Mythical Nightmares || Little...

By CindyVonOtaku

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I was thinking about this for MONTHS. M O N T H S. My obsession over Little Nightmares and Mythology makes me... More

¤~Ω|| Chapter One | Daughter of Magic ||Ω~¤
¤~Ω|| Chapter Two | Caged ||Ω~¤
¤~Ω|| Chapter Three | Escape ||Ω~¤
¤~Ω|| Chapter Four | Statues ||Ω~¤
¤~|| Chapter Five | Labrynth of Books ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Six | Escape the Labrynth ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Seven | A Cursed Hunger ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Eight | The Depths ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Nine | The Hideout ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Ten | Shadows and Hounds ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Eleven | Shadow Six ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Twelve | The Oracle and a Warning ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Thirteen | A Betrayal ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Fourteen | The Janitor's Lair ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Fifteen | Girl with Lightning ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Sixteen | The Traitor ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Seventeen | Into the Trap ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Eighteen | Split Up ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Twenty | Odd Aquaintances ||~¤
¤~Ω|| Chapter Twenty One | Spared ||Ω~¤
¤~|| Chapter Twenty Two | Another Hideout ||~¤
¤~|| Chapter Twenty Three | Heist ||~¤
¤~Ω|| Chapter Twenty Four | Secrets and Threats ||Ω~¤

¤~|| Chapter Nineteen | Colosseum ||~¤

218 12 38
By CindyVonOtaku

I can hear a happy excited shrill in the distance. I don't know if that is me or someone else.

REEEEE Let's gooo!!!


.: Seven's P.o.V. :.
.: Third Person :.

Seven watched as the monsters dragged his cage into another room filled with cells. He passed down rows and rows of children, no doubt caught as well. But it shocked him to actually see monsters in the cells. Brandishing their weapons, they also glared at the son of Poseidon and snarled wickedly, their eyes shimmering in bloodlust.

Other cells had men with horse bodies and legs connected to their torsos... They must be those creatures called centaurs. The centaurs didn't look like they wanted to be in there, looking away sadly, ears drooping low. They stopped in another cell, a boy was shivering in the darkest corner. At first Seven thought it was any ordinary boy until he noticed he had hooves for legs.

They were able to make eye contact, until the cage was pulled away from the cell. And had stopped to another cell just beside it. He saw his friends, except Una, Two, and Four. His cage was opened and he was brashfully pushed inside, making him stumble, before locking up the cells again. Snickering at him before walking away.

"Seven!" Five called while walking at him, helping him up, "You okay?"

Seven stood up, "Feeling great," he said sarcastically. Five frowned and let go fo him. Seven looked around the cell, One had stayed at the far end of the corner, his face hidden in the shadows of his hood, but it was shown he didn't want to talk. Seven looked back at Five, "Where are the others?"

Five frowned, "They were taken to another cell," he said sadly while sitting down. There was a sense of helplessness and despair in the air, and it made Seven uncomfortable. Five sighed while placing his hands over his face, "What should we do now?" He asked, looking up at him.

Seven closed his eyes as he let out a loud sigh, "Honestly, I don't know," he said. Five hung his head low, fiddling with his fingers nervously. Seven watched as he noticed the young child had a face of guilt, "I could've helped," he said, "But I didn't."

One scoffed, which caught the boys' attention, "Don't say that Five," he said, fixing his compsture to a crossed leg sit, "You managed to save Scarf from getting caught."

Five sniffled, "But I got caught in the end. I will never be as strong as you guys. I will just keep on rely on Apples to the end, and when he is gone I am as useless as a daisy," he whimpered.

"You're just as upset as we are, Five. You don't need to put the blame on you," One mumbled while pulling his hood closer to his face, Five didn't seem to look a bit better. Seven frowned, sure he never knew these two well, but he couldn't just stand awkwardly and do nothing. He sat beside Five, looking out at the cell's bars, he could hear the cries of the children and the bloodthirtsy excited roars of the monsters came together in a terriying symphony.

"Five." The young boy looked up at him, tears threatening to stream down his face, "One is right, you shouldn't blame yourself for this, we all got caught because we never anticipated those monsters to attack us," Seven chose his next words carefully, "And you're not useless, we all have our own strengths - it will just show up one day and it would change our lives, like just being a demigod. After all, we never chose to be demigods right?" He smiled at him.

Five's eyes still looked a bit doubtul as he looked away, "I... I guess so," he mumbled before looking back to the brunet boy, "Then... What should we do?"

Seven looked past the bars, "I guess we wait. Our friends wouldn't abandon us like that, I am pretty sure they will come and get us out of here," he said hopefully, more on to himself than on the younger child.


