By FeStreeper

4.9K 149 6

Just another Miranda and Andrea fanfic but i have my own twist of story line which i think makes it a bit dif... More

The First Gathering
Confrontation And Confession
The Hospital
The Guilt
Who Are You?
Tattooed On My Mind
Count On Me Friend
Breakfats In Bed
Good To See You Again
Dee Dee Allen Clip
The Complicated Past:Revelation
No More Lonely Nights
Endings And New Beginnings

Busy Office Day

132 7 0
By FeStreeper

It's half past 12 and the mock of the cover for summer came. It's quite a few months now since the incident and everyone has somehow in a way or the other were able to moved on except for Miranda. High security are still on for the family and the Runway Family. She was sitting in her office with a grande of Starbucks in one hand and one hand on her head. It was a busy fine morning and she's expecting for a smooth afternoon in the office.
She took off her Jimmy choo and rest her legs in the small table which made her looks like she's making a sexy when in fact she's just resting. Unaware that Nigel came in and knows already what she's thinking. He went back to his office and didn't bother Miranda. She was listening to a music. A very familiar piano music titled Amnesia on her airpods. She let out some small tears and then reached out for the phone. Emily. I want to cancel whatever schedule I have for 2 hours. And dont let anyone disturb or come in the office. That's all. She hangs up before Emily could say she has a visitor. She let down all the curtain blinds turn off the lights by the remote. And then adjust her swivel chair to make her lean more over. She closed her eyes and remained that way for some moments. For every once in a while in a busy day of office she felt that very deep sadness she has. Its been 3months since the last time she sees Andrea. Everyday is a busy day in Elias Clarke but its different now that she has 3 assistant ttying to cope up what Andrea could do very well. She gets additional assistant and that's her personal assistant that makes the assistant 3.

She has 5 meetings left and one dinner before the day end. Althoigh she was able to finalize the mock up cover and did separate meetings with the board and art department. Most of her meetings in the afternoon are with the designers and one of the celebrities to be covered for the Summer issue. Luna the latest personal assistant for the last 3 months was so far improving in a slow pace but she's glad that she values privacy so much the way Miranda does. And she's very enthusiastic to the twins. Like she's getting too attached which makes Miranda worried also as the twins really had hard time in moving on. Louisa who was the second assistant in the office is the 7th assistant. She's also 3 months now at the position. She was almost perfectly fit to her job description except for her attitude where she's too frank and too enthusiastic that she gives unsolicited advice or ideas to anyone which is pretty annoying to  Emily and the Runway Family something they all agree to not make her part of their circle.

Emily decided to leave a message on Miranda's personal email and escorted the guest to the Cafe on the corner of the street. She made sure to finish everything advance in a very short notice of going out. They went out after 5 minutes and reach the Cafe.
E: Siz, I'm so sorry about the office she's like that every once in a while and I don't want to get that small time she has to relax or meditate or whatever she's doing.
A: oh come on six it's okay. I wanted to tell her about this secret between us. But maybe today is not that day.
E:You should have told me. So I'd have insisted or made her changed her mind. That's gonna be very helpful to her specially this days... Ugghh
A:Why? What's with these days??
E:well, actually since you left she's so effin lonely. Deeply lonely. And though she wears a smile on cameras and press she's changed. Like she just looked at the window deep in her thoughts and then let go her tears. She never tells us why. No one knows. Even the twins have seen her that ways at her home. And she is now sleeping in your room even before I moved out after you left.
A:I hope she'll get through it whatever it is she's been going through. Maybe I should tell her everything at the penthouse within this week.
E:that would be great Andrea. By the way. How was your work?
A:It's fun and challenging and I had this she took a thick brown envelope that obviously looks like a manuscript.
E:did you write a novel? She nods her head in agree to her best friend. Wow! Am I the first reader?
A:nope. I send a pdf on her. I don't know if she received or read it or what. I did drop it myself there in her footsteps with my number and address on it two weeks ago. But there's no response. So I thought it was a good idea to visit Runway. There was silence between the two ladies until they decided to changed the topic. Luckily they were on the private corner of the Cafe and no one will see them. Thanks to the owner who has a crush on Miranda and she allowed Emily to have access on it.
E:Oh dear. I have no answer for that. What do you think if we just take our food and go back to the office? She's probably on her last meeting right now and dinner was canceled.
A:perfect! Come on!
E: by the way I love your hair and look great disguise I myself didn't expect not to recognize you. She's gonna be shocked and surprised for this.

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