extraordinary disaster || bae...

By t0rr3ntial

47K 1.9K 419

A character with memories of the previous world and the ability to change The Stage crashing through one of t... More

1. frownface
2. secret
3. extra
4. pretty
5. Haru
6. violence
7. umbrella
8. unhappy birthday
10. knots
11. hospital
12. stay away
13. us
14. hopeless
15. stabbing
16. puppet on a string
17. ugly revelations
18. kill you
19. lila and kyung
20. convenient
21. superstar
22. why?
23. stupid, stupid girl
24. serenity
25. disappear
26. paper lanterns
27. end.
28. extra(ordinary) epilogue

9. suspicion

2K 95 35
By t0rr3ntial

Lila slides onto the desk in front of her thirteenth classmate.

"What's got you looking so pensive?"

Haru sighs, gaze averting from the window. "Something Baek Kyung said."

Lila side-eyes the aforementioned boy, who obliviously sits across the classroom on his phone. "There's always drama where that prick's concerned. What did he say this time?"

"He came up to me and asked me to join soccer. Then started talking about Dan Oh being his fiancé." Haru scowls. "He said he's playing with her heart, and I lost it."

Lila's eyes widen. "What did you do?"

"Grabbed him by the collar-"

She gasps, grinning after. "Wah, love makes people crazy."

Haru's eyes bulge. "Love?"

Lila rolls her eyes. "Forget it. Carry on with the story, please."

"He threw me off and then asked me who I was. I said he won't remember anyway..." Haru trails off unsurely.

Lila inches to the edge of the desk with interest. "What next? He said something weird?"

Haru nods. "He gave me this...look."

Lila clicks her fingers, nodding profusely. She mimics the expression she's seen on Kyung's face many times before.

Haru claps his hands. "That's the look. He said 'Oh is that so?'. Then he was chuckling to himself as he walked away, all smug."

Her amused demeanour turns solemn.

"Lila?" Haru frowns. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." She exhales shakily. "I just- I think I realised- I er, I haven't done the Physics homework. See you later."

Haru blinks as she flies out of the classroom.


"Why do you keep staring?" Kyung demands, lashing around to glare at Lila, who's sat in the back of the car.

"Was I?" She half-heartedly acknowledges. "Sorry."

He frowns at her distracted demeanour. "Has Namjoo texted you today?"


"Is...Namjoo Hyung okay?" Joon Hyun speaks up. An incredibly rare occurrence.

Lila blinks in surprise. "I don't think so. Pretty sure he took the day off for having his heart shattered in two."

The boy grimaces. "I see."

"What about you, Joon Hyun? Any girls in your life?" Lila enquires due to her utter boredom. 

Kyung rolls his eyes. Joon Hyun turns crimson.

"Y-you're pretty, noona."

Lila lets out a low whistle and laughs. "I am, aren't I?"

He nods. "Like a movie star."

This catches Lila off-guard. She turns to the boy with curiosity. "Movie star?"

His eyes widen. "Pretend I never said that."

Her eyes narrow. "And you're clever, Joon Hyun. Like a screenwriter."

Joon Hyun's orbs widen impossibly more, colour draining from his face.

Kyung scoffs. "Are you flirting with my younger brother? Get a grip."

Lila purses her lips, choosing to ignore his comment. "Let's play tennis tonight."

Kyung sighs. "Don't want to."

"Yes, you do." She taunts. "I'm still winning."

"Fine. Whose court?"

"Yours. My dad will get the wrong idea." Lila rolls her eyes. "You're his favourite."

"Then why didn't you get engaged to me instead of Namjoo?" Kyung retorts.

His comment hangs in the air. The three participants of the conversation said nothing to elaborate on his question. Joon Hyun suddenly finds great intrigue in the passing scenery they witness every day. 

After a while, Kyung clears his throat. "Mine. At nine."

"Sounds good." Lila hums, feeling a little flustered.


Nine o'clock arrives faster than she would've liked.