.: Mono's P.o.V. :.
.: Third Person :.

"Seven couldn't make it," Eight said, letting go of her grip on the hound.

The children all fell in silence. Mono frowned on the thought another of his friends were caught to those stupid snake women demons. Tiberius whimpered while he laid down, placing his snout on his paws. I'm sorry, he whined, the drakon scared me so much, the hound whimpered.

Mono patted the hound's fur, It's okay Tiberius, don't feel bad, he said to him telepathically. One perk being the child of Artemis, being able to talk to animals, he thought he may not understand some animals or monsters like animals like hellhounds or fishes, but he was proven wrong.

"Oh great, another one gone," Three mumbled as she slipped down the hound, Scarf following next while turning to the others, "Shouldn't we go get them?" He said.

Shadow Six turned to Six, "We should, but...."

"We don't know where they could be," Six finished, Eight placed a finger on her chin.

I could track them! Tiberius suddenly stood up and wagged his tail, unfortunately letting Six and Shadow Six fall, yet fortunately Mono held a firm grip on his black fur. "Tiberius!" Shadow Six chided while pushing herself up. The hellhound couldn't stay still, Water, plants, sandy winds, all the usual smell of a demigod... I could track their scents!

"Yeah but so could I," Mono said, forgetting to say that to the hound telepathically, "And it take forever to find them in this big ship."

"What are you saying Mono?" Eight asked, backing up from the sudden excited animal. Mono blinked,  "Oh, Tiberius thinks he could track them," he said.

And I can!!!

"And I said I could as well," Mono said to the hound.

Shadow Six blinked, her eyebrows furrowing as she processed what was happening, "Wait you can understand him?!" She exclaimed. Mono nodded while trying to balance himself on the excited hound, "Well yeah, I could understand some animals, but thought I couldn't understand him for being a monster and all," he explained.

Rude, Tiberius growled at him while shaking him off.

"Shut up, isn't it true?" Mono said to the hound.

Dang you are nice one second then a jerk in the next.

"I get that all the time."

"Wait hold on," Six held out her hand and Tiberius stopped moving, and Mono turned to her, "What did Tiberius say, exactly?"

"Well he said he could be able to track them, catch their scents and bring us to where ever they are," Mono said. Tiberius did a nod while sitting down and wagging his tail, Mono couldn't keep balance on the hound and just hopped down.

"But he could... right?" Scarf asked while turning to Shadow Six. She hesitantly nodded, "We used him to track Six after all, but there is still one problem though..."

"Where are we even going to start looking for them? Back with Six, it was easy to figure out - but now our friends are in the hands of a different enemy, and this enemy could be everywhere," Mono echoed out Shadow Six's thoughts and she nodded in agreement, "No matter how good you are in tracking, the place is too big, or worse, the monsters are covering up their scents."

So my idea is not good? Tiberius' ear flattened down.

Not that good, Tiberius, Mono now said telepathically. The hound made a face, which would probably look like a pouty face with his lower lip curled upward.

"Well, where do you think those monsters would bring our friends?" Scarf wondered, Three seemed to remember something, "The dracenae said something about bring us to this The Pretender... Do you think they are with that person?"

"Yeah, not to mention it told about a traitor," Eight said, eyeing them all. Mono remembered Thirteen, and her warning about a traitor, a bad feeling came into his guts. Was there a traitor in the group?

"We can think about that traitor later, we should think where this Pretender could be right now," Six said, Mono turned to look at her, she saw him talking to Seven quite secretively... Could they be...? No, it wasn't the time for doubt or suspicion, not when their friends are caught.

"If those dracenae spoke about the Pretender, they must be an ally for the enemy... Do you guys know the other place which Two wanted to avoid?" Six asked, looking at the others.

Mono and Eight looked at each other and nodded, "Three and Scarf don't, but we do. Two lead us into that expidition months ago. There is this giant that stays there, owning some kind of underground coloseum as an entertainment for him and some Guests. We didn't stay there for long - or else those monsters could've caught us and made us their playthings," Mono said.

"Then... We could start searching there?" Three guessed.

"But it's dangerous, it was really hard to escape that place, more or less do a rescue," Eight said. Six pursed her lips, "We could at least try, there is no other near place where we can search. And also, if there is children caught there, it would also be good to save them."

Scarf nodded, "That's what Two and One would like!"

"And Seven too, that selfless kid," Mono said while turning to Six, Six smiled while nodding, "So I guess we head to that underground coloseum, you two know the way right?" She asked both Eight and Mono.

"Of course." "Yup." Mono and Eight said together.

Wait, would you guys still need me? Tiberius piped in. Shadow Six turned to him, "Could he follow along as well?" She asked.

