Is It Okay To Love The Villai...

By madamerkling

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Loralai Avery is the bastard child of the prestigious Pure-Blood Avery family. Her father, taken by a Veela b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

671 49 3
By madamerkling

Hello everyone, it is wonderful to be back after so long!

Hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote

I recommend listening to the song above during the dancing scene. I will put an author note to where it will start.

Now back to the story


The week had gone through like a blur. I was unable to confess my feelings for Bellatrix, and I would have to leave for my house as soon as the ceremony was over.

Each person was called up and given a certificate. Currently, we were at the last house, Slytherin.


"Ben Avery," Dumbledore's voice called out, reading his name from a scroll.

My Aunt, uncle, and Grandma all clapping and shouting.

"Ben Avery was a suburb quidditch player and great at charms," Dumbledore's voice rang out.

"That is my son," my uncle said obnoxiously, causing other families to be uncomfortable.

Their joy and excitement from the family caused me to wish for my own parents.

When I would go on stage, there would be no cheers from my parents. No congratulations.

This is what my life was, and I had to accept it. Less pain I would feel.

Dumbledore kept on shouting names, and I was the last of the A's.

"Loralai Avery," my name had been said.

I held my head up high, not giving my family the satisfaction of making me sad.

The hall was silent.

"Loralai Avery was in the top of her classes and scored higher than any other student in her O.W.L.S. She was a master dueler and the best in the Slytherin Household. She is also one of the top five students to perfect all potions in her all her years here."

I stood there shaking Dumbledore's hand.

He pitifully looked at me. For once, this man, I had never been fond of was looking like at me more like a student than an enemy.

I smiled at him as I slowly whispered.

"Do not pity me. I am used to this," I say darkly.

His eyes twitched, and he felt pain. I could see how he felt somewhat guilty, for he too was not the best person to me. He then grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Let us give her a round of applause, shall we," his voice echoed.

The whole crowd slowly started to clap, but then it erupted. Everyone was clapping for me.

I heard shouting coming from Lucius, Severus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix.

I blushed slightly, embarrassed by this action as well as all the attention.

"Thank you," I whispered to him as I got off the stage.

I could tell Ben was not please about me upstaging him. I, however, did not care.

As my friends named were mentioned, I would cheer loudly for them as they came over smiling, withholding their diplomas.

As the names kept on being pulled and Slytherin had concluded with all their students, the festivities had commenced, the parents and graduated students smiling happily.

Some Gryffindor girls smiled, screaming.

"We made it," they cheered.

It was quite annoying how preppy they were.

Directing my way towards the Avery, I planned for what was to come.

Ben had stood behind his mother like always.

Stuck up, little mama's boy. If it not for the money they give me, I would have left this family long ago.

I kept it hidden though I made sure my money was being saved. I had over 1000 galleons so far, and I knew they were getting a good amount of interest at the bank.

I curtsied to my Aunt and Uncle, who seemed not to pleased by Dumbledore's display.

My aunt was a plumb woman with brown straight hair that looked like hay sticking out. She had two dark green eyes that stared back like snakes.

I normally like snakes, but from here, you could tell she was vicious, venomous.

My uncle was a string bean of a fellow. He had black hair the was receding to the back of his neck and had an ugly mustache that made him look like a snake oil salesman. Both oily and greasy and always putting their hands where they shouldn't.

My grandma, however, was short and looked like a pug's wrinkly face. She was angry and bitter with age.

She was apparently the most beautiful girl back in her day. She says she aged like wine, while I say she aged like a carton of milk out in the sun.

All of them hated me. Despised me.

I created too much attention; I was supposed to be second to Ben. Yet, I excelled in everything.

Grace, beauty, charm, spells, fighting, and potions.

If I was not half Veela, they could have been proud of me.

Though the Veela part is what created such disdain, I was sought after by every man because of my powers.

Even my uncle had played some tricks on me while I was younger, but I quickly taught him I would not be messed with.

When I was asleep in the dungeon one night, he had crept down and began to lick my skin.

Instantly punched him in the face causing him to get a black eye.

It was disgusting to wake up with the tongue of an old man on me.

He had said that I had punched him out of retaliation and not defense.

I pleaded with my Aunt telling her that Uncle was licking me in the night.

Aunt, however, could not believe that Uncle's eye was every turning towards me and made me have several lashings with a hot metal rope.

Punishment for lying.

