The Outcasts

By Alexandra_92

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COVER MADE BY @taylorink Claire thought that being a doorkeeper with that salary was her best chance of esc... More

Author's note
Mrs. Jinx
The gargoyle and the willow
First floor: Marshmallow vampire
Second floor: Go green fairy!
Third floor: Puppy love
The pumpkins of the supermarket
Full moon, chocolate and fleas
The missing prince
Masks and songs
Family and pack
The Wolf Queen
Ashes and cherries
Final Author's Note
UPDATE! My current Works


1.8K 88 42
By Alexandra_92


December 2nd, 19 days until the Winter Solstice



“Bring the candies Claire!” Elfas hollered from the living room. I rolled my eyes and heard Jericho snort beside me.

“He really should check his brain.”

“Don’t bother. He has loose screws since the day he was born.”

Jericho laughed and I grinned as I filled the pop corn into three different bowls. We had decided to host a movie marathon, thanks to Mina’s persuasion. The success of the wolf Mask Jericho and I had brought few weeks ago was a relief to all of us.

After ‘borrowing’ some of the mask’s essence, Mina teleported it back to Washington National Forest, where I hoped that the werewolves would be able to complete their mating ritual. As for me, I had slept like the dead for a whole day, save for the few times I woke up and with Jericho’s help I ate and bathed. He was solid beside me at those times, sleeping beside me, sharing the warmth of his body.

We had grown closer since that snowy night, when he had come to close to lose himself to the wolf, but still he had manage to remain sane and admit that he had feelings for me. So, we hovered into the ‘boy/girlfriend’ land minus the dates, the kisses and…other things.

The ruckus from the living room made us look. Jericho grunted in annoyance and I bumped my hip to his, which in fact was like a poke for his massive wolf body. There was something that bothered me these past days. “Have you noticed anything strange between Todd and Mina?”

A dark eyebrow rose as Jericho filled the tray with Todd’s steamed thermos of blood and the cooler of Elfas’s green tea. “Now that you mention it, I think I caught Mina sitting on Todd’s lap at the library. That looked weird enough. And I know Todd isn’t a pedophile.”

I scowled. “Mina isn’t a child really.” The witch, daughter of the one who had imprisoned everyone in this house and its perimeter was also cursed. Mina’s body had become weaker but her tongue was as sharp as ever.

Jericho lifted the tray, like it weighted nothing with all the food and the drinks on it and leaned close to me, his warm breath sending shivers from top to my toes. “I dread the moment she will be whole again. Then Todd will not be able to tear his eyes off her.”

We rarely talked about the after of the curse. Nobody knew for sure if this ritual Mina had come up with, claiming that the curse had truly an expiration date, would succeed. Not only that, but Jericho feared what would happen to him if the ritual worked; even when he didn’t speak about it, I could see it sometimes in his pale blue eyes.

He wanted to give everything to me. Only his thought was enough for me.

We headed into the living room, where the small table in front of the couches had been pushed behind at the far left corner of the room, close to the dining table, in favor for soft pillows. They were on the floor, giving more space for everyone. Elfas had taken the two-seat couch all to himself, the egoistical psycho, and Todd was seating at the corner of the second couch, looking at Mina with… wonder? Or was it longing? His eyes were soft for once and his lips were parted a little, showing a gleam of fang.

Jericho placed the tray on the floor and passed the bowls to everyone. Mina had sat crossed legged in front of the shelves and the rows of DVDs and Blu-Rays, which were under the massive TV. She hummed as her fingers trailed over the titles. While Jericho and the others arranged the food, I crawled in fours and sat beside her.

“So, what do want to see?”

Her mischievous yellow eyes turned to me. “I believe it would be fair to let everyone choose the movie they want to see.”

Oh she really was going for that. “Really?” I drawled, smiling at her. Her friendship had become precious to me; in a house full of paranormal men, a girl should have another girl’s back.

Mina turned around. “Who want to pick? We’ll watch each one’s choice of movie!”

And so we did. In silent agreement we let Elfas choose first, in order to bypass unpleasant surprises of course. Thank God, he chose “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” but he also made comment after comment about Arwen’s ears and her necklace.

