Spicy Dolcezza!

By dvlk2117

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*** πŸ’• COMPLETED πŸ’• *** ** ** ** STEAMY ** ** ** Cilia Rose Knight lovingly called as Cici by everyone is the... More

A/N: Before You Read!
A/N: Spicy Dolcezza Songs!!
A/N: Spicy Dolcezza CAST!!
PROLOGUE : My Wife - Our Daughter!
Chapter 1: Xander - The Boob Man!!
Chapter 2: MA vs PAPA !!
Chapter 3: Ricardo - The Balloon Man!!
Chapter 4: Star Boy - Toca Girl!
Chapter 5: What a classic 'GOAL'!
Chapter 6: Pinky Nose & Cupid Magic!
Chapter 7: Heightening Sexual Tension!
Chapter 8: Ferro and Fiona!
Chapter 9: Bad Boy - Bad Girl!
Chapter 10: Colour Me Yours!!
Chapter 11: You're HEAVY - You're TINY!
Chapter 12: Promises & Confessions!!
Chapter 13: Cute Scowl - Spicy Dolcezza!!
Chapter 14: Manipulations & Precautions!
Chapter 15: Hungry Lovers!!
Chapter 16: Sposami Cici!
Chapter 17: Here Comes The Thunder!!
Chapter 18: The Leechy 'Cagna'!
Chapter 19: The sneaky little sniper!
Chapter 20: The little 'cheese' threat!!
Chapter 21: Secrets, Promises & Decisions!
Chapter 22: Trust HIM - Leave HER!!
Chapter 23: Icy Spicy Tortures!!
Chapter 24: Lei ha detto 'Sì'!
Chapter 25: Moglie e Marito!
Chapter 26: Super Fertile Sperms!
Chapter 27: Grumpy Genes?
Chapter 28: A 'secret' forever!
Chapter 29: A sick perverted Animal!
Chapter 30: Painful After Effects!
Chapter 31: Single Forever!
Chapter 32 : Little Munchkin Elisa - New Hope Sierra!
Chapter 33: Italy to America!
Chapter 34: The Shocking Truth!!
Chapter 35: Broken Promises - Second Chances
Chapter 36: Alexander's Trap!
Chapter 37: Husky Voice - Pretty Eyes!
Chapter 38: Let's play Jonathan!
Chapter 39: My Wife - Our Daughter!
Chapter 40: Naughty Little Cici!
Chapter 41: Huge Set of Lungs!
Chapter 42: Grandfathers & The 'F' Word!
Chapter 43: Piccola Cattivo - PapΓ  Amorevole
Chapter 44: Moglie 'E' Marito 'di nuovo'!
Chapter 45: Dream come True!
Chapter 46: Naughty Little Accidents!
Chapter 47: I want 'my' beast!
Chapter 48: 'Papa' di nuovo!
Chapter 50: Over Joyful Torture!
Chapter 51: Sexual Desires & After Effects!!
A / N : Fun with SD Characters!
A/N: Characters Aesthetic Art!

Chapter 49: 'Perfumed' Throw-ups!

1.9K 121 132
By dvlk2117

(Mature Language 18+)


To say everyone was happy would be such an understatement. They were way beyond the term ecstatic and were over the moon. Cici's pregnancy news brought huge smiles on everyone's faces.

As Isabella chirped like a little girl clapping her hands, Leonardo almost turned into a super happy baby; yelling on the top of his lungs; 'I am going to be a great grandfather'.

Of course, Katherine shed happy tears and pulled her daughter-in-law for a long tight hug saying, how she would be there with her in every step just like a mother should be. She even stuffed Cici and Erasto's mouths with sweets for giving them such great news.

Alessandro was dancing at a different level of happiness and declared how he and Cici were going to celebrate this news eating lots and lots of cheese! Of course, Erasto tried his level best to stop him but the 'dramatic' grandfather really didn't pay any heed to this man!

He was that happy!!

Unable to contain his happiness, he called America and gave her parents this good news. Of course, Cynthia and Alexander couldn't control their tears and said they would soon plan a trip to Italy in a week or two once Sierra's next ultrasound was successfully done.