She could not believe her own husband would wonder his eyes towards another.

My aunt was unable to retaliate from her horrible foul-mouthed husband in fear of being sent to the streets put up with his abuse and cheating.

She, however, could control me. I was something she could manipulate and bend.

I was her outlet, her punching bag, her stress reliever.

I made sure Uncle tried to grab his bony fingers towards me the next time I had a nife ready to chop his fingers off.

"Aunt. Uncle. Grandmother. It is wonderful to see that you are in good health." I turn to Ben, giving a gentle smile. "Congratulations, Ben, on graduating."

Grandma was furious with my response. She was always angry.

"How could you Congratulate him when you upstaged him like that. Bringing shame to the family." Her spit flew out, flying to my face. "How could you do that to my sweet Bon Bon."

She turned to Ben, who put on a sad face. He was mocking me, and I was powerless against it.

She put on a wicked smile, "Do you want everyone to know about your bloodline?"

I froze.

The only reason I was able to get a job in the ministry right after school was because I was a pure-blood. If they knew otherwise, I would clearly lose my job and any other opportunity of work.

The Avery's had their hands deep within the ministry, but never deep enough.

If I climbed the ladder just a bit more, I could be out of their reach forever.

My Aunt smile viciously, "Calm down, mama, she won't do that again. We must appreciate her accomplishments. It will be known that Avery was better than all these other Mudblood and Pureblood family's. Especially the Malfoys."

They all began to cackle.

My Uncle's face then went dark, "Speaking of Malfoys, here comes one now."

They all placed fake smiles. I turned around to see Lucius walking up to me.

What was he doing?

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Avery." He turned to my grandma. "And Madame Avery. Are you all having a splendid time? It is wonderful to see you all. Isn't our Loralai just wonderful?"

He grabs my shoulder, hugging me.

What was this fool doing?

My Aunt replied, "Oh, yes, wonderful. We were just discussing her amazon achievements."

I stayed still, not speaking.

"Well, I was about to ask you guys if I may borrow Loralai for two days. A couple of the Slytherins will be going to my house in the city where we will be celebrating our graduation," he said with a smirk.

My eyes widened. I knew for a fact that they would never let me go now after this scene. Merlin would have to come back from his grave in order for this to happen.

My Aunt somewhat frowned, "Oh, we could not part with my darling niece so soon. Maybe in a month or two. We have so much family time to spend," she said in a voice that sounded like poison.

"Oh, do not worry, you will be compensated; my father has arranged a meeting with you to meet with him," he said smoothly.

I looked at my Uncle, whose whole manner had changed. My aunt had no clue what was going on.

"Well then, I will be more than willing to part with Loralai for two days," he said in a shaky manner.

My aunt was confused, and so was Ben.

"But honey," my aunt said in a pouty tone.

"Let us not discuss this now. Do not defy me and embarrass me in public," he said bitterly to my aunt.

She flinched, knowing that once she got home, Uncle was going to be very angry. Aunt darted her eyes towards me, angrily blaming me for this.

It was not more fault or hers that she married a trash bag of a man.

As they left, Lucius smiled, and I sighed in relief.

"What troll got their club up their asses," he said jokingly.

"I could have gotten into real trouble, Lucius," I said calmly but somewhat happy that I had escaped their clutches.

He laughed, "Come on, it is just a small party. They need to lighten up."

I smiled as we both walked shoulder to shoulder towards Severus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix.

We all were happy to be united with one another, finally.

"Are you guys coming to Lucius' home in the city," I said, hoping that Bellatrix was coming?

Bellatrix and Narcissa smiled widely.

"Yes, it is going to be so fun," Narcissa said. She twirled around happily.

Severus shrugged, "I have nothing else better to do."

Lucius was happy with everyone's responses.

"That is wonderful because I had already packed up all of your bags and shipped them to the city house.

We all looked in shock.

"Really, Nessi, you had to pick this guy," Bellatrix said in horror at Lucius' comment.

I giggled a bit, which in turn caused Bellatrix to smile more.

Narcissa grabbed Lucius's arm and nodded her head. This, in turn, caused his face to grow red.

We all laughed at this display.

Leaving the halls, I said my final goodbyes to this place.

Apart of me, I hated and cherished this place.

I hated it for the agony and relentless bullying that I had suffered and cherished it because if it weren't for this school, I would have never met Bella.

Looking at the gates, I felt a melancholy smile appear.

