Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+

By darksprinkles_321

21.8K 1.4K 224

Plot: Max is a pure blood vampire, which means he doesn't have to drink blood to survive like the half-blood... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 23

642 40 3
By darksprinkles_321

Warning - This chapter consists of some violence, if it is a trigger or something you do not enjoy, please skip to the next chapter once you get to that part.  Thank you.  :)

**Max's POV**


Max: "Tul I can't feel my arm anymore, get up."

I slowly open my eyes to see him peacefully sleeping on my side as I notice the red puffiness on his eyes.

Max: I nudge him with my other arm feeling a little worried. "Babe wake up." He mumbles for a bit to himself before opening his eyes slowly to look at me. "What's wrong?"

Tul: He curls into my chest as I sigh from no longer having pressure on my arm. "Xing came over last night. She knows about us, I didn't want her to wake you up so she left right after she saw you in the bed. I feel like such an asshole."


Max: I rub his head soothingly as my mind fills with bad thoughts. "It's going to be okay, at least now we don't have to hide the fact that were together anymore."

Tul: He runs little circles over my chest with his fingers as I play with his hair. "Yea that's true. I'm sorry for bringing you into all of this. I just didn't want to hurt anyone but I guess that was pretty selfish of me..."

Max: "Maybe a little selfish but it's okay to be selfish every once in a while. Don't worry too much about it..."

Tul: "I think I understand my sister more now..."

I didn't say anything to that because I didn't want him to re-live sad memory's. If he wants to talk about it ill silently listen but I don't want to rub salt in an open wound. He deserves better than that.

Tul's watch starts to beep so I pick it up to see that there's only 30 minutes left before our first class starts...

Max: I gently try to sit up as I pull him up with me and slowly get out of bed. "Were going to be late if we don't start getting ready. We can talk more later, right now we need to worry about our classes."

Tul: He nods his head and heads for the shower. "I feel kind of gross so I'm going to take a shower and then get ready. Can you make breakfast? I can make it next time if that's okay."

Max: I begin to get dressed as I head for the kitchen shirtless. "Of course, I'll make you some eggs and toast."

Making breakfast really wasn't that big of a deal which is why I didn't mind doing it for him. I can kind of think about how he's feeling right now and it makes me feel guilty. If only I hadn't lost control last night maybe he wouldn't have felt so bad. Maybe sleeping with him was a mistake...

Tul: He comes up behind me and wraps me in a hug. "What are you thinking about?"

Max: I move his food from the pan to a plate as he continues to hug me. "I'm trying to decide on whether or not I made the right decision."

Tul: He kisses my shoulder. "Don't think about it. I don't regret anything. You are mine now, I love you Max..."

Max: I put the plate down and turn in his arms so I could face him. "I just feel bad, but I love you too. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I already chose my fate."

Tul: "Good because I don't plan on letting you go either way." He tugs on my arm as he grabs his plate and pushes me toward the bedroom with his other hand. "Come on, go get dressed so we can get going."

I chuckle to myself as I pull on my shirt in his room and get all of our stuff together.

Max: Shouting from his room. "Do you need anything for class other than your backpack?"

Tul: Shouting back. "No I think I'm good, we need to get going though."


It wasn't long before we made our way out of the dorm and made it to lunch about half way through.

Tong: Waving his arm from our normal table. "Morning guys."

Tul and I froze once we saw who was sitting next to him with his arm around his shoulder.

Tul: He sits across from Tong and win before pointing at Zee. "Zee what are you doing here?"

Zee: He sighs looking defeated. "Well I guess a few students took a few pictures of me entering Tong's dorm room and it spread around the school so we figured that it was useless to hide our relationship anymore."

Max: "Wait, you're the one that he's been dating for over a year now?"

Zee: He nods his head and grins at me. For some reason that grin gave me goose bumps though. "Yea I asked him to keep it a secret because I didn't want my past status to ruin his reputation. Even though he told me he didn't care, I still felt bad about it."

Win: He pats me on the back as I sit down and glances between Tul and I. "Isn't this cool? Now our group is fully complete. Somebody needs to find me a girlfriend though because I think I'm going to go crazy if I have to be around you 4 love birds all the time..." He looks at Zee with wide eyes realizing his mistake a second too late. "Shit, I'm sorry Zee."

Zee: He just waves his hand at Win and smiles. "Don't worry about it, my sister already told me everything."

The table was filled with an awkward silence until Xing slams her plate against our table and sits next to Zee.

Xing: "Who cares about those two. I hope there happy together, I'm just going to have to find someone better."

Zee: He rubs her hair playfully as the bell rang. "That's my sis."

