One way  ticket 

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At this moment I didn't know why I was punching him. My fist just kept going even though I felt his blood on them. I dare he do that to Asami ! She's beyond perfect and he goes for someone Who can't even computer to her. Plus doing all the bull shit in front of her.. he made her cry and he deserves this. I felt Rin try to push me off to stop me but she I didn't care I kept going until I felt Asami touch. My heart stopped, she didn't even try to push me off it was just a touch on my back and when that I could control myself again. But then suddenly I felt someone hug me and it wasn't Asami.

Mako: So it's her ! She's the one you like ?!

Everything went Silent and I no longer felt Asami's touch. I pulled away from the hug.

Korra: what is he talking about ?

Rin(sigh): I started catching feelings for you and mako was the guy I was talking about

Mako: it's whatever you can have her anyways I still have Asami

Korra: As if .... no way in hell is she going to stay with you

Mako: why don't you shut it. I'm not even talking to you anyways you can have Rin so back off

Korra: I'm sorry but I have no feelings towards Rin

Rin: don't?

Korra: eh I'm sorry I really don't want to do this here but it's like I told you I have feelings for this other girl.

Rin: bu... But she doesn't feel the same, that's what you told me no ?

Korra: She probably doesn't but I still can't date you if I have feelings for someone else... it's just not right

Rin: but she just uses you for sex doesn't she ?! How can you fall for her?

I sigh and got up from the floor and then looked at Asami. She knows the truth now. She just Stared at me with complete shock.

Korra: I don't know I just caught  feelings.... I guess it's my fault

My heart was pounding hoping she would say something anything

Asami: you caught feelings ?

I'm scared

Korra: yeah I did

Asami: since when ?

Korra: since the moment I laid my eyes on you. I just knew i was going to end up falling for you

Asami( blushing) I... I didn't kn-

Rin: Wait it was Asami this whole time ?!

Mako: What's going on, am I missing something here ?

Korra: you know what I'm just going home I'm not going to deal with this

I put both hands behind my head and started walking away but I turned a different Direction
So I can lose anyone who would be following me.
Eh i was going to go home but I just don't want to face Asami .... she's probably weirded out now that she knows I like her.... ehh how can I be so stupid I shouldn't have told Rin that I liked someone or that I even had a thing with her. I just ruined everything she's not going to want to talk to me nor look at me. I didn't know taking her out to eat would end up like this. I just wish we would've stayed at home and ordered in. that would've been better.... that's the closest thing I have to actually being with her to actually feel like if she's truly mine.... shit I'm just walking around Republic city like a dumb ass. I need to go somewhere, just not back home I can't emotionally take another heartbreak. I pulled out my phone and dialed some numbers in. The phone rang as I waited for her to pick up....

Opal: hello ?

Korra: hey is there any way I can come over ?

Opal: of course when do you want to come over? Is there something wrong ?

Korra: Ehhh a lot happened but I rather tell you in person I'll be there in a few hours...

Opal: you're coming right now ?

Korra: yeah is that fine

Opal: yeah that's okay are you going to stay the night ?

Korra: Is it okay if I stay for a couple of days ?

Opal: yes of course I'll let my mom know we're coming. I'm at work so I'll let you go see you later

Korra: thanks see you later

I can't go home I just need a few days to myself so I can prepare for the rejection that's going to happen once I go back. I got a one way ticket to Zaofu, that's where Opal actually lives. I've been there before when I was trying to get a band together. Kuvira actually used to live there as well but she moved to ba sing se with her husband so I won't run into her at all. Plus I'll most likely stay in my guest room the whole time eating pizza all day or something. The train finally came so I got on and sat in the back by myself. It was a long ride but I got there safe. I then went up to the Beifong door and knocked. Th door opened and I saw Opals Mother

Su: Korra ! Opal told me you were coming

Korra: yeah I just need some time away from Republic City

Su: of course you know you're always welcome here

Korra: thank you so much

I walked in and headed towards the guest room I always take. I looked around and then finally sat on my bed and went into deep thought. I really just wanted to go back home. I wanted to lay next to Asami again and hold her tightly in my arms, never letting her go. I just needed to smell her again and run my fingers through her hair. Ehhh I need to stop thinking about her but when I try and close my eyes all I can do is picture her with that loving smile on her face it just bothers me on how much I care for her when she doesn't feel the same.

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