Yes, with Sierra being pregnant they were super happy and now learning Cici's pregnancy news their happiness just doubled; if not more!

Xander and Sierra were happy and prayed all the good luck to this couple for a huge and happy family with tremendous happiness and success in their lives. Even though they desperately wanted to go and meet Cici, with Sierra's health condition it was difficult to make long travels.

Knowing how much this meant to her husband; Sierra, being a super understanding girl, suggested that he should go and visit his sister for a few days while her father, Jeremy, would be there to take care of her.

Of course being a super loving and overly protective husband, Xander clearly disagreed. He didn't have the heart to leave his wife behind and go; especially when Sierra was in this condition. Kissing her ever so lovingly, he promised that they would soon go and meet Cici together after their little twins were born.

As far as the super crazy- funny Ricardo was concerned; oh my god, this boy literally brought balloons in every possible colour in this universe and decorated the entire mansion like a children's party hall.

He even went to the extent of getting all those sparkly things for decoration, crackers to burst and tons of treats for his fra and cognata! Not only that, Cici's jaw dropped down when she saw him walking into the mansion with a big fluffy teddy bear and a big carton filled with soft toys for her, for the tiny pea and for big sister, Elisa, of course.

If Erasto spoiled Elisa then Ricardo spoiled her even more. He would buy some or the other thing for this little one every single day. Let that even be a simple candy or a huge diamond!

He even bought a huge cake telling everyone that the big portion of it belonged to Cici and only Cici. While the others laughed, he pampered his 'cognata' a little more.

Now, let's talk about the baby daddy!

Erasto was tongue tied and his jaw dropped down in pleasant surprise when Cici placed his rough palm over her belly and declared, "Grumpy, diventerai 'papà' di nuovo!" (Grumpy, you're going to be a 'papa' again!)

As her soft words rang in his mind for the umpteenth time in those few seconds, tears pooled in his honey brown eyes and his heart danced in joy.

He wanted to say so many things to her but this lump in his throat had a much, much upper hand giving him a super tough time to talk!

Yes, he wanted to tell her so many things!

How he would be there with her in this important phase and all throughout their lives. How she could rely on him without any second thoughts.

How he would do his best to make her feel happy and safe with each passing second. How he would take care of anything and everything.

How he would love her so much that she would forget every little bad memory in her life. How he would stay up the nights with her just to give her company.

How he was going to take care of her and her sweet little cravings. How he was going to treat her as a crystal doll.

And all in all he wanted to say how much he loves her, their little family and of course this sweet little pea growing inside her.

But he didn't say anything!

He couldn't get a single word out of his mouth. Unable to swallow the lump in his throat he shot a wide toothy smile and shook his head while she smiled with tears in her pretty eyes and whispered, "Don't say anything Grumpy. Solo Abbracciami!" (Just hug me!)

Of course, chuckling hugely he pulled her into his arms and kissed her head not once but over a zillion times conveying how happy he was and how he would take care of her.

His racing heart, those pools in his captivating eyes and the warmth radiating from him were just enough for her to understand how everything will be fine and how he was going to be with her 'this' time and of course for the rest of their lives.

Releasing her, he hunched down on his knees and kissed her belly. Burying his face there he felt at home and thanked god for giving their love a second chance and blessing them with another baby.

* * *

"Amor, promise me that you will tell me if you don't like it okay?" Xander asked for the umpteenth time that day while she mentally rolled her eyes saying, "I am sure I will like it. So cut this short and show me the paradise."

"I love you so much Amor!"

"I love you too! Now, come on! My patience is dying."

And as the cloth that kept her eyes closed for the past 10 minutes was now finally gone. As she opened her pretty doe eyes, her jaw dropped down and tears pooled in her eyes. Sensing her expression he got totally worried thinking if there was something wrong with what he had done. He even felt like hitting himself for doing it alone.

"It's okay Amor! You can tell me. I will change it if you want."

"What are saying Xander? It is so perfect. I love it."


Hugging him ever so tightly she said, "Yes, of course! I love it. I love it so much Xander. Thank you so much for this." Placing his palm over her belly he whispered looking into her eyes, "No! Thank 'you' Amor! For these angels!"

