Bts Oneshots

By TheAntivanCrow5

231 5 2

x Reader oneshots 18 + -contains fluff + smut -Will be put as Mature Content so DON'T read if underage. *Req... More

Kim Taehyung - Thankful Picnic ๐Ÿ’œ
Jeon Jungkook - Night Out๐Ÿ’œ
Jung Hoseok - Play Date๐Ÿ’œ
Kim Namjoon - Feelings for My New Stepbrother? ๐Ÿ’œ
Park Jimin - Robotic Boyfriend Pt 1๐Ÿ’œ
Min Yoongi - My Thunder Protector๐Ÿ’œ

Kim Seokjin - Rain Kiss๐Ÿ’œ

19 1 0
By TheAntivanCrow5

A/N: OK, so I'm basing this oneshot off from the KDrama 'Playful Kiss'. I was originally was going to base it off 'Itzura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo' as it was the first live version I ever saw of the anime but then I remember that there were other remakes on it like was one was Korean, the other was Taiwanese and the other was well Japanese (which again was the first I ever saw) So I thought I'd go with the korean one cause I watched and LOVED it, anyway the oneshot is mainly just going to focus on you and Jin playing the leads for the tv show. Also this will be done in your prov and I don't fully know how a set works so forgive me if I get things wrong. Enjoy xx


"Cut" the director shouted "Alright, that's good. Now let's redo it and take from another angle" I sighed as I laid on the floor of the restaurant. "Here, let me help you" "Thanks" I said to my Co Star Lee Tae-sung as he helped me up from the floor. Right now I was at one of the filming sets for the tv series I was starring in. We were on our 4th last episode of first season. The show was a adaption of the romantic-comedy Japanese manga 'Itzura na Kiss'. Ours was titled 'Playful Kiss' and I was the main female lead.

The show was about my character Oh Ha Ni, having a huge crush on a boy who was the total opposite of her and not to mention the most handsome and popular boy. My character gives her crush a love letter but is humility rejected. Due my character and her father's house collapsing she ends up living with the boy she's crazy about and his family. As she lives with them she does her best to impress and win his affection (which of course she ends up winning).

"You did a good job" Lee complimented. Lee Tae-sung was another main character of show. His character Bon Joongu has had a long-time crush on my character plus is one of her best friend. Lee was a really sweet guy and easy to get along with "You too. Man I still another scene after this" I replied as the make up artist did a small retouch of my make up. "True but at least you'll be able to warm up and then go home to sleep" "I suppose".

As I was saying we were doing a final shoot of the scene where Hani and Joongu are in her father's restaurant. In the previous episode he asked her to marry him and is now wanting an answer and tries to make a move on her in which she pushes him away. "Alright, Y/n and Lee retake your places" we do as the director instructs and sit back on the bar stools "Quiet on set! You guys know where to go from. Acton!" We say our lines until it comes to the part where I have to run out.

*Loud thunder rumbles. I scream and cover my head with my hands. Joongu quickly moves to hold my arms*

Joongu: "Are you ok? Hani, you ok?"

Y/n(Hani): *I remove my hands from head and nod*

Joongu: "Hani" *grips my arms tighter "I really like you"

Y/N (Hani): "Joongu" * I try to get out of his grip but he refuses to let go*

Joongu: "Ha Ni, please-"

Y/N(Hani): "Joongu, don't don't this!" *I plead trying to continue pushing him off*

*Another loud of thunder rumbles and we fall to the floor. Joongu/Lee leaning over me*

Y/N(Hani): "Don't do this" *Joongu leans in closer to my lips* "Don't do this! Don't do this, Joongu!" *I roughly push him off me and sit up*

Joongu: *looks heartbroken* "So, I guess I won't do"

Y/N (Hani) * I look down, close to (fake) tears and pretend to struggle to get words out* "I-I'm sorry, Joongu" *I quickly get up from the floor, hand over my mouth and rush out the door*

"And cut! That was perfect" the director commented. "You did good" I said going back to my co star side "Did we make it believable?" "I think so" "Lee, Y/n. Good job you two" the director says coming over to us with the script in hands "Thanks" we reply to him. "Alright, Lee we have one more quick shot to do with you and then your free. Y/n, you go rest up and get prepared for your last scene"

"Okay" I nod and make my way over to a table and pour myself a cup of water. I yawned in the process as we had been shooting all day and it was now night time in which my last scene was to take place and we were going to shoot it in a small near by area to the studio. After awhile those who were needed made our way to the area.

As I stood waiting for the cameras to be placed I rubbed my hands trying to warm them up as it was cold tonight, even with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders I still felt the chill. "Here. Take this" says a voice that I know makes my heart beat faster than anything on this earth. I turn around and there smiling at me and holding out a hand heat pack is my other main co star/love interest in the show Kim Seokjin.

Unlike me, Seokjin was a huge heartthrob who was known for his amazing performance and acting skills for movies and shows. He was given the title 'Mr Worldwide Handsome' for his obviously handsome looks and smile but what also made him popular was actually how sweet, kind, funny, generous and how easy to get along with his was. He's character Baek Seungjo however is meant to be an extremely intelligent but cold-hearted boy who my character is absolutely in love with.

A really sweet guy in real life playing a cold-hearted character. You know how some say you should never fall in love with your co star or how much they can relate to their character, well like my character falling in love with his character at first site, I had fallen for him since day 1 of shooting. "Thank you, but what about you? " I asked taking the heat pack from him and placing it between my hands.

"I got another one" he answered pulling another one from the pocket of his coat and warming it up between his hands. 'Sweet and considerate, why couldn't a lot more guys be like that'. "So, you ready for our scene?" I blushed and looked down slightly nodding, hoping he couldn't see the heat on my cheeks. "Y-yeah. I just hope we nail it in one shot" The reason why I was blushing was because of our kissing scene we were doing tonight. We had had kissed before for previous episodes but I always felt butterflies and felt tingles go down my spine when our lips would touch, even though those previous kisses had been done by his character making the move and my character standing still in shock or sleeping.

However this kiss scene was meant to be the 2 leads 'first real' kiss as it was the scene where Seungjo clarifies his feelings to Hani. "Why you so nervous?" he Jin asked with a smirk "I-I'm not. It's just the cold" I heard him chuckle and slightly ruffled my damp hair as this scene was to filmed in the rain "So cute" he then leaned closer and I could feel his warmth breath on my ear "But I wouldn't mind if we had to redo it over and over" What!? I turned to face him with my cheeks fuming more red but he was already walking away and over his assigned Stylist Noona who made quick to fixing his hair.

Feeling my gaze he quickly looked back over and gave me a wink, then turning back to his Noona. My heart raced rapidly at the gesture and I looked away, holding a hand to my heart, 'God. Why did he have to have so much of an effect on me' as I was trying to calm my heart the director came up to me. "Y/n, you ok?" "Oh, yes. Sorry sir" "We're about to shoot but I wanted run by the scene with you" he said with a script in his hand. "Oh, of course" "Alright, so for the start. What I want you to do is get off that bus that's being driven by one of the extra's, when you step off look up as if your realizing the rain, quickly run under the tree, looking upset and stand there for a few seconds. And from there we can lead to the next park. You all good with that?" he asked and explained as he used his hand to point to where I need to be.

"Yep. No worries" he smiled gently and gave me the script and pen so I could make the additions to my script. Once I wrote down my directions and ran over the scene one last time I was called to take the scene. I had already recorded the voice over for the scene earlier today so all I had to do was move to my directed spots. I quickly did the scene 3 time before the director was satisfied but now as I stood in my que spot I felt my nerves build as it was now mine and Jin's scene. "Ok. Everyone quiet. Camera's ready. Que the rain...and action"

*Rain pours down around me as I walk and look down at the wet concrete. I look up and stop as I notice Jin/Seungjo sitting on the bench. He stands up and looks down at me*

Y/n (Hani): "What are you doing here?"

Jin (Seungjo): "What do you think? Isn't it obvious? Of course you didn't bring an umbrella"

Y/n (Hani): "Then where you waiting for me?"

*Jin/Seungjo doesn't say anything and opens up the umbrella in his hand. He takes a few steps and then looks back at me. I hesitantly but quickly move beside him. We begin walking*

Jin (Seungjo): "Are you coming back from seeing that punk? What did you say to him?"

Y/n (Hani): "Huh?" *I asked him cluelessly*

Jin (Seungjo): "I heard he asked you to marry him"

Y/n (Hani): "Why? Can't I do so?"

Jin (Seungjo): "So I'm asking what your answer was"

Y/n (Hani):"No matter what I said to him, it doesn't have anything to do with you"

Jin (Seungjo): "You're right"

*We sat silent for a few moments before I speak up again*

Y/n (Hani):" I'm going to leave your house"

*Jin/Seungjo stops and looks down at me*

Y/n (Hani): "Dad and I talked about it already. We're blocking you from moving forward with your life"

*Jin/Seungjo doesn't look happy and with fast pace steps walks ahead. I quickly run and catch up underneath the umbrella as we turn the corner*

Y/n (Hani): " It's a relief that Joongu works so hard. Dad really likes him too. I should start helping dad with his shop just like Joongu has been."

*We stop and he turns to look at me*

Jin (Seungjo): "Do you like him? Bong Joongu? "

Y/n (Hani): "Of course I do. He's liked only me for four years now"

Jin (Seungjo): "If someone likes you, you're able to like them back just like that? "

Y/n (Hani): "Why? Can't I? I'm tired of having a one-sided love. I want to date someone who likes me. I like Joongu"

Jin (Seungjo): "You like me. You can't like anyone more than you like me"

Y/n (Hani): "What's with that confidence?"

Jin (Seungjo): "Aren't I right?"

Y/n (Hani): "Fine, you're right! I only like you. But what's the good in that? You won't have anything to do with me. And you treat me like-"

*Before I can finish my words Jin/Seungjo drops the umbrella and grabs my face with both hands and crashes his soft, plump lips to mine as the rain pours over us. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and tingles go down my spine as I close my eyes and kiss him back, my hands holding on to his jacket as our lips move in sync with one other*

'He's lips feel so warm and soft. I wish this wasn't just us acting' however my thoughts are interrupted "Cut!". Jin's warm lips leave mine as we pull apart and I look down and try to slow my heart. The rain machine get's turned off and our stylist noona's rush to our sides to dry us and re-touch our make up "That was perfect you two" the director complimented "Yes. It was" Jin said but it was only loud enough for only me to hear. After a few minutes and looking back over the scripts, Jin and I stood in front of each other again with Jin holding the umbrella over us. The director wanted to get the kiss from another shot. "Everyone quiet. Que rain...and action"

Y/n (Hani): "Fine, you're right! I only like you. But what's the good in that? You won't have anything to do with me. And you treat me like-"

*Before I can finish my words Jin/Seungjo drops the umbrella and grabs my face with both hands and crashes his soft, plump lips to mine as the rain pours over us. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and tingles go down my spine again as I close my eyes and kiss him back, my hands holding on to his jacket as our lips move in sync with one other. We pull apart as we catch our breaths*

Jin (Seungjo): "Don't say that you like anyone more than me"

Y/n (Hani): *I nod and smile shyly* "This the second time"

Jin (Seungjo): "What is?"

Y/n (Hani): "We've kissed"

Jin (Seungjo): "This the third" Jin/Seungjo smiles and gently pulls me close to him* " Forget it, you don't have to count anymore"

Y/n (Hani): "Yeah" * I smile as I hear his heart beat and feel his warm body against mine as I wrap my arms around him bringing us closer as we get drenched from the rain*

"Cut! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, I think we've got it. Thank you everyone for working hard today. Let's pack up, take it back to the studio and we can all go home" everyone said a good job to each other as the film crew worked together to pack up all the lights, camera's, scripts and other numerous things. "You two did an amazing job" "Thank you, sir" we both said holding the blankets tighter around us "You two go ahead to the studio and change. You's worked hard today" "Thank you" he smiled and turned to the crew members.

