RIZEVP OCs One Shots

By sourloo

530 32 35

Just something for fun More

I. Allen: All I see is you
II. Rice: That's all he is
IV. Makura: Striped Pajamas

III. Lemon: Sweet and Sour

145 7 9
By sourloo

"Eeh~ How cute~ Are you blushing?"

"Am I?"

"Come on~ Say ah~"


Lemon's eyebrow twitched. The empty can of soda crumpling in his fist as he witnessed his brother flirting with a certain woman he didn't expect he would see inside their house.

"What are ya doing here?" Lemon asked with the nastiest scowl, throwing the can to a nearby trash. He didn't need to look if it landed or not, he was certain it did - after all the throwing competitions he had with his rather, as he quotes, 'two-faced' brother. Or as he often liked to call him better, Berry the 'pink demon'.

But that's besides the point. He was more concerned about her presence than paying attention to the sly smirk his brother shot him.

"The collab. I emailed you about it, didn't I?" she casually replied after chewing the piece of cake Berry fed her. "Hm, your place is bigger than I thought. You live with your brothers, right?"

Lemon gaped. He did read the email, but there's a reason why he refused to answer - and she probably knew that, but decided to intrude anyway. "I didn't accept any damn collab! How t'hell did ya even know where I live!?"

"I know Kiwi from an acquaintance, he told me." she said, patting Berry on the head. "Also, your followers were the ones who wanted it. Didn't you joke about it too? My cute followers linked me the stream."

"Yeah, I joked about it! That ain't mean it's-" he ruffled his hair in annoyance, letting out an angry sigh.

Who is this woman, one may ask.

She's a fellow streamer, going by the name 'Sour'.

But her real name is (Y/n).

Her name isn't a secret, but as it's been a fixed habit for people to call her Sour for a long time now, she was more known with that name. She doesn't have a follower count as big as Lemon's, but she's close - or at least she's on par with him if one ranked her on the biggest female streamers.

Now, here's the thing. People started 'shipping' them when they accidentally met up in a game. Everyone found their back and forth bickering to be hilarious. Especially with their names suiting each other almost a bit too well.

Sour Lemon, that's what their ship name is.

It's ridiculous, but it's meant to be, on purpose. In fact, Lemon didn't want it. However, since it was good for publicity for the both of them, they went along with it, playfully bickering with each other online and actually becoming slightly closer in the process. Now, he sincerely thought it was going to stay that way. However,

"Another one?" she asked with a laugh when Berry hovered a fork on her lips.

Berry placed a hand on her chin, softly prying her mouth open. "Ahn~" He said, letting out a soft giggle. "I can't help it, I just want to keep feeding you. You're like a small pet, so cute~"

"Hm.. I think you're cuter than me."

"Eh~ Really? You're making me blush~"

Lemon felt his vein pop at the sight. Just what exactly was he looking at right now, he wanted to bleach his eyes. Stomping his way towards them, he grabbed her by the arm, yanking her up from the chair as he pointed a glare at Berry. "Oy, drop the act."

"Act?" (Y/n) questioned, stumbling a little at the force. "Oh, this isn't how he normally is?"

"What!? Ya actually believed all that shit!?"

"I shouldn't? He seemed genuine to me."

Lemon, for the umpteenth time, sighed in exasperation. How couldn't she know right away? Isn't she supposed to be good at telling people? How did she even survive in her platform this long without telling who's lying to her or not? Even now, visiting his house like this without consent. Moreover, the little pink demon let her in without hesitation. Didn't she even think for a moment she could be at the wrong house. No, more importantly.. She's an acquaintance of Kiwi? And she just indifferently decided to go to their house like this? Questions kept piling up in his mind.

Lemon and (Y/n) aren't even that close.. at all. They've spoken a little and even did some streaming collaborations together, but he didn't think that was enough for them to be called 'close'. Perhaps they were friends, but to meet up like this..

What is this? Is she actually just clumsy?

Berry, after staring in silence for the longest time with his puppy-dog eyes, suddenly clicked his tongue. "Tch, how boring." He dropped his sweet facade and stood up. "Whatever, she's not my type anyway."

"You-!" Lemon attempted to grab his arm, but Berry slapped his hand before he could.

