Love's Test of Time (Madara U...

By Shadow-Uchiha04

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Lea Uchiha, a medical ninja, and Madara Uchiha, the future clan leader, have been best friends since their ch... More

Author's Note/Dedication
P - Friend
I - Battle
II - Argument
III - Fire
IV - Confession
VI - Eyes
VII - Ceremony
VIII - Peace
IX - Birthday
X - Konoha
XI - Festival
XII - Time
XIII - Story
XIV - Reunion
XV - Snow
XVI - Arrival
XVII - Love
E - Family
Author's Note

V - Funeral

1.7K 57 12
By Shadow-Uchiha04

slumber - Lewis Watson, Lucy Rose
Middle Of Nowhere - Vancouver Sleep Clinic


I'm not sure how long we stayed huddled on the floor beside Yumi, crying our eyes out. Eventually, we pulled apart and talked over the situation. The brothers carried Yumi to an empty room and covered her in a white sheet until we could bury her tomorrow.

We searched the house thoroughly for any poisonous substances but came up empty. Izuna said he wanted to be alone for a while and retired to his room leaving Madara and me standing in the kitchen. I mulled over any other possibilities of Yumi accidentally poisoning herself.

"The only other option is that someone poisoned her," I told Madara. "Do you remember when I felt that cold presence when our mother died? I think it's him. I think he's targeting us." I rubbed my upper arms with both hands, trying to warm the chill that had settled down my spine.

Madara moved closer and began rubbing my back with a hand. "Why do think that?"

"I'm not sure... She was most likely poisoned an hour or two before I got home." I looked down, "If only I would've been here I could've helped her faster and saved her and the child. I should've listened to her when she said she wasn't feeling good. I'm a horrible sister," I choked out and covered my mouth with a hand, beginning to sob.

"Lea, look at me." Madara moved to stand in front of me. Gently grasping my chin, he lifted it and peered into my tear-filled eyes. "You're not a horrible sister. You did the best you could. You even tried to save the child. Trust me, Yumi loves you and I know she's watching over you."

He wiped my tears with his hands before continuing. "You must be really tired. Come on, let's get you to bed." I allowed him to grab my hand and walk me to my room. He pushed back the covers and I slipped inside them, instantly warmer. He stroked my hair gently, "Are you going to be okay for tonight or would you like me to stay here?"

I shook my head, not wanting to bother him further. "I should be fine." He turned to leave but I grabbed his arm, causing him to pause and turn to me. "Thank you, Madara," I whispered to him, unable to say anything more for fear I might break down again.

"Of course," He whispered back, giving his lips a small twitch upwards in a smile before leaving and sliding the door shut silently behind him.

I rolled to my side and tried to steady my breaths. I closed my eyes and Yumi's pale face flashed in the darkness. I opened them, looking around the room, then closed them again. This time I saw her child. I kept my eyes closed and tried to picture anything else.

After what seemed like hours, exhaustion finally took over and I drifted into a fitful slumber.

Yumi's raspy gasps echoed through my brain. Her body jerking around in spasms. I tried to calm her down, "Deep breaths, Yumi! Are you in pain? Tell me where it hurts!" Then her body stilled and I pulled my hands away from her shoulders. Something sticky covered my palms and I turned them over to look. Blood stained my hands and I gasped, looking over my fingertips at Yumi. Her abdomen was cut and a baby's face stared lifelessly from it. I screamed as shock squeezed my heart.

"Lea!" A worried voice pulled me from the nightmare and I sat up, swallowing the bile that threatened to spew from my mouth. "Are you okay? Was it a bad dream?" Madara asked calmly, kneeling beside the bed.

Shakily, I looked away and wiped the sweat that beaded on my forehead. "I'm fine. I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Don't worry about me, Lea." He paused. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Nodding, I pulled my knees to my chest while Madara moved to sit at the edge of the bed. "I just dreamed of Yumi dying all over again. Every time I close my eyes, I see her and the baby and the blood on my hands. And I don't think it will ever be normal again. I only knew her for three months but—" I choked up, not being able to get the words out.

"I understand how you feel, Lea. I watched all three of my younger brothers die and then, of course, my father too." My heart hurt for him and for a moment, it felt like we could share each other's pain.

