Pure Obsession {WIP}

By damnedsapphire

7.7K 363 282

Amara has her whole life ahead of her. A smart and resourceful girl with opportunities she could only ever d... More

01 | Like a Warning
02 | Waterfall to Little Bird
03 | Shining, Golden Necklace
04 | No One Else
06 | Take Care of You
07 | Punish and Protect
08 | In Another Life
09 | Pretty When You Cry
10 | First Date
11 | Ice Cream Cure
12 | I Love You Too
13 | Deserve to Suffer
14 | Keep You Safe

05 | Born to be With Me

578 23 13
By damnedsapphire


  Within a fraction of a second I'm violently pulled from my deep sleep and reminded of the painful events of the night before.  The strong smell of alcohol makes me dizzy as an intense sting causes my body to jolt from the bed.  The familiar pull of the metal handcuffs around my wrists and ankles and strong, warm hands keep me from pouncing onto the ceiling.  

  "Shhh, it's okay," Daniel coos in a melodic hum as his thumb rubs circles around my naval.  "Stay still, princess.  I need to clean your wound so it doesn't get infected."

  I stare in shock at his large figure hunched over mine, a blood-soaked rag in one hand and a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the other.  The large expanse of his bare chest is on display as well as his deliciously muscular arms.  Black sweatpants hang low on his hips as inky tendrils of hair frame his sculpted face.  His plump lips are set in a perpetual frown as dark circles sit beneath his sad, green eyes.  

  As much hate and confusion I have festering within my soul for him, I can't help but watch completely perplexed at his sorrowful expression as he tends to the wounds that he caused.

  "This is going to hurt.  Would you like to hold my hand?"  He asks, his eyes lighting up in desperation.

  I shake my head as the veil of lust is pulled back from my eyes and I see the man in front of me for what he really is: a psychotic killer.  Rage consumes me as I thrash around, causing him to look on in shock.

  "Don't touch me!"  I scream.  "You sick bastard; you did this!"

  My mind doesn't even register the immense pain coming from my stomach as the little symbol he carved begins to gush with blood.  Daniel is quick to place his hands back on my stomach to hold me down, panic filling his tired expression.

  "Stop!  You're losing too much blood.  You need to calm down."  He picks up the roll of paper towels at his side and unravels it.  He tears off a few squares and presses it to my bleeding wound to suppress the flow.

  I watch him in utter disdain as my body relaxes in bitter defeat.  The pain finally registers in my mind and I can't help but cry at the stinging sensation underneath his hands and the feeling of hopelessness as I realize that I am completely helpless in this situation.

  When Daniel sees the look of defeat etched across my features he sighs and raises his hand to gently brush my hair out of my face.  I flinch when his fingertips skim the surface of my skin, sending tingles across my face and down my neck.  He must feel this too, as excitement floods his darkening eyes.  

  "You like when I touch you," he states.  It's not even a question - he knows just by the way my body responds to him.  "Don't be afraid, little bird.  I can feel it too."  

  His fingertips graze my jaw as he leans forward, hovering over my nearly naked body.  His lips curve into a dangerous smirk as he holds his face inches from mine.  Pure sex drips from him like I'm sure is happening between my thighs.  I only hope that the thin fabric of my panties that separates his prying fingers from my shamefulness is enough to hide the effect he has on me.

  A deep, low rumble in the back of his throat causes me to clench my thighs together; this action not lost on him.  He hums in approval as he presses his growing erection against my leg and snakes his other hand over my belly.  The paper towels soaked with my blood are pushed onto the floor as his thumb swirls around the symbol he carved into me.

  I wince when I feel slight pressure from his touch and tug on the cuffs.  "Stop."  I plead in a meek whimper, struggling underneath him.  "Please, don't do this."

  "Mhm I like the sound of you begging, princess."  His breath ripples against the skin of my neck, damp from my sweat.  "Do it again."  He demands, his plump lips ghosting over my carotid.

