Ugly truths and beautiful lies

By apolk89

194 16 1

A business woman in her prime by the name of P.K. has accomplished her career dreams of standing on top of th... More

Let's play a game
One of my kind
Airport Shenanigan
Plane etiquette
Change of Plan
A meal to remember
That look
Whats understood
The Triplets
Who's the Boss Part 1
Who's the Boss Part 3
Please be respectful
Calculated risk

Who's the Boss part 2

4 1 0
By apolk89

I'm 40 minutes early and I hear a message come to my phone from First and last as i stand in the lobby. I open it up and read it. You got this baby. Breath and you will do great. As I look up from my phone with a smile plastered across my face I see Yoongi, Namjoon, and JK in the distance walking in the direction of a hallway.

I see all of them nod in my direction as i return the gesture with a nod trying not to draw attention to myself. I get another message to my cell and look down expecting another sweet note from Yoongi only to be disappointed. Jason text me saying I knocked on your door but you didn't answer I wanted to have a word with you some good news.

As I put my phone away I am tapped on my shoulder. I turn around to see Jason looking me up and down. "I didn't know you were here already". But before we can even begin that conversation we are met by Hitman bang's assistant and hitman bang himself then escorted away.

Three hours go by and the building is buzzing with gossip

"So have you seen the new worker hitman bag just hired personally?"

"No, have you there is so much secrecy floating around."

" I know right I don't even know what he looks like or where he is from. "

"I heard he speaks 6 languages fluently."

" I heard he is an out of this world producing legend and has worked with all the greats all around the world."

" I heard he wears all the finest clothes and worked as a doctor or something before even getting into the music business."

As we leave the conference room for a break Jason enters the hallway dressed in a full three-piece black Gucci suit and designer shoes. I leave the room after him while stretching my neck and take a seat on the bench in the hall while crossing my legs. I pull out my phone and begin making other business calls about the fashion showcase. At which time Jason comes and sits next to me.

Immediately my face changes and F You is written on my forehead. "Listen we have to play this smart if we are going to get this contract." I roll my eyes and finish my call. Upon my completion, I stand up and walk briskly away from Jason who stands up and pursues. He grabs my wrist and attempts to pull me towards him. I snatch my hand back and point my index and middle fingers at him. "Keep your fucking hands off me!" At this time the 3 bangtan boys are leaving their session about to get food and hear me raise my voice. Namjoon and JK's mouth drop open and Yoongi's ears have turned beet red while beginning to balling up his fist picking up his pace as the others follow down the long hallway heading in my direction.

I turn to leave the situation before it gets worse as Jason grabs me again this time with added force and snatches me toward him while twisting my wrist. I heard a loud Snap come from my wrist and I wince out in pain. At which point all three members start running in our direction as the people in the lobby now started watching.

I wince again as Jason squeezes my wrist and with my free arm I punch him directly in the face. Immediately causing him to release me and stubble back while grabbing his nose due to the pain and bleeding. All three men that were running towards me stop dead in their tracks at the sight of the events that just unfolded. Jk lets out a whoa causing an echo in the halls. The other members look at him and he says through his bunny smile while chuckling. Noona hit him hard I think she broke his nose. Namjoon snickers then look at Yoongi whose eyes have gone back to the man who is bleeding in the lobby.

I take a step away from Jason then say in an eerily calm and low tone just in case you didn't know. " Your fired effective immediately." I turn to walk away. But with a last-ditch effort, he yells at the top of his lung nobodies going to want you. You think you can do this to me you black bitch!"

I pause while still having my back turned to raise my fist to the sky and shoot him the middle finger as I continue my exit. The Bangtan boys along with everyone else who witnessed the altercation began to laugh and clap. Yoongi 's watches me walk off feeling mixed emotions of pride and rage.

I take a walk down an empty hall and go into the bathroom to regain my composure while looking at my wrist. Which is starting to form a bruise in the shape of fingerprints? "That ass whole really put his hands on me. I shouldn't have hit him. trying to calm my rage. Violence is never the answer. Fuck him I say to myself while also hearing a voice that sounded a lot like my husband says the same thing. I tilt my head believing I'm overthinking it. I wish he was here."I am he says as I turn around to see Yoongi stationed at the entrance of the bathroom staring at me. My eyes widen with adrenaline and fear. You can't be in here it the women bathroom.

He tilts his head and says no it's the men's. I look around to see urinals. I was so flustered I entered the wrong bathroom. I quickly go to leave but when I get to the door Yoongi grabs my upper arm and looks down at my wrist. Slowly grabbing it to inspect it I inhale deeply. He tilts his head and gently lines up his fingers to match the bruise. His ears turn crimson and his chest and face are beginning to match it. As he looks up at my face I see a fire in his eyes that I haven't seen since we were younger.