Todd was in the verge of punching him when the movie was over. Mina sighed. “And they lived happily ever after.” her hands curled up under her chin, as she fell on the arm of the couch.   

I smiled at the rim of my glass and fell back on Jericho’s chest; he curled his arms around me as I snuggled between his feet. We had chosen the pillows on the floor and like the wolf he was, he had made a small nest of pillows around us.

“Interview with a Vampire” was next and Todd sighed with admiration at the young images of Brand Pitt, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas. “I had a friend who looked like Armant.” He said and Mina snorted.

“He must have been a beauty then.” Mina noted.

“Well he wasn’t like me of course.” Todd boasted and Elfas almost drowned on his tea.

But it was sad when I saw the scene where the vampire girl and the woman died from the sunlight. I tensed and Jericho’s tail moved beside me. “It really makes me sad that scene.” Todd said sadly and Elfas snorted.

“Well at least you become diamond dust when you burn, not ash.”

“That really isn’t pleasant Elfas.” Mina almost growled with possessiveness and I noticed that she was touching Todd’s shoulder.

Mina did us the favor and decided on ‘Titanic’ next. I blushed at the car scene, but groaned at the sea scene, where Rose and Jack had turned blue. “Come on!” I pointed at the actress, “you can share the damn door and save both your asses!”

“Wait, you believe that?” Elfas said and I turned to him.

“Of course! And I can prove it to you whenever you want.”

“Bikinis. Like it.” Todd drawled, letting his fangs show.

Jericho growled at him and Mina tossed pop corn on his head.

By the time Jericho chose his movie, I had already gone and returned from the kitchen with more cola and chips. He had chosen “Underworld”; the second movie. More fangs and pistols and hmm, more blood.

“She reminds me of you, the actress.” Ericho murmured as I watched Selene jumping on the air.

“Because she is skinny?” I said, smiling.

“No, because she is strong, despite losing everything. Well, she got the man at least.”

We laughed and when my time came I hovered between two choices. I wouldn’t torture the men with “The Notebook” and I was sure that Mina wasn’t into chick romance. So I went with my second choice, which used to be Mimi’s favorite.

“Wait, what?” Todd sputtered his blood.

“Claire!” Mina whined but she smirked at me.

“Why are you maiming the name of Fae with this choice?” Elfas shouted and we all stared at him, turning again to the movie.

“What? The witch is surely Fae. She holds a rose.” He said, trying to convince us.

“It was that or ‘The Notebook’.”

“You chose then great Claire.” Jericho pulled me down. “At least Beast gets to become human again.”

“Which means that there will always be hope.” I patted his arm around my waist.

“Even for the dammed?”

“Even for them.”

When we retired for the night, I took in my hands the small wooden carving Jericho had given me the day we left for the Mask. In all this chaos I had forgotten it, but after I was awake enough to move, it was the first thing I did.

The carving wasn’t bigger than my forearm but it was polished and carved in every detail. It showed a woman who was caught in motion, running. Her right arm was stretch above her head, as if she was close enough to reach her destination, while her left was stretched back, touch the muzzle of the wolf that ran beside her. Their feet, close to the small statue’s base, seemed to mold together, signifying the unity between the two creatures.

I wondered if Jericho expected to reveal his feelings with the gift, but after that night’s events the gift remained something utterly beautiful, yet elegant for me. The last time I had received a gift, it had ended with the death of a businessman, a monster of human and the money another type of monster had gained.

Placing the carving on the small study of my room, I took a quick shower, pulled my pajama bottoms and a long sleeved shirt. My socked footsteps were quiet as I went to the door of the house. Fred turned and looked at me.

“A lovely night, isn’t it Claire?” the gargoyle pointed at the snowy sky and I stared at the snow covered field and garden.

“A cold one.” I rubbed my shoulders. “Do you want anything Fred?”

He smiled, his amber eyes glowing like embers. “No Mademoiselle, thank you.”

“Good night Fred.” I said and closed the door.

As I reached the first floor, heading to Jericho, I heard Todd’s door opening. Stopping on my tracks I peered at the corner of the swirling stairs. Mina stood at the doorway of Todd’s while the vampire, shirtless and in boxer briefs, towered over her.

“Can I stay for the night?” she pleaded, her voice tired, without her usual sarcasm.