"I guess Tiberius can follow too, he could be useful after all," Mono said while walking ahead, Eight following behind. Shadow Six gave a light smile while Tiberius barked happily. The rest of the group tagged along, all heading deep into the metal halls.


.: Seven's P.o.V. :.
.: Third Person :.

Seven has been taking a good nap until the bars were rattled. He groggily opened his eyes to see another of those goat-metal-legged vampires grin at him. So being caught wasn't a nightmare.

"Oh a son of Poseidon! Antaeus would love this!" One of the empousai shrilled while gripping on his arm harshly, Five yelped as another gripped his arm as well. One tried to avoid their grasps but failed.

They were all dragged out of the cells, passing by other monsters hollering while entering another holding room. They entered to a different holding room, shoved brashly inside. They all stumbled to the cold ground.

"Could've been more careful," One remarked. One of the empousai grinned, "Oh sorry about that. Anyways, have fun!" She giggled as she and the rest left.

Seven pushed himself up and looked around. It was a wide room with other children idling around, and some of those humanoids with donkey legs. On the other side was barred windows to peek out the arena below. He could hear loud cheers and clattering swords, and he walked up to the barred area to see thousands of monsters sitting close to each other over a dirt filled round stage.

On the dirt stage was a centaur fighting an seven feet tall meaty ogre. He was galloping around the brute monster and tried to aim for a weak spot. The orge didn't like the centaur flinging arrows on his skin so he slammed his club down to the back of the half horse man.

The crowd cheered as the centaur slammed to the wall. The orge walked up to the creature and grabbed him from the horse body. The centaur failed around, hoping to set himself free.

The orge raised him high and the crowd cheered some more, he turned to a gaint - which Seven haven't noticed. The gaint was much bigger than the ogre, and his upper body was hidden in the shadows, so his measly legs and loincloth with some chains were seen. There was another child sitting beside him, that girl which Seven rememebered as the Pretender... And there was someone else behind her.... Yet Seven couldn't see the figure well.

The giant rose his hand, the centaur choked back a sob, "No... Please, No!"

His hand set down to a thumbs down. The centaur's eyes widened in fear and started pleading some more. The orge grinned as he bellowed, and slammed the centaur to the ground, a sickening crack was heard and the horse man wasn't moving anymore.

The crowed roared, all happy for a death in the fight.

"That's just brutal!" Five gasped, Seven turned to see him and One watching the fight as well. Seven frowned, agreeing with him.

Someone sadly chuckled behind them, "Well... What can we do? If Antaeus wants death, he will get death."

Seven turned around to see that same boy from before, with hooves for legs, from up close, he had dark curly brown hair with tiny horns poking out and huge clear brown eyes, and of course, the scruffy donkey legs.

"It's you! The donkey kid," Seven blurted out loud. The boy made a face and bleated, "Goat!" He said.

One sighed, "Seven, that is a satyr. Half man half goat," he explained and Seven blinked, "Oh, sorry."

The satyr shrugged, "It's okay. I'm not as mean as other satyrs out there. But still though, don't go and say donkey or others would kick you out of the Maw," he said.

"Who are you, by the way?" Seven asked. The kid smiled lightly, "I'm Bushi," Bushi introduced himself.

"I'm Seven, that's One and he's Five," Seven guestured to the others ans Bushi sniffed. Before leaning back eyes wide, "You guys are demigods?" He asked.

"Uh... yeah," Seven said. The satyr sniffed them some more before bleating loudly, "By the gods! Poseidon, Notus, and Demeter!" Bushi grinned while hugging Five, "When was the last time I met a Demeter kid?! Oh this is a blessing - Well not really since we are stuck here - but still!"

"Okay goat boy hands off the plant kid," One said while Five was just downright confused and uncomfortable. Bushi frowned while letting him go, "Sorry, I got carried away. Most of the children here are mortal, and unfortunately think I have weird legs. It's rare for them to get any demigods, and they usually die first! Except for that time when they found out where the demigod Hideout was-"

"Wait wait wait... You've been here for long?!" Five gasped. Bushi's mood dimmed and he nodded, "Yeah. And everyday I hate it! This is not my nature!" He said.

"Then... You know what we should do?" One asked. Bushi nodded, "Yeah, just live and try to-"

A horn was blown and the crowd cheered again. Seven turned back to the barred window to see a dracenae slithering out in one of the gates, holding two bronze daggers while another was pushed out in the other gate.

Seven squinted when he noticed who the figure was.



Yo chill the fight will happened next chapter don't fight me.

I had to pull in this chapter end.

Oh and yeah, who do you think was behind the Pretender? Well... I think you already know but.... mwehehe, I am planning something.


Wattpad: Publish Finished.

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