  I am powerless to stop him or even try to break free; even without the cuffs, his body weight alone would be enough to keep me from going anywhere.  The initial shock of the situation is still very much alive in my system, paralyzing me with fear, but the electricity of his touch brings me back to reality and reminds me of what I must do if I don't want to end up dead.

  Another one of his victims.  The newest addition to the infamous White Rose Killer's girls.

  "Please, Daniel."  I croak.  The building blocks of my mind constructing themselves in a way to formulate a smart plan out of this.  As little there is to know about Daniel, he might have exposed a thread to his weakness: me.  

  I'll be damned if I don't take advantage of this opportunity and tug on that thread.

  His expression shows surprise for a split second before its eclipsed by blind desire.  His enticing green eyes run right through my as he props himself up on his elbows on either side of me, lifting his hip from mine as his massive body hovers above mine.  He lifts his hand to my face, his bloodied fingers tracing past my lips.

  "Say it again," he breathes.  "My name.  Say it again."

  I bite down on my inner cheek and bat my eyelashes at him, doing my best to flash my wide, doe eyes at him.  The fire raging inside of me by our current position coupled with my newfound survival instincts takes the wheel, forcing me to assume this new role.  I tilt my head forward, keeping my sultry gaze on his as I wrap my lips around his middle finger.  The metallic taste of my blood strangely adds fuel to the mounting fire of lust within me.  

  "Oh my god..."  Daniel whispers, his throbbing length straining in his sweats against my stomach.  "You're so perfect.  And all for me"

The strict possessiveness in his tone opens the floodgates of desire within me.  Every logical voice in my head is lecturing me about allowing these feelings for this man to ensue, but there's nothing I can do about it.  The most that I can do about them is keep them at bay if I am to survive.

  "Daniel," I murmur, "I need you to help me.  My stomach."  I pout, tipping my head down towards the mark currently seeping with blood.

  As if he had totally forgotten about my wound that he caused, which he did, he moves off of him and scoops the paper towels up from the floor and applies pressure to the bleeding mark.  Panic takes the place of desire across his features as he gently dabs alcohol doused cotton balls on the open flesh.  

  My body jolts up from the pain, tears springing from my eyes as I clench my jaw.  The painful sounds of my cries cause Daniel to look from the blood-soaked cotton balls to me.  The pang of regret alive in his eyes sets a heaviness deep within my chest I can feel blossoming through the rest of my body.  Only a fool would see that he didn't feel truly sorry for inflicting this suffering upon me.

  "I know it hurts, princess.  I need to clean your wound so that it doesn't get infected.  Here," he reaches forward and grabs my hand.  "Squeeze as tight as you want.  I'm right here.  It will only take a minute."

  I nod, holding tightly to his large hand, telling myself that this may serve a dual purpose in helping me alleviate some pain as well as getting closer to him so as to make him fall right into my trap.  I may be the one cuffed to a bed in a serial killer's basement, but I will see to it that I'm out of here before my father has to identify my dead body.

  Flailing about as best I can, a scream erupts from my throat when he applies the alcohol laden cotton ball back to my stomach.  He mutters sweet things as he finishes cleaning my wound and wiping away the blood.  I squeeze his hand with each sting, taking deep breaths to try to calm myself from the pain I have never experienced before.  

  "Almost done, princess."  He murmurs, setting the paper towels aside and picking up what appears to be some sort of ointment and medical gauze.  "Breathe with me.  I promise it will help."  He instructs as he takes a deep breath in, his thumb brushing over the top of my hand, and breathing out, his thumb moving back across to where it was before.

  I match my breathing with his own, entranced by his ministrations in his successful attempt to comfort me while rubbing ointment over the carving which is no longer gushing blood.  After a few breaths taken together, I feel my body physically truly relax for the first time since I've been here, which does not go unnoticed by Daniel.  

