Perim Season 1

By Quahvoo23

796 11 1

Based on original TGI card game franchise, "Chaotic". Including the animated series comes an all new fanficti... More

Episode 1 Welcome to Perim [Part 1]
Welcome to Perim [Part 2]
Welcome to Perim [Part 3]
Welcome to Perim [Part 4] [Finale]
Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 2]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 4]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 5]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]
Episode 3 Happy Birthday Leo [Part 1]
Happy Birthday Leo [Part 2]
Episode 4 New Legend of Perim [Part 1]

Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]

41 1 0
By Quahvoo23

At Prexxor Chasm

They finally made it at Prexxor Chasm. Now they have to teleport the depth of cave to find the magical plants and meet the guardian. 

"Well, guys, here we are. "Prexxor Chasm"." said Mommark.

"Now let's port to the cave." said Sobtjek.

And so they press the button again and teleport to the depth of caves. 

Now they're here in the depth of caves they'll have to walk and find a guardian. 

"Sweet!! Now, let's hurry and find the guardian. Hopefully he'll know where the magical plants are." said Narfall.

"You're right on time, Narfall." said Gnarlus smiling.

As soon as they get there, the gold clouds spread all over them as their walking. They heard a maniacal laugh and began to feel strange coming by. After that, they finally found the DNA restoring plants. They both smiled. But before they do, one of the sharpened arrows appeared out of nowhere. The arrow almost shot Chaor's face as his eyes widened in startled. So as the men and the gangs except Najarin since he already know where the shooting arrow sticks come from. 

"WHO'S THERE??? SHOW YOURSELVES!!!" yelled Chaor; as the men and warriors stay positioned and prepare to fight.

When suddenly, a stink toxin smoke begins to spread across surrounding them as they gag trying to breathe. Until when they couldn't breathe they fell on the ground, unconscious. While their sleeping the guards who are the strange creatures walks towards them. Maxxor closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

Later in the Morning At Stink Territory Under The Cave

They woke up and open their eyes when suddenly they realized they're tying up by the vine. They try to move but until then they got sent by a ruler of the tribe named "Funkdo".

Funkdo begin to look suspicious when he touches his beard. He holds his hand as a communication for the guards to untied them. 

And so they did what he told them to. They untied them and backed away in their position.

"ALRIGHT, NOW WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YO-" Maxxor begins to lash out when he got interrupted by Najarin and Garv.

"No, Maxxor Wait!!! Remember The Guy We Told You About Early Back At Castle Mommark????" said Garv trying to remind Maxxor.

"Oh right." said Maxxor realizing with their eyes widened.

They both bow their heads as Funkdo begins to laugh crazy when he saw his old friends are here in his territory. They turn up looking at Funkdo with confused and annoying in their eyes. They have no idea why he's laughing. Especially Chaor who is angered by his laugh but tries to keep it to himself. 

"NAJARIN, GARV, TARTAREK, IT'S THAT REALLY YOU???!!!! I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU!!! COME!!!!" said Funkdo, as he gets up out of his throne seat, walks in towards them smiling. 

Najarin, Garv, and Tartarek's eyes widened as he remembers them for so many years. They hugged each other. Then he hugs others except Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, and Odu Bathax not accepting hugs for the stinking person.

"How rude!!" Funkdo pouts, disappointment. 

"GUYS!!! SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR OUR OLD FRIEND, WILL YOU!!!" yelled Garv; glaring at Chaor, Odu-Bathax and Prince Mudeenu.

"Fine..." The three both spoke at the same time when they decided to hug Funkdo. 

"That's better." said Funkdo; grinning. 

"It's so nice to see you, old friend. We thought you had died!!" said Najarin; grinning with relief.

"Yeah, how did you still survive. We saw you fall down the fog a few decades earlier!!!" said Tartarek; grinning with tears of joy. 

"I was, when suddenly, I grabbed the huge vine then landed on the rock wall falling down injured. But then, I found other smelly creatures who is one of my kind, took me in when I fainted. They nourished me trying to take care of me. They've found out that I was the lost royal family of this Overworld Tribe!!!" Funkdo explained.

Najarin, Garv, Tartarek and the rest of the men and warriors both eyes widened as their jaws open. They shook their heads and gasped to hear the news. Now they know the truth about Funkdo, Maxxor walks towards him.

"Well, Funkdo, it was great now knowing that you're alive after all these decades. But we need your help for our mission." said Maxxor.

"Oh, sure thing. What's the problem???" said Funkdo.

Maxxor explain to him about everything of what just happens to Perim by one of his, Mommark, Najarin, and Tartarek's Overworlder tribe named, Yokkis who is causing havoc upon Perim and now they need his help to stop him before he destroyed the world all because of April Fools.