Berry smiled. "Sink-"

"Ah, damn ya!" Lemon cut him off before he could call his little minions. And by that, he meant Berry's cats, Sink and Float. Their favorite scratch post is Lemon, more specifically, his face. That's precisely why he always has bandages on him. Normally, he would keep arguing with Berry, but he would rather avoid looking more of a fool in front of a guest right now.

Quite commendable of him to admit he does look like a fool.

"Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked, admiring the stylish interior as she was dragged by Lemon.

"My room!" he blurted, realizing a bit later she might get the wrong idea and stuttered. "I-It's not what ya think it is! Damn it, I meant my PC r-"

"What else is it?" she said with a raised brow. "I know."

Lemon blushed. Is she messing with him right now or is she simply this clueless? Just when they arrived on the front of his door, he regretted his decision. "Wait a sec. Maybe we should-"

"Oh, this is your setup." she impassively opened the door, letting herself in and sitting down on his gaming chair. She turned, her eyes wandering on the wires scattered about. He had a rather high-tech setup. With a blacklit keyboard, three monitors and a gaming mouse from a pretty known brand.. She could tell even his camera and his microphone are new too. Honestly, it's a lot more amazing in person than seeing it on his office tour. "You have a lot of neon lights.. Doesn't your eyes hurt from it? It's pretty dark in here."

Pretty dark, she says. Of course it is. He pressed the light switch on, confused with the way she's acting. Why is she being so casual? He did think she acted casual too when they first met in game. In fact, she often acted this oblivious. He thought it was just an act, but to actually witness she's like that in person too.. Really, he was speechless.

No, rather. Why is he being so worried? He can just regard her like his gaming friends, or everyone else for that matter, but for some reason, his mind refuses to stop fussing.

"Oy, shouldn't ya have more self-awareness? Why are ya-" he panicked when she suddenly moved his mouse. "Oy, oy!"

His monitor lit up.

At first, her eyes sparkled, then her shoulders slumped in disappointment. "..It's normal, huh." She said, staring at his yellow wallpaper in disappointment.

Lemon sputtered. "What t'hell were you expecting!?"

She pointed. "Some kind of gravure idol. Isn't that what you tell your viewers?"

"Wha-I was jokin'!"

"You were?"

Lemon felt like he was having a migraine.

To be honest, he did have a gravure idol as his wallpaper. It just so happens that she arrived when he formatted his PC. He didn't have the time to change the entire theme at all. Ruffling his hair, he walked towards her and got himself a foldable chair from the side.

"Ah, seriously.. Is this some kinda joke?" Lemon didn't know what to think about her. First, she walked into his house without consent, telling him about a face to face collab he didn't agree to, unconsciously flirting with his brother, then she strolls into his office without a care in the world. "I told ya I didn't agree to this.. whatever ya planned. Look 'ere, ain't stream collabs enough? Already got the viewers all riled up from 'em."

She hummed softly.

Lemon's eyebrow twitched. "What?" He leaned back on his seat. "What're ya looking at?"

He noticed this before, but she stares at things and people with an uncomfortable amount of time. Just what exactly is she trying to do? Studying him? But with the way she talks, he doubted she was the calculative type.

"I expected it, but you're a lot less flirtier in real life, huh." she commented, laughing a little. "Then again, unlike your viewers, I guess it's different with me. Since we're always arguing."

Lemon didn't know what to make of that. He wanted to make a joke with the flirting comment, but at the same time felt too embarrassed to say a word. Now, as much as he hated to admit it, maybe he did have a soft spot for her. Even as he talked to her online, he could tell that she's not just using him for fame. She always sounded like she was having fun. Naturally, he'd get pissed for losing in their constant quarrels, but it's simply because he hates losing in general.

There isn't anything special about her as far as he could tell, but his subscribers had often said she's the only one who can supposedly 'tame' him, the mad dog. He hated that, but that did make him grow an interest.

"And you're.." she leaned a little, which made him furrow his brows. "Yeah, you're more attractive face to face." Raising a hand on her chin in thought, she leaned away. "I get why you're so popular."

He made a face. "Oy, my face ain't all I got!"