And Todd, leaned and took her in his arms, his hands closing over her small frame, and carried her into his room, the door closing on its own behind them. I sighed, feeling at the same time glad for those two. Mina needed somebody to support her and I believed that Todd was the one.

Despite his love for marshmallows.

Jericho’s door was slightly open when I entered his rooms. He wasn’t at the living room, but I heard the sounds of chopping and slashing. Curious, I headed to the room which was next to his bedroom. When I opened the door, I found Jericho walking around a massive wood trunk, which was placed at the center of the room. It was his carving room, full of tools and half finished carvings; on the wall of the right side many different types of tools were hung on the wall, while the left side of the room was filled with wood.

I was sure he had heard me, but I remained quiet, taking a seat on the stool of his worktable watching him giving life to the wood. He hit and carved over the hard surface, his black fur and clothes coated with sawdust. At some point he rubbed his muzzle and stood observing the trunk. I could see the concentration in his eyes but I failed to understand what he was thinking. To me it was awfully difficult to give life into something as simple as a piece of wood.

But judging from the carving I had to admit; for Jericho this was not only work but also art.

“Damn it.” Jericho said and turned to me. “It is not coming. Why can’t I think of a shape?”

The trunk was taller than him almost eight feet. Standing from the stool, I walked closer and stood beside him. “Artist’s block?” I smiled.

“Something like that, but damn that Elfas; I think I am going to dream of pointy ear tonight.”

“Really? You’re going to let Elfas into your mind?”

“The old man has become cranky. And he isn’t the only one.” Jericho placed his tools on the table and together we walked outside his workshop.

“I saw Mina entering Todd’s room on my way here.”

“Uh please Claire, I want to have a good night’s sleep.” He smiled and headed to the bathroom.

I pulled the covers and climbed on the bed, yawning.

“I can hear you yawn from here!” Jericho chimed from the bathroom.

I laughed and fell back to the soft covers. Soon Jericho joined me and he spooned our bodies, letting his warmth create a warm cocoon around us. I curled my hands under the pillow and fell asleep.



Claire’s breathing had evened out before mine. I spent few moments watching her peaceful expression as her chest moved slowly up and down. I could hear her heartbeat pumping like a song. It was enchanting.


I frowned. It was the first time the wolf and I agreed with something. Don’t get any ideas bud.

Never. Too precious to us. We’ll keep her safe. The wolf growled in agreement and silently I nodded.

It was that moment I feared the most. If the curse was to be dissolved what would happen? Would I return back to Yellowstone, thus losing Claire and the others? Would I be able to stay with her? The thought only felt like a knife stabbing my heart.

What do you believe will happen? Can we stay together?

The wolf remained silent for a moment. Strange. He howled into my mind and soul. Fear caused your sins; fear will tear her apart from you. Claire had said that I was to come in terms with you. Since I want her, and I bet my tail that you want her too, then I suggest you should stop being afraid and face your future.

Wow, too many words from a dog. At least the bond wasn’t completed.

No, you didn’t give her my name and you didn’t do the other thing.

Gah! Will you stop thinking of that? Shit, you’re making me realize that you use you other head that your right one!

Something that was similar to chuckle echoed and I groaned. But Jericho, you have connected with her. I see devastation and betrayal in her soul. She is so lonely, but her wounds are slowly closing. Only time can show.

Gently, I brushed my paw over Claire’s cheek. She turned around and buried her face on my chest. I wish I could kiss her. The wolf whined in agreement and I closed my eyes, letting sleep consume me.


I stood into a dark room. Everything around me felt…liquid as if the image before me could be washed away just as fast as it had appeared.

“You’re disappointing me.” A man’s voice sounded from the darkest corner of the room.

I turned. There, seated on a black armchair was a man around his forties. I couldn’t see his face, only the outline of his strong body and the dark essence around him. The wolf growled. Evil. He said.

“I did everything you’ve asked for! Why did you do this?”

The desperation in the familiar voice made me jolt. Turning around I saw Claire. But… she looked different. For one her hair was black and long, falling over her shoulders. Black really suited her. She was crying and blood had covered her hands. Oh spirits, she held a body.

A small one.

