Incorrect Quotes go brrrr

Por Acatin_The_Cat

408 11 187

ok so uh, this has turned into literally just incorrect quotes with my egos, but yall should fully expect oth... Más

an actual intro
i have nothing better to do
i have infinite amounts of them
yeah its just more incorrect quotes
im back with stolen quotes from jackie lol
bip bop heres more incorrect quotes
thanks to this generator, i have infinite amounts of quotes
*incoherent screaming*
chapter number yes
more things from the AJR incorrect quotes book
Untitled Part 20
*idiot noises*
lol hi
the birds work for the bourgeoisie
*various demonic noises*
another one
i found a new source
i have more
the squad
i feel like this goes here


51 2 14
Por Acatin_The_Cat

this is gonna be a LOOOONNNGG chapter

all of these are edited quotes from incorrect-ego-quotes tumbler. 

Pipit= Trianglepaw

JD= Jason Dean or Jasone Dena

Foxglove= my new superhero ego

im sorry. @ everyone

~~warning! there is some cursing but its for comedic effect and im sure most of you dont care anyways~~


JD: am i dying?

Pipit: we're all dying, just at different speeds.

JD: then what about me?

Pipit: you're like the Usain Bolt of dying.

Marvin: there is no 'i' in team but there is one in pizza!

Acatin: so you're not going to share

Marvin: i am not going to share

JD, to PIpit: i love you you funky little goop gerblin

Pipit: anybody want to get into an argument with me?

JD: cream cheese isn't that good

Pipit: you know what i was kidding but fuck you

Acatin: hi i'm gay and you're watching dissapointment channel

Anti: i'm a stone-cold motherfucker, and i have never felt an emotion in my entire life

Acatin: hello mister Anti! are you having a good day?

Anti: i'm a... stone-cold motherfucker and i... fuck,, oh my god,,

Acatin: i'm calling the meeting to order. Pipit?

Pipit: here.

Acatin: punk ass bitch named Jasone Dena?

JD: uh, the 'punk ass bitch' part is silent.

Chaos: you're too late, idiots! Acatin was too weak for me, and i have taken over!

Foxglove: that's where you're wrong, evildoer! we will stop you, with the incredible powers of:

Lila: friendship!

Amber: harmony!

Aisha and Alice in unison: and incredibly graphic violence!

Cat: meow!

Acatin: you sly bastard! i never would have thought of it that way.

JD: is she actually talking to the cat or is she messing with us?

Pipit: either way, i'm not suprised.

Pipit: how did none of you hear what i just said?

Acatin: i've zoned out for the past two and half hours.

Marvin: i got distracted by a bug about halfway through.

JD: it was a conscious decision.

Foxglove: what's the signal if something goes wrong?

Aisha: how about 'oh fuck'?

Acatin: i mean, that'll work.

JD: to show you the power of flex tape i blew up detroit!

Marvin: first of all, i am not a bitch

Marvin, putting a hand on his hip and posing with a wand: i am the bitch

Anti, to Pipit: i'm sorry for stabbing JD

Acatin, narrating: Anti was not sorry

Pipit: ya know, some people are like slinkies.

Acatin: what?

Pipit: they're not really useful for much, but it brings a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs

Acatin: please don't push Anti down the stairs

Pipit: you can't stop me

Acatin, crying: Marv, i - please, no, i love you!

Marvin: i'm sorry, Acatin. we both know i have to do this.

Acatin: please, i - M - Marvin, i'm begging you - after all we've been through together, please, you can't, Marvin, please!

Marvin: i love you, Acatin.

Acatin: Marvin, you don't have to do this! please! i love you!

Marvin: [places down a wild draw four card]

Marvin: uno

Anti: With all those years you've been in the closet you think you'd be able to dress yourself better. 


Anti: That's because there's nothing but skeletons in my closet.

Pipit, hacking into Anti's personal files: Anti's password... What would a cold, murderous demon choose?

types in fuckingpassword and gains access

Pipit: Obviously.

Anti: Hope you get run over.