"Dad, I'm going to play tennis." Lila peeps through his study door. "I won't be back that late."

His eyes narrow suspiciously. "Just tennis?"

Lila pauses, feeling annoyed at the implication. "Tennis and Tanqueray.  Maybe tequila for afters."

"Don't get smart with your father." He warns. "I'm just worried about you."

She sighs. "It's just tennis at the Baek's house. I'll be back at ten. The clubs open at eleven, so don't bother calling security if I'm a bit late."

Her father looks at her with a mixture of guilt and concern. "Alright, sweetheart. I trust you."

"You should trust me more from now on." Lila gives him a small smile and waves. "See you later."

Her dad frowns. "Lila?"

"Yes, Dad?" She hesitates at his stern tone.

"Step back into my office please."

Lila pauses, inching in the direction of the front door. 


"Fine." She mutters, begrudgingly entering.

Min Won Shik's brow furrows. He clicks his tongue as Lila shuffles around, eyes glancing anywhere but him.

"You're wearing that to go play tennis?"

"Why?" Lila feigns innocence. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's barely anything!" Her conservative father admonishes half-heartedly, rubbing his eyelids with disbelief. "Do you like Baek Kyung? Why are you dressed like this?"

Lila gapes, glancing at her skort and sports bra. "I always wear this to play tennis on the stage. He sees me like this all the time. Everyone at school does."

Her father laughs with bafflement. "Stage? Is playing tennis a fashion show? Not on my watch! Go put a shirt on and don't you dare think of taking it off when you get there. Now scram."

"Love you, Dad!" Lila attempts to soften his outrage, swiftly shutting the door and all but sprinting to Kyung's house. She enters the password to the side gate. 

"You're late."

"Shit!" Lila jolts in surprise as Kyung stands by the entrance, arms crossed. She puts a hand on her chest, recovering from the shock. "I had to talk to my dad."

Kyung's eyes lighten a little. "Uncle Won? Why hasn't he come over recently?"

"Cause your dad's always on his dick about investing in X, Y and Z." Lila retorts. "Why don't you ever just come to mine?"

Baek Kyung blinks. "Come to yours?"

Lila raises an eyebrow. "You don't want to?"

"I-" Baek Kyung pauses as he notices her outfit.

"Is something the matter?" Lila hides her smirk as his eyes trail over her body.

Kyung shakes his head. "No." He clears his throat. "Let's go play."

"Sure." Lila shrugs, jogging to catch up with his quick pace.


She needs one more set to win.

"What's wrong with you today?" Lila pants slightly, preparing to receive his serve.

"What do you mean?" Kyung responds with irritation.

"You're worse than usual." She teases. "Like you can't concentrate."

Kyung purposefully ignores her and serves. it bounces out of the lines. He sighs frustratedly and snatches another ball from his pocket. His second serve is in. He manages to return Lila's backhand shot to the opposite side, opting for a lob to the back for his return.

"Are you sure nothing's up with you?" Lila presses, volleying the shot with relative ease.

Kyung grits his teeth as he smashes the volley to the front of the court. "Nothing."

Lila merely dropshots it back, causing him to sprint to the front of the court.

"Sure sure?"

Kyung doesn't remember her being this talkative when they competed. He thrashes the ball, which somehow Lila manages to volley. It flies straight past him as he tries to run for it and bounces just within the lines at the back of the court.

She grins. "I win."

He nods, blank as he approaches the net. Lila skips forward, hand outstretched.

"Well played." Kyung sighs, extending his own.

She tugs him forward. He almost topples over the net. Their noses touch. Kyung's eyes widen as he pants from the exertion.

"What are you doing?" He demands softly, yet makes no effort to pull away.

"Testing you," Lila whispers firmly.

"What?" Kyung blinks.

It's now or never, Lila.

Lila clenches her fists as she quickly pecks him on the corner of his mouth and pulls away. She drops his hand. Kyung stares at her, eyes wide, body still. She waits for a reaction as Kyung just peers into her soul, lips parted.