We all got up and parted ways as our classes started. For some reason the day seemed to go by in a blur. All I could think about was how calm Xing was and the surprise attack with Tong's relationship. Well he was right before about how Win and I would have never guessed that. I wonder what he sees in that guy.

Once the last class was over I had told Tul that I wanted to go home today so I could talk to Win about everything and see what would be the best move going forward. Tul wants to meet my parents before his birthday but we don't think it's a good idea because my parents aren't aware that he knows the family secret...

It would be too chaotic.

We parted ways on the way to our separate dorms and I shoved my hands in my pockets since they felt lonely after I let go of his hand. I don't know why but I have felt so off all damn day. The twins were acting weird and it just felt like they were hiding something.

I was right to be suspicious though because the next thing I knew I felt hands grabbing me and a cloth covering my face. A sweet aroma filled my nostrils and that's when I knew my mistake. I lost feeling in my body, my mind became fuzzy and then everything went dark.


"What are we supposed to do with him? We can't kill him, Tul would notice..."


I didn't know how much time had past but my arms and mouth were burning and it was very dark due to a cloth covering my eyes. Im guessing that the rope that is tied around my hands and the rope gagging me is all made from wood because damn it burned like a mother fucker. I could feel the blisters forming on my wrists and around my face and lips. I probably won't be able to speak even if I wanted to.

As soon as I moved my arms to try and get more comfortable I felt the cloth against my face again. I tried to fight it but eventually it pulled me back into the fog of darkness.


"If we keep him here any longer, people are going to get suspicious. We need to do something soon."

"I know that but I'm trying to figure out the best plan. One wrong move and everything could be messed up. We need to be patient."

"Fuck patience."

The voices sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out where from while I was under the influence of a drug.


I was woken up with a startle as I was hit with a wave of cold ice water. I could feel my body shivering as I tried to pry my eyes open to adjust to the weirdly lit room. From what I could see, I was probably in an abandoned building somewhere in town. I was strapped to a chair and that's when I noticed the two figures standing across from me.

At first I have trouble trying to form any types of words because my throat was so dry and covered in blisters but after swallowing a few times it became a little easier.

Max: Whispering painfully. "What the fuck do you guys want? I thought we were on good terms?"

Xing: she walks up to me and pulls hard on my hair so I could look up at her as I cried out in pain. "Good terms? You call stealing my man, good terms?"

Max: "I-I didn't intend on stealing him, he made the first move not me."

Xing: She slaps me hard across the face while also digging her fingers into my skin. "Bullshit."

Fuck that is going to be a bitch to heal.

Zee: He comes behind Xing and taps her on the shoulder. "Xing that's enough, go outside and let me take care of this. I'll let you know what's going on once it's done."

Xing: She turns on him with confusion in her eyes. "But, but he..."

Zee: "Get Out!"

She pouts like she wanted to protest but at the last minute she glares at me and then walks away without another word. Once she was gone Zee pulls a chair up to me and sits in front of me with his hands resting in his lap as he looks down at the floor.

Zee: "I'm sorry about her Max, in ways she's even crueler than me when her emotions are on high alert."

Max: "it's okay, can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

Zee: "Well I'm going to be straight forward with you." He looks up from the ground and stares at me. "I want you to break up with Tul and for your information I am not asking. I am telling you to break up with him because if you don't then I will kill him myself. I know that you think I wouldn't because he's my best friend but he messed with my sister. I will never care for anyone more than my sister. My respect for Tul is the only reason you are alive right now."

Max: I could feel the tears running down my face as his words hit me. "I can't do that, even if I wanted to he wouldn't ever except it."

In a blink of an eye he pulled something out of his boot and shoved it into my shoulder.

Max: "A-HhH-hHhH-hh, fuckk."

I had what looked like a wood dagger shoved into my shoulder. He takes the hilt and twists it slower causing who knew how much internal damage. I gritted my teeth and tried to hide how much it hurt but it was getting harder with each passing second.

Zee: "If you haven't noticed already, this particular blade has ridged edges so when I pull it out its going to tear your skin apart from the inside out. It's how hunters make sure you guys are dead once we stab you guys in the heart. Except in your case it's just a really good torture device."

Max: I started to pant from the pain. "L-like I s-said he isn't going to listen to me. He would try to justify why we need to be together."

With that he rips the dagger out of my shoulder causing a painfully loud squishy taring sound. I felt like throwing up from the rush of pain.

Zee: He then shoves the dagger into my right leg as I bite my tongue to muffle my scream of pain. "Your smart, I know that you can think of something. If he won't agree to break up with you than ignore him and after a while hell break up with you himself. It's not like your that important, I know him pretty well. He's going to get bored of you eventually, with or without my help."

Max: I spit out some blood from biting my tongue and glare at him. "Why not just kill me? Wouldn't that be easier?"

