[SMP AU] Tommy, Let's Run Away

By Moony_Mia

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Dream SMP Au Instead of staying Tubbo and Tommy Run away. I got inspired by a Animation ---> https://youtu.be... More

Chapter 1: Mad Man Wilbur
Chapter 2: Comfort
Chapter 3: Memories and Misery
Chapter 5: The tales of Tnret
Chapter 6: The Bond of Brothers
Chapter 7: Home Home
Chapter 8: Separated
Chapter 9: Are You Family or Foe?
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Chapter 11: Independant
Chapter 12: A Red Festival
Chapter 13: Goodbyes
Chapter 14: Free at Last
Chapter 15: My Unfinished Symphony
Chapter 16: Unexpected Guests
A/N, The News We All Knew Was Coming

Chapter 4: Journey to the Unknown

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By Moony_Mia

Narrative POV

As the golden county grew smaller and faded into the horizon, two boys raced through the oak woods, monsters being awoken by the moonlight surrounded them. Tubbo was wide awake and shooting any threatening monsters that would creep closer and Tommy clung to Henry's leash and prayed that he wasn't hurting him too much by almost dragging him to their speed.

They kept up this pace for a long time but as the night grew longer and colder, and the woods changed into mountains that shrunk into streams, their galloping slowed significantly.

By the time they crossed a shallow lake into yet another, but different type of forest, Tubbo was fast asleep on Tommy's back. His face was pressed against the taller one's back, his arms around Tommy's waist to keep him from falling off, a soft snore escaping from his mouth.

Tommy, however, pushed on in the night sky.

*         *        *        *         *

Tommy's Pov

My head was throbbing and my throat was dry, but still I did not dare stop. We had to get as far away as possible before I could feel safe.

We have crossed a lot of ground in one night, at least 5000 blocks is my guess.

Tubbo has fallen asleep on my back after protecting us for a solid 2-3 hours, Henry refused to move fast and rightfully so after basically being dragged around his neck the whole time, the horse was already dead. I didn't think they felt anything. And me?

I was tired as well but tried my best to stifle my yawns and push forward. I had to pull out my crossbow a few times when a zombie or two came to close for me to enjoy and I pierced their heads with my specially painted red and white feathered arrows. I really liked them. They were like my signature on the battlefield.

In all the time I moved on I couldn't help but wonder what I have done.

I left. I left one of the two homes I knew. That country and my discs was my everything. My life. I had put so many tears and sweat and blood into them and I just...left. But somehow it all felt okay.

It felt as though this was right. I have been pushed and used and beaten to the ground. I didn't want to stand up after this. I wanted to start a new life. I wanted a new home and one of the most important things; a friendly face to share all my problems with. I wanted a break. I want this.

With my head that kept nodding off but snapping back, I pushed on with Henry and the insensate horse. By dawn we were no where near our home and the Land was completely unknown.

As the sky started to turn pink we crossed a tulip field. There was a beehive nearby and bees happily started their day in the sea of colours. It was a beautiful sight. Unfortunately for him, Tubbo was still out cold behind me.

The sky grew into a faded blue, clouds sprinkled across it. By then the snoring hoodie behind me started to wake up. He mumbled a few inaudible words and woke up slowly, but when he did, he acted like he just had a hit of something that a college student dreamed of.

"Good morning Tommy" he smiled stretching his back. It can't be good for him to have slept like that and I imagine his back being quite sore after it.

"Mornin' Tubbo" I managed between a yawn. My eyes were droopy and my throat was still very dry. My stomach was grumbling and my head was throbbing madly at me.

Tubbo very kindly reminded me of this in the rudest way possible. "You look horrible. Did you even rest last night?" He asked.

I shut my mouth, stared ahead and said nothing, but even silence is an answer. He glared at me and demanded that I get some rest.

"But Tubbo I can't do that while I have to steer the horse" I complained.

I wanted an excuse. I didn't want to rest, because of one main reason; I was scared. I was afraid that people would find us and drag us back, even though I knew it was impossible. And I was afraid of what nightmares await for me. What they would remind me of. Everything that I have done wrong would be shoved into my face again...


Tubbo's voice snapped me back to reality. I have stopped and just been staring into the distance. Tubbo has just been watching me like a hawk, looking concerned for me. He looked like he actually cared for my mental health.

"You know that I can just steer?" He said. It looks like he is as determined to let me get some rest as I am to ignore it.

"No". It's a short answer but one with such a clear statement.

He borrowed his eyebrows and kept demanding me to stop until my headache got to much for me, with both him annoying me and my lack of sleep.

I stopped the horse but did not move. Tubbo jumped of and tried to 'Threaten me'.

"If you don't move" he said with more sass that I could handle at the moment "I won't get back on"

He looked so smug. Like he cracked the code. Like he was the world's smartest child. Like he just beat Dream in a manhunt. OH NO TUBBO! I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. WHATEVER SHALL I DO?!

So naturally I did what every best friend does.

I rode off leaving him yelling in shock at me.

Once I stopped for him to catch up I managed to stop wheezing and offered him my hand. Tubbo got his chance to repay my kindness.

Do you know what he did? That little bitch (sorry Tubbo, it's true) PULLED ME OFF AND LET ME LAND ON MY FACE IN THE GRASS.

And when I got up with strands of dry grass still in my hair, Tubbo was SITTING ON THE HORSE, looking incredibly proud and patting behind him.

I'm to tired for this shit I thought and did as he silently asked and climbed on behind him.

Within half an hour I have passed out behind Tubbo, slipping yet again into the terror of a nightmare. It greeted me in the form of Wilbur Soot, saying his horrific words; "Let's be the bad guys Tommy"

* * * * *
Tubbo's POV

God dammit

I respect Tommy. I really do. He is a man of complete skill and possesses a fiery passion, but in times when he is acting like this, all I really do is get mad at him.

He looked terrible once I woke up. His eyes had bags and I could clearly hear his stomach rumbling. He always took so good care of himself, even in the wars against Dream. He would get enough sleep and chomp down on carrots whenever he pleased.

But ever since his banishment from Schlatt, his health took a turn. I was concerned for him. And since it was just the two of us now, I could finally get him, and myself, back to where we were in our glory days.

After I force-fed him some cold chicken and a few sips of water, he leaned on my shoulder, starting to dose off.

For the next few hours, everything was peaceful. Tommy was snoring (quite loudly) on my shoulder, mumbling a few words from time to time, Henry paced along side me and I let my thoughts free to roam. They mostly consisted of what I wanted our new house to look like, where we would get the materials and just fantasizing over the future.

But every thought got plucked away when a bloodcurdling voice shrieked through the air.

Henry shot up beside me and I had to stop and calm him down before whipping my head around to my best friend who was shaking and sweating. He looked scared. Terrified, to tell the truth. I have rarely seen him like this.

In the most calming way I could think of I asked him what's wrong. He looked me in the eyes. His eyes... the usual fire was distinguished by fear. He shook his head and I didn't know what to do or say.

I just opened my arms and held him, hoping that his breathing would calm down and shaking would lessen. He silently sobbed into me, and I just held him like that for a few minutes.

After a while we pulled away. His breathing had slowed and his shaking lessened, his eyes were all puffy and red. I offered him a bottle of water and he drank it gradually. I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it and we rode on in uncomfortable silence.

By nightfall, neither of us were in the shape to fight nor ride on, so we made camp for the night. We built a quick shack out of wood and Slept on the grassy floor, hearing a skeleton's bones clunk or a Enderman's puff of Teleportation in the distance.

* * * * *
Narrative POV

For the next couple of days they traveled into unknown lands until they finally agreed that they have gone enough.

And for God's sake they were right. They were about 100 000 blocks away from The Kingdom.

They found a smallish hill at the side of the seashore, with a oak forest to its east, and a Mountain at it's North. They agreed that this was the perfect place because the sunset was in view over the waves and there was many resources nearby.

As the sun set over Tommy and Tubbo's heads it also set above one of the two's brothers' heads. One was curious and the other was hiding his concerns well.

* * * * *
Technoblades POV:


My monotone voice echoed through the empty and cold walls of Pogtopia. The fact that it was late autumn didn't help the cave warm up.

Wilbur was sitting on the steps near the top, switching between staring at two photos in his and staring at the cave wall.

God Middle Children are so dramatic in every way I thought.

I paced up the flight of ladders and looked over him. The photos were those of his former nation, with someone crossed out, and our family. Both were better times than what we were in now.

"Hey Wilbur have you seen Tommy?" I asked, trying not to sound as slightly concerned that I am.

Wilbur shoved his pictures in his pocket, got up and looked me in the eye. "No, why?" he asked. I never pay attention to how eyes looked but here I really could not help it. His eyes that were usually soft and calming, danced with chaos. They were swirling pools of madness. For me, it was both beautiful and unsettling.

"I dunno, I haven't seen him in he last few days" I replied, shrugging my shoulders. Wilbur lifted his brow, ever so slightly.

"And why are you concerned, big brother?" He seemed... suspicious to me. As if he knew something important but didn't want to tell it.

"Well, Tommy is one to constantly get himself in trouble" I pointed out. Absolutely no one could disagree with this. Tommy was a magnet for mischief.

"True, although he might just be out hunting or something" he said. Looking away. Wilbur did something. I knew it. I just need to know what.

"For 3 days without saying anything to us?" I asked. "Wilbur, there is something your not telling me. Something important" I pushed on the topic. I swear if Wilbur did anything to cause our brother to get harmed I will become worse than the tales of the Blood God.

"I miiiiiiiigght have said some things to him" he mumbled his hand brushing through his hair. He was clearly nervous.

"What did you say?" crossing my arms. He was really getting on my nerves. Being the eldest child is so much work.

"Some things that might have scared him a bit..." I glared at him some more.

"Ok FINE. I told him that L'Manberg is GONE! I told him that I want to be the villains and blow the place to the ground!" He yelled. He was insane. At times it was entertaining but now is not the time for it. Rage started to uprise within me.

"You WHAT! You know that he is still young. That nation is everything to him and he still believes that he can get it back. He's stubborn and thinks with his emotions. You should know this." I scolded at my brother, trying to keep my temper under control.

"I-I-I thought that I could get him to listen to me! To help me!" He tried to protest. But even he knows that his brother would follow him to the end of the world without him even asking to.

"Oh Wilbur, you messed up" I mumbled as I walked out the dirt shack in the ground. When Tommy gets upset he goes to either us, Phil, or Tubbo. And since Phil isn't here and neither of us has heard from him in a while it can only mean one option; Tubbo.

As the rain showered down on the earth, I flew away with my Trident to the Country of Manberg. If Tommy was caught there, he would be killed within an instant.

I hoped that nothing bad has happened to him yet.

*           *           *             *             *
Hey uhm, Sorry for the long chapter. I lost hope around 1580 words and started spamming random words that I hoped made sense. I also just want to mention @Stormraven21, they're amazing. Go check them out.
Uhhhh I think that's it! I will be trying to update as much as I can because I have a lot planned for them!
Hoped you enjoyed!

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