Lila clutches her chest as her heart thrums rapidly. She glances down at her uniform and lets out a scream. She runs on the spot and then shakes her limbs to try and rid herself of the insane build-up of nervous energy in her system.


She turns awkwardly as Dan Oh and Haru look at her with horrified expressions.

"Hi, guys? I'm fine."

"You don't look it."

"I just- the scene changed before I could finish the episode of TV I was watching. Super gutted." She tacks on a forced laugh.

Dan Oh returns the awkward laughter and nods, glancing at Haru.

"Let's go to class." He smiles innocently.

So Lila third wheels them down the corridor, skipping in between the two and sticking her tongue out at Dan Oh's secret glares.

The trio remain oblivious to Baek Kyung watching them from the end of the hallway.


Baek Kyung throws a tennis ball against the wall in the A3 room, something he does when he has a lot on his mind. It bounces funny and hits Dohwa on the head, who hardly reacts. He continues to stare into space.

"Are you okay?"Baek Kyung frowns at his friend's unusual absentmindedness. No response. 

"Lee Dohwa?" Kyung clicks his fingers in front of the boy's face.

Finally, the violinist acknowledges his existence, arms crossed. "I wish I didn't have an ego like you. Then I wouldn't be in pain like this."

Kyung mulls over his words, brow furrowed. Oh Namjoo swings open the door to the A3 Hangout.  The tension in the room suddenly rises. He exchanges a sour look with Dohwa. Lila trails in about ten seconds later by coincidence, remaining in the doorway because of the palpable atmosphere.

Maybe I should leave.  She hesitates. But I want to know the drama.

The violinist sighs for the nth time that day, immediately standing to leave the room. Just as he brushes past the male lead, Namjoo pipes up.

"Are you going to Juda?"

"No." Dohwa denies.

"You don't need to worry about me anymore," Namjoo comments flippantly. "You can use Juda now. I don't need her as my servant anymore."

Lila kisses her teeth with distaste. "That is not how you should speak about the woman you like."

Everyone turns to look at her with surprise. It's only momentary. Dohwa glares at the person he has a straining friendship with.

Lila gasps as he punches Namjoo square in the face.

"I hate when you speak about Juda that way." He spits, clutching Namjoo's collar.

Namjoo almost smirks despite his bloody lip. "Why?"

"Because I have feelings for her!" Dohwa bellows.


Lila remains deathly still. Namjoo now clutches Dohwa's collar as if the past few minutes never transpired.

"Didn't I tell you not to cross the line? You said you and Juda were just friends."

Stage Dohwa says nothing. Lila can imagine the real him is screaming his feelings at the top of his lungs.


Stage Lila screams as Dohwa takes a blow across the face. She sprints to his sprawled figure, cupping his face.

"Dohwa-ah, you're bleeding." She pathetically states, glaring at Namjoo who heaves with anger.

"That's enough, Namjoo. This is disappointing. Both of you." Stage Lila scolds.

Why is she so talkative today? Why is she even getting involved?

Stage Dohwa engulfs her hand in his. " I'm sorry you had to see that, princess."

She shakes her head, helping him up.

"Let's go to the nurse's office."

Then, strangely enough, Stage Lila turns to look at Baek Kyung. He looks back with a conflicted expression.


The emotional exhaustion from that stage, which she immediately fled from when the green hue faded, made Lila very sleepy. And where better to nap than the permanently vacant nurse's office?

A click of the door disturbs Lila's restless sleep yet she keeps her eyes closed and wills slumber to overtake her busy mind.

"Eun Dan Oh?"

She grumbles to herself as someone's persistent talking invades her slumber.

"Why can't I stop caring about you?"

Lila's eyes fly open.

That's Baek Kyung's voice. Is this a stage?

Lila glances around the room for the green tinge and tension on her limbs (which she can override anyway).

She hears him stand up.

