed with pleasure rolled through you.

Charlie pulled out and backed away, leaving you throbbing at the cusp. You whined and arched your back, dangling from the bed, wanting to feel him inside you again.

He walked back over to you and ripped the tape from your mouth, burning your face as you cried out. Tears stung your eyes as you looked at him.

He jerked himself off, watching you ache for him.

"You need me, don't you?" he said between ragged breaths.

His tone was laced with something deeper. A hidden meaning behind just needing him on a physical level. And you knew he was right, but you didn't want to admit it. You didn't want to need him like that.

"No." you said in a whisper, finally able to speak again, squirming as the peak that was once rising in you started to dissipate.

His eye twitched as he stroked himself harder. "Don't you fucking lie to me." He said, through gritted teeth. "Say it... you're a needy little slut! Say it!" he yelled.

Your chin started to quiver uncontrollably as he shouted, your eyes flooding as you bit your lip.

Charlie's expression softened and he silently walked back over to you, releasing the velcro cuffs. Your weak arms fell loosely around his neck and he steadily lowered you down to the bed.

You kept your arms around him, holding him close to you, not wanting to make anymore eye contact for fear he would see straight through you again.

He buried his face in the nook of your neck and slowly slipped himself back into your warm, soft pussy. The pace and mood shifted from one extreme to the other as he seductively pushed and pulled his hips back and forth into you. You could feel so much more of him when he fucked you slower.

His lips hovering near your ear, hot breath pouring in and out of his mouth. "Tell me." he whispered. "Tell me you need me."

You moaned in response, trying to hold back and focus on the pleasure of him inside of you. If you said it out loud, it would feel real. You didn't want to admit that you needed him even though you did.

"Come on, baby." he lightly nibbled at your earlobe. "Say it for daddy."

Fuck it.

"I need you." you whispered back. "I need you so fucking bad, daddy." you squeezed your walls around his length as he groaned in approval. You tilted your head back as he trailed his lips across your neck, kissing and sucking the skin, pumping himself deeper into you.

"Oh God.. yes..." you moaned, eye rolling back into your head, bearing down on him again as you felt your peak rising once more.

"Mmmmm...fuuuuck. This pussy was made for me." He moaned into your neck. He picked up his pace feeling you throb against him. He was getting close, too.

Charlie pulled his face away to look down at you, your eyes still closed as he fucked you, taking in all the sensations.

"Look at me." he ordered.

Your eyes fluttered open and you locked your gaze with his. Excitement at your core grew the moment you made eye contact and you both held onto the intensity as Charlie began pumping into you faster.

You brought your hands to rest on the sides on his face as the blood rushed to his complexion, turning his face red and flushed. The sight of him peering down into your eyes as he thrusted faster into you made your orgasm skyrocket and before you knew it, you were digging your fingernails into his scalp and screaming "daddy" over and over as you rode out your pleasure.

Charlie quickly pulled out and came hard and fast on your abdomen, hovering over you as he jerked himself off completely, chest heaving, trying to catch his breath.

He swallowed thickly as he brought himself up to his knees, pushing the hair away from his sweaty face.

He looked down at you with new eyes, realizing the destruction he left all over your body. His expression turned empathetic as he tried not to touch your knees for fear of hurting you further.

Carefully, he cleaned his cum off your stomach before assisting you to a standing position and lifting you into his arms.

Charlie carried you to the bathroom and placed you gently down to sit on the edge of the soaking tub as he wrapped his large terry cloth robe around your shoulders. He examined your knees quickly before walking over to turn the shower on.

He bent down in front of you to carefully remove any remaining pieces of glass left in your skin. You hissed and curled your toes when he plucked off a larger piece.

"I'm sorry." he whispered.

Once he felt confident he removed all the pieces, he stood and grabbed your hands to follow him into the steaming shower. He took his time washing away the carnage left all over your body.

Looking down, you watched as the water turned pink at your feet from all the blood, both fresh and dried. He turned you around to face him before he knelt down in front of you, resting on his heels.

Lifting your foot up to rest on his thigh, he ensured to clean the wounds before he delicately kissed them with his soft, wet lips. He gently caressed you, his Queen, as he gazed up doe-eyed.

Staring down upon him kneeling before you, you brought his injured hand up to your lips for a kiss while lightly stroking his wet hair in awe of how he was nursing your self-inflicted wounds back to health.

Like a true King.

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