Pipit: Hoping is all well and good, but ultimately, it gets you nowhere. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Get in your car and run me the fuck down instead of waiting for others to do your work for you, you coward. You lazy fool

Anti: finds Pipit sleeping on the couch

Anti, picking Pipit up: Cute.

Anti: Throws her in the trash

Pipit: Guys? Guys! That was our first moment of competence!

Acatin: Holy crap!

Marvin: Nice! High fives!

[They all miss the high five]

JD: but i was a young, handsome lad back then, full of rage... 

JD: wait a minute. i'm still full of rage. and i'm still pretty fuckin hot. 

JD: ...somebody get me a gun 

Acatin: What are some alternative responses to 'I love you?' 

Alice: Who doesn't? 

Marvin: I know.

Lila: Thanks. 

Chaos: A horrible decision, really.

 Amber: Why? 

Lila: laughs nervously 

Foxglove: laughs hysterically 

Chaos: YEET 

Marvin: I love cats.

Alice: That's an interesting letter. I'm gonna have to go with J being my favourite letter ^_^ 

Foxglove: I love me, too? 

Amber: I'm so sorry. 

Acatin: >:(

Acatin: look,, Anti isn't a demon! 

Pipit: he is literally trying to purchase your soul right now. 

Anti: come on, it's a good deal. 

Acatin: that could mean anything!

Foxglove: Who needs swag when you have class 

...ical music 

my egos: groans of annoyance 

Acatin: i didn't get that drunk last night! 

Marvin: you got ahold of one of Anti's thousands of knives, made Lila throw vegetables at you, and started yelling 'i am the fruit ninja'. 

Acatin: was i any good? 

Marvin: no.

Acatin: School doesn't even test your intelligence, it tests your memory. 

Pipit: It tests my patience. 

JD: It tests my ability to keep calm and not slap a bitch. 

Anti: drugs? hah, no thanks. the only high i need is the adrenaline rush of committing murder. 

Acatin: ...Anti, are you alright? 

Anti: yeah, but Pipit probably isn't.

Acatin: okay, you know what? you're in time out! get on top of the fridge! get up there! 

Anti, crawling up the refrigerator: this house is a NIGHTMARE 

Marvin, opening a Capri Sun: i guess i'll just drink my sorrows away. 

Acatin: you're all fired.

 Foxglove: [places weapons, grenades, and mini-rocket launcher on table] 

Amber: [places air guns, heavy duty fireworks, and bombs on the table] 

Alice: [places knives, pistols from the 1920s, and a shovel on the table] 


Pipit: Oh shit. holds up a jar of jam This is my Jam. 

Acatin: Pipit, put that down. 

Pipit: holds up some canned beets How about some sick beets instead? 

Marvin: This is why we don't take you anywhere.

Chaos: in the winter, i like to wear a cozy black jacket, a black shirt, and some black jeans. 

Chaos: in the summer i wear the exact same thing because i look good in black and i'm willing to suffer.

Acatin: what are you doing?! 

Pipit: i'm finally confronting the person who ruined my life! 

Acatin: Pipit, you're screaming at a mirror.

Acatin: help me with this crossword puzzle, i need an 5 letter word for "disappointment." 

Anti: Pipit .

Pipit: ... 

Acatin: fits!

Marvin: good morning to the most perfect human on Earth 

Acatin: aww, thank you Marvin– 

Marvin, shoving Acatin: can you move out of the way? you're blocking the mirror.

Marvin: i hate being touched. 

Marvin: the last time i was touched was in 2008 in hand-to-hand combat. 

Pipit: Acatin is literally cuddling you right now, though? 

Marvin, holding Acatin: ...this means nothing.

[im sorry i know a lot of these are Marvin x Acatin garbage but yaknow what? SHUT. i can write what i want to.]

Acatin: so what's it like being the leader of the egos? 

Aisha: [has flashbacks to when Alice was trying to prevent Foxglove and Chaos from having a fist fight while Amber was standing behind them with popcorn and Lila was crying because she didn't want anyone to get hurt while Aisha was yelling at everyone to stop before they make Lila cry] 

Aisha:'s okay.

