extraordinary disaster || bae...

By t0rr3ntial

47K 1.9K 419

A character with memories of the previous world and the ability to change The Stage crashing through one of t... More

1. frownface
2. secret
3. extra
4. pretty
5. Haru
6. violence
7. umbrella
8. unhappy birthday
9. suspicion
10. knots
12. stay away
13. us
14. hopeless
15. stabbing
16. puppet on a string
17. ugly revelations
18. kill you
19. lila and kyung
20. convenient
21. superstar
22. why?
23. stupid, stupid girl
24. serenity
25. disappear
26. paper lanterns
27. end.
28. extra(ordinary) epilogue

11. hospital

1.9K 82 34
By t0rr3ntial

"Are you going to walk home?" Kyung scoffs as Lila walks straight past him and the car.

She doesn't answer.

"It's dark," Kyung calls after her.

Lila rolls her eyes. She highly doubts the writer bothered to create a bunch of criminals to run riot on the streets during the shadow, considering the sky has gaping black gaps. 

She gasps in shock as a pair of arms wrap around her, flinging her over their shoulder.

"Why did you have to make it the hard way?" Kyung mutters bitterly, holding her skirt in place as she writhes around.

"Put me down. Now," Lila demands.

So he does. Unceremoniously dumping her right outside the black SUV and shoving the door open.

Lila glares at Kyung. He glares back, body trapping hers so she has no room to go except backwards into the car.

Just get in. The sooner you leave, the less you have to talk to him, argue with him, or breathe the same air as him.

With one last withering look, she strides into the car, slamming the door after her.

Baek Kyung sighs at his reflection in the tinted window. His head snaps up at the sound of heels.

"Hey. Get in the car." He orders Eun Dan Oh.

"No thanks. My driver will be here soon." She mutters.

"Get in the car. Please."

Lila slams her head against the window in irritation as Baek Kyung shouts after the girl. He jumps in the car.

"Follow her." He instructs the driver. 

"She'll be fine. Stop bothering her." Lila remarks tonelessly.

Kyung ignores her comment, watching Dan Oh trudge through the streets with his window rolled down.

"Stop the car."


Lila glowers out the window as she's demoted to the very back of the car. Dan Oh sulks in her former seat.

"You've been crying all day." Kyung declares, dumping a carrier bag into the sad girl's lap.

Lila frowns. Did he make her a care package?

Dan Oh exhales glumly and ignores the contents in the lap. Kyung extends an ice pack for her to take to fix her swollen eyes.

He turns to the back and raises his eyebrows at Lila, his eyes travel between her and Dan Oh expectantly.

Do I only exist to take care of your fiancé?

She rolls her eyes and clears her throat. "Dan Oh-ah, please eat something, you haven't eaten all day."

"I can't. I feel like I'm going to die."

They pull up to the gate of the Eun's house. Dan Oh immediately gets out of the car.  Kyung follows.

Lila sighs for the nth time that day and clambers forward into the second row. She glances at the silent driver.

"Do you ever wonder what the point of your existence is, sir?"

He shakes his head. Lila scoffs under her breath. "I should live more like this guy. Seems like he's chillin'."

The car is silent so she can't help but hear the tense exchange from outside.

"I will do what he did with you. I can help you change the story."

It's silent for a moment. 

"I can help you change the story." Kyung insists.

Dan Oh shakes her head. "Only Haru can do that."

"You're still talking about him?"

Lila doesn't want to hear another word. She throws the SUV's door open and sets off down the street.

"Did he ask you to-" Kyung pauses as he sees the familiar figure march into the distance. He curses. "This conversation isn't over."

Then he runs down the street after Lila.

"What are you doing?" He bellows, his long legs quickly catching up to her.

Lila closes her eyes with dread as she continues to walk away. "I don't know."

Kyung frowns angrily. "You don't know?"

He catches onto her arm to make her face him. 

"Let me go." Lila tries to demand but it hangs pathetically in the air. Defeated. 

Kyung's grip loosens a little, he sighs tiredly. "What's the matter with you?"

"I-" Lila swallows. "Never mind." 

