The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

Forty One

3.1K 147 15
By b00klover09

"Would you like another tissue?"

War snatched the tissue from the priestess and blew his nose for the umpteenth time. He was really a mess. A jumble of live wires tangled in shit memories and suppressed nightmares  ready to explode and he let loose. He let loose to the elderly priestess who was about half the size of him in width and height.

He had been seeing Priestess Josefina, for the past two weeks and each time he stepped into the damn room and she talked so softly and just shit. Was this what getting your shit worked out felt like? War felt like she was pushing buttons and making him fall apart and then slowly they were putting pieces back together. Not all of them but some...

"Thanks," he sighed in exhaustion. He had a full day of work. Full day. One of the humans he worked with broke some bone and he had to finish his job and the humans own project. He had cement and sawdust up his ass...but he was making an honest living. Well he was getting paid under the table but still that was enough for him.

Pomelia was talking to him. He still hadn't been able to hold her in their bed in...well a long time but he continued sleeping on the couch in their room. They spoke a lot more often. It was no longer 'Goodnight' then lights out.

They had actual conversations, and War initiated them. It wasn't Pomelia talking to a brick wall. She hadn't touched or kissed him since the night he held her in his arms til she cried but that was okay.

"You seem to be doing well, Warren of bane pack. The goddess smiles upon your candor," She spoke as she gave him a smile. Her smiles were warm and although she was old he was sure the crows feet around her eyes would worsen from the way she wore that smile constantly. Maybe  Pomelia would have the same problem when they grew old together...

"Thank it something I can buy Pomelia to, to show her how much I love her?"

The older woman chuckled. "Well, unfortunately I have not met your mate before. I do not handle novices. You know her best, yes? So think of something she likes and grab that for her."

War frowned. What did Pomelia like? She likes to cook...but would a pan show her his unyielding love for her? She liked to do laundry, she even sang as she did it...but would laundry detergent tell her he would rather die than have her out of his life? She did enjoy him eating her out...although War couldn't think who enjoyed it more?

Maybe he and his wolf being able to satisfy her and dig their tongue into a place where no one else dared to go, or slurping up her juices... That was a big no, his sweet Pomelia was in the process of forgiving him and he was sure she didn't want him between her legs.

"I don't know what she likes..."

The older woman frowned. "Well how about flowers? Or chocolates? Or you say she likes to cook right? Make her dinner for once."

War grinned. Last time he made her breakfast she was overjoyed. He was sure he could pull together some food for her. Maybe something chicken like? Last time she had chicken and mashed potatoes she was happy. She was even humming. He could kind of replicate that...

"I'm going to do that. Thank you..."

Her eyes crinkled into a smile as she rose to her feet along with him. "You're welcome! Remember talking is the remedy to longevity."

War repeated that a few times in his head before she patted him gently on his arm. "I can come next week?"

"Anytime, Warren."

They said their goodbyes and War made his way outside towards Trent's car. On his way, he heard his phone buzzing and almost dropped his phone in surprise of who it was.


"Hey daddy war bucks. I need you to cashzapp me."

War never thought that cringe like nickname would make him sigh in relief and not annoyance. "Jess? Are you...okay? Where are you?"

Her nasally laugh made him relax as he saw Trent in his car. Whatever music he was listening to making the windows shake. "I'll be fine and dandy if you cashzapp me 100 dollars through Trent."

One hundred dollars? War knew if it wasn't for Jess he wouldn't be here right now. He definitely owed her. "Trent sent you money?"

"All my men do. Now are you going to send me money?"

Of course War was... "I'll do it. Are you okay?"

Silence stretched out as War walked around the parking lot, avoiding getting in the truck with Trent. "I'm fine. I'm going to New York to scam some sugar daddies. If I get into a pickle I'll call you."

War frowned. Well, no that was good. She could handle herself with human sugar daddies. She could break them. Most were old and looking for a good screw, which Jess was. Well everyone spoke of it he never experienced Jess and didn't want to. "I'll give Trent the money. Be safe."

"You're such a sweetie, War. How's my little apple? Did you guys fuck yet?" She questioned happily. War laughed.

He wished...but he could wait. Whenever Pomelia would have him he would be more than willing and ready. His libido was off the charts lately and he was embarrassed now that Pom could scent his arousal. "No, Jess."

"Well let me know when you give her that daddy dick! You better give her a lot of big o's." War was sure he would have no problem delivering on that end. He could give her release with his hands and mouth, his cock shouldn't be a problem.

"I gotta go, Jess. I'll send the money."

She sighed loudly and he could envision her pouting. "Alright. I guess I'll let you go. Bye daddy war bucks. Love you!"

"Bye Jess."

He hung up the phone and made his way back into the truck. Trent didn't bother to turn off the loud, blaring music so War did.