Who had dared to kill a child? Even for me who had committed murder on my clan hadn’t dared to kill a pup in my frenzy of the full moon. Claire rocked the small body back and forth, wailing. The girl’s blond hair was smeared with read and I couldn’t see her face. It nestled on Claire’s chest. “Mimi was innocent! You said she would never get involved with you! That’s why I worked!” Claire screamed at the man.

“Ah, that’s what Thomas said too. He was such a good son. Too bad he didn’t want to have anything to do with the Family.”

Claire turned and looked at the bed. Another body was laying there and blood was seeping over the sheets. “As for Mimi,” the man continued, “she was no daughter of mine!” he bellowed and got up.

“What?” Claire got up too, clutching tightly the small body in her arms.

“But you figlia of mine, you are the strongest, the best of them all.” He crooned seductively and stretched his arm. “Come, let’s conquer this city together.”

Claire squared her shoulders and gently she let the body down, caressing her small face. She stood and pulled two daggers from her back. “I will never be like you. Never!”

The man laughed. And shoot.

“NO!” I bellowed and fell between the man and Claire. The bullet passed straight through my body and I turned around. Claire deflected it with her daggers and ran towards the window. She crashed straight through it and fell down.

Everything became black.


I stood into the forest. The night was dark save for the strong moonlight which illuminated above me. Oh no, no, no, no! It was the full moon! I turned and saw Claire standing before me. She was dressed in her night clothes and she looked around curiously. “This is a dream? Where are we?”

Before I could answer her a howl was heard. At the far side of the forest forty men, armed in spears and globs. I recognized them. They were the people of the pack.

“That’s your father.” Claire said beside me and pointed at the older man who led the group.

“Get out of my dream Claire.” I heard my croak on the voice. I didn’t want her to see this.

Her hand found mine and held. “But in mine you tried to save me. I will stand with you.”

It wouldn’t be long now. I saw myself, the human body, I had never felt as mine, entering the clearing. I was wild, claws instead of nails, black hair falling over my shoulders and… why my teeth were pointy? I stood before the men, black eyes empty and feral.

“Son.” My father spoke and took a step in the front. “Please go back.”

The human me smiled. And leapt into my father.


We woke panting. Claire was holding my arm, trying to steady her breathing. Her eyes were wide and for a moment I thought that she too, had fallen victim of that night.

“Jericho, what happened that night?”

I breathed, trying to familiarize with the present, feeling Claire’s scent deep into my core. Sitting up, I braced my palm on the futon and sighed. “I woke up in the dawn covered with the blood of my people. I managed to see my father calling out for the witch before everything became black. When I opened my eyes again, Todd and Elfas leaned above me.”

Turning to her I held her shoulders. “Who was that monster of a man Claire?”

She licked her lips for a moment and lowered her eyes. “That was…my father.”


She pulled suddenly away from me and got up. She curled her hands around her middle and looked at me. Sorrow was in her eyes and my chest tightened. “Claire-”

“No, just…not now.”

She turned. “Where are you going?”

“I am going to my room. I am sorry Jericho.”

Getting up fast, I blocked her exit. “You will not leave this bed.”

She scowled. “You will not stop me.”

“We must find out why we could share our dreams.”

“I have an explanation for you and I am sure the wolf hasn’t told you. The dance that night; that is the reason I can see your dreams.”

Is it true? I asked the wolf.

He stirred. Maybe.


“Luckily the library has many books and Mina was eager enough to gossip about wolf customs.” Claire spoke with sarcasm.

She spread her palms on my chest and I groaned. I always carved for her touch and now wasn’t really a great time. She leaned her head over my chest. “I am terrified Jericho. I had learnt not to fear anything not even death, but now, with you and everyone, I fear everything. Why?”

I hugged her, sensing her shaking body and rubbed gently her back. “Because your heart is open now Claire. You found out friendship and companions. You became a member of the pack.”

Titling her head up, I rubbed under her eyes taking the tears away. Her brown pools were glassy and her lips red; so beautiful, so tempting.

Lick, kiss, lick, kiss, lick, KISS!!!!

Shut up! I will deal with you later.

“No matter what, you will always have our backs. Do you hear me Claire?”

She nodded.

“I want to hear it.”

“I hear you Jericho.”

