RWBY x Male reader volume 6

By TheDaleyFlames

4.8K 81 7

It appears you and your teammate have made it to Argust but getting the help from the people for Atlas is gon... More

Y/n's Character short.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Volume 7 is out now.

Chapter 8

338 6 1
By TheDaleyFlames

Cinder and a girl with brown and pink hair were near an aircraft. She and the mute girl had a little clash because she was the one that was believed to kill her boss Roman. The only thing that she had left of Roman was his hat. She now wore the hat. Now she was now wearing a new outfit along with Cinder. Before they could board however, someone showed up right to them. It was Azrael who was wearing his new armor/ outfit.

Azrael: I suppose that you would need someone to come with you.

Cinder: Why do you think that I would need your help?

Azrael: Oh please, after your last failure, it was obvious that you don't have what it takes to get all the maidens power all by yourself. You think that your better than a everyone here else but all you ever could accomplish is failure. Over and over again.

Cinder: I am not gonna sit by here while you go on and lecture me. I don't need all of this coming from you. You're just a service. You're not thing. Just another one of Salem's pawn.

Azrael: So you think. But I am so much more than that. I am powerful. Far more than you and more than you could even imagine. The reason why Salem sent you instead of me because she couldn't see you for who you are. A failure and nothing. All you could now is to let yourself get bested by that silver eye girl. But her technique shall not work on me. Unlike you, I am have killed well trained huntsman. Those who are feared by most but they have all suffered right down on my feet. I have made myself worthy down to Salem. You have shown nothing. After the fall of Beacon, it was like you have became nothing more than a little girl that could do nothing but beg for Salem's approval.

Cinder: You're trash. Just because you are capable of taking out huntsmen, it doesn't mean that you're still a pawn that only does his master's binding.

Azrael: Now that is what you would assume of me but there is so much more than that. What I do in my spare time is destroy villages and watch as the people scream in miserable and live down in great pain. How is that for a pawn?

Neo was just standing by and watching as Cinder and Azrael were going at each other.

Cinder: Yourr wasting my time and I have somewhere to go right now.

Azrael: Oh? Where to?

Cinder: That is none of your business and it doesn't concern you.

Azrael: Well of that is now it is gonna be, then I will have to take a guess. Judging on the look of your ship, I would say that you're heading right to Atlas. And I know for a fact that is of my business.

Cinder didn't even spoke to him.

Azrael: You're trying to get to the winter maiden. Is that right? That is where you will be needing my help. You will get Salem's approval again. You shall make yourself worthy. If you bring me, imagine all of the chaos that the both of us could bring down on the people. People shall know your name. The winter maiden won't be alone. She may be old but that doesn't mean that this could be easy. She will be protected by some pest. They could be really annoying so annoying and they could make this so hard for the both of us but if we work together for now, imagine how easy this could be for us.

She was so reluctant to give him an answer but she oblige.

Cinder: Fine, just don't get in my way.

He have gotten on her nerves for quite some time so maybe he could soften up her heart for a bit.

Azrael: You know, after we get this done together, maybe we could rule over our own realm.

Cinder: Rule together? With you? That would have to be in your dreams.

Azrael: Playing on the hard to get side huh? I like that.

After their heated chat, they all boarded the air ship.

Azrael: Now of I have to say something else, it would have to be keeping that mute brat away from me because I don't like the way how she is quiet.

Neo just rolled her eyes as they kept flying the ship.

Azrael: Oh and it appears that our little heroes are in Argus. It's time we send them a little hello.

He did a little chant. After, his hand started to glow in a crimson red color like as it vanished away in thin air.

Back at Argus.

Cordovan was really angry and she didn't like the way how she didn't get the other. Now it's time that she maintain her order.

Y/n: You know, I would think that it would be safe to say that we are totally doomed at the moment.

Nora: Don't say that, we still have good chance.

Y/n: Of what? Getting arrested? Because that is the only option that we clearly only have because we still broke city law and the we have to have some severe consequences.

Ruby: No, it doesn't have to be like that because there is still a way that we could make it out of here unharmed.

Y/n: Sure thing rubes since you are the leader here and I don't see why because we have no school to go to anymore.

Ruby: Hey save all of those complaints for later okay?

Y/n: Right if you say so.