I scooted over and hugged him tightly, craving the comforting feeling of being close to him. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered.

He answered by wrapping his arms around me then whispered back, "You never really get over it either. You just sort of learn to deal with it, I guess." After several quiet minutes, he pulled away and stood up. "Let's get you tucked back into bed."

I crawled under the sheets and stared up at Madara, silently willing him not to leave. He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. "Would you like me to stay here tonight?" He questioned me. I pulled back the covers and scooted over in answer. I didn't want to be alone tonight when my mind kept showering me with horrible images.

He silently slipped under the sheets and turned to face me. Hesitantly, he reached out, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close to him. "It's going to get better," His voice rumbled in his chest, "I promise."

My tears slowed and his warm chakra gradually melted my tension, causing me to fall into a blissful sleep.


The few seconds before I opened my eyes were peaceful until remembered everything that happened yesterday. I rolled over, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to work in a few more minutes of sleep but my efforts were in vain.

Begrudgingly, I got up and dressed for the day. Madara had already rolled out of bed earlier this morning. He was very uptight about getting up early to get things done. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. Hopefully cooking would take my mind off Yumi for a little while.

I made a quick egg and rice dish and set the table. Then went to find the two brothers. "Izuna." I knocked on his door, "It's time to eat." There was no answer. "Izuna? Are you there?" Maybe he went out? "I'm coming in," I announced, then opened the door.

His bed was made and everything was in order but he wasn't there. I hummed in question then went back to the kitchen. Madara had seated himself at the table and looked up upon my arrival.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" He questioned.

"I am, thank you." I managed a small smile, then frowned. "Izuna isn't in his room. I don't know where he's at."

Madara just sighed, "I'll go find him." He stood to leave the house. "He's probably training. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I picked at a scab on my arm in nervousness as I was left alone with my thoughts again. Maybe if I knew a better or more efficient technique I could've saved Yumi. I guess I should start training my medical ninjutsu. After the funeral today, I will find someone to teach me.

It was almost thirty minutes before Madara came back, Izuna following behind him. They both looked rough and beat up; with dirt stains and bruises marring their clothes and skin. "What happened?!" I exclaimed.

"We were just training," Izuna answered but the vibe I got was tense. Okay. And I was just turning into a fish... There was obviously more going on between them but I kept quiet. Madara would tell me later if it was necessary.

"Does anyone need to be healed?" Both shook their heads. "Then please, sit and eat, you two." I uncovered their steaming plates and poured them tea. We ate in a calm silence; the funeral service flitting through my thoughts.

After eating, we dressed in all black; the brothers in pants and a shirt while I was in a dress. Madara had already made the arrangements this morning, which I was grateful for. To keep it small, we decided it was just going to be the three of us at her burial. Which was fine; I didn't want anyone else coming anyway.


I stepped up to Yumi's open casket and gazed at her serene face, so different from when she was painfully dying. I brushed my hand across her cold cheek then reached up to smooth her hair down. "Goodbye, Yumi," I whispered, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. I pulled the white sheet over her face and closed the casket lid.

We lowered her into the grave and filled it with dirt. My hands hurt from shoveling and sweat beaded on my forehead; the April sun was relentless today with no clouds to shield us.

Halfway through, a chill snaked up my spine and I stiffened. It was the same cold presence I felt at our burning house when my mother died. Last time it disappeared after I told Madara so I intended to be discreet about it this time.

Slowly I sidestepped until I was right next to Madara who had stopped shoveling and was looking at me quizzically. I leaned towards his ear and he bent over slightly to accommodate my height. "The chilling presence is back from before," I whispered. "The one hiding in the tree. It's coming from the trees to your right."

He looked at Izuna next to him and they both took off jumping towards the trees. In the few seconds, it took to make it there, the presence had disappeared. "It's gone," I yelled to them, "Don't worry about it now." They continued searching for a few minutes then came back to finish burying Yumi.

When we were done, the brothers placed her headstone in its place and we left flowers on top of the dirt.

I read the headstone: Yumi Senju, a loving daughter, sister and mother, and her unborn baby girl. I tried to blink away the tears that formed but they fell anyway and Madara came over, enveloping me in a hug.