"Tell me." Kyung coaxes, trying to be patient rather than smart. "I want to know why you're upset." 

Lila diverts her eyes to the ground, her feet shift from side to side. 

"Everyone has something to do here. No matter how pathetic, cliché, mundane - whatever it is, you all have a role. Yours is to be angry and break Dan Oh's heart over and over. Dan Oh's role is to fawn over you and then maybe die. Dohwa's is to further the romance between Juda and Namjoo. Jinmi is the chef. I'm everywhere, all the time, saying things, and doing things when I don't know where my character is heading. Like I'm not supposed to be in the story. It's exhausting. Actually, it's killing me."

It's killing me to watch you fall for her.

"I'm sick of this humiliating set-up where my mother's dead again, my dad looks at me with fear every time I walk through the front door, and the upper class laugh at me behind my back while I get tossed around as a pawn for connections. I'm sick of it. I never even changed the stage for myself, only ever to help-"

Lila's eyes begin to gloss, and her words rust in her throat. Kyung's eyes widen. He places his hands on her shoulders comfortingly.

"Look at me." He soothes.

Lila struggles, embarrassed and trying to free herself. She hated crying, especially in front of Baek Kyung.

"I don't want to look at you. I don't want to see you. It bothers me."

She takes advantage of his astonished demeanour, swiping his hands from her frame and storming away.

This time, he doesn't follow her.


"Honey," Min Won Shik sighs with relief as his daughter arrives home. "I was so worried. Where have you been?"

"I walked home from Dan Oh's." Lila sniffles.

"The housekeeper put some dinner aside for you."

"I'm not hungry, Dad. I'll have a big breakfast tomorrow."

Before he can protest she's already tearing up the stairs to her bedroom.

He sighs. "Did she fight with Dan Oh?"


"Welcome to Seuli High Sports Day!"

Lila doubles over, hands covering her eyes as she sits on the bleachers with dread.

"Lila-ah, are you feeling alright?"

She glances up in surprise, forcing a smile. "Juda, hi. How are you?"

The main character sighs. "Not too good. Namjoo's mother showed up at my house with a load of stuff like I'm a charity case."

Lila gasps. "That's awful. What a smothering, snobby, demeaning old wench."

Juda's eyes widen in shock before she bursts into a fit of giggles. "You're so fun, Lila."

"Am I?" She smiles sadly. "That's nice to hear."

Juda nods enthusiastically. "You're my most reliable, toughest friend."

Lila blinks. "Wah, this must be why you're the main character. I think my heart just fluttered a little."

Juda laughs again as Lila pats her head. "Juda-ah, you're so precious."

"Am I?" She grins.

"Yes." Lila winks. "Thanks for cheering me up, I needed it."

She slaps her knees with determination and hops to her feet. 

"Where are you going?" Juda calls after her.

"To stop feeling sorry for myself and find some answers."


Lila bursts into the school kitchen.

"Where's the-"

She pauses as Jinmichae and Dohwa stare at her desired item with disbelief.

Lila hurries over and snatches it out of their hold.

"Hey!" Jinmi yells as they both jolt. "You startled me."

"Me too." Dohwa whines.

Lila ignores them as she stares at the character list. "I knew this would happen."

"Knew what?"

"That he'd come back. The writer is so predictable." Lila mutters. "But why? To torture Dan Oh?"

"That's morbid." Dohwa scoffs. "How would that be torturing Dan Oh? She'll be so happy to have Haru back in the story."

Lila and Jinmi exchange a knowing look.

"Because he won't remember us." She grimaces, glancing back over his new description. "Wait what?!"


Lila groans as the gun fires and her legs take off.

She's leading by a lot until her phone starts to ring in her pocket. Stage Lila stops to take the call, leaving Yeo Juda to finish in first place.

Class 2-7 grumble in disappointment. Namjoo cheers.

"Secretary Hwang?" Stage Lila strolls across the race line. "Yes. Okay, I'll tell him."

The ending sound chimes.

Lila immediately walks off the track, advancing to the school to eat the red velvet cake in the kitchen. Lila crosses her arms, smirking as she witnesses the spectacle of Oh Namjoo talking to a football.