"Maybe I'm just confused. Why would I like a girl like Dan-Oh?"

Baek Kyung begins to walk towards the door. He jumps as the curtain beside him suddenly jerks back.

"Can you go confess your feelings elsewhere? Some of us are trying to get some beauty sleep without throwing up breakfast."

Lila isn't even sure if she ate breakfast. And there's not a hole in her stomach, it feels more like someone's drilling in her chest.

It's the same feeling as the one at Namjoo's birthday party.

Baek Kyung's entire being falters. Half mortified, half flustered.

"Y-you. How much of that did you hear?"

Lila tilts her head as the top of his ears turn pink.

Wouldn't normal Kyung tell me to mind my business? Or just straight up walk past after sneering at me?

Lila leans forward on the bed, confused as the boy all but springs backwards. She gazes with astonishment as he leaves without another word.

As soon as the door shuts, Dan Oh whips the curtain back.

"Did you hear that?" She demands.

Lila nods, throat tight at the recollection. "Kyung likes you."

The words almost taste bitter as they roll off her tongue. 


"What do you think about Dohwa being kicked out of A3, Lila-ah?" Kim Ban Jang, the class president, enquires.

She's perched on top of her desk, surrounded by her male classmates who hang onto her every word like they're gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Lila considers his question. "I think he'll be a member again in no time."

Knowing the writer's predictable plot devices.

Kim Yang-il groans. "I hope he doesn't. Now's the best time for Y3 to overthrow A3."

Lila laughs. "What the hell is Y3?"

The bully scoffs, puffing out his chest and his fellow lackeys do the same. "Me, Lee Yang-Sam, Park Yang Yi."

"I see. That's cute." She half smiles.

The three boys roar with delight at her compliment, running out of the classroom to celebrate.

"Lila, what do you think of the newest member of A3?" Kim Bodong vies for her attention.

"New member?"

"Number thirteen, his name is Haru." Park Mobum blurts, excited at the prospect of being useful to the queen of Seuli High.

"You know his name?" Lila demands with alarm, turning back to see Haru surrounded by their remaining classmates.

This is not good.

"Of course. Namjoo chose him." Shin Baram adds.

Lila purses her lips as she considers what that means for the story.

"Anyway, Lila, did you do well on the tests?"

Lila flips through her test sheets with nonchalance. "Yes-"

The whole class jumps as there's a loud screech. Kyung's chair groans against the floor as he snaps up, stalking towards Lila. Her fanboys disperse in fear. He snatches her hand.

"Let's talk."

Lila stumbles a little as he pulls her out of the classroom.  Mystified eyes trail after them.

"Hey, slow down." She sighs with annoyance, Kyung spins around, dropping her hand in a brutish manner. "What do you want, Kyung?"

"That guy." He spits.

"What guy?" Lila sighs again.

"Haru. I've seen you talking to him."


"This morning."

"So?" Lila snaps back. "Don't be interested in who I'm friends with and what I'm doing. You'll give me the wrong idea."

She turns to leave, rolling her eyes as Kyung grabs her wrist to stop her.

"What do you mean?" He demands.

Lila yanks herself out of his grip. Just glares at him. 

Kyung remains flabbergasted as she marches away.

Lila cringed to herself, rushing out of there as quickly as her legs could go. Why did you say that? 



He looks up from the bowl of marinading squid. "Min Lila? I thought you'd forgotten my existence."

Lila pouts. "Don't say things like that. Of course, I thought about coming here, but a lot going on in the shadow and stage that I couldn't miss out on."

He raises an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"You know Haru's officially called Haru now?"

His fingers are still in the bowl. "What?"

"His name appeared on his name tag today. He was fawned over in music and art and then most of the girls in the class bought him lunch." Lila informs him, helping herself to a carrot stick.

Jinmichae flies towards the Manhwa on the counter. Lila snatches it from his reach.

"Your fingers are dirty." She scolds. "Now look, here."