Izuna stood solemnly for several seconds, then turned and walked away. I watched him leave, wondering exactly how much he loved her. After a few minutes, I pulled away from Madara and he wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks. "It'll get better, Lea. Not now, but someday," He whispered, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I nodded in understanding and latched onto his hand as we began walking away from the graveyard. Halfway to the house, Madara gave me another soft kiss before splitting off while I went home. The hospital allowed me to take a few days off work but I hoped to be back tomorrow so I could take my mind off Yumi.


The sun just started to dip below the tree line when the brothers came home. Izuna went straight to his room and locked the door while Madara came to find me in the kitchen.

I had been so busy folding laundry, cleaning countertops, and scrubbing the floor where some of Yumi's blood remained that I forgot to make dinner.

Dishes rattled as I hastily set them on the counter; I was set on cooking something in five minutes. "Lea, it's okay. Let's just go out to eat." Madara tried to convince me.

"No, it will only take a few minutes." I rushed from one side of the kitchen to the other gathering ingredients until Madara finally blocked my path and grabbed my shoulders.

"Lea, let me take you out to eat, okay? Don't worry about cooking today."

I let out a heavy sigh, "Okay," and put the gathered items back. I followed Madara outside and down the worn streets. Most shops were closing for the night but some dining places remained open.

"Where would you like to go?" Madara asked.

I shrugged, "Wherever." I didn't care as long as we ate. My stomach had been growling for a few hours already in protest of not eating lunch. Madara hummed in response and led me down an alley to our right, making a left at the next main street.

We walked a few more feet then Madara exclaimed proudly, "Here we are!" We stood before a quaint ramen shop with a middle-aged man at the counter. I looked up and read the sign: Oodle's Noodles. I read it again. Oodle's Noodles. I giggled like a five-year-old and Madara just looked at me. I grabbed his arm and whispered, "Oodle's Noodles," then proceeded to wheeze.

He smiled while shaking his head. "I can't believe you find that funny. You are so childish." My wheezing turned to a frown and tears made their way slowly down my cheeks. Madara just sighed and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the store.

We sat and ordered two bowls of ramen. I wiped my eyes dry before trying to explain my sudden outburst, "I'm sorry for laughing. I don't know what came over me."

He shook his head, "It's okay, Lea, your emotions are going to be weird for the next few months, and that's okay. You lost your mother and sister in the span of a month and a half. You're going to be different and that's okay." He rubbed my back with a gloved hand, making my heart fill with warmth.

A young girl brought our bowls out and placed them in front of us. We began eating, making small talk in between. Then Madara said quietly, "I don't know how to help Izuna."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"This morning, when I went to find him, he was punching a tree. He seemed angry but didn't want to tell me what was wrong so I asked him to spar. I didn't know how else to help him..."

"Hm. I think he loved Yumi way more than he let on." I slurped some noodles then continued, "I think he's mad because he never told her he loved her. And, I know for a fact that he can be dramatic because he comes from a long line of dramatic people." I glanced at Madara before slurping up some more noodles.

"I-I'm not dramatic!" He retorted.

"I never said you were but you just did."  I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He blushed and slurped his noodles then pointed his chopsticks at me. "This is serious, Lea! I'm worried about him!"

I giggled. "I know you are. I think the best thing you can do for him is listen. Eventually, he will open up and talk about it and you need to be there completely when he does." I mulled over my next words carefully. "When your parents and brothers died, you were both able to share in each other's pain. Izuna loved Yumi different from how you loved her so he probably feels alone now."

He nodded, "That makes sense. Have you thought about talking to him? You were very close to Yumi, after all, and you might be able to get him to open up."

I frowned. "I'm not sure if he would really want to talk to me about it, I mean, you are his brother and he probably feels better talking to you." I ate another mouthful of noodles before continuing. "But, if there's a possibility it might work then I will try." I gave Madara a smile which he returned and we continued eating.

After eating, Madara paid and we left, hands entwined all the way back home. We made sure that Izuna was safe in his room then retired to our own rooms for the night, Madara first making sure I would be alright sleeping by myself.

Thankfully, I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow and it was peaceful without any nightmares.

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