Acatin: you're so dramatic. 

Marvin, with a rose between his lips, throwing glitter around, dressed in a silk robe during the day, draping himself across a piano: i have no idea what you're talking about.

Marvin: why do you like being out in the rain? 

Acatin: it's so much fun to splash around! and it's super calming to listen to the thunder! 

Pipit, pouring herself a drink: i'm trying to get hit by lightning

[may i also mention that all of these are accurate af to Triangle's personality]

[hiding from an angry Chaos] 

Pipit: oh my god what are we gonna do 

Acatin: why are you so worried? she won't even see you, you're so short. 

Pipit: is this really the time to make short jokes? 

Acatin: there's never a time not to make short jokes because like you, life is short 

Chaos, popping in out of nowhere : damn

Egos house is on fire... Again 

Officer: Any ideas how this happened? 

Aisha: Well SOMEONE still hasn't learned to practice magic OUTSIDE THE HOUSE! 

Chaos, under her breath: Someone hasn't learned how to practice magic. 

Amber, from the ambulance: I HEARD THAT YOU PRICK!

Aisha: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one, you'll be fined. 

Chaos: Heck. 

Aisha: You're on thin fucking ice. 

Aisha: Oh no.

JD: [sobbing] 

Pipit: i will destroy every aspect of the known universe and burn whatever remains to ash in order to be sure i eradicated whatever hurt you.

 JD: i'd... rather have a hug. 

Pipit: [hugs him tightly]

Acatin: henlo! 

Mandy: hewwo! 

Pipit: howdy! 

Akki: whom'st'v.

Alice: let's do this! [cracks knuckles softly] 

Amber: wow Alice. your knuckles are quiet. 

Alice: they're polite.

JD, after being bailed out of jail: i feel different. 

Pipit: you were in there for twenty minutes 

JD: twenty minutes can change you. 

Pipit: not really 

JD: i'm a con now. i have a criminal record. 

Pipit: not quite. 

JD: i've lived long enough to see myself become a villian 

Pipit: no you don't 

JD: i'm an old hardened my hair gray? 

Pipit: Jesus Christ, JD, you were booked for jaywalking–

Marvin: if i ever turned invisible the first thing i'd do is go to France and beat up a mime. everyone would think he's the greatest performer to ever live. 

Pipit: if you were invisible the first thing you'd do is go blind because no light would hit your eyes. it would just go right through them. 

Marvin: ... 

Pipit: science, biatch.

JD, hungover: what happened last night? 

Pipit: we watched you eat an entire bag of Doritos in the pouring rain. you refused to come inside.

Pipit: i forgot to sleep last night because i was too busy thinking about JD 

Acatin: if you ever wonder why you have no friends, just remember that sentence.

[that is basically our friendship summed up in one incorrect quote ^]

Pipit: well, that was a successful trip– 

Acatin: uhh, wait? we lost Anti. 

Pipit: ...well, that was a very successful trip!

Aisha: guys, from now on i'll be living on my own 

My Egos: well, okay 

Aisha: all your luggage is outside, you can leave now

Marvin, sitting next to Pipit: did you know 'taco cat' spelled backwards is still 'taco cat'? 

Pipit: [turns away from Marvin] 

Acatin, on Pipit's other side: did you know now that 'dog food lid' spelled backwards is 'dildo of god'?

Pipit: [sighs very loudly]

Marvin: today, i'm gonna teach you how to face your fears! now the first step to facing your fears is– 

[toaster pops] 

Marvin: [screams and runs away]

Acatin: Pipit, i appreciate you teaching JD about modern society but can you please stop doing it in vine references 

Pipit: i dunno what you're talking about– 

JD, from across the room: STOP! i could've dropped my croissant

Pipit, probably: I just saw my life flash before my eyes! 

Acatin: You don't have a life. 

Pipit: ...tHEN WHOSE LIFE WAS IT?!?!?



that took so dang long to copy and paste isweartogoodnessaaaa

im so sorry to whoever wanted to read all of that.

im sorry to anyone who wants actual books out of this profile because clearly i only exist to dissapoint everyone

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