9. suspicion

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Lila slides onto the desk in front of her thirteenth classmate.

"What's got you looking so pensive?"

Haru sighs, gaze averting from the window. "Something Baek Kyung said."

Lila side-eyes the aforementioned boy, who obliviously sits across the classroom on his phone. "There's always drama where that prick's concerned. What did he say this time?"

"He came up to me and asked me to join soccer. Then started talking about Dan Oh being his fiancé." Haru scowls. "He said he's playing with her heart, and I lost it."

Lila's eyes widen. "What did you do?"

"Grabbed him by the collar-"

She gasps, grinning after. "Wah, love makes people crazy."

Haru's eyes bulge. "Love?"

Lila rolls her eyes. "Forget it. Carry on with the story, please."

"He threw me off and then asked me who I was. I said he won't remember anyway..." Haru trails off unsurely.

Lila inches to the edge of the desk with interest. "What next? He said something weird?"

Haru nods. "He gave me this...look."

Lila clicks her fingers, nodding profusely. She mimics the expression she's seen on Kyung's face many times before.

Haru claps his hands. "That's the look. He said 'Oh is that so?'. Then he was chuckling to himself as he walked away, all smug."

Her amused demeanour turns solemn.

"Lila?" Haru frowns. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." She exhales shakily. "I just- I think I realised- I er, I haven't done the Physics homework. See you later."

Haru blinks as she flies out of the classroom.


"Why do you keep staring?" Kyung demands, lashing around to glare at Lila, who's sat in the back of the car.

"Was I?" She half-heartedly acknowledges. "Sorry."

He frowns at her distracted demeanour. "Has Namjoo texted you today?"


"Is...Namjoo Hyung okay?" Joon Hyun speaks up. An incredibly rare occurrence.

Lila blinks in surprise. "I don't think so. Pretty sure he took the day off for having his heart shattered in two."

The boy grimaces. "I see."

"What about you, Joon Hyun? Any girls in your life?" Lila enquires due to her utter boredom. 

Kyung rolls his eyes. Joon Hyun turns crimson.

"Y-you're pretty, noona."

Lila lets out a low whistle and laughs. "I am, aren't I?"

He nods. "Like a movie star."

This catches Lila off-guard. She turns to the boy with curiosity. "Movie star?"

His eyes widen. "Pretend I never said that."

Her eyes narrow. "And you're clever, Joon Hyun. Like a screenwriter."

Joon Hyun's orbs widen impossibly more, colour draining from his face.

Kyung scoffs. "Are you flirting with my younger brother? Get a grip."

extraordinary disaster || baek kyungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz