The Pain Of Loving Harry Styl...

By VasHappeninGurl

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Two years ago he met a curly headed green eyed boy. Now he's in a band with him. What started as a stupid tee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

627 25 6
By VasHappeninGurl

****sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm writing this at 2 in the morning :| ****

After spending the whole day and night in my room after Liam yelled at me, I finally decide to go apologize.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday." I say when he lets me in.

"You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have yelled at you. Especially since those two made the mess" He glares over at Harry and Louis.

I can't help but laugh when Liam says he yelled at them for 5 minutes straight. Louis and Harry both glare at me.

"Now I'm going to the studio with Niall for awhile, behave yourselves. We have a concert tomorrow." Liam says.

"Are those two together?" Harry asks when Liam and Niall leave. "Wouldn't surprise me," I laugh.

"I wasn't talking to you," Harry says crossing his arms and glaring at me. "What's your problem?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You didn't save me yesterday when i was getting tickled," He pouts.

"I don't see you mad at Louis and he's the one who was doing the tickling."

"I can't be mad at my Boobear," Harry says kissing louis on the cheek making Louis smirk. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"Well I'm not sorry for not saving you so why don't you and boobear go makeout or whatever you two do in your free time," I snap.

I stalk out of the room, slamming the door behind me. God I'm so stupid. "If you don't control your temper, your never gonna have a chance with him" There goes that stupid annoying voice again.

"I don't have a chance with him anyways," I mumble. God why did this have to happen now. Why couldn't I have ignored the feeling longer.

Why couldn't I have never ignored the feelings. If i would have just told harry i liked him at bootcamp then maybe we could have been together. Then Larry wouldn't of had all this time to grow.

I bang my head against the wall "god your so stupid." I stand up and walk to my room. I need to get over him.

******skip to next day****** ********************************************************

"Ok concert today, interview and Photo shoot tomorrow, then we fly back to London. Got it?" Liam says reading off his event calendar on his phone.

No one answers him because none of us were paying attention. Niall of course is eating, Louis was on the phone with Eleanor. And I was having a glaring competition with a very stubborn Harry.

"Is anyone paying attention?" Liam snaps. "Ha you blinked," I yell.

"Liam could you please tell Zayn I did not blink."

"Tell him yourself," Liam groans annoyed. Just then Louis snaps his phone shut and sits down next to Harry.

"Boobear can you tell him pleaseeee?" Harry asks.

"Zayn, Harry did not blink." Lou says making Harry smirk.

"Whatever, you know I won." I scoff rolling my eyes.

"Tell Zayn he didn't win" Harry tells Louis. "Zayn you didn't win."

"I heard him, and yes I did win."

"You did not"

"Did too"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!!!"

"And it looks like I win again because you're talking to me," I laugh.

"Dammit," He swears glaring at me. "Can you two stop acting like five year olds for two minutes" Liam asks.

"No," Harry says the same time I do. We glare at each other again. I hear Liam sigh in frustration then a door slams shut.

I focus on Harry as we start the competition again. Both of us daring the other to blink. My eyes start wanting to blink. Stay open I urge them.

Then a two hands clap I'm front of my face, "Looks like Harry won" Louis laughs.

"That's cheating!" I tell glaring at him. "What is? I didn't do anything." He says smirking.

I lunge at him tackling him onto the bed. We roll around scratching and pulling each others hair.

"Stop your messing up my hair!" I yell when he's on top of me pulling my hair. "Aww is the little girl going to after spend five hours fixing his hair?" He asks smirking.

I hear a laugh and I look up at an amused Harry watching us. I growl and push Louis so I'm on top again.

"Your messing up my clothes, get off me fat ass,"He yells. "Oh yeah and I'm the girl. You're the one who spends three hours picking out something to wear!" I hear Harry laugh and I fill with pride.


"He started it," Louis says and I hit his hand away when he points at me. "I did not!"

"I don't care who started it, fix the bed and get ready to go!" He yells. Louis pushes me off of him and onto the floor.

"Asshole," I mutter standing up pushing him slightly. I pick up the blanket and there's a tug. I look up to see Louis holding the other side.

I pull it towards me and he pulls it back. This starts a game of tug a war. "Oh my god just leave it," Liam's snaps.

We both drop the blanket but still stand there glaring at each other. "Go fix your clothes and hair and then get in the car." Liam says coming behind us and pushing us towards the door.

Liam slams the door behind us and I turn right and start walking away. Stupid Louis.

Realizing I'm going the wrong way, I turn around and start walking the other way. Louis' doing the same thing and we stick our tongues out each other as we pass.

I go to my room and fix my hair before going out to the car, a security guard following me. I frown when I see the only spot is next to Louis.

The security guard pushes me into the car and I'm forced to sit next to him. "Harry sit in between them," Liam tells Harry.

With a groan Harry sits down in between us. His hand rests on his leg and it slightly touches mine. I want to reach out and old it badly but I refrain from doing so for obvious reasons.

The whole car ride there is just Liam and Niall talking, the rest of us silent. I was focused on the slight movements Harry kept making.

