20. convenient

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The car arrives on their street and neither of them can stop smiling, their hands firmly clasped. Lila's eyes shoot to Kyung, she pauses momentarily and then reaches for the door handle.

"Thanks for getting me."

A small smile.

What do I say, Kyung panics.

"Sure thing." He blurts, though it comes off as nonchalant. Kyung would slap himself if it wouldn't make him feel even more like an idiot. The door clicks open.


The outburst has Lila, and the driver, jolting in surprise. She looks bewildered as he reaches over and slams her door shut, and Kyung doesn't blame her.

"Wait a second." He repeats, calmer, undoing his seatbelt and practically leaping out of the car.

God, what the fuck do I say? Kyung agonises during the brisk jog to the other side of the vehicle. He swings the door open.


"Yeah?" Lila answers with anticipation as she jumps out. It's silent except for the door shutting and her bag shuffling from one hand to the other. Lila stares at Baek Kyung expectantly.

"Don't forget today...please." He ends softly, vulnerably.

Baek Kyung realises he's scared. He's terrified that he'll wake up and it's suddenly tomorrow, or hear that awful page turn and it turns out that none of this will be real.

His imploring eyes make Lila's heart stutter. She reads between the lines.

" I won't." She pauses. "I like you, Kyung. God knows why but I really, really like you."

He fights the smile on his face out of habit yet it breaks through into a beautiful beam.

"You really, really like me?" He repeats back, attempting to tease her but it pops out of his mouth far too giddy.

Lila rolls her eyes lightly, stepping slightly towards him.

"I'm guessing you really, really like me too. Don't see those teeth too often."

He realises he's still smiling, so wide that his jaw begins to ache. Kyung clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck in a desperate attempt to get rid of the flush creeping over his body.

"Let's play tennis tomorrow. My house at nine."

She raises an eyebrow at his sudden adamance but nods all the same.

"Okay. Goodnight then?"

"It's practically morning. On a school day as well." Baek Kyung mockingly disproves, shaking his head.

He's buying time. He doesn't want her to go yet.

"Don't act like you'll go anyway." She retorts. 

"Don't act like you won't skip with me."

"I promised Dohwa that I wouldn't skip. So no."

He scowls. "You're making promises with Dohwa now? Where are my promises?"

"I can do a lot more than promises for you, frownface." Lila winks. Kyung's eyes bulge. She bites her lip in amusement. "Good night, Kyung."

"Should I walk you to your door?"

Lila gives him a withering look. "Shit. You really, really do like me."

"I do." Kyung grins.

"I can survive a good twenty metres to the front door." She calls over her shoulder.

"I'm standing here until you get in safe." He crosses his arms stubbornly.

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