It was so difficult for her not to feel shy when he looked into her eyes directly. Biting her lip and pushing her hair away gently trying to calm her little racing heart.

"Okay, now stop it. Take a picture right away. I want to share this with Cici. She asked me the instant I see this little paradise I have to send her the pictures."

* * *

Two weeks passed and Cici's parents were here to meet their daughter and of course for celebrating the little one's 2nd birthday. If Cici received tons and tons of gifts and treats in these two weeks, Cynthia and Alexander had almost brought her a lot more from America.

Katherine and Cynthia prepared delicious dinner for the evening party and Isabella baked a special birthday cake for the little one as a little gift from her side. Because the ladies were busy with the preparations they asked their husbands to go and get the gifts for their little sweetie pie.

Oh, what a big mistake ladies!!

Being extremely 'obedient' husbands; Alexander, Alessandro and Leonardo ended up in this huge mall for the most awaited shopping for the little princess, Elisa!

With a huge scowl playing on their faces, Alexander and Alessandro were having an argument again on which colour dress should they buy for their granddaughter! While Alexander was stuck at pink colour, Alessandro was adamant in buying the lime yellow one.

They even blasted each other with several 'f*****' bombs when they landed in another argument about which colour shoes should they buy. Of course the sales man almost got a heart attack when he heard them quarrelling like little kids for a dress.

What caught this poor man off-guard was when Leonardo too blasted another series of 'f*****' bomb and selected a white colour dress for his great granddaughter.

Oh god Elisa, you got a good set of gifts honey!

While this was the case with the grandparents and great grandparents, Elisa's zios were on a video call trying to select a pendent for their niece. While Xander selected a cute little blue dolphin, Ricardo selected a red cherry pendent.

Erasto selected a rose gold necklace set for Cici and a bracelet for Elisa. But he wasn't satisfied. He wanted to buy so many things for his daughter but knew these all things might not put a smile on her face. Being so little she obviously won't smile looking at the jewellery.

So, he decided to get the thermocol dolls for her. The way she laughed and chirped breaking that doll made him much happier. He would do anything to make this little one smile.

However, this time the store manager was relieved as Erasto found a manufacturer and got a few dolls delivered to their mansion without any 'scratch'!

Cici of course got teary eyed thinking back about Elisa's 1st birthday when there was no one to wish this little one except her. Knowing how sad he would feel, she put up a happy face just for his sake and let it all out once he was gone to check on the arrangements. Turning the shower on just in case he decided to walk into their room, she locked the bathroom door and cried silently for a good one hour.

It was impossible to forget what happened to her back then. But yes, with his constant love and support she was able to mask them over. She knew he tried his level best and she was more than happy for that. Thanking god for turning back the events she finally stepped out of the shower to dress up her little girl for the party.

To say it was a beautiful birthday party would be such an injustice. It was way beyond. Elisa looked like a tiny little Disney princess. Of course out of all those gifts she received that evening, the thermocol doll and the sound of those glittery gift wrappers caught her eye. If her mother was fast in finishing off her desserts quickly, this girl was even faster in breaking those dolls and crushing those wrappers.

Yes, even before Cici could finish the cake, those dolls met their fate. Throwing the little thermocol balls all over the floor Elisa laughed while Erasto hugged his daughter lovingly tighter than ever.

* * *

"Oh my god, it's happening!" Sierra said anxiously holding Cynthia's arm. She was craving for some chicken lollipops and being a good chef when chicken was concerned, Cynthia made some.

Alexander who was busy reading a fairy tale for Sierra, just like he did for Cici, turned his attention towards the ladies while Xander who was dressing the dessert with freshly diced fruits practically barged towards his wife with worry etched on his face.

Kneeling in front of her he asked in a worried tone, "What's wrong Amor? Are you in pain?"

Cynthia smiled at the couple and ruffled Xander's hair saying, "My son, that's your babies saying hi in their own way."

"Really?" As Xander asked placing his palm over Sierra's belly she chirped again with a huge grin playing on her face, "Oh my god, they are kicking again. Oh wow!"

As the young couple experienced their first 'baby kicks' and whispered how much they loved each other and their little ones, the older couple enjoyed every bit of this precious moment thinking how they were in the same page years back.