"I know." she patted his head, taking him by surprise. "You're pretty nice. I'm actually shocked you haven't throw me out by now."

"Hah?" he took her hand off his head. So she was aware that what she's doing isn't in the least bit normal.

(Y/n) looked at his monitor. "I don't just randomly go to people's houses you know, I'm not that unaware. I don't know.. You just seemed like a good person. I wanted to be friends, that's all. We live pretty close by, you probably didn't know that." She paused. "Plus, you're Kiwi's brother, I'm sure you were decent at least."


If it was because of Kiwi, then it made sense she came without feeling any sense of danger. That man had a knack for making people feel comfortable. Always surrounded with people, always smiling, always caring. Maybe she's using the collab as an excuse to see him? She'd been mentioning his name whenever she could find a chance.

For some reason, Lemon felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

(Y/n) suddenly laughed, breaking the silence. "I'm not good with reading people so it's funny seeing you make these expressions. You're really easy to read." She smiled. "I like that about you too."

          "I like that about you too."

Lemon's face exploded into a deep scarlet. In that moment, he wanted to punch himself. She always says that one particular line whenever they streamed together, but it never actually made him this embarrassed. More than anything, it would only fuel his annoyance - to the viewers' entertainment.

He inaudibly cursed, dropping his head on his hands. Honestly, why was he being this way? He didn't like that she was making him so flustered. "Damn you."

"Oh, you dropped the 'ya'." she curiously tilted her head. "I guess you stop using the 'ore-sama' tone when you're embarrassed."

So she chose to be more observant now? Damn her.

"Ah, shit.. Ya really pissing me off." Lemon stood up. "I'm getting something to drink, don't touch anything-" He was held back by a tug on his shirt. He looked back to see her making a puzzled face. Why did she look confused? He should be the one who's the most confused here.

"I guess you can't really understand it unless I say it straight..?" she said.

"What're ya talking about?" Lemon didn't even want to hear what she has to say next. He was certain it's something that'll either make him frustrated or annoyed. There was no in between. "What? Just get it over with-"

"I like you."

His eyes flew open. "You WHAT!?" He shouted, but immediately faltered when she smiled sweetly up at him. This woman is straightforward, far too straightforward. Is she really confessing right now? Right here?

He felt like he wanted to ask a reason why.. or even how, but he couldn't get himself to utter a single word. His heart drummed so loudly, it felt like it was going to pop out of his chest and land on her palm.

"Hah.." he leaned, placing both of his hands on the headrest. "You're.. Really.. Why are you riling me up like this, damn it.."

"Should I take this as you like me back?" she held his burning cheeks. "Or you don't hate me at least?"

Lemon looked into her eyes. "I don't think you understand what it means to date me."

She glanced at his monitor screen before looking back at him. "Don't I?"

Ah, this woman.. really..

"Geez, what a pain. You're hella stubborn." Probably for the first time since he saw her, Lemon laughed. "Fine." He said.

"What does fine–"

He kissed her, firmly pressing her head on the backrest. The kiss was rough yet passionate, one where it's easy to tell he has done this before. But his partner, inexperienced he could tell, seemed to be frozen in shock. He licked her bottom lip, and to his surprise, she readily opened her mouth. The blush on his cheeks crept up to his ears and neck. He did that thinking it would scare her, but instead, she moved her hand to the back of his head, tangling her fingers through his hair. Damn her, he keeps getting surprised for no reason. Did she expect this? He couldn't read what she was thinking. So he, annoyed, slipped his tongue past her lips.

For someone like him who had slept with plenty, dated many, getting so hot and bothered over a simple kiss.. it pissed him off.

"Hnng!" she jolted when he placed his hand on the side of her neck, his fingers pressing on her ears.

She's sensitive.

Lemon cursed.

He bit her bottom lip as he parted from her. Seeing her out of breath made him frustrated.. well, down there.

"..Do you understand what I mean?" he tried to make a point, pressing his thumb on her lip.

He wanted to scare her, but did he really?

Maybe he was making an excuse to do this after all.

She stared up at him with hazy eyes. "..I guess lemons taste sweet too."

Lemon's patience snapped.

Sweet, is it now?

Perhaps they can explore that taste even more.

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