As Years Pass 2 (An Ed, Edd...

By Crazychris1871

5.3K 132 38

This story picks up where the last one left off. Only instead of focusing on the romance between Edd and Mari... More

Spring the Season of Rebirth
A Tragedy in the Night
A Long Night
Picking Up the Pieces.
For My Friend
Eddy, A Family Man
We Will Get Through This.
Welcome Home Ed
The New York Story
Sister Time.
Unwanted Attention
Never Talk to the Media
Breaking News.
a note from the writer.
There's no place for you at this bar.
Clearing the Air
Heart to Heart
My Princess
It's Always Something
A Change of Luck
Just a quick update.
A Beautiful Dream Interrupted

A Woman Scorned.

127 5 0
By Crazychris1871

It was early on a Saturday morning, the Cul De Sac was just starting to come alive. Ed was waking up again to his alarm clock, Lee and Eddy by their little boy wanting breakfast, and as always, Edd's eyes swung open at the stroke of 7 without the use of an alarm. He looked over to Marie who was still sound asleep. He sat up gently in bed so as to not disturb her only to hear, "Good morning Dream Boat." Edd smiled. No matter how hard he tried Marie always seemed to awake at his slightest movement out of bed. The two climbed out of bed and walked down stairs in their night clothes. They were cheerfully greeted when they reached the bottom of the stairs by Marcus standing in the kitchen, fully dressed, and with a skillet in hand, " Good morning kiddos. You're perfectly on time, I just finished the last pancake." He took a spatula and added the pancake to the stack on the table. The table was set with plates, cups, and forks, syrup and butter were placed out for the pancakes, a small tray of bacon sat steaming next to a fresh pot of piping hot coffee. Edd and Marie looked at the simple but hearty breakfast with surprise. "Marcus, you have already done all this?"

"What can I say Edd I'm an early riser."

Marie walked over to Marcus he hugged him "Good morning dad, thank you for breakfast."

"No problem pumpkin. Anyway, sit down eat it while it's hot." Marie and Edd sat down and fixed thier plates along with Marcus. "So what are we getting into today? Check out a park? Maybe go shopping?"

Marie smiled at Marcus, "We are all helping Ed move back into his house."

"That's right, they just completed all of the painting and flooring. Marcus it shouldn't take too long if you wanted to..."

"I already know what you are gonna say Edd," Marcus interrupted. "I can't sit this out, I would love to help and meet Marie's friends and family."

Edd and Marie both smiled and continued eating breakfast. After thier meal Edd cleared the table and placed all the dishes in the sink. Marie walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to get dressed." Marie went up the stairs leaving Edd aline with Marcus. "Ya know Double D, you seem like a really great guy. I'm glad you make my Marie happy."

"I do my best Marcus, honestly I'm glad you have come back into her life as well. I could have done without the paparazzi invasion however." Edd let out a little chuckle.

"Ha! What can I say life is always an adventure when I'm around."

As the two laughed Marie made her way back into the kitchen. "You two are getting on good! What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing Edd was just telling me how you snore like a drunk lumber jack." Marcus erupted into laughter.

"Marcus you kir, I said no such thing!"

Marcus began to laugh even more, as Marie looked back and forth between the two men. "Maybe you guys are getting along a little too good. Any way, go get dressed Double D, we have a lot to do today."

Edd kissed her cheek and went up the stairs. Some time later Kevin and Naz were pulling into the Cul DeSac driving a large moving truck. He honked the horn several times shouting out the window, "C'mon you dorks! We're burning daylight!" Naz exited the truck as Eddy and Double D came out to the street. "Yea, yea, we're coming don't make such a fucking scene." Eddy shouted back grumpily.

Eddy and Edd climbed into the cab of the truck, as it drove out of sight Marie came out to greet Naz. "Morning Naz."

"Hey Marie, I can't believe this all got done so fast. But I guess the Eds always did quickly get things together. Do you remember all thier schemes they would pull?"

"Oh yea! I don't have any clue how they pulled off half of the stuff they did."

Lee walked out to join them. "Three Eds are better than one." The 3 girls gave a chuckle.

Marie looked at Lee, "Morning sis. Hey can we talk in private."

"Sure thing." The two walked over to Marie's house. "What's up Marie? You're being shady."

"Well do you remember my dad?"

"Barely, but I was little, I know mom said he up and bailed one day. Why?"

"Well you see...." Marcus walked into the livingroom from the guest room.
"I didnt exactly pack for a vacation, but I think I can move stuff in these clothes." Marcus stopped looking at Marie and Lee.

"Why is that record guy still here?"

It was quiet. Marie looked down at the floor nervous, Lee looked at Marcus. Taking a few steps closer to get a better look at his face. "Marie are you saying," she moved closer, "That this is..." She stopped right in front of Marcus.

Marcus said his words with shame, "You've grown up so much Lee."

Lee grew upset tears of sadness and anger welling in her eyes, she reached out and smacked Marcus hard in the face.

"I deserved that." He said absorbing the stinging pain in his face. Lee smacked him again on his other cheek. Marcus' ears rang, "I deserve that too."

"What the fuck Lee?!" Marie was furious.

Lee spun around and walked briskly toward marie while shouting, "Me?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She balled her fists, getting in Marie's face to where thier noses were touching, "He walked out on us and you just let him waltz back in like bothing ever happened?! Ya know mom is burried in Peach Creek if you'd rather piss on her grave directly!"

Marie didn't hesitate, she grabbed Lee and shoved her backward. Lee threw a punch at Marie but missed and as Marie was about to return a punch Marcus rushed between them, "Girls, stop!" Marie's punch landed squarely to the back of Marcus's head. The sisters seperated and Lee spoke, "Ya know Marie, I'm not suprised, hell you bailed too. But today isn't about this. It's for Ed and May." She looked at Marcus and pointed at him, "I'll pretend this morning never happened but you, stay the fuck away from me." Lee stormed toward the door.

"I'm sorry Lee."

She stopped in her tracks with her hand on the door knob. "I'm sorry I left your mother and you both without a dad. I'm sorry I let a job get in the way of what actually mattered. Most of all, im sorry I didn't have the courage to come back."

"Cowards rarely do." Lee spoke bluntly and walked out of the door slamming it behind her.

Marcus looked at Marie, he rubbed the back of his head, cheeks glowing red with two hand prints. "Well. That honestly went better than I had expected."

Marie looked back at him, "I'm sorry dad."

"Nah, don't be sorry. Hell I expected you to be the one to slap me first." Marcus let out a small chuckle.

"Maybe you should sit out the move."

"What are you kidding? I am here because I want to be part of your life, and that includes your sister's wrath. I'll give her some time to cool down, but Marcus Paul does not give up."

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