Time flies by so fast!

* * *

With the changing levels of progesterone, estrogen and many other hormones; Cici was more like a mixed person. She would be anxious one minute and the very next she would turn sad.

If she was irritated at something or someone one minute, she would chirp like a little happy bird the very next.

Of course an angry Cici was also one of the shades he saw practically every day while an overly joyful Cici came out at times.

It was true that he enjoyed every bit of her tantrums more than ever and could easily handle those quick hormonal changes except her overly joyful shade.

Which, of course I will explain later!!

Previously, at times when she was adamant and would go overboard, he would raise his tone a little and get her back. But now considering she was pregnant, he gave her those extra privileges of going super adamant and ask him anything or anytime.

Let that be anytime of the day or any hour of the night. He didn't say a word and happily did whatever she asked for.

To say Cici was more than happy for this super special attention from him would be just a small thing. She was enjoying it thoroughly. Not that he didn't give her attention in the past, of course he did.

But a little something extra never hurts right?

As the days passed, Cici's hormonal behaviour shot up like a speeding rocket. Of course she was a huge victim of 'morning sickness'!

* * *

"What's this Grumpy?" She asked in an amused tone when he placed a small gift in her palm saying, "I got you a little something!"

"A perfume? Oh my god..." She gasped when she saw the name over it. 'Spicy Dolcezza!'

"What's this Erasto?"

Cupping her face in his palms he said in a soft tone, "This perfume is made for 'you'. I have always thought about 'you' while getting this manufactured. My development team saw hell trying to get this according to my taste; something which will remind anyone about 'you'! And, that's the reason it's named 'Spicy Dolcezza'! I really hope you like it."

"Awww! That's so sweet honey. Of course, I will like it. In fact, I will love it." She said kissing the base of his palm while he smiled at her asking, "How about you try it?"

"Of course!" She said nodding her head while he lifted the bottle cap and sprayed a little on her.

"Cosa c'è che non va? Non ti piace?" (What's wrong? Don't you like it?) He asked in a soft curious tone when he saw a sudden change in her face expression while she cupped her mouth and ran into the bathroom not before apologising, "Mi dispiace. Mi dispiace molto!" (I am sorry. I am so sorry!)

As she threw up he cupped her ears and whispered, "Va bene! Va bene! Stai tranquilla ragazza!" (It's okay! It's okay! Take it easy baby!)

As she washed her mouth, he passed her the towel and asked, "Sentirsi meglio tesoro?" (Feeling better sweetheart?)

As she closed her eyes and nodded her head, he looked at the perfume feeling a little sad. He spent so much time and energy in making this perfume, of course he felt bad but when it came to his wife, he didn't care about anyone. All he wanted was his wife to be happy.

Dropping the perfume in the waste bin he apologised, "I am sorry Dolcezza! I am really sorry for troubling you so much."

Of course her eyes popped out of their sockets seeing him do that. Bending down she picked up the bottle and inspected it thoroughly for any cracks. She was so thankful for throwing away a few papers in the bin that morning. They really acted like the cushion.

"Why did you throw it away?"

"What's the point in keeping it? You didn't like it baby."

Knowing how he misinterpreted her reaction, she curled her arms around his waist and kissed his chest.

As he stood there thinking how he troubled his wife because of his stupid gift, she pasted her soft cheek on his hairy chest and said in a soft tone, "Grumpy! You misunderstood the point here. Remember I am pregnant? So, what happened was the magic of morning sickness and not because I didn't like it. I really loved your gift and it really, really, really means a lot to me. And I know that once I am over this stupid morning sickness, I am really going to enjoy this perfume a lot. Thank you honey!"

"You mean it?" He asked in an amused tone and of course his little excitement was so evident in his tone that she couldn't help giggling like a little girl and say, "I really, really mean it. Now curl your huge arms around my sweet little frame and hug me husband!"

Of course, being a super obedient and doting husband he did what his wife wanted!

* * *

So, how was the Epilogue Part 1? Did you like it? Please leave your views. I would like to read them! Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Please vote and comment!

Much Love,

Manasa DVLK!!

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