“Good.” I pulled her up and went to the bed. “Let’s go to sleep.”

And this time, there were no dreams. 


December 10th, 11 days before the Winter Solstice



Mina fell from the stairs as I headed to the door. She made a sound of startle and I turned around. “Mina!” I dropped my boots and ran to her. Lifting her back, I checked her arms and feet, then her face.

“I…I can’t feel my feet.” Mina’s voice trembled.

I patted her back; Mina had lost her color. Todd was by our side suddenly, lifting her up and together we carried her in her room. He paid any attention neither to the posters nor to the voodoo dolls on her nightstand but instead he placed her softly on the bed, taking off her sneakers.

“Her magic is dwelling.” Todd pressed his thumbs on her temples. Mina’s eyes closed and she moaned from pain.

“What can we do?”

“Chocolate, lots of chocolate.” Mina said and I frowned.

“Sugar is a witch’s best friend. What do we have Claire?” Todd asked and I hurried to the kitchen finding Jericho and Elfas at the stairs.

“We heard someone falling.” Elfas spoke.

I began opening the cupboards searching for anything with sugar.

“Where are the chocolates?”

Elfas coughed. “I used them to my plants. Sugar makes their leaves pink.”

I groaned with frustration. “If this wasn’t serious I would totally throttle you!”

Jericho fished out the credit card we used in cases of need, instead of cash and gave it to me.

I took it and went to Mina’s room. “I am going to the town. I will bring the sweets; do you want anything else?”

“Yes!” Elfas chimed.

“Not to you, Mina has the priority.”

She smiled under the covers, her hollow cheeks becoming ever sharper. “I want the latest issue on ‘Cosmopolitan’.”

I smiled at her and quickly I kissed her cheek. “Got it girl.”

Todd eyed me grateful and I touched his shoulder. “Be right back.”

Jericho led me to the door as I wore my coat, muffler and finally the boots and gloves. It was frigid cold outside and the sky had taken a grey color, even if it was still morning. “Do you want anything Jericho?” I asked before stepping outside.

“Yes. Be careful and come back.” He leaned down and I kissed the spot between his eyes, rubbing his muzzle.

The car keys, as also the keys of the house were safely tucked into my jeans while the car was parked at the base of the stairs. Fred’s sleeping form stood menacing and reassuring at the side of the house’s entrance, while Jericho also watched me from the doorway as I pulled off and drove away.

Christmas songs had already started to play on the radio and I wondered where the holidays would find us. Together and possibly well? Or apart? I groaned, my fingers tightening the steer wheel. I should hurry. Mina was really weak, like a leaf before taken away by the winds.

I parked at the first small market I found. Jumping from the car, I speed walked inside and headed to the aisle of candies, grabbing almost the whole shelf. Peeking quickly at the magazine section, I found ‘Cosmopolitan’ and headed to the cashier.

The man was on his late fifties with crinkled edges on his eyes and thinning hair. He mumbled as he checked my items while I impatiently tapped my foot.

“Can you check this one too?” a man’s voice said from my left.

He stretched his right hand, making his sleeve roll up. My breathing stopped as I saw the lines of the tattoo, stretching around his wrist. The eagle looked like he was soaring on the wind save for the green snake which had curled its body around the eagle’s chocking him into its death hold. The snake’s mouth was biting the eagle’s neck and the bird’s beak was open in a silent scream of agony.

I didn’t look at the man; he knew me and this scene was a provoking one, trying to judge my actions. I gripped the shopping bag and casually I made my way out of the shop, glancing from the corners of my eyes.

The men, dressed in jeans and black coats stood by my car. Three, maybe armed, and heavily muscled. I could take them out, but they wouldn’t make a scene. Not with so many people around. I couldn’t return back home and the chances to escape were seriously dropping.

One of them, who also had a tattoo running down from his temple to his jaw, close to his short blond hair, smiled up at me. “Se non èlagiovanedonna!” If it isn’t the young lady! his accent was thick, suggesting he had come from the italian north.

“Vai via, prima cheve ne pentirete.” Go away before you regret it. It was surprising how steady my voice was despite my raging heart.

“No, bambina, your padre, sent us.” The same man spoke and shook his head slightly.