I knew this was not going to be the last time I entered this school.

As we began to make our way to the exit of Hogwarts, Lucius smiled widely.

This was his smile of mischief, and we all knew it.

"I have an idea to make us go faster to my house," he said cheerfully.

We all looked at each other, dreading whatever he was going to say. However, we couldn't talk him out of it; his blue-grey eyes sparkled, meaning there was no going back.

"We can use Apparition to the house. I learned it over the Holidays and have become quite proficient in it," he said, puffing out his chest.

Bellatrix did not look all that impressed with Lucius's new trick. This would not be my first time Apparating, but it would be my first time in such a big group.

I knew for a fact it would be harder to do it in such a big group. My first time doing it was such a big group could have some consequences.

Severus and Bellatrix said nothing, which was quite concerning.

Lucius clapped his hand, "Then it settled everyone gets in a circle holding each other hands."

Lucius held onto Narcissa and Severus' hand. Severus held my hand, and Bellatrix held Narcissa. That meant I had to connect my hand with her. I took a deep breath holding onto her hand.

Lucius smiled, "1, 2, 3."

We all felt our bodies moving around. Flashes of Severus and Narcissa's face flashed in front of me.

He stood their unamused while Narcissa smiled widely.

I looked over to see a somewhat frightened Lucius. I giggled, looking at his face.

Turning, I found a thrilled Bellatrix looking around, enjoying herself. I stared at her as she smiled widely.

Her face turned to my own as we stared at each other; our smiles soon fading. She seemed to lean into me.

I began to lean into her, almost as if we were spiraling with one another.

However, we were soon stopped by entering an extravagant home.

We all began to look around as we saw the golden staircase and golden vines wrapping around it. A long mirror ran from the ceiling almost to the floor.

A seafoam green was on the walls, accompanied by a cream white from the ceiling.

Looking out the door, I could tell it was already night.

I heard cars driving by and the bustle of people.

"I am impressed. Where are we exactly, " Severus had said.

Turning to Lucius, his face seemed somewhat pale and green.

"Are you okay," Narcissa said.

He nodded but proceeded almost to topple over.

Severus caught him.

"We are in New York City. The..ugh... upper east end...Make yourself at home. I will be right back,' he dashed off while we all waited in the room.

Wow, New York!

We basically had crossed the Atlantic ocean and came all the way to America. Got hand it to Lucius for his first time taking us this far; he did pretty well.

Severus and Narcissa looked at each other, somewhat worried for their friend. Bellatrix, however, was all too eager to explore.

I could tell from the way her nosed creased and the way her feet were somewhat tapping.

"How about you and Nessi go and check upon him. See if he didn't throw up his brains," Bellatrix said mockingly.

I held back my smile but was caught by Bellatrix's gaze, causing me to giggle.

"Loralai and I will explore a bit," she said, walking towards me.

Her dark eyes slithered up and down my eyes, sending a shiver from my spine.

Both Narcissa and Severus, both worried for their friend, began to walk off, leaving us alone in the room.

She immediately grabbed my arm and began to take me up the stairs. The touch of her hand created heat forming all over my face.

Her mischievous smile glistened with the gold.

We walked up the staircase as I trailed behind the all too excited Bellatrix. Reaching the top, she began to look both ways before seeing a library.

It caught my eyes, and my attention once firmly planted on Bellatrix was now on the library.

"Do you want to go there," she called out.

I turned to her, not really hearing her question.

"Huh, what did you say, Bella?" Looking at her face, she somewhat pouted and proceeded to drag me over to the library.

Her long black twirls intertwined with the wind and hopped like beautiful spindles of silk. I traced up, looking at her back how slim it was. I could easily wrap my arms around her several times.

How her skin glowed with the moonlight reflecting off of the long paned windows.

It was painful to be so close to her and be unable to tell her anything.

Entering the room, small lights brightened.

The room was beautiful and filled with all sorts of books. A small record player stood in the corner of the room, which caught Bellatrix's eyes.

She ran to the record player while I decided to look at the books.

There was so much knowledge help in this house, and I knew I would spend most of my time in this room.

(Start the song above now!!!)

A small song began to go on the record player. An enchanting sound soon filled the room.

I turned to find Bellatrix in the center of the room, holding out her hand.

I laughed, "What are you doing, Bella?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Dance with me, Loralai. Come on, indulge, my dear friend." Her hand still extended out to me.

I put down the book I was all too eager to read and retreated to her.