"Shall I accompany you back?" "O-of course". We quickly thanked everyone for today and said goodbye as we walked our way back. It was silent as we walked but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. I thought back to minutes ago and remembered the way Jin cupped my face and brought our lips together, the way he held me in his strong arms and I breathed in the scent of his cologne, the memories made my heart flip and a deep blush spread to my cheeks. I had done kiss scenes before with other actors for different films but the scenes with Jin felt different, it felt as if he was actually pouring true feelings into it. 'Nah, that's silly. Why would Mr Worldwide Handsome like me?'

"What's got you all hot and bothered?" Jin's words cut you out of your thoughts "Oh, nothing" I lied "You did an amazing job tonight" he smirked and shrugged "I can't take all the credit. You did amazing as well. Especially that kiss" "Thank you but I doubt that. Y-you really know how to kiss, your acting skills are ones to look up to" I responded as I pulled the blanket tighter. "Who said anything about acting?" 'huh?' I turned to ask what he meant but before I could Jin swiftly but gently pushed me against the nearest the wall.

"Jin, what are you-?" "What If I told you that I wasn't acting? Would you believe me?" I didn't know what to say as my body was caught between him and the wall "Jin, I-" "Answer me truthfully. Do you like me?" I swallowed my nerves as I tried to process what to do. Should I come forth with my feelings? But what if I do and he's just joking or he rejects me. Would we...well I be able to work the same with him again? 'I looked into his memorizing eyes and felt myself go weak as the words came out.

"Yes" he looked a little surprised but didn't retreat or pull back. Well, it already slipped I might as well "I do like you, Jin. I have since the first time we started shooting the first episode. You were so kind and cheery, obviously handsome, I couldn't help it. But I'm not as popular as you or look anywhere near stunning or tall as the previous famous actresses you've worked with before this, I didn't think you'd go for someone like me and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Not to mention if we didn't work out how would we be able to act around each other, so I've kept quiet...until now"

Jin didn't respond for a few moments and I thought maybe that it was a mistake confessing, I was obviously going to be rejected. "Look, I'm sorry. I know what your going to say so you don't have-" "How could think I wouldn't go for you?" he finally spoke. Ok, that was not what I thought he was going to say "Y/n, you are so amazing, talented, kind, funny and absolutely beautiful, I've always thought that from the first episode we worked on. I like you, too. All those kiss scene we had I never faked the feelings I put into it, I thought you'd realized it"

I looked down as I felt my cheeks blushing again "Y/n" Jin called softly as he used a hand to slowly lift up my chin so that I was looking up at him. As he did I saw him lean closer, so I closed my eyes and met his. The blanket dropped from my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around his neck as if by coincidence it actually started to rain but neither of us minded. After making out we pulled apart and placed our foreheads together.

"A kiss in the rain. Just like our scene" "Yeah, go figure" "I might not really need to ask but, Y/n, would you be mine?" I smiled with a small giggle "Yes. But can we wait till the season and the youtube version for our second season is done before we come out to the public? I'd like us to be together before our love life is put into the spotlight" "If it makes you feel better than yes. I kinda like the idea of us sneaking around. Very sexy"

I giggled at his words and he kissed me again but this time soft and quickly. "Come on, lets get to the studio and dry up then I'll take you home" I nodded and bent to pick up the blanket that was all soaked as Jin pulled the one from his shoulders to cover our heads from the rain and we quickly made our way back both of us smiling the whole time.


A/N: Hey guys I hope you's enjoyed this one. Sorry if it got sloppy towards the end by the time I was writing/finished the last few paragraphs at 2:00 in the morning. Anyway stay safe and send me request ideas that you'd like to read and I will make absolute sure the credit goes to you. Enjoy and again stay safe and healthy xx 💜💜

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