  "You're doing so well, little bird.  The worst is over."  He coos as he finishes applying the last of the bandages.  "I'm so proud of you."  He whispers and leans down, placing a soft kiss on the top of the gauze.

  "Thank you, Daniel."  I tell him genuinely, grateful for that to be over.

  A wave of relief and happiness washes over his features at my words.  Whatever force that exists between us, like magnets on a perpetual path towards each other, pulls even tighter to bring us closer.  He can feel it and he knows that I can feel it too.

  "Of course."  The corner of his mouth twitches upwards the slightest bit.  He runs his fingers through his hair and scoots closer to me.  "Good thing you have me."

  I nod, swallowing my pride and batting my eyelashes for him once again.  "You're right.  I don't know what would have happened without you to help me.  And you held my hand the whole time."  I smile, my voice laced sweet with honey.

  "I will always hold your hand, princess.  You will never have to worry about what would happen without me.  I promise."  He tells me very seriously.

Biting down on my lower lip, I look over at my wrists in chains and back to him with a sad expression.  "I just wish... Never mind."  I sigh forlornly and let my head rest against the pillow.

  "No," he places a finger underneath my chin to direct my attention back to him.  "Tell me what it is you wish, princess."  He implores, eyes swimming with complete admiration and longing.

  Swallowing back the bile rising in my throat, I bat my eyelashes at him once again and shrug as I try to match the look in his eyes.  "I was going to say that... I feel silly saying this, but I wish I could give you a proper thanks."  I blush at the false confession and shift my body to take up the shy act I'm trying to use to my advantage.

  His mind swimming with countless possibilities as to how I might want to 'properly' thank him, a ghost of a smile paints Daniel's handsome features as he leans in closer, one hand resting on my bare thigh while the other moves from my chin to my hair, his fingers carefully weaving through the snarls.  Gazing into his gorgeous green eyes, I can see the admiration is still there, with lust quickly growing; at least judging by his darkening eyes and noticeable bulge.  

  Why do monsters have to be so beautiful?

  "Hmm and how would you give me a proper thanks, little bird?"  He hums, twirling the ends of my hair between his fingers.

  Sensing his interest, I nervously suck in my lips and release them with a pop.  My cheeks burn as I smile like a foolish schoolgirl.  Knowing his weakness is not going to be good enough to get out of here alive; knowing how to use his weakness against him and doing it correctly will save my skin.  I'm no professional psychologist, but despite only knowing Daniel for barely a week, I think I know what kind of man he is.

  He has to have the power; he needs control in any situation.  Sheriff Forbes explained on the news how he thrives off of the superiority he has over the girls he killed and how men like this need power and control above all else.  Taking in this information and considering how he's been treating me, it seems smart to control the situation in my own way by making him believe that he has the power and control he so apparently craves.

  Please, God, let this work.

  "Princess," he grips my chin as his voice deepens.  "Tell me how.  There is no need to be nervous."  

  I nod, taking a deep breath in and out.  "I would wrap my arms around you and give you a hug to show my appreciation.  If that's alright."

  My blush intensifies as my lips curl up in an innocent smile.  As much as I would like to vomit for asking a serial killer for a hug, I am tugged by the rope that tethers me to the reality of the situation and the overall plan: getting out of here alive.

  And apparently that also means at all costs.

  "You want to give me a hug?"  He lifts his brow, a mix of arousal and suspicion in his tone.

  I nod.

  "Use your words."  He commands softly.

  It's working.

  "Yes, please."  I bite back down on my lip, noticing how I captivate his attention by doing this.  Hopefully my actions don't give me more than what I bargained for, even if I already told myself that I would get out of here at all costs.

  "Good girl."  He smiles and kisses my sweaty forehead.  "I'm actually glad you brought that up, because I was thinking about taking these off."  His hands move slowly down my arms and to my wrists, the feel of his warm fingers along the cool metal causing me to suck in a breath.  "But I can't take them off unless I know you won't do anything to hurt me or yourself."

