Everything is not what is seems

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I couldn't go to sleep. I tried and tried but it just didn't work. I sighed and looked up into the darkness. I forgot to bring clothes. It's 3am I think I can go back and grab something without them noticing that I'm there. I slowly got up from the bed and tried not to make any noise so I wouldn't wake up Mako. I got my keys and put my shoes on then opened the door and slowly closed it behind me. Okay i just need to hurry up and come right back simply right ?

Once I got into the apartment I kept the lights off but right after I closed the door I saw kuvira walking out of Korra's room with a blanket wrapped around herself and she had no clothes underneath.... this.... this just pissed me off.... how dare she just right back into Korra's life and take her like that ? Korra shouldn't be with her ! Kuvira came closer to me.

Kuvira: ph hey Asami Korra is insi-

Before she could dare to say anything else I punched her

Kuvira( on the floor): what the hell was that for ?!

I hear a door open coming from my room 

Korra: what's with the yelling ?

Kuvira: she just punched me for no reason

Asami: wait why are you in my room

Korra: oh um it's a long story

I then see Rin come out of Korra's room half naked.... what the fuck is going on here ??

Rin: Oh my god Kuvira are you okay ?

Rin runs up to Kuvira and helps her up

Asami: okay I'm confused how do you know each other

Rin: I came over one day when both you and Korra were out so Kuvira opened the door and I just stayed and we got along

Korra: yeah actually Rin has been coming after but I guess you never noticed since I was always in my room

Asami: okay but why were you in my room ?

Korra: oh yeah I was waiting up for you so we can talk... but you never came back home so I feel asleep..

Kuvira: Now why the hell did you punch me Sato?

Asami( blushing): well I just thought.... yesterday I heard noises come from Korra room and now you came out with just a blanket so I-

Kuvira: you... you thought Korra and I were fucking ?

I stayed quiet and kuvira started laughing

Kuvira: Wow you're a jealous one aren't you. Korra and I are over and if you most know yeah I was having sex but not with her it was Rin 

Korra: you still need to wash my blankets before you go back to ba sing se

Kuvira: I know I know. I think you think have have that talk with Asami though so if you'll Excuse me I was actually going to the bathroom but I saw Asami so I was going to let her know that Korra was in her room until she decided to punch me

Asami: I'm so sorry

Kuvira: it's whatever, just don't do it again. Just go and talk to Korra already.

Korra looked at me and I started getting nervous again ehh why am I so nervous.... I've been wanting to talk to her for a while. Just tell her that you miss her and tell her how you really feel.

Korra: come on we can go in your room

Asami: um okay sure

I followed Korra into my room and closed the door behind us. Korra sat down on my bed as I was standing up... shit how do we start the conversation..... I want to tell her so much but it just doesn't want to come out

Korra: look I'm sorry that i never told you I had feelings for you this entire time we've been.... you know and when I didn't come home I just wanted time away from you Because I was so scared of rejection and the thought of losing you I just wouldn't be able to handle that... Especially that we live together.

Asami( smiles): Actually that day when you ran away I was trying to look for you at home. I waited for you day after day but you were still not back. One day Rin came over and we just started talking and became friends and that night when you came home we were drunk and she kissed me. I was so upset and thought that you completely left me so I kissed her back. When I kissed her I was just thinking of you and how I wanted you not her. This whole time I actually wanted to tell you how I felt about you.... and i guess now i can't tell you for once... Korra the moment I saw you on that train my first thoughts were how gorgeous you looked and the more I got to know you the more I wanted to spend every single day with you. I like you a lot and I don't know what I'd do without you. I was scared to admit my feelings for you but-

Korra cuts of my words with a kiss then pulls away

Korra: will you go out with me on a date tomorrow?

Asami: hmm I don't know I need to see if I have plans

Korra: wh-

Asami: I'm just kidding of course I'll go on a date with you

Korra: great !

Asami: I just have a question though?

Korra: Yeah, what Is it ?

Asami: what are we exactly?

Korra: ..... you're my girlfriend of course and there's no way in hell that's going to change

I smiled and kissed her as I pushed her on my bed to climb on top of her. The kiss was so passionate it just felt amazing being able to be this close again. I don't ever want to lose this feeling......


Yeah shit was short but 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if imma make another chapter tbh this might be the last one ..........

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