Trent immediately threw his hands up in the air. War could smell the scent of his anger and held back the urge to roll his damn eyes. Trent had seen Arana today and it probably didn't go how he thought it would go.

"Did you send Jess money?"

Trent eyes said it all. "Yeah I sent that crazy bitch two hundred." War took out his wallet and handed him a hundred dollar bill. "Damn. Now three hundred. She said she's hitting up more people. She'll have 3 grand easily."

Jess would be fine. Whatever she was doing, or wherever she was going. She had the brains and the wit to make it without a pack but even smart people could be dumb...

Once Trent cashzapped Jess, they were on their way back to the pack. Trent was gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were losing color and it looked as if he was two seconds from ripping the wheel off.

"What did she say?" War already knew it was Pomelia's mentor who had Trent in a mood. The tall woman who had threatened him the first day he met Pomelia had given Trent a run for his money. He didn't know all of the details but for some odd reason Trent was obsessed with her.

He shrugged, the car jerking. "I'm just sick of her shit. I'm sick of this shit. Being a better person. What the fuck is that supposed to get me? I'm not getting her pussy and that's a fact."

War almost wanted to laugh. He was sure Priestess Arana would swallow wolfsbane before she ever let Trent's grimy hands on her. "Be good just to be good."

Trent shook his head back and forth letting loose a growl. "War you have something to be good for. You have a fucking Angel mate who just wants you to be a good person so y'all can escape and fuck into the sunset. I turn my life around and what? I get shit from Khan and withdrawals from stopping the alc. Thats all I fucking get."

Fucking his sweet mate into the sunset sounded fun..a little confusing but still enjoyable. "Maybe if you better yourself the goddess..." he trailed off, a loud snarl making him jump with surprise.

"I don't fucking want anyone! I don't want an annoying ass mate I have to kiss up to and apologize for dumb shit like you do. I just want, I want her." Trent was acting as if Arana was his new drug. He was tapping on the steering wheel uneasily, his eyes darting everywhere on the road.

What advice did War have? He had no clue actually. "Just...pray to the goddess? Pomelia does that when she's upset."

"Fuck that bitch."


Trent raked a hand over his face before he turned the knob on the music all the way up. By the time they got back to the pack, War's ears were ringing and he was pretty sure they were bleeding too. He had to touch ear just to make sure nothing was leaking as Trent haphazardly pulled into their parking spot.

Once they were inside, War scented out Pomelia and frowned. She was upstairs? Usually she was still making dinner and serving at the dining hall. She wouldn't be back til about 8pm and that's when he and her would eat whatever Lo had prepared. Or whatever Pomelia prepared before leaving for the dining hall.

"Hey guys!"

Lo was waddling down the steps waving a hand as War watched the woman breathe heavily as if she just did a marathon. She was ready to give birth, War was sure. She was just too round. Her belly was just too big. Apparently that was a bad thing to tell women though.. 

"Hey," both Trent and War greeted her as she winced and held her stomach. Trent immediately backed up and put both of his hands up. "Are you okay? What the fuck is going on? You giving birth? I'm calling Wes right-"

"-Calm down!" She frowned as both of them were surprised at the viciousness in her voice. Lo could snap at people like it was her job. Leo claimed it was the pregnancy hormones but War wasn't so sure about that. She was nice but War never wanted to get on her bad side. "My baby just kicked. Really hard. Calm your tits, Trent."

Trent frowned. "You calm yours."

"I can't. They're full of colostrum," she said while rolling her eyes. War had no idea what it was and figured it was a fancy name for baby milk? Maybe Pomelia would know...

Not even wanting to ask what that word was, he focused on his mate. "Is Pomelia ok? She's not cooking today?"

"Oh! She ran upstairs for a call I think. Seemed pretty urgent."

Urgent? Who would be calling Pomelia on an urgent matter? War immediately threw down his work bag and rushed up the steps. He could hear Pomelia on the phone with someone. Her voice was so low he could barely here.

"I...okay. My mate isn't home yet. I'll have to ask him. It may be too short notice." War wanted to slam Khan's head in a door as he heard soft moans and the headboard knocking against the wall as he tried to hear who the heck Pomelia was talking to.

Instead of eavesdropping or killing Khan, he decided he was going to try and walk out what Priestess Josefina told him. He opened the door slowly, making sure that Pomelia could hear the squeak of the door opening.

She turned around and War immediately felt his nerves dissipate. She was wearing one of the dresses he had gotten her. A cream colored dress with pastel flowers plastered all over. Her short wavy brown hair wasn't pinned up with a hair clip but instead it was out and flowing freely. War wanted to sink his hand into her hair and kiss her as she said something to the person on the other line before hanging up.

The smile she gave him was enough to just stand there by the door, with a shit eating grin on his face.  "You're back from work!" She squealed in happiness as War wondered what was going on.