Lila finds the stage where Namjoo asks Haru to be the new member of A3.

"His name is used here but I noticed on the character list, he's not named under the extras." The girl comments, pointing to the first page.

Jinmichae's face becomes so unsettled that Lila wonders if she should mention Baek Kyung's weird behaviour. Or Dohwa's incredibly persistent feelings for the female lead. Or her suspicion that another character may be aware like them.

So she keeps her mouth shut.


Lila stands next to Haru as Kyung hands Dan Oh movie tickets. Their classmates crowd around to witness the official couple.

"For a supporting character and an extra, they sure get a lot of stages." Lila scoffs. "Probably more than me."

Haru tries to nod but can't.

"Don't you think it's strange for Baek Kyung to like Dan Oh how he does? He even started pursuing her in the shadow."

Lila sighs and turns towards him. "How come you're not responding?" 

The ending chime sounds.

Haru frowns.

Lila blinks. "What's up with that look?"

"Min Lila, hurry up." Kyung barks. "Car's waiting." 

Dan Oh hurries towards Haru with a giddy smile, content the stage is over. 

Lila rolls her eyes. "See you around, Haru."

Haru vaguely recalled how she changed the already changed stage at Oh Namjoo's birthday. And how did she manage to perfectly time him saving Dan Oh from breaking her leg during the stage where no one else is supposed to be able to move? And her shoving Kyung into a bookshelf seemed completely unlike Stage Lila. His eyes widen as the girl skulks towards Kyung.

"What's got you looking bug-eyed?" Dan Oh laughs, hitting him on the shoulder.

"Min Lila can change stages," Haru murmurs with disbelief. "She's better at it than me."

Dan Oh bursts into laughter. "Are you talking about Namjoo's party? That was just a coincidence, the writer changed his mind and chose for her to catch the cake. How can a main character be able to change stages, Haru-ah?"

"That's true." He mumbles. "I must be mistaken."

Lila sits on Dan Oh's bed, jaw-slacking when Saemi procures the most inappropriate, garish dresses for a cinema date she's ever witnessed.

"Are you trying to make her look as ugly as possible, Saemi?" She groans.

Then Dan Oh and her look at each other with scheming expressions.

"I'll do Dan Oh's make-up!" Lila suddenly volunteers.

"Fine." Saemi frowns. "But I decide on outfit, hair and accessories."

"Fine with me."

An hour later Eun Dan Oh is ready for her first official date with Baek Kyung.

Saemi and Lila stare at their handiwork. The latter tries to hold in her laugh.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Saemi coos, clapping her hands with excitement.

Lila grimaces. "My eyes are certainly sore."

Dan Oh grins. "How do I look? Bad enough for him to run away?"

"Positively hideous," Lila whispers back.

They high-five.


"He ditched the date?" Lila gasps.

"Yes he ditched the date, stage me even cried and-"

There's a pause. Lila frowns as she lies on her bed.

"Dan Oh-ah?"

"Haru's here!" She squeals through the receiver. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Lila wonders why Baek Kyung would cancel the data so suddenly. Unless...

She shoots out of bed, throws a hoodie on, grabs her phone and races downstairs.

Her call to Baek Kyung goes straight to voicemail. She curses, throwing on her shoes and grabbing a coat.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Lila jolts a little as her father appears out of nowhere, arms crossed, face stern.

"Dad, I really need to-"

"I don't like you going out at night." He deadpans.

"Dad, I'm not going anywhere bad." Lila exasperates. "I need to find Kyung. That's all."

"Something's wrong with Baek Kyung?" Min Won Shik grows concerned.

"Maybe. I don't know." Lila expresses exasperation.

"Okay, go." He shakes his head hopelessly. "You always liked Kyung."

Lila's hand stills over the door handle.


Min Won Shik chuckles at his daughter's astonished face.

"Since you were kids, you always liked Kyung the best. So did your mother. That's why he's my favourite out of all your friends."