Brushing his curls out if his face, taping his fingers on his leg, his quiet breathing, moving his leg when it touches mine. God Im such a creep.

I take my phone out, to try and distract myself but I find myself watching him again.

He takes his phone out and types his passcode in which is 6969. Of course it would be something simple and dirty like that. I cough to try and keep myself from laughing.

He logs in to twitter and presses the tweet button. He types #LouisCheats and presses tweet.

I turn my head to hide my smile and shock. Harry was mad at me and now that Louis' made me lose by cheating he was going against his best friend by tweeting that.

Did he tweet that for me or did he just wanna make Louis mad? "Zayn are you gonna get out?"

I snap my head up and see we're there. I blush and get out quickly. Immediately there's a body guard guiding me forward pass the screaming fans that are held back by gates.


"Hello Everyone! Who's ready to have some fun?" Liam yells into his mic earning the screams of tons of teenage girls. "If you know this song then please sing along."

Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bare this in mine it was meant to be. Now I'm joining up the dots with freckles on your cheeks, it all makes sense to me." We sing Little things, c'mon c'mon and kiss you before answering questions.

"Alright first question," I say. I scroll trough the questions and just randomly pick one. "Larry what's the best thing about living together?" I read the question and cringe.

"Hmm seeing his beautiful face all the time," Louis says running his finger down Harry's face. I make gagging noises and Lou glares at me. "Sleeping in the same bed....naked," Harry says winking. He kisses Louis cheek and they pick a new question.

My heart breaks a little. What if they were together? It could just be Harry being his cheeky self...yeah that's it just harry being cheeky.

"Earth to Zayn," Someone snaps their fingers in my face. I snap my head up to look at Liam. "We're starting the next song, you ok?" He asks.

I nod my head and raise my mic getting ready to sing. Liam's still looking at me but i ignore him.


"That was awesome!" Niall yells jumping into the air as we run off the stage. "Now can we go get food?" He asks. Liam groans while I laugh. "Niall you ate right before the concert."

"Actually he ate during the concert because someone threw a candy bar on stage," I point out. "Zayn shut up," Niall groans pushing me slightly.

"Niall that's not safe, you don't know if someone put some kinda poison in it." Liam scolds.

"It was in the wrapper," Niall whines. They walk ahead still talking. "Hey where's Harry and Lou?" I ask.

They don't answer me so I decide to find them myself. I go to Louis dressing room first. "Louis?" I call into the room. When I don't find him I walk to Harry's.

"Harry?" I yell knocking the door. When no one answers I open the door. Harry's standing there......naked? "Harry what the fuck are you doing?" I ask in. You think I would be shocked but since its Harry, seeing him naked was kinda normal.

The only thing not normal was I was turned on. "Oh hi Zayn," He says, his eyes darting at the bathroom door nervously. "Again what are you doing?" I ask.

"Um nothing," He says sounding even more nervous. I look around and when he thinks I'm not paying attention he slides something under the table.

I notice a girl shirt and pick it up off the floor. "Harry..." I start. "It's not what it looks like," he tells grabbing it from me.

"It looks like you found yourself a whore," I say coldly. He steps back startled from my harsh tone. "He...she's not a whore," he defends.

"Whatever have you seen Louis?"

"Umm no," he looks at the bathroom nervously again.

"Use protection," I yell slamming the door.

"Where were you?" Liam asks when I walk pass him. I stop. "Went to find the other two, Harry's fucking some slut and idk where Louis is." I throw my hands up in angrily and walk out the door.

Surprisingly there's no fans outside so I get to the car without getting attacked by screaming girls. I get in the car slamming the door just for it to be opened again. "What's wrong," Niall asks.

"Nothing," I mumble.

"Zayn you look pissed, I know something's wrong," he touches my arm, staring at me worried.

"I'm fine, just leave alone," I snap hitting his hand off me. He looks at me hurt and moved to the other side of the car. "Zayn he's just trying to see if your ok, you don't need to snap at him." Liam says cuddling Niall in his arms while he looks at my disapprovingly.

I roll my eyes and log on to twitter. When I see one of the trending topics is #LouisCheats. I smile and almost laugh until I remember I was mad at Harry.

It's his life, if he wants to fuck someone he can. Even though it hurts me. He doesn't know that it hurts me so I shouldn't be mad at him. But yet I still am.

"ZAYN WHAT IS THIS?" I jump when Louis gets into the car shoving his phone in my face.

"That's twitter, it's a social network,"I say shoving his phone away. "I mean this," he groans clicking on a hashtag.

"A trend that's true," I laugh.

"Why would you tweet this? Are you really that immature?"

"I didn't tweet it your boyfriend did," I yell pointing Harry.

Harry looks at me like a deer in headlights. "I did not!" He yells quickly when Louis looks at him.

"Well it wasn't me," I say turning to look out the window. The car goes silent.

Great now everyone was mad at me. Niall because I snapped at him, Liam because I hurt Niall, Harry because I told on him and Louis because he thinks I tweeted that. Loving Harry styles sucks.

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