
By Marsy43146

65.5K 1.6K 4.9K

Asami is 18 and lived in Ba Sing Se for 4 years. She attended at a private school and graduated. She was fina... More

Moving in
Im late
Get together
Kissing you
A different point of you
The Truth comes out
One way  ticket 
Can we be friends
Waiting for you
Pretty girl
sleep over
Everything is not what is seems
Not an update

Back to Republic city 

8K 129 548
By Marsy43146

So you know damn as well I'm obsessed with these two girls so don't judge me for making another fanfic 😂😂😂 enjoy !!


It was finally summer and I was able to go back to Republic city. I will get to see my father and mother again ! They had put me into a private school and were only able to visit my family on special occasions. My old high school was back in Ba Sing Se. I just graduated with the highest GPA in my class. My parents were very proud of me, but the only thing is I can't move back with my parents. You see I had a fight with them... they disliked my boyfriend Mako and basically we had a whole argument about it so I am no longer welcome into the sato mention. This was all frustrating but my boyfriend has an apartment back in Republic city. So I'll be staying with him until I get a job and find an apartment of my own. He texted me right before I got into the train to go back home to Republic city. He just texted to make sure at what time He should pick me up from the I station... The train got easily packed and there were basically no seats around, but finally I spotted one. The thing was the girl sitting next to her had her guitar next to her and it was in the way. I tried getting her attention to see if I could sit next to her but she was listening to music so I guess she didn't hear me. All of a sudden the train stopped and I tripped falling face on her lap.

Korra: oh shit are you okay ?

Asami: yeah I'm fine sorry

Korra: noI'm sorry I hope my guitar didn't hurt you when it fell

Asami: no I'm fine really... um by the way is this set taken ?

Korra: um no actually you can take it.

The girl moved her guitar so I could take the set next to her. I sat down next to her and I couldn't help but stare. She was so beautiful and looked so cool. I mean she had to be famous. She had a guitar and I bet she was on tour or something. She had this nice short hair and blue eyes with a dark caramel skin. She couldn't look any more perfect then she looked right now. Beautiful people always look great no matter what they do.

Korra: well I guess we're getting nowhere

Asami: huh ?

Korra: The train keeps on stopping. I think there might be something wrong.

Asami: Ah what ?! I'm in a hurry. I guess I'll text him to let him know I'm going to be late.

I pulled out my phone and texted Mako really fast. I guess the girl was surprised at how fast my fingers moved.

Korra: wow I don't know how you young high school students know how to text really fast

Asami: what I'm 18 I just graduated from High school

Korra: oh haha shit I didn't know you were older than me. I'm 17 I just graduated to. 

Asami: really ?! You're younger than me I would've thought you were older Since you said you were young high school students haha

Korra: sorry I guess that's just the way I talk. So what's the big hurry to get to Republic city?

Asami: well that's my hometown. I actually just came to Ba Sing Se for high school. My boyfriend is going to pick me up at the train station and i'm going to be staying with him for a while until I find a job and a place of my own.

Korra: for real ? So am I. Not the whole boyfriend thing but I'm going to find a job and get an appointment.

Asami: really I thought you were like a famous person. That traveled around the world and had a lot of concerts or something.

Korra: Well I do have a band but we're just small and barely starting out I doubt we will get anywhere.

Asami: you should play for me sometime it'll be fun

Korra: of course...umm... I'm sorry what's your name ?

Asami: Oh i'm Asami Sato nice to meet you

Korra: my name is Korra nice to meet you to miss sato. Are you anyway related to Hiroshi Sato? Of Future industries?

Asami: yup that's my dad

Korra: So why in the hell do you have to work? Can't you just live with your father or he can get you an apartment.

Asami: we kind of had an argument so I'm not allowed in the sato mansion

Korra: oh I'm sorry to hear about that

Asami: it's OK no big deal he'll get over it at some point. I assume you're from the south?