Lila doesn't know what to do with that information except propel herself out of the front door.


"Hi, Noona?" Joon Hyun is perplexed when he answers the door.

"Is Kyung in?" Lila asks, a little frazzled.

"No, he left with Dad a while ago, he dropped him off at the cinema."

Her face falls.  "Okay, thanks."


She takes off before he can finish.


 Lila tries to catch her breath before entering the cinema, almost hunched over from exertion. She's clearly not as fit in the shadow as on the stage. 


Dan Oh and Haru walk out of the exit, confused.

"Hi, guys. I was just-"

"He's inside." Dan Oh sighs. "And pissed. Just a forewarning."

"Thanks for the heads up. Enjoy the rest of your date." Lila teases, ignoring her friend's bashful glare.

Dan Oh was right. Lila could see from the very top of the staircase that  Baek Kyung's glower permeated the room. She wouldn't be surprised if tendrils of smoke started coming off him.  

She grabs some candy off a shelf, deciding it's not worth paying for considering it's the shadow and starts down the stairs with a deep breath.


His head snaps towards her. "What are you doing here, Lila?"

He seems more tired than angry. Lila tentatively extends the packet of sour Skittles. 

"You like sour things."

Kyung begrudgingly takes it. 

"I'll call my driver." She fills the silence. "Let's go."

"No." Kyung sighs. "Let's not go back yet."

Lila nods understandingly. "What do you want to do then?"


"Aren't you supposed to be the one cheering me up? How could you forget your wallet?" Kyung scoffs lightly as Lila tucks into their shared tteokbokki in their favourite street food hut.

"No normalcies today." Lila grins. "It's not raining and we're still-"

A thundercloud bursts and rain begins to pour.

She raises an eyebrow as she spots Yeo Juda walking in the pouring rain. Lee Dohwa catches Juda's arm and shields her with an umbrella. A cartoonish halo appears over his head.

Lila scowls at the ridiculousness, stabbing a piece of the spicy snack and shoving it in her mouth.

Where's my prince charming?

Kyung's top lip curls. "Why do we call you princess if you have table manners like that?"

"Why is the sky blue? Why is two plus two four? You can't have a face like mine and not have a complimentary nickname." Lila drawls. "Eat up if you're not gonna say anything useful."

He rolls his eyes lightly. "I'm not that hungry."


"My father's going to kill me."

Lila swallows her food harshly and sets down her fork. "Is he giving you trouble? I swear to God I'll-"

"Can you change anything though?" Kyung interrupts drily. "He'll be stuck like that whatever people do or say."

Lila tilts her head and looks at him. Scrutinises him.

"What?" Kyung's eyes widen with alarm. He shifts back in his seat. 

Lila's eyes narrow with suspicion. "Sometimes you say things which make me wonder if..."

"If?" He raises an eyebrow expectantly. 

I do not want to be the trigger point of someone's self-awareness.

"Nothing." Lila brushes it off. She fiddles with her chopsticks to avoid his intense gaze. 

"What do you think about Eun Dan Oh and me?" Kyung suddenly enquires.

Lila chokes on her cola. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean," He pauses, "do you approve?"

"I think she deserves better." Lila sighs, stirring her fizzy drink.

Kyung frowns. "What?"

"You're quite cruel to her. I think she deserves-"

"Someone like who?" Kyung sneers. "Haru?"

"You must have seen them together at the cinema." She responds airily. "That must've been a tough pill to swallow because you actually like her now."

She suspects that Baek Kyung is teetering on the edge of becoming aware and she finds the prospect frightening. 

Kyung stills. "Don't say that."

"Say what?"

"That I like her."

Lila rolls her eyes. "You do. You said it in the nurse's office."


"Relax. I'm not going to tell anyone."

Lila stares at the remaining pieces of tteokbokki as Kyung says nothing. They've congealed, gone cold. 

"I think I'm going to go." She resolves. "I lost my appetite." 

status: edited. 

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