  Panic arises within me, but I immediately suppress it to the best of my abilities so as not to give myself away.  When you feel the sands of opportunity slipping through your fingers, you don't just let it all go, you clench your fists and hold it tighter in order to save as much as you can.  

  "I won't do that."  I shake my head.  "Please, Daniel, you can trust me."

  Hovering above me, Daniel releases a heavy breath as he looks down, deep in thought.  He purses his plump lips as his dark brows set in a stern line of deliberation.  His hesitation to release me from these chains is understandable; my yearning to dive teeth-first into his jugular would be unmatched if it weren't for my impeccable impulse control.  Even so, if I did try to attack him now, there is no guarantee of me even making it out of this place.  I have absolutely no idea where I am or how I might possibly get out of here.

  Getting close to Daniel will be my only advantage in this place where I currently have none.

  "Alright, but there are rules.  My trust isn't something I give easily, or all at once.  Understand?"


  "Good girl," he coos.  "Now the first rule to keeping my trust is simple: open yourself up completely to me.  I expect absolute honesty at all times.  I don't like liars."  He growls, chilling the blood in my veins.  "Liars get punished."

  My eyes grow wide as he lifts the knife he used to carve that symbol into me, twirling it to reflect the awful fluorescents as if to remind me that he's a psychopath.  Goosebumps travel along my skin as he lightly drags the tip of the blade along my arm.  Fear rises within me as I clamp my lips shut from allowing a sob to slip through.  

  "I don't want to have to punish you, little bird, but I can't help it if you force me.  Do you understand?"  He asks, angling the blade so that the tip pierces my forearm.  Daniel's eyes light up as I wince, tiny droplets of blood rolling down my arm and staining the white sheets beneath me.  He lifts the knife, bringing it past his lips to let the taste of my blood sit on his tongue.  His dangerous eyes pierce right through me as a guttural moan resounds from deep within his throat.

  "I understand."  I nod, unable to make my voice louder than a whisper as I watch his obvious display of bloodlust.  

  "Good."  He brings the knife back to his side and pulls a small key out of his pocket.  "Now when I unlock you, do exactly as I say.  You are mine now and every move you make will be because I allow it.  Every breath you take is thanks to me.  And every beat of that beautiful little heart will be because I allow it to go on.  You are in my cage now, little bird.  You will flap your wings when I open the cage door; and even then, you may not go far.  You see, I keep my pets on a tight leash."

  I can barely breathe as he twists the key in the locks, letting my arms fall from where they have been suspended for what feels like days.  The frenzied look in his eyes doesn't go away as I rub my tender wrists, wincing at the stinging sensation left from the cuffs digging into the skin.  Taking them both into his hands, he brings them to his lips and gently kisses along the raw flesh.

  "I have a salve that will help with this."  He drawls, dragging his lips along the sore, red lines.  "Would you like that, princess?  Do you want me to make you feel better?"

  It's not a question.  It's a test.  Either I give the obvious suicidal answer and tell him no; I give him the next suicidal answer by seeming hesitant; or I continue on my current path to survival and tell him exactly what he wants to hear.

  "Yes, please."  I practically purr, my voice dripping with need: need to be let the fuck out and the need to have whatever miracle salve he has immediately.

  He nods and move back just a bit, giving me some space to sit up.  I suck in a sharp breath at the sting in my side and immediately move my hand over to my bandages.  Dealing with the stiffness in my neck, I tilt my head from side to side and release a sigh of relief at the disturbingly loud popping noises.

  Daniel watches breathlessly, captivated by my hair rolling in waves over my shoulder.  Entranced by some degree, he carefully pushes my hair out of my face, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes once again.  Raw adoration and unbound desire suffocate me in his unyielding stare.  The gentle caress of his fingertips leaves my face as he rests his hands on my knees.

  "Are you forgetting something, princess?"  He raises his brow.

