Separated -- Idolish7

By ShiroishiKurumi

21.3K 971 86

Fraternal twin's separated since birth... But what happens when they meet each other once again? How will the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

1.1K 52 0
By ShiroishiKurumi

With Yumi~

Yumi and Takato had an agreement to have a talk outside...

'Where is he?' Yumi thought as she kept on glancing at her phone checking the time.

'He sure is still the same' she thought once again.

After a few minutes, Takato arrived and said "Sorry I'm late... I was in a bit of a crisis," Yumi sighed and said "You really have not changed a bit," Takato exclaimed offended "Hey! At least I came!"

Yumi replies "Hai, hai... Anyways let's go find a place to talk,"

After looking for a cafe, they sat down and Yumi asked "So how's Tenn doing?" Takato replies "You're too worried, Yumi... Tenn's doing fine,"

Yumi says "I see... Then that's good to hear," and continues "Now then, let's get straight to the point,"


Riku woke up because, he heard the bell ring indicating that it's already time for lunch. He got off the bed and head to the cafeteria.

"Ah... Riku!" he heard someone call out to him, he turned his head and saw Tenn running towards him.

"Ah... Hi, Tenn-san," Riku replies. Tenn asked "How are you?" Riku replies "I'm doing fine already... I'm going to attend classes this afternoon,"

They heard someone call out to them "Riku-san, Tenn-san!" they turned their heads and saw Iori running towards them with Tamaki trailing behind while eating pudding.

Riku exclaimed waving his hand "Iori-san, Tamaki-san!"(Yeah... I shall make him add honorifics to these two people)

Iori asked "Are okay already?" Riku nods happily, Tamaki says as he gives pudding to the redhead "Here, you have some," Riku exclaimed happily "Thank you, Tamaki-san!"

Tenn says "We better get ourselves lunch before they run out," the others agree and they go get themselves lunch.


As they were waiting for the four, Ryuu asked in realization "I just realized that... Riku-kun and Tenn-kun looks the same," Mitsuki agrees "Yeah... Wait... Didn't you say this before already?"

Ryuu asked dumbfounded "I did?" Sogo said "I don't know... But anyways,  I think it's just a coincidence," Yamato also says "I don't know... I mean, their hair, their eyes and their surnames are the same," Gaku said "Nah, I think it's just a coincidence,"

And after a while, Nagi exclaimed "Guys, over here desu!" while waving his hand the four sat down. And Sogo asked "How are you Riku-kun?"

Riku smiles and replies "I'm doing great!" the others smile at the redheads energy and began to eat their lunch.

Time Skip~ End of the day~

After classes, they meet at the entrance and Sogo asked "So, what time are we going to meet tomorrow?" Riku asked dumbfounded "Tomorrow?"

Iori sighs "Yes, tomorrow is a weekend," Yamato replies "1pm would be good," Mitsuki hits his head and says "Oi! Don't be lazy!" Tenn replies "I guess 10am would be okay,"

Riku agrees "I guess that it's the most convenient time for us to meet," Tamaki asked "But where?" Gaku replies "Here," Ryuu says "I'm not so sure about that," Nagi agrees "Yeah... It's far from the train station,"

And Tenn says "Then we should meet at xxx" (Don't know where) Iori also agrees "I guess you're right... That's pretty much closer to the train station," Nagi asked "It's a deal then?" they nod in response and after talking for a bit they took their separate ways.

Tenn POV~

When I arrived home, I saw no sign of my father and I sighed. I turned to Luka and asked "Where did father go?" Luka replies "He is on his way back home, Master Tenn," and continues "Dinner would be ready in a few,"

I nod in response and go to my room to get changed. I flopped onto my bed and I heard my father say something to Luka...

"Just a little more time Luka... And we tell them,"

I frowned and asked myself 'Them?' I shook my head thinking that it must be about his work and suddenly a picture of Riku appeared in mind. I sat up straight and thought 'Why would I think of Riku all of a sudden?'

Riku POV~

I arrived home and greet "I'm home!" Sara came and greet me as well "Welcome back, youngmaster," I looked around and saw no sign of mother.

Sara says "Dinner is almost ready, youngmaster," and I reply " Sure, I'll just go get changed!" I enter my room to get changed.

As I was about to leave, I heard mother and Sara talking and I shrugged as I cannot understand what they are talking about.

I then mumbled "Thankfully there's a group study tomorrow," I left my room and mother greets "Hello Riku," I reply "Welcome back,"

We head to the dinning room. And as I was eating I suddenly thought of Tenn-san, I shook my head.

And mother asked "Are you okay?" I nod in response and thought to myself 'Why would I suddenly think about Tenn-san?'

Both Takato and Yumi~

The two head to their rooms and opened their desk... They found a bracelet... Takato found a bracelet with a R initial and Yumi found a bracelet with a T initial...

And suddenly they remembered something...


Yeah, yeah... It's early😖 but yeah... My brain told me to make this kind of scenario. And also I decided to write two chapters, so please proceed.😊

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