He lets go of my arm and turns with fist clenched to head out the bathroom. I grab his shirt and begin to plead with him not noticing Jk and Namjoon watching us. "Yoongi wait!" No! he says with a cold voice. "It's just a hairline fracture it will heal I promise" He stops in his tracks and turns to look at me with predatory eyes. "He broke your fucking wrist Pk!" All his emotions being showcased on his face. Namjoon and JK look at each other in shock never seeing yoongi this mad but also shocked at the unveiling of my identity and injury.

" Baby stop. I'm fine you can barely see it."

Jk and Namjoon say simultaneously baby while looking at each other. Yoongi scrunches his face in frustration and grabs my wrist as gently as possible. I let out a wince from the pain. "Yabo how is this fine." Yabo the pair say echoing what they heard rising their level of shock. "A man not only put his hand on you but broke your wrist and I'm supposed to be ok with that. You're my fucking wife Phoenix!" I pause from the sound of my government name gliding out of his mouth as a plea to let him throw away his career and his band's reputation to avenge me. He throws his head back in frustration

"Wife" JK and Namjoon's eyes almost pop out of their head." Min Yoongi look at me. He stays in his position not meeting my eyes. "Gloss look.. at now." He snaps his head down towards me. "I will not under any circumstance allow my husband the man I love to throw away his career and good name for me." He turns his head away from me in disagreement. I grab his jaw with my good hand and bring it back in my direction before loosening my grip and placing my hand on his cheek gently.

"You said you believe in me, you trust me, and you said you support me. so believe that I can handle this. You going to jail after dealing with him doesn't help me it only causes harm to you, me, the members, your company and it throws away all the hard work you have put in over the years. You're better than this. I'm better than this and you gave me 4 days to solve it don't go back on your word not now." He runs his fingers through his hair thinking. Baby, he says in a soft voice but he hurt you." Yes and I also hurt him." He breathes trying to releasing anger and stares at me then lifts his head to the ceiling and runs his fingers through his hair again in frustration.

I love you yabo I say. He looks down at me and exhales I love you too. This isn't over PK not for him. I smile gently if you thought it was then you must have forgotten who you married i say with a deathly tone. I give him a peck and caress his face as a smile of approval appears before we turn to leave.

We notice JK and Namjoon standing in the empty hallway along with us. Their eyes flashing back and forth between us. My eyes scan the hallway to make sure no one else had seen our couples drama. Yoongi's face goes back to being expressionless upon seeing them. Me, on the other hand, I look like I'm trying to figure out how  long they were there. Yoongi grabs my good hand and begins to walk toward them the guy's eyes widening from their hyung showing skinship.

He stops right in front of them looks at me with affection then back at them expressionless and says we're married. Then walks off dragging me behind him. I look back at the puzzled men who look in our direction I shrug and send them a wink. Yoongi slows down. let go people are going to see us. He looks at me and says so. We agreed we would wait. He huffs and lets out a slow sigh as the others catch up. "I don't want to." Yoongi I bounce up and down like a toddler trying to get their way while doing aegiyo. His gummy smile appears making the others look at each other.

A year I say. He scoffs "six months" he looks at me like I'm crazy "3 months" he tilts his head and gazes into my soul while lifting his eyebrows in displeasure. Yoongi I say as he smiles again causing the others to do the same at the sight of our lover quarrel. No 30 days i will give you 30 days. No, I take a deep breath in while walking up to Yoongi and pushing his body with mine up against the wall he tilts his head and smirks as I tilt my head right back.

"3 months"

"No 30 days"

"No Yoongi three months"

" No"

I kiss him catching Jk and Namjoon off guard. I pull back 3 months he smirks and before he can rebuttal I kiss him again taking a step back "don't make me take you in the bathroom." All three men's eyes shoot open and Yoongi tilts his head and licks his lips. I roll my eyes. 3 months and that's final I say while walking off. My heels clicking on the floor as I turn the corner and disappear from their sight. Yoongi still on the wall full gummy exposed. Namjoon standing with is mouth open and JK scrunching his nose while showing his bunny smile. Then jk says so that's what it's like to have a wife huh.

No Yoongi responds other wives don't compare while walking off. The other guys follow in toe.

AN: This chapter was a lot longer than expected so I had to split it up. I hope you like it. Oh an in my head Pk looks something like this. The artwork isn't my own but it's quite close to what I pictured while writing the character. Also with black box braids. Oh and the dress in the header is the closest thing I could find to how I imagined the outfit.

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