She rushed up to him and gave him a tight hug. "Ah..yeah. I stopped by the temple," he told her as he she pulled away from him, War quickly keeping both hands on her, keeping her close. He loved her scent, loved how close he was right now.

"That's good...that's great! Do you want to go out to dinner?" She questioned happily as War stared at her confusion. He didn't really have the funds to go out to eat. Between Khan taking most of his money and then Jess needing some...he was definitely at a loss. He did have the money but that was being saved...

He gave her a half smile. He did want to do something for her, he could do this. "Yeah...we can go. I'll take Trent's car."

Her smile brightened even more, before she placed her hands on his shoulders and reached up to her tippy toes to kiss his lips. He knew Pomelia meant for it to be a chaste kiss, but as soon as she tried to end it, he groaned and pressed her body against his, deepening the kiss.

War tongued down his mate til she had to break away for air. When she did she gripped his shoulder to steady herself, biting her bottom lip. She let out the smallest moan as War squeezed her side and she suddenly pressed her forehead to his chest.

"War that was supposed to be a little kiss," she whispered into his shirt as he didn't respond to that. He didn't want a little kiss, he wanted their tongues sliding against each other and that's what he got.

"I know."

She let go of him and blushed before she gave him a guilty look. "I lied to you...well I tricked you."

War knew whatever she lied to him about couldn't be as bad as what he did to her. "It's okay...what is it?"

War was getting a little nervous on how she began to pace. "About's with my mother and her mate," she said the last part a little less enthusiastic than all the other words.


She nodded her head. "I know. She called and wanted to talk. She apologized for being so rude when we met. She told me it was her issues not mine and I grew into such a beautiful woman."

War kept his face neutral as she gushed about her mother. "...and she wants to meet you. She asked if we could make it out to eat tonight!"

He was tired as shit. He was going to have Lo make dinner with him for Pom then pass out. Now he would have to go to dinner with two stuck up wolves who he really didn't care for? Then it was the whole pack problem. "She doesn't know you're apart of...Bane pack does she?"

Pomelia twisted her lips in thought. "Well I never mentioned it."

"We can go...let's just not mention it.. Or my real name. Call me...Pete."

Pomelia frowned. "But, I mean...that's not fair to you. I don't want-"

"-Pomelia," he sighed as he began to shed his clothing. Now he had to change into something presentable to meet her. "Your mother has never met me. I don't want her perfect...image of you to spoil when she finds out my name and your pack."

She was silent. No doubt thinking it over. She seemed upset about it. "But War I'm not, I want to be truthful with her. I don't want to slight you."

"This is your first meeting just for you two. I won't ruin it," he said as some tears leaked from her eyes. He was doing the right thing, why was she upset?

"You're've stopped that stuff. People need second chances." He shook his head and she sighed loudly. "If this is what you want..."


Then something dawned on him as he silently shifted out his work clothes and something more appropriate. "Pomelia...didn't her mate call...and tell you not contact her?"

She nodded her head sadly. "Yes...but he didn't tell her that. I hope he doesn't get upset that we're getting dinner."

"He'll be fine," War told her with a soft smile. He would break that man's face into a smile if he had a problem. Tonight would be Pomelia's night to reconcile with her mom and he would be holding her hand throughout it all.

"Ok! Let me text her back and say okay. Then let me get ready."

Once War was changed he waited for Pomelia to come out of the bathroom. He was surprised to see she her lips were light pink and she had made her hair more curly and not wavy like it usually was.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look gorgeous," he told her as she smiled brightly, grabbing her coat. And shrugged it on. War was nervous that he would be found out but he knew Pomelia wouldn't pick her mother she barely knew over him... "I need to kiss you again...before we leave."

Pomelia smiled warmly at him. "Okay. But just a small-"

War was on his mate within seconds. He gave her no time to question or even think about it as his tongue slipped into her mouth and she met his stroke for stroke. War could taste the lipstick or whatever on her lips and knew he was messing it up. He didn't care.

He could feel her nipples hardening through the fabric of her dress and he had to try to stop his cock from responding accordingly. Pomelia suddenly broke the kiss as Khan and whoever else he had in bed were really getting it on.

Pomelia didn't really seem to like that Khan and his partners didn't care. He knew she always tried to be as quiet as possible the few times they were in bed together.

"War...maybe if it goes good and we get closer we can go to their pack? You said we can't go to Alpha Reese's but maybe we can get away to my moms?"

War knew Pomelia tried hard to look over Khan and his ways. She seemed to genuinely get along with Trent to an extent but Khan. They couldn't stay under this house, in this pack forever...

"We'll see."

He knew it was no chance in hell they would be going to her mothers pack to live but he wasn't going to tell her that.

Dinner with the inlaws.
What could possibly go wrong?!

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