Funkdo and the guards eyes widened in fear as they looked at each other murmuring. Funkdo clearly understands why they've arrived in the depth of the cave. The reason why they're here is because they need the DNA Restoration plants to restore Yokkis' old DNA before he causes more trouble. And so, after the explanation, he now decided to help them out.

"Wow!! I have no idea one of your Overworlder is doing all so cruelty even though I would never do such a horrible thing to you guys during prank day."

"So, that's why we came here in the depth of caves to find the plants before it's too late." said Narfall.

"I see that now. Alright, in that case, I'll give you the plants. However, there might be a reason to defeat him."

"And what's that??" Tiaane said, raising his right eyebrow.

"In order to defeat him, you must become as a pranksters. Simple how it goes. Haven't you pranked anyone before??"

"Actually... we didn't." Mommark frowned.

"Then maybe now it's the time I should teach you guys with a song."

"WHAT??? OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! WE'RE NOT BUYING LISTENING TO YOUR DUMB SONG!!!!!" said Chaor; snarling and growling.

"Come on Mr. Dragon-breath, I was just joking. Now, if you want to become the prankster, I would be so kind to you to pull my tail. Or... you can just forget it and you'll never get your precious DNA restoration herb."  

Chaor just stood there awkward thinking if he was playing jokes on him. He angrily growls but closes his eyes.

"Alright fine!! I'll pull your tail. But this better be..."

Once Chaor pulls his tail, Funkdo quickly begins spraying and squirts all over his body. Chaor's now stench like a rotten egg and gags as he covers his nose with the tears falling down from his eyes as Maxxor, Najarin, Garv, Tartarek, and the rest of the men laugh hard to witness it. 

Funkdo laughs on the ground so hard as the guards are laughing with him.

"WHAT THE- "gags" WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!! "coughing" OH GOD, THAT SMELL!!!" Chaor yells angrily, still covering his nose.

"Well that, my dragon amigo, is where you and all men have so much to learn." said Funkdo.


"DING DING DING DING DING!!! You're right for the last part, my man!! How to be a prankster!"

"So, can you help us find the magical plants??? said Garv.

"Of course amigo, I'll give you a plant but first, you must pass the test."

"The test you say??" said Prince Mudeenu.

"Mmmhh, the test I'm gonna give you all is to practice on how to be the prankster. Plain and Simple. Then I'll give you guys the real herb."


"Of course!! This is the prank I was giving you for the first time. I did that to teach you guys a lesson because without it, it means you won't be able to stop Yokkis. Meaning that one of your people will die."

"......Fair point."

"Um, old friend??? Can you give us a minute, please?? We just need our conversations." Tartarek said polite.

"No problem, amigo. I'll wait."

They both puddled as Garv says. "Guys, we have no choice but to accept the challenge. If we don't pass the test who knows what will happens next." said Garv. 

"But how??? We can't be wasting our time on this stupid test. We've got to save our tribes or else, the Perim will be all doom if we don't do something." said Narfall.

"Easy for you to say. You're just saying you want to give up the ones Funkdo said about the test. For once, I agree with Garv, the test is our only chance. It might be the key for us to have that reward afterwards." said Gnarlus.

Phelphor sighs. "I'm really not gonna like this one but alright."

"Maybe if we could just let him tell us on how to pass through the test soon, then he'll take us to it." said Marquis Darini.

"You know, That might be a good idea. I think we have no choice but to accept the challenge. Otherwise, it's gonna be one hell of a doom." said Tiaane.

After they finish doing their conversation, Funkdo slides inside of their puddling. The men eyes widened and yelps.

"So amigos, are you done talking with this chit chat?"

"Yes, Old Friend, you made the bet. We'll accept the challenge." said Najarin.

"Seriously! How on perim does he keep doing that?" Iflar said in his thought.

Funkdo grins.

"Very good. Your test begins, NOW!!!" As soon he finished the last part, both Mommark, Maxxor, Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, Prince Iflar, Odu Bathax, Marquis Darini, Najarin, Garv, Tartarek, Narfall, Sobtjek, Tiaane, Phelphor and Gnarlus fell on a trap and screams until they landed on the ground. Funkdo laughs hard as he knows what he's doing.

"Trust me, amigos. It's the only way to save the world."

Meanwhile at Mipedim Oasis in Tiaane and his son's home

Raygon woked up earlier in the morning but he decided to stay asleep again. 2 hours later at 10 A.M. he gets up, brushes his teeth, and eats cereal for breakfast watching TV for Cartoon Network. Since his father isn't here at home. It's too quiet. But he didn't care if it was quiet. He wants to see if his friends are okay to make sure that Yokkis better not prank on them, not even him. So he picks up his phone and start to text Topaz first.

He text 406-255-7884 which was his house phone number.