She was always going to be the one I ran too no matter what.

I placed my hand on her own. She then grabbed my other and placed it on her waist.

I immediately began to panic.

"Bella, what are you doing?!?!" I looked at her feeling a sudden rush of heat coming over my cheeks.

She giggled, "Do not be such a prude; loosen up a bit. It is just dancing. Now usually, the male will lead, but you will be leading this dance instead." Her eyes glistened, watching my stutter.

I took a deep breath, and we began to dance. My feet leading her.

"That is it," she said cheerfully.

I began to feel more comfortable dancing with her. From my angle, I could see how shorter she was compared to me.

A smile formed on my face without my knowledge.

"What is wrong," she asked, interested.

I shook my head.

"Nothing, it is just that I was admiring your height," I said teasingly.

She pouted as we swayed around. The room sparkled all around us as we swayed around the library room.

"Not everyone could be a giant like you," she said, trying her best to insult her.

I nodded, laughing. "Maybe it is just because you are just too short."

I lifted her up, grabbing her waist, twisting her round-up in the air. Her giggles began to echo into the air.

We twirled for a while until I slowly began to lower her. Her face leaned closer to me as she stood there suspended in the air.

She looked like an angel coming down from heaven.

The music soon began to stop, and we stood there looking at each other.

Both with smiles drawn on our faces, we stared at each other in the middle of the empty library alone.

Looking into her eyes, I became lost in those beautiful marbles of dark brown.

Bellatrix's eyes this time reflected my own face. Her smile soon began to fall down, and her eyes began to flutter.

She was no longer the mischievous Bella that I knew, but at this moment, her face was filled with something else.

Her face began to come closer to my own as her eyes slowly began to close. I stood there, moving into her own.

The scent of strawberries and roses filled my nostrils as she came closer.

She lifted herself up, tiptoeing to reach my own face.

Our lips only stood inches between us. The hot breath from both of us hitting each other.

"That was a good dance," Bellatrix sain in a sultry toned.

I replied back, "Yes, yes, it was."

She then pulled herself away as my arms let her go.

"I guess we should go back to the others," she said. She began to walk away.

My opportunity was slipping; everything was changing. We had a moment I knew we did.

No, this was not going to end.

I grabbed her hand. She turned to me, surprised, stopping.

"What are you doing," she asked, stunned by my gesture.

Pulling her in, I cupped my hands to her face. Her eyes reflected my vision as I held her into my hands.

What was I doing? I need to let her go.

However, she was so beautiful in my hands. And she was mine in this instant.

Fuck it!

I then locked my lips with hers. The hotness of her breath intertwined with my own. I felt the heat hitting my own lips. Slowly parting my lips from her, I looked at Bellatrix, who slowly opened her eyes.

I waited, wondering what was going to happen.

Bella did the most imaginable thing I would expect. She lounged herself towards me, our lips once again entwining.

Our lips meshed together as if they were meant together. We began to walk to the corner of the library the was blocked from the door.

I lifted her up as her legs wrapped around my waist as her back pressed up against the wall.

She was as light as a feather, almost like a fairy.

Our lips were never parting during this action. Her arms wrapped around the back of my neck as she held onto my hair.

She stroked it somewhat, pulling on it.

Parting her lips, I slipped my tongue into hers. She was all too eager to accept it. I could hear a slight cute muffle coming out of her mouth, but my tongue and kisses soon drowned it.

The twisting and binding of her tongues wrapped around each other. It felt as if she was sucking me in, not wanting to let me go. I rose my hand up her backside as I felt her shiver with each touch of my hand.

My heart thumped, seeing this reaction.

I wanted more.

I was greedy; I needed her.

She had now awakened something in me that I had never felt before.

As I parted from her mouth, a string of saliva connected us together. I stared at her flushed face. Her pale skin was flushed with red, and her eyes looked glossy.

I could feel a smile creeping on my face. I had created this unseemly and distressed Bellatrix, and only I was able to see it.

Her curls were somewhat flying all across her. Her eyes staring at me and me only.

Her legs clung to me intensely, making us stuck close together. Her fingers trailed up my hair.

It did not help my ever-growing lust when she began to talk.

She cooed out in a lustful tone, "More." Her whole body twitching in my arms.

I smiled as my eyes gleamed, " As you wish."


Will things get hot and steamy for our main characters

Who knows?

Wait I know 😈

See you next week!

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