Two of his goons made a step in the front. I grinned, letting the bag fall to the ground and edging my fingers closer to the strap holding on my thigh for the dagger. “Are you sure you want to challenge me?” I purred, letting the darkness of my past come to the surface, just a little.

They stopped, but the blond man seethed. “We want you back. Now.”

Scusate, not going to happen.” I charged at them, grabbing the hems of the first man’s coat and bringing my knee up to his face. I jumped and punched the blond man to the face, feeling satisfied with the crackingh sound of his nose.

The third man drew a knife; he lunged at me and I whirled around hi, bring my own dagger up to his ribs, close to the armpit. “You will let me go, unless you want to drown into your blood. Capisci?”

He nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down from his fearful breathing. “Tell your boss to go fuck himself and the whole Family with him.” I stepped back and bolted for the car.

Something sharp hit my neck and I managed just in time to pulle the dart, seeing the tickle of blood on it. I left a small sound and fell to the ground.

My head hurt when I woke up. And lucky me, I was tied on a chair. As my vision cleared, I took in my surroundings. I was inside a warehouse, with lamps illumiating the ceiling and the bottom. It was made of thick, red brick and wooden arcs but other than that I didn’t see anything else.

I heard footsteps and soon one chair was set in front of me. I smiled at the blond man and his swollen nose; good let him know what I could do. He cursed in his italian and left. Another man appeared, as i tried to move my wrists in order to make my hands feel. What time it was?


That voice. I looked up. Despite the one year of my running, I still remembered the man’s gentle eyes. He was the Second in the Family and the brutest of them all. But to me, Thomas and Mim had been the loveliest Uncle I knew.

“Nicola. How have you beem?”

He laughed. “The usual.” He sobbered. “Why did you do it Claire? Why did you run?”

I scowled. “Had I stayed I would be dead by now.”

He frowned. “So you killed your broither and sister and left? Did you honestly think we shouldn’t hunt? That he wouldn’t hunt you?”

My blood became cold from Nicola’s words. “What? I didn’t kill them! He did it!”

Nicola shook his head. “There were evidence on the scen. Fingertips and all of them yours.”

“Because I held Mimi! I held my sisters as the moster of father butchered her! And Thomas too!”

Nicola’s eyes widened and the black tailored suit he wore, suddenly looked darker on him. I let a dry laugh. “He lied to you didn’t he? He said I killed them, while all the time you had the murdered in front of you.”

“He is my brother.”

“Not by blood. Even in this dark world you’ve always been the brightest of them all.” I said, twisting on my chair.

Nicola looked above my head and took a step back. I stilled, feeling the stare before seeing the man appearing from my left, walking in front of me.

He took the seat in front of me, leaned back with the confidence of a man who had it all in his fingers and smiled at me. There was no sympathy in him. I squared my shoulders, titled my chin up, showing my defiance and gave him my cruelest smile.


“Claire, you like causing trouble so mcuh.” He spoke evenly.

In his ealry forties, Christo Serpente had managed to rule over Chicago with his iron fist. The underwolrd of the city was literally bowing to him, the man who had managed to rule over illegal weapon trading, drug trafficking and his specialty; stolen precious works of art. With his short black hair and a bodybuilders body, Father could inpsire both awe and fear.

“That’s my specialty. You trained me after all.”

He grinned and I saw Nicola flinching from his right side. There was no humor on his voice. The blow came out of nowhere, snapping my head to the side. I gritted my teeth and spit the blood from my mouth. “Trained to sneak, steal and sometimes end your targets. No wonder your name ‘Angelo della Morte’ is still whispered on Chicago.”

I laughed. “And I am sure you’ve cut the tongues of all those who have spoke of me. I am honored.”

He sat back and drew from his pocket the dagger I had. “Such a nice art of work. Where did you find it?”

Todd had given it to me, when he and Jericho had shown me the weaponry. The vampire had noted my taste on weapons, while Jericho had grinned saying that steel was fitted for me.


I leaned back to the chair, feeling the blood running down my split lip. “None of your business.”

Father, no Christo, tapped the tip of the dagger on his thigh. “That steel goes back to the fifties. It’s rare and valuable. Do you know how many crazies out there would pay for it?”