Korra: yeah haha I do travel a lot

Asami: I guess in a way I was kind of right about you

Korra: yeah I guess so

We took hours until we finally got to Republic city. in those hours we just talked like if we already knew each other. It just seems like if we weren't even strangers at all but like if we were old best friends. She was fun to talk to, always making jokes, making me laugh, it just made  me feel warm inside. Once we finally got to the train station we both got off and I heard someone calling my name. I looked to my left and it was Mako so I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Mako: You look happy to see me

Asami: It's because I am!

Mako: So how was the trip over here?

Asami: It was awesome I made a friend her name is Korra.... But I forgot to ask for her number !

Mako: well that's very silly of you... now let's go home it's getting late

We went into his apartment. It was small but nice. The only thing about it was he was super messy. We went straight to sleep since it was so late. The next day when I woke up he had already gone to work. I really wanted to wake up early to make him something to eat but I guess that field. I can still clean up around the apartment until he gets home. I cleaned everything until it was spotless. I even washed his clothes and the dishes and made him some food so when he got back home we could eat together. At this point I was kind of feeling as if we were married. I wouldn't mind helping him with all this every day. Later on he finally comes home and sits down on the table with me to eat.

Mako: Wow Asami this is actually really good

Asami: well don't act surprised

Mako: what I just never saw you cook nor tasted it before. You just don't seem the type

Asami: what's that supposed to mean

Mako: well I mean I just never thought you could cook this good. So how did it go with the real estate agent? Did you guys find anything good?

Asami: Oh I forgot to call him since I was cleaning it got to late when I finished

Mako: Well did you get any luck on finding a place to stay at?

Asami: I didn't do that either....

Mako: what were you just sleeping all day?

Asami: No, if you haven't noticed your apartment is spotless thanks to me.

Mako: you did what? You spent all day cleaning my apartment? You didn't move back to Republic city to clean my apartment. You should find a job and get your own apartment Asami. You promise me you'll find a job so you will be able to take care of yourself.

Asami: that's all the thanks I get ? Well thanks a lot mako after all the shit I did for you!

Mako: ......

I should have yelled at him like that after all he's letting me stay at his place for right now. The next day I went to see the Real estate agent. He took me to an appointment. It was old and very cheap. The building was made away before I was born. The appointment was all the way to the 7th floor and since the building was old it didn't have an elevator so we walked up the stairs. Once we walked in the door there was already someone there.

Real estate agent 1: Oh I'm sorry is it okay if I show my client around?

Real estate agent 2: I'm sorry but my client was already thinking about getting this please.

Korra: I didn't say I was gonna get it, I'm still thinking about it.

Asami: Korra is that you ?! Oh my god how are you ?

Korra: I'm sorry who are you ?

Asami: .... you don't remember me ?

Korra: I'm just joking of course I do Sami

Real estate agent 1: Well if you don't mind my client would like to look around.

Asami: No need I'll take it !

Korra: what no I'm going to take it !

Asami: you said that you didn't know if you wanted it

Korra: I changed my mind plus I was here first.

Asami: not unless I sign the paperwork first!

Real estate agent 1: you girls can always get it together and share the rent. It's already cheap as is and if you share it you both will be saving a lot of money. Plus it has two rooms on opposite sides so you both will have privacy .

Asami: I'm totally OK with it if you are ?

Korra: hmm you promise you're not nosy and won't get into my business?

Asami: I promise !

Korra: what happened to that little boyfriend of yours anyways. What he didn't want you?

Asami: we just had a small argument

Korra: all right fine I guess we have a deal we're going to be roommates.

Real estate agent 2: wait Korra you should really think about this. You hardly even know her.

Korra: Wow you're really something else. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be using you for this purchase thank you though.

Real estate agent 2: this was just a waste of time!

Korra: That's rough buddy. i'm going to be moving in all my stuff by tomorrow morning how about you Sami ?

Asmai: I guess I'll do the same. It'll be fun !

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