Maria and Oscar were still on the ship and they have to take their time around the mech and that isn't gonna do some good. You thought to yourself that it would be a good time to contact them. Maria was the first one that you thought about to contact.

Y/n:* Through*m scroll* You know what I have to tell you? Maybe you should cool because we have boiled her anger already and we don't have to make her fuel up some more.

Maria: *Through scroll* And you know what I have to tell you. I do not care. She could angry all she wants and that is exactly what I am aiming for:

Y/n: Great! Terrific! Guess I have picked the right people to hang out with and she is one of them.

Ruby: Don't be so down right now. At least you still have some pretty awesome combo that we could do together.

Y/n: Yeah, that could be pretty fun as well but that would hardly change a thing.

Qrow: Hey, I'm with the kid here. Look at the mess that we have gotten ourself into.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow, I know that it seems pretty bad but I know that we could fix it.

Y/n: Well, I am gonna help you guys and I want us all out of this. So do any of you guys have any idea of what is going on?

Nora: Ren should be doing some good as well as Jaune.

Y/n: I can't say that I approve but at least Jaune is doing some good. I just hope that we could get out of this a lot sooner.

Nora activated her grenade launcher and started to fire at the mech.

Nora: Hey lady, I don't know who you think you are but you better leave my man alone.

Y/n: Yeah, nice way of showing her Nora, and I like how you are really putting in some energy into your effort. And things could be great if both Yang and Blake were here right now. Her rage would be getting us somewhere and we could really need at the moment right now. I doubt that it would do much but that could come in handy right now or maybe it could not. I don't know what I could say about that. So I guess I could do a little bit of work ass well right now.

You looked right up at Jaune. He is making some process but you feel like it could make it much better if you gave him a little shout because he really do need it.

Y/n: Hey Jaune, maybe you can do some good right here. You have to give it all your best out there! You do know that all of this was your idea. So it you have to fix it! But don't worry, you're not alone on this! You made some mistake back then and you are still making some right now. Bout time that you have made up for them.

Jaune: *From distance* That is really nice and great for you to say to me but try doing that some other time when we're not about to get squashed like pancakes.

Nora: Pancakes? Speaking of pancakes, some would really do my right now.

Y/n: That would do the trick and that would make it so much worse considering all the energy that would give to you and that would make it so much annoying for me.

You weren't out of any ideas because you've got some few more and that they will very much come in handy.  Ruby would be fond of your plan and maybe she could be not but it be worth of giving it a chance and trying the very best that you could.

Y/n: Ruby, I know that we are not out of combos because we have so much more where they came from.

Ruby: Okay, let's do this.

And with the boring idea that you had in mind, you started firing right at the mech, making it shake down a little. The just made Cordovan more mad but at least you are doing some damage to the mech. After you were done firing, you saw that your weapon has overheated. That was just great because you don't have anything to fire with now. You have to come up with some other new plan. Qrow isn't even doing anything. He can't just sit by and doing nothing. He is a great fighter. He may be drunk most of time but he is really good at fighting. He's been through a lot and he is having a really hard time. Babysitting some kids is already enough for him and he have to relax and take some time to chill out.

Y/n: Everyone, group!

Ruby: Since when did you became the leader?

Y/n: Would it kill you not to be one that is always the one that is in charge because your judgments could be done so poorly. So I think that I have the perfect plan.

Nora: So what's the plan, so-called leader?

Y/n: I would like to be called the leader here because I do take offense. So here is the plan, we get her defense down and we have could get the chance to strike right.

Nora: Is that all?

Y/n: Yeah, if that's okay.

Nora: I guess. But to me that sounds way too boring. That could use some more smashing.

Y/n: Trust me girl. There is gonna be some more coming right up and you got it where it is coming from. Because Ruby, I've got just the combo and it's quite a unique name. It's called "the spinning hurricane hammer!"

Ruby: Okay....

Y/n: What? You don't like the name?

Ruby: No, no, I think it's a really good name, just thought that it could use a better name.

Y/n:*scoffs* Whatever, let's just get this over with.

Ruby grabbed a hold Nora, spun around like a tornado and let her hit down on the mech, doing some more damage.

Y/n: Now Weiss, let's do something. I call it "The electric ice"

Weiss: Is that really the best that you could do.

Y/n: Well, I have no better names and that is the very best that I could do.

Weiss: Let's just do this.

Weiss created some giant ice wall to the mech as you followed up to the by letting some of her weapon blast get to it after it has just recovered from being overheated. The defense of as now done with made Cordovan more enraged. Now it's time for something else to come in mind.

Y/n: So does anyone have anything else in mind.

Nora: No, this is all on you team captain.

Y/n: Well it's Ruby's turn because I am all out of some bright ideas.

Maria* Over scroll* Well I have just the trick. * * Over speaker* Hey Cordo, I have one ammo left and I know exactly where I am gonna stick it.

Cordovan* Over speaker* One ammo you say? Well that's too bad because I've got plenty!

This was enough to make Cordovan open up her ammo part of the mech.

Y/n: Maria, don't know how but you are one genius. Ruby, I suppose you will be one to do the honors.

Ruby: Not a problem.

She sent her scythe into sniper mode. She aimed right at the ammo part but that doesn't go just way how you planned because Cordovan closed up the ammo right before Ruby's bullet was blocked off.

Cordovan* Through speaker* You really thought that you could fool me?!

Y/n: Well there's goes our other plan.

Ruby: Y/n, don't you dear go doubting us now.

Y/n: What is there to do now because we just make the Atlas military force goes all to us. By the end of the day, all we have are doing here is making us more wanted and just turning everyone right at our side. We still haven't made any progress here. How do you possible think we will make out of here?

Qrow: Hey, the kid does have a point. How can we get away with what we just did. The entire military will be on our tail.

Ruby: You don't understand. We have travelled so far and we have came across some articles that most people would call impossible but somehow we are able to make it across there. That is why we always have faith in ourselves. We put belief in us. We can't stop. Not here! Not now! We will do it, with it without your helps.

She turned to Cordovan. Before she could take her act, you out your hand on her shoulders.

Y/n: Ruby, may I be one to remind you that, that is military officer that you are talking to. Do you even remember who you are dealing with. I don't know what you have on your mind but whatever it is, I could just bet that is gonna be really stupid. You can't just go up there and expect that everything is gonna be okay. Not every choice that we make in life is correct. Even if it's a life or death situation it doesn't meant that there are several flaws in what we are doing. Did you ever get that over that thick skull of yours? Is this something that you dot say to yourself.

Ruby didn't respond at all to you. She just stared at Cordovan.

Ruby: Look, we have face enemy's far bigger than you. They have failed. But they we are suppose to be fighting on the same team. We're suppose to be using our powers to protect people. But you just use those peers to look down on everyone. We did t want to steal from you, we did because you gave us no other choice. Now I am going you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.

Cordovan: I have heard quite enough.

She aimed her weapon blaster right at her.

Y/b: I knew this this was a bad idea.

This worried everyone. But she used her semblance to get right near the mech and fire into it. That was quite the cover idea that she did right there. It was really crazy but it was brilliant actually. Now that attacked connected to blaster,  it stumble into the grind and stuck to the ground. You saw her falling so she rushed right to her and grabbed her in time.

Y/n: Ruby!

She slowly opened up her eyes in your arms while everyone surrounded her.

Ruby: Hey Y/n....

You smiled at the sight of seeing how she was okay but you dropped her on the ground.

Y/n: You idiot, you nearly gave me a panic attack!

Ruby: Ow! I thought that would be impressed you.

Y/n: Well it is enough to impress me but you out is all in worried.

Nora: You seriously need to chill out and appreciate her for once you hothead.

Y/n: Well geez, I'm so sorry for making a big deal about how we just struck down the only thing that is capable of taking down a giant Grimm. I'm so sorry for not liking the idea of showing up a military officer and getting on her nerves and for the last part, giving us some more reason to be arrested.

Ruby: Y/n... we made it and that's all that matters right now. All we have to do now is wait for Yang and Blake. Just where are they?

Y/n: I'm sure they are fine but the best is, there is no no giant Grimm that we have to worry about.

Turns out that your point is as proven wrong when there was a shaking and there was some roar. A giant Grimm emerges from the water and there a another that came along. It was Manticore Grimm but it wasn't like the other ones because it was way bigger in size and some darkish mist was coming from it as well. Well at least you knew that you were right in the end. Now you know you have a price to pay.

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