I knew. I was the one who used to steal for him. And the house had enough valuable things inside; enough to make the British Muesum look like a market. “I am not working for you anymore.” I spat.

Christo smiled. “You are my daughter, blood of my blood. You work for me from the day you were born.”

“Is that what you told Thomas too? When he decided to stop working for you?”

“Thomas was weak!”

“Thomas was ten times better than all of you!” I screamed and Christo punched me again.

I saw black spots on my eyes and tried not to faint. I couldn’t feel my hands and feet and my butt was hurting. Christo leaned closer to me, his breath smelling of mint and brandy, made me want to gag. “I have all the time to break you Claire. You will be a good girl and help Daddy waon’t you?”

I spit on his face and he punched me again. This time, I blissfuly fainted.


December 18th, 3 days before the Winter Solstice 


I stood in front of the door, waiting for the night to completely fall. Eight days, eight fucking miserable days with no sign of Claire. She wouldn’t have abandoned us and we all knew it. No, something wrong, evil even had happened and she was gone. I knew it in my sould, deep inside me, thanks to the partial bond.

Every night after her disappearance I would see images of her. Screaming, swearing and bloody, her blond her smeared with blood and her body curled in feral position, agony tearing through her. I and the wolf would scream, demand to help, save her, but soon the morning would come and I would lose her from my sight.

I spent nights searching every damn place on the city for her. Every time I would come back, roaring from anger and Elfas would make me even angrier. Only Mina was positive that Claire was alive.

“If she still has the keys, then she lives. Only upon the death of the doorkeeper, the keys returne to the mansion.” She’d say, making me wonder what was worse. The knowlegde that she was still alive? Or that I ahdn’t found her yet?

And the moon was drawing closer.

“Jericho?” Todd spoke behind me.

“What?” I growled.

“Mina wants to see you.”

I followed him into the room. Mina was so pale and skinny, as if life was almost gone from her. Todd, knelt and tenderly he helped her sit. She opened her eyes, the yellow irises had dulled.

“Wolfy...” she looked at Todd. “Will you let me speak with him?”

Todd looked at me and I aknowledged his silent words. Protect. I knew well when a man was overprotective of his mate. He left, closing the door silently behind him. I turned to the witch. “What can I do for you?”

“Did you make peace with yourself?” she asked silently.

I flinched. “I...I don’t know.”

“The others have and even Lethinia has offered a part of her magic in order to sustain the spell. Without Claire and the keys here, everything is crumbling.”

I had seen it; the roof had fallen, making Elfas scream from horror, and we had sealed the upper floors, taking shelter to the ground floor. “What do you want me to do Mina? Because I have no fucking clue.”

She smiled sadly. “You love Claire, don’t you?”

Oh spirits, I did. In those days it wasn’t the bond with her I was missing but her presence and the calm power she always carried with her. The wolf crawled inside me, wanting out, wanting to hunt, to save. To have Claire back.

“I see you Jericho, you and the wolf. Your love for her is the point where you two align. It’s the fundamental base which can bring you together.” She looked at her window, to the night which had quickly fallen. “When you leave this house tonight bear in mind that every choice, every action we make or take, bear concequences. This is how we shape our future and destines.”

My throat tightned with her words. I had heard that when a witch was close to ascending and meet with her brethern she would this. That was why she had said Todd to leave. “Mina, I-”

“Don’t. I saw Claire’s darkness and she needs you. It doesn’t materr what kind of hide you wear. It’s the heart that beats and knows; you soul who searches and rejoice. Hold that in mind son of Yellowstone and you shall break free.”

The door opened and Todd came in, his face pale with grim lines on his prefect skin. Without speaking to him and knowing he had heard, I got our form the room and without caring for the cold, I bolted into the night.

I heard Lethinia’s shrieking, a sound of despair and Fred’s wings as they tore into the sky, before disappearing into the woods.



I give you the chapter you've been waiting for! Many mysteries to solve and I hope to satisfy you!!

Please bear with me! :) And don't forget to vote/comment. I love hearing from you.

In the meantime, for those who know of "Three ghosts for Anastasia" I have planned a major editting, which hopefully will enter a query letter. Please vote/comment and let me know what you think.

Until next time, kisses and hugs to all of you! <3

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