Zee: Once again he ripped the dagger from my skin causing me to tremble in searing pain as my eyes watered. "Not possible. If we killed you than I would lose my friend. In this situation I would really like to not lose my friend but I would much rather lose you than him. The only problem with that is that he would probably never speak to me again which is the same as if he was dead himself. Which is where I stand. If you refuse than he will die. Your choice."

I can endure never ending torture as long as Tul is alive. He'll forgive me one day...

Max: Whispering in defeat. "Fine..."

Zee: He wipes off his dagger with a big grin. "Fine what?"

Max: "I'll find a way to get Tul to leave me..."

Zee: He comes over to me and cuts the ropes. "Good, but be warned. If I find out that you have been lying or deceiving me than I will make you suffer. Understand?"

Max: I rip pieces of my shirt to wrap around my newly bleeding wounds as I grit my teeth and glare at the floor. "I understand... How many days have I been gone?"

Zee: He throws me my phone and shrugs his shoulders with boredom. "You've been in a comma like state for about 5 days now. Your phone kept going off with messages and phone calls from Tul so I texted him saying that you were feeling guilty about what you guys have done so you took a few days off to think about it."


He's probably losing his mind right now with worry and guilt. I need to see him as soon as possible but for right now I really need to fix and heal my wounds.

Max: I tried to stand up with a limp as I unlock my phone and look for Win's number. "Is that all I need to know?"

Zee: Giving me a devilish grin. "Yep that's everything. I really hope you don't disappoint me, I don't want to kill Tul."

Max: I start to limp toward the exit as I call Win. "Don't worry you won't have to, I'll find a way to end things."

As I was walking out of the abandoned building I cursed to myself because Win didn't answer. Right when I rounded the first corner I could see Xing glaring at me as I walked past her. Right when she was about to say something my phone rang and a small smile formed on my face for the first time in 5 days...

Max: I picked up the phone and laughed. "I've missed you brother."

Win: "Who the fuck is your brother? As far as I know I haven't had a brother in 5 fucking days."

Max: "Oh come on Win don't be like this, I'll tell you everything if you come and get me. Can you please grab the first aid kit in our dorm."

Win: "Whatever."

Max: "Hey Win... Can you please not tell Tul about this. I promise I'll explain everything to you but he can't find out about any of it."

Win: "Okay."

With that he hung up on me and texted me to send him the address so I did and patiently waited on a bench outside.

Stupid special vampire healing powers. Why don't they work on me the same way they do on everyone else I heal.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

Win: He pulls up to the side of the street and gets out of the car as he makes his way to me looking angry as hell. "What the fuck is going on?" That's when he noticed my open wounds and his eyes went wide. "Shit Max, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Max: I try to stand up as he rushes over and helps me walk to the car. "I'll explain on the way home, I want to get out of here."

The car ride home was a long one, he didn't ask many questions except for the sensible ones like who and why. Once I was done telling him everything he stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

Win: He pulls into the dorms parking garage and sighs. "Let's get you inside, than we can talk."

The trip up the stairs was a tricky one for sure but we were able to do it either way. He had his arm undermine the entire time until I was safely sitting on my own bed again with my shirt and pants in the trash. I had a good 4 inch deep wound with a 1 inch diameter because of the twisting Zee had done. It's almost like he scooped out a chunk of my skin like ice-cream. 

He really is a nut case...

Max: I look up at Win who was just looking at the deep gashes on my face and two giant holes in my body. "It's really not that bad, it'll all grow back soon. Isn't that one of the reasons its cool to be a vampire just like you said a while ago. Really I'm okay I promise."

Win: "Is he really worth all this?"

Max: I ring my hands together as I look down at the ground. "He's worth it, I just need to figure out a way to protect him. As long as he's okay, I'll be okay..."

Win: "You know you still need to feed once a week right?"

Max: "I know, and I plan on doing that I just need to figure out a way to make our relationship back into a friendship."

Win: "Have you slept with him yet?"


Max: "Yea, we slept together the day before I got taken. That's why we came to school together that one day, I ended up spending the night at his place. I'm sorry I made you worry."

Win: He looks up at me and laughs sadly. "I'm just glad you're okay, I thought you were running away. I searched for you for 3 days but when I couldn't find you I just assumed that you didn't want to be found since you wouldn't contact me."

Max: I try to stand up but fail because the feeling in my body was starting to go away again. "Don't worry Win, I'm not going anywhere. Can we clean my wounds and dress them so I can get some rest though? The sleeping drugs really messed with my head."

He nods his head and walks over to me before slowly cleaning out my wounds as I bit down on a clean rolled up rag so the neighbors wouldn't be worried