"I'm sorry Juda, there's been a misunderstanding."

"The resemblance is uncanny. I'm sure Juda will be flattered."

The boy drops the ball in shock.

"What? I was just practising soccer." He lies appallingly, pretending to do some footwork.

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Pack it in, Joo. I saw you cheering for her when she won the race. As your friend since birth, it was a little insulting."

Namjoo rolls his eyes back. "Who answers the phone mid-race? You don't deserve the support of Oh Namjoo."

Lila shakes her head. "I'll never get used to how you name-drop as if you're a celebrity."

"I come pretty close." Namjoo grins.

"You're entertaining off the stage, Namjoo." Lila comments, surprised.

"Off the stage? You mean when I'm not pretending to be perfect?" He frowns.

"Exactly. You should show this side of yourself to Juda more." Lila advises, despite knowing he won't remember the conversation.

"Don't tell Juda about this," Namjoo calls after her retreating form.

Lila laughs. "I swear on the honour of A3."


She runs back into the school kitchen.

"Jinmi! Let us eat cake!"


Can I not eat some cake in peace?


Real Lila's eyes widen at the sight of the towering boy in their class' sportswear.

Stage Lila grins, skipping towards him. "Here."

He rolls his eyes at the packet of sour gummies. "Let me guess, they're for Kyung?"

Stage Lila nods, grinning bashfully.

What the hell?

"You can have some too. I'm sure he'll share."

Haru grins mischievously. "And what message should I relay? Min Lila has-"

Stage Lila punches him in the arm, rather hard. She winces along with Haru.

"Do you have a death wish?"

Haru gulps. "Okay. No message. Bye, cuz."

He runs away.

The ending sound chimes.

Immediately, Lila is grabbed by a smaller figure.

"What's happening?" Dan Oh shakes her frantically. "You're cousins? He follows Kyung around?"

"I don't-"


Lila sighs as Haru and Kyung parade down the red marble steps as she stands next to Dohwa.

"Kyung! How could you pretend you don't know me because I'm not A3 anymore?"

"Well...I'm sorry." He responds absentmindedly.

Dohwa chuckles, Stage Lila doesn't need any reactions for now.

"Who is he?" Dohwa glances at Haru.

Stage Lila suddenly swings into action, thwacking Dohwa against the arm. "My cousin Haru! The one who was living in Japan."

How convenient for me to have a mystery cousin, living abroad until now.

"He's in my tennis club," Kyung adds.

"Hi, Dohwa." Haru smiles.

"I know it's not easy to hang out with Kyung. He can be a rude jerk sometimes but he's a good guy." Stage Dohwa grins.

Real Lila ponders his words.

The stage ends.

"Haru!" Dohwa runs after him. "I was so worried about you."

"Worried? Why?"

"Quit playing. You're upsetting Dan Oh." The violinist begs.

Haru frowns. "You're the one playing. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Lila rolls her eyes as he tugs Kyung to walk away, stepping towards Haru and grabbing his hand.

No scar. It's not him.

"What are you doing, Lila?" Haru shakes her grip off.

Kyung tilts his head curiously. "You two are cousins."

Haru gives him a weird look. "You know that already, Kyung."

"Do I?"

"Yes. You tease me about being the cousin who's bad at tennis."

Lila's brow furrows.

Why is the writer so detailed when it's not necessary? It's like he wants to torment us. 


"Come in."

A maid peeps around the bedroom door. "There's a guest at the front door, who says he's your friend, Miss."

Lila frowns, padding to the front door and checking the intercom.

She swings open their front gate. "What?"

Kyung blinks. "Is Haru here?"


"You're cousins. I thought he'd live here."

Lila sighs, opening her mouth to tell him to fuck off before she notices his face.

Baek Kyung hates how she mellows a little upon the sight of it.

"You should fight back in the shadow, now that you can." She states tonelessly.

He waits for her to drag him inside and fuss over his jaw, or ask if they should go to the hospital. 

Or for her to hug him and ask if he's okay.

