Wolf Leader S2-(KTH)

By Galaxy_Rose9

20.1K 1.2K 21

it has been 60yrs all wolfs have split up taehyung and his man has left to the human world name LA where they... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 51
part 52
part 53
part 54

part 50

255 15 0
By Galaxy_Rose9

Smut in the end homies so enjoy it might not be steamy but that's ok I try my best.

Next morning angel woke up looking like a hot mess she growl and got up holding her head.

A: ooh what happened?

She then had flashbacks of last night she gasped.

A: I drink to much. Ooh taehyung is gotta hate me.

She rubbed her hair with anger and look at herself.

A: im still wearing my dress from yesterday.

Angel got up and went to the livingroom seeing if taehyung was there and to her surpise he was there making breakfast he looked at her.

T: morning beautiful.
A: uh morning.
T: go changed breakfast is almost ready.
A: uh..ok.

Angel walk back to her room shower and changed then came back to the kitchen.

She sat down looking at taehyung she sigh and was ruffle her hair in stress taehyung then came to her with her plate.

T: you okay?
A: im sober from yesterday.
T: I know.

Angel whined and put her head down.

A: im a horrible fiancee! I should have listen to you and just come home~~~why did I decide to go clubbing and drink~~~~? I was so drunk and I didn't know what I was doing.
T: its okay. You were cute.
A: no I wasn't...you literally make out with me when we got home.

Angel put her head up and look at taehyung who was rolling his eyes around.

A: don't roll your eyes.
T: you were just cute and I couldn't hold myself, I like the drunk you.
A: ugh!
T: hey just eat come on its okay.

Taehyung kiss her head and walk back to the kitchen making his plate angel ate slowly still feeling like shit. After that she sat down and just ate ice cream, while taehyung was getting ready for work.

T: why you eating that after your breakfast?
A: I don't feel like doing anything because of last night.

Taehyung laughed and was about to walk out he then turn back to angel.

T; don't ear that to much. I'll be back.
A; ok....

Taehyung close the front door she put away the ice cream and went to her room to play on her phone. Eunjung then texted in the group chat.

E: we did it!
A: did what?
M: what?
D: what did you do now?
E; no me and jin finally had sex.
A: omg!
M: no way!
D: omg.
E: yeah..

Angel smiles then she thought about taehyung.

E: he's the best boyfriend ever.
M: damn me and my husband barly does it now.
D: your still young mimi come on give us a baby to hold.
M: no I'm not ready to be a mom
A: lol.

After a long chat with the girls angel heads put to a near by Market she enter and went to where all the pregnancy test are she shock her head and looked for condoms and the pills snice she was out of those she got them pay and walk back home.

A: im gotta make up for it. Taehyung doesn't look happy.

Angel text taehyung.

A: are you mad?
T: mad at what?
A: about last night...? You were acting weird.
T: oh well..I am.
A: why?
T: a guy touch you so I was mad.
A: I see. I gtg!

Angel put away her phone, taehyung looked weird at his phone.

Taehyung pov: that was quick.

Angel sigh and fix her hair, she should up and peace around her apartment and then her phone rings.

A: hello? Oh hey mom. Ok ill be there.

She hang up gran her keys and purse then walk out to the model company. She drove and then about 2mins she made it and enter the company she went to her moms office.

A: whats up mom?
M: you wore like that to come?
A; I have shorts under, what is it.
M: I just want to hang out with my daughter.

Angel smiles and sat down on the couch that was in the office.

A: how does it feel like to be the ceo in dads company?
M; it feels great.
A: *sigh*
M; so whens the wedding?
A: 2 months after this month
M: I see. Me and the girls well help you pick out your wedding dress
A" i love that.
M: did taehyung already pick who is gotta be his wingman?
A: yep his friends.
M: and your bride of honors?
A: my friends.
M; great.

Angel stay for a few minutes and finally drove back home, she realized taehyung is not home yet so she went to her apartment and sat down on her couch.

A; *Sigh * I feel so old already.

Angel decided to take a small nap then around sundown she woke up.

A: did I not have enough sleep last night?

She drank water and look at the bag that she got from the market she bit her lip.

A: hurry up and come home already...

Taehyung was getting ready to leave the Cafe he grab his bag and walk out of the Cafe he then close up and drove to angels place. Meanwhile angel was waiting for him in the darkness expect a lamp on she then saw headlights she got up and look out and there she saw taehyungs car parking he got out and head up the apartment.

A: alright angel..you gotta make up for him snice he's mad right now from last night a stranger touch me.

Taehyung knock on her door she took a breath in and out then walk to the door,  open it and grab taehyung by the shirt pull him in taehyung was shock at first, she pin him on the door and kissed him he was confused but he liked it so he kiss her back, he made her backup take off his shoes, drop his bag and made angel jump then head to the couch snice he was to lazy to go to her room, he lay her down got ontop of her and they made out the kiss was getting more intense taehyung rip open her oversized shirt she moans he took off his cap and jacket he touch her wist angel wrap her arms around him tagging on his hair Taehyung took off her shorts and threw it on the floor he then broke the kiss.

T: why you doing this all of a sudden?
A: to make up for you...your mad at me for going to the club last night and letting that guy touch me..Im sorry for now on im not going to the club anymore.

Taehyung smiles.

T; ok I forgive you.

She looked at him, he kiss her passionate with love she reach down for his bent he then took it off and pull down his pants he broke the kiss and look at angel.

T: did you get-
A: yes on the table.

Taehyung looked and saw a box of pills and condoms he grab the box open it grab a 2 of them without her knowing as he was about to open it angel stopped him.

A: let's finished in my room.

Taehyung nodded and pull her up and took her to her room, he lay her down took off his shirt, her underwear and his he open the condom and put it on and then he went in for it angel moans later he went faster and angel was loving it soon after angel came taehyung pull out and came on the condom, he took it off and lay next to her they both were tired and was heavily breathing.

T: God damn.
A: I think my legs are numb.

Taehyung chuckled angel crawl onto his chest and play with his bare skin.

A: I love you.
T; love you too.

Angel look at him, he looked at her and saw that she frowned her eyebrows.

T: what?
A: say it correctly.
T: ok.

He put his plum on her cheeks and smile.

T: I love you too.

Then kiss her she lay down he went back ontop of her, she broke the kissed.

A: what you doing?
T: round two.
A: you dont have-
T: right here.

The second condom was now in his hand anfel scoffed.

A: ok fine.

They did it that night and they both was now sleeping after a 3hr doing it for the second time.

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