"Hello??? Raygon, are you there???" asked Topaz, as his voice heard on Raygon's phone.

"Topaz, my Underworlder buddy, how's it going??? Is everything okay in your home castle???" Raygon said.

"Yep, everything's fine. I was just eating bagels for breakfast watching TV at Disney Jr where H'earring and Agitos taking care of Sapphire."

"Oh, that's great, dude. It's a good thing now that Yokkis isn't around here causing trouble ever since April Fools Day started this whole mess." Raygon rolled his eyes. 

"I know, right? Of course mom was outside, guarding the whole city along with uncle Khybon, uncle Ulmar doing his technology and science thingy, uncle Rothar, and the rest of the warriors of our tribes are guarding it."

"Mmm, I feel ya, bro. My dad left with the others trying to find the DNA restoration plant to restore Yokkis' DNA. Even though I'm in the house alone watching "Teen Titans Go!" at Cartoon Network."

"Oh!! You're watching Teen Titans Go? That's nice. And what about your other mipedian friends??? Shouldn't they be visiting you since you're alone??" Topaz asked, curious.

"Oh, you mean, Prince Arbor, Jeera, Snaik, and Qok?? Yeah they'll be here about 25 minutes. No biggie." Raygon smirks.

"Well, okay then."

They still having conversation for about 25 minutes until the door bell ringed. Raygon knew it's his friends finally arriving. He gets up out of kitchen and walking the living room towards the front door. 

"OH! ITS THEM, THEY'RE FINALLY HERE!! I'll call you later, Topaz. Oh, and make sure to call me, Emerald, and Jessica if there's any trouble in your castle by Yokkis's pranks, okay?"

"Okay, Raygon. I will. You be careful too."

"Sure thing, bro."

And so, the two hung up each other after their conversation ends.

Raygon opens the door and greets his mipedian friends. Prince Arbor (Son of Prince Mudeenu), Jeera (Daughter of Sobtjek), Qok Darini (Daughter of Marquis Darini), and Snaik (Son of Ranun) are in front of him smiling to see him that he's safe.

"Oh! What Up, My Friends, So Glad To See You're Safe!!" said Raygon.

"Same as you, Raygon!!" said Qok smiling happily to see he's safe.

"Prince Arbor, my dude, glad to see you, my man!!" Raygon and Arbor are doing the hand shaking.

"Glad to see you too, bud!!" said Prince Arbor.

"Hey Hey Hey Ray, aren't you forgetting something???" said Snaik as he do the cool pose.

"Oh, of course I didn't forget you, Snaik!!"

Raygon and Snaik also do the hand shakes.

"Come on in guys, the close is clear."

Raygon lets his mipedian friends in his house.

"Oh and also where is your father, Raygon?? Is he home???" Qok asked when she looked around the house.

"Nah, just me in the house. He left with Mommark, Maxxor, Chaor, and the others on Prexxor Chasm to get the DNA restoration herb."

"Oh yeah, even my father's not here. I'm sure he'll be back at no time for sure." said Jeera.

"Not to worry, cause we can just relax in Raygon's house and do a sleepover. So Raygon, since we're here, can we watch the movie while I call Pizza Hut for lunch???" said Snaik as he turns to Raygon.

"Oh sure thing, dude. I'll go get the popcorn ready while you chill down the couch and choose the movies." Raygon grins; as he walks towards the kitchen.

"Alright, so which movies should we watch On Demand??? Any one??? said Prince Arbor, sitting down the couch while holding the remote.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I was thinking that maybe we should watch "The Book of Life"!! This story has so many epic, musical numbers and most importantly, romance!!" said Jeera with an idea.

"Or how about we should watch "Dolittle", you know in 2020??" said Snaik with an idea as well.

"How about let's play Rock Paper Scissor to see who'll win? That means we'll only have to watch the movie for winners." said Raygon; still in the kitchen making popcorn. 

"You know, that might be a good idea. Let's see if each of us wins. One by one." said Jeera; agreeing.

"Okay then. It's a deal!!" Snaik agrees.

And so the two sitting down on the floor doing the rock paper scissors.

"Rock Paper Scissors!!!" The two spoke the same time and they both got papers.

"Huh? It's a Tie. Let's start over!!" said Jeera.

"Rock Paper Scissor!!!" 

Jeera got the rock and Snaik got the scissor which means, Jeera won!!!

"Yes I won!! Which means we're gonna watch "The Book of Life"." Jeera cheered.

"AWWW!!! I've lost. Oh well at least I try. This time I'm not gonna go easy on you." said Snaik.

And so they watch The Book of Life movie On Demand while Snaik takes his phone and call the Pizza Hut. They sure do have a nice day having fun but soon enough their peaceful moments will come to an end.

To Be Continued...

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