  Understanding immediately what he's referring to, I lean forward and cautiously bring my arms up and around him.  My hands are practically hovering over the wide expanse of his back before he wraps his strong arms around my small frame and pulls me flush against his warm body.  One of his hands comes up to rest atop my head, gently running his fingers through my hair and coming back up to massage my scalp.  His other hand presses to the small of my back, pulling me even closer until he has me as close as he can.  With my face tucked into the crook of his neck, he leans his head down, his lips pressing against my head while he deeply inhales the smell of my hair.

  Fighting back a shiver from his actions, I relax in his warm embrace.  I turn my mind off from what he really is and create a fantasy in my mind that will help me get through this.  Having been single all my life, I've shamelessly daydreamed about what it might be like to have someone to love and care for and return the sentiment.  This can be just another one of those times I imagine my perfect boyfriend and simply project it onto Daniel.

  It's one way to deal with the mounting guilt.

  Instead of taking Daniel for what he really is, I think of him instead as someone who saved me from some faceless, dangerous man.  This is the moment I have been waiting for after so long of wishing for my knight in shining armor to come and rescue me from the evil clutches of the man who kidnapped me.  Our reunification is beautiful and enchanting.

  This fantasy version of the situation melts my anxiety away, allowing my body to sink into his.  I close my eyes to fully immerse myself in the fantasy as I enjoy the comfort of his touch and the masculine scent completely enveloping me like his arms.  A hum reverberates inside my throat as his fingertips work at massaging my scalp.  

  Anyone would dream of someone holding them like this.

  "You fit so well in my arms, princess."  He coos softly, his deep baritone calming my nerves.  "Like you were born to be here with me."

  His statement pulls me from my fantasy, the illusion I had so meticulously created shatters in pieces all around me.  I don't even try to pull away with the knowledge that by trying, I will break his trust.  I've really gotten somewhere with him recently and I can't afford to lose what I've created.  

  "Daniel, I have to tell you something."  

  A beat, and Daniel reluctantly pulls away.  He brings his hand up to caress my cheek as our faces sit inches away.  I can practically feel his minty breath fan my face as I lean into his touch.

"What is it you want to tell me, princess?"

  I bite my lip and look up at him, a bit embarrassed.  "I have to go to the bathroom."

  Daniel tilts his head as his eyes rake over me before he starts to laugh.  I imagine that my face is now a rich shade of red at the humiliation of him laughing at me.  I seriously do have to pee, but the stress of being abducted has made me think of other things until I was able to finally relax.  If I wanted to really humiliate myself and possibly get killed, I would've just peed while I was still chained up.

  "Of course you do.  You haven't gone since I've brought you here.  There is actually something I want to show you on our way to the bathroom."  He smiles and moves back to unlock the cuffs around my ankles.  He stands and holds a hand out to me, the knife in the other.  "Come, princess."

  I nod, reaching forward and putting my hand on his.  As much as I would rather not be close to him, I know I won't be able to move on my own, let alone get up.  He easily pulls me up to my feet.  His arm wraps around me as he guides me around the bed and pushes the door open.  My heart rate accelerates in anticipation as he leads my limping body through the door and to the vast expanse of my prison.

  "Now remember the rules, princess.  Just because I opened the gate to your cage doesn't mean I'm going to let you go far.  Do you understand?"  He growls, the knife pressing into my neck, rivulets of blood trailing down my neck.

  "Yes."  Unable to nod or even breathe without allowing the blade to push further into my neck, I barely manage to whisper my response.  

  "Good."  He removes the knife and kisses my temple.  "Now lets go."

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a good start to the new year.  I am excited to continue writing all throughout the year as I navigate school and life in general.  May you all have better luck than me.

This chapter might have felt a little weird or uncomfortable, but I am just revving up to the rest of the book which is a lot more serious and disturbing.  Get ready to be mind fucked in the next few chapters and brought on an emotional roller coaster ride aptly named Daniel's temperament.  

Thank you all for taking the time to read my stories!  Please don't forget to vote and comment.


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