Because he's far from it.

"I did." He swallows.

Lila nods. "Good."

Kyung opens his mouth. "I-"

"He's still at school."

The gate shuts.


"So," Her father pats the mahogany desk which sits just in front of the Seoul skyline. "What do you think?"

Stage Lila gazes around his gigantic office on the top floor.

"Being a Chairman sounds like a lot of work." She comments. "I'd rather be doing other things."

Her father bellows with laughter. "You brat. Like what?"

"Like playing tennis, hanging out with my friends and...dating."

Min Won Shik raps his desk. "This is stuff to think about after you graduate college, princess. Are you thinking about Harvard? That's where Namjoo is planning on going. And Dohwa is headed to the Royal Music Academy."

"Where is Baek Kyung headed?" Stage Lila enquires.

Her father's eyes widen before he smiles knowingly. "Shall I ask Chairman Baek? Goodness, I knew you two were close but-"

"I like him." She blurts.

Her father stills. There's a long stretch of silence.

"Lila-ah," He finally sighs. "Kyung is engaged to-"

"I know that very well." Stage Lila chuckles humourlessly. "But this is unfair. He doesn't even like her."

Lila knows that the real Baek Kyung likes Eun Dan Oh.

"Does he like you?"

Stage Lila wavers. "Dad, I'll be the best CEO you've ever seen. I'll take Min Industries to the next level, just please help me stop their engagement."

"What about Namjoo? You don't want to marry him?"

Stage Lila scoffs. "I never wanted to marry him. I just went along with it to make you happy."

"Good. Because there's no way that we will ever tie hands with the Oh family again." Won Shik glowers, recalling the way they spurned his pride and joy.

He envelops her in a hug. "I'll go to the end of the world to make you happy, Lila-ah. I promised your mother that much."

He straightens his arms so he can observe how much she'd grown. Stage Lila's eyes water as he strokes her head.

"I'll make sure Baek Kyung is yours. Don't worry about a thing, my precious daughter."


Lila's legs give out from under her.

"Lila-ah!" Y3 rush to her side and pull her up, as the girl stares into space.

Baek Kyung strides over, and the boys flee.

"What's wrong with you?" He grabs her arm to steady her.

Stage Lila sways a little from side to side. "I don't know."

She collapses in his arms.

The ending sound chimes.

"Hey." Baek Kyung shakes the girl. "Lila. Hey."

She doesn't respond. He curses, throwing her on his back and running to the nurse's office.

"Kyung-ah!" Stage Dan Oh beams as he rounds the corner, face falling as he sprints straight past her.


Lila shoots up with a scream, damp with sweat due to the flashes of her past. Her two entire past lives. She may even have more she doesn't remember.

"Lila. I'm here. Breathe." A voice soothes her, a hand holding hers.

"Kyung?" She croaks, throat like sandpaper.

She glances around the room. Lila's eyes widen at the drip in her arm.

"Shh. Lay down. We're at the hospital, it's nothing too bad. Just exhaustion." Kyung soothes her, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand.

Lila imagines it's disgustingly clammy and yanks it out of his grip. He winces.

"Do you still hate me?" Kyung beseeches for an answer.

Lila stares, caught off guard by the question. Baek Kyung seems so small and contrite despite his large build.

"You don't like hospitals."

He tries not to grimace. "Neither do you."

The same place where their mothers died.

"I didn't have a choice to come here, though." Lila avoids his gaze.

"Neither did I." Kyung shrugs like it's obvious. "You're here so I'm here." 

 "Oh." Lila swallows down her surprise. She feels flustered as he lifts a cup to her lips.

"The doctor said you needed more fluids. What on earth," Baek Kyung catches himself, softening his tone, "have you been doing to end up like this?"

"I-I'm pretty sure it was the stage," Lila mutters. 

"You can't blame the stage when it's been twenty-four hours, Lila." He shakes his head sternly. "Your dad had to attend a meeting but he said he'd be back in an hour. We've been worried sick."

"Worried?" Lila echoes.

"Yes, worried." Kyung scowls. "You're my best friend." 

status: edited. 

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