-The Extinguished Sun- Naruto...

Galing kay XxXWeAsHumanXxX

15.7K 809 172

"If you don't like your destiny, don't except it. Instead have the courage to change it the way you want to b... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chappy 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 0

2K 72 3
Galing kay XxXWeAsHumanXxX

XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Hello! Welcome to my Naruto Fanfiction. In case you didn't see this in the description: I DO NOT own Naruto. Thanks for reading!


Naruto's POV:

        I stared at the ceiling. The white walls, and the tiled floor. I was still numb...


        Tsunade walked inside my white walled room with a grim expression on her pale face. Sakura trailed behind her sluggishly with tears brimming and some trailing down her cheeks and onto the tiled floor. Tsunade bit her lip and let out a sigh.

        "Hey, Granny, Sakura-chan!" Sakura's green eyes looked at me briefly before she collapsed onto the floor with one hand over her mouth to stifle the sobs and the other to wipe away the tears.

        I jumped from the stiff mattress and knelt next to Sakura. "What's wrong? Did Sasuke reject you again?" Sakura Gave me a confused look before furiously shaking her head.

        "Naruto." I looked up at Tsunade. Her brown eyes had tears brimming as well but they didn't shed. "Your results came in." Sakura stiffened. "You... you acquired a terminal illness Naruto." I furrowed my brows.

        "What's a terminal illness?" Sakura's sobs became louder, and I patted her shoulder in a soothing manner.

        "Its an incurable disease that leads..." she hesitated and a few tears cascaded down her cheek.

        "To death.." I froze. Sakura pulled me into a suffocating embrace, that under normal circumstances, would have made me jump for joy.

        Right now... I just felt sick.

        I patted Sakura's back while Tsunade left the room, wiping her tears.

        "It's okay, Sakura." She shoved me away.

        "What do you mean 'It's okay.'?!? Nothing's okay! Your going... your going to die."

        I pulled her in for a hug again and comforted her until a nurse made her leave the room. The nurses dark hair was held up in a tight bun and her brown eyes were hidden behind her red thick rimmed glasses.

        "Naruto-san, it's almost time for dinner. Please lay down and I'll be back."she swiftly exited the room.

-------Flashback End------

        The nurse knocked on the door and entered the room. She had a tray in one hand and a bag of medication and needles in the other.

        She placed the tray of food on my beside table and handed me a paper that explained to me when I should take my medication, when I have to have injections, and some dietary restrictions. She politely bowed and left the room.

        I set the paper down on the table and picked up my sandwich.


        A few hours later the nurse opened the door.

        "You have visitors" She motioned for them to enter and then quickly exited the room. a man with disheveled grey hair and a man with onyx eyes and a spiky hair entered the room.

        Kakashi- sensei and Sasuke-teme.

        I forced a smile onto my face.

        "Hey Kakashi sensei, Sasuke-teme." Sasuke had a deeper frown then usual, and he hasn't insulted me yet. Kakashi paced around the room and kept running his hand through his hair.

        Sasuke's eyes trained on mine.

        "Is it true?" My smile dropped and I looked at my clenched fists in my lap.

        "Yeah... but I'll be up and running in a little while! We'll go on missions again, and... and we'll eat ramen and spare and--" Sasuke's hand covered my mouth.

        "You don't seem to understand dobe."

        "Sasuke! Stop---" The onyx eyed teen ignored Kakashi and continued

        "Your dying. you cant go in missions, you can't spare, you can't... you can't become hokage." I gritted my teeth before shooting up off the bed. I grabbed his collar and slammed him into a wall.

        "Shut the hell up!" My voice cracked and sounded weak even though I was shouting. "What do you know?!! You-" I began to cough into my hands and I collapsed onto the floor.

        i lifted my hand from my mouth and looked at the crimson fluid that dripped from my palm, to my white undershirt. Tears welled up in my eyes and I swallowed a lump in my throat.

        The nurse burst into the room and practically kicks Sasuke and Kakashi sensei out of the room. She knelt beside me and helped my stiff body to my feet. We walk slowly to the washroom and she washed the blood off my hands


        The moon shone high in the night sky. I sat up from my bed and made my way towards the window. Prying it open as quietly as I can, I applied chakra to the bottom of my bare feet. I carefully walked down the side of the hospital. By the time I had reached the bottom, I was panting heavily.

        I rested a moment before walking.

        The streets were practically deserted. I stopped at the Ichiraku Noodle Shop. The restaurant was closed this late at night.

        I continued walking until I reached the training grounds where we had our bell test.

        The three wooden polls stood in the field and trees surrounded the clearing. The KIA stone stood a few feet away from the polls. I ran my finger over my mother and father's name.

Turning away from the stone, I approached the center of the field. I formed the hand sign for the shadow clone jitsu. A poof of smoke appeared and one lousy looking clone appeared.

        I collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and coughed into my hand. I wiped the blood on my black pants and just sat on the ground.

        ten minutes later I sat up from the green grass and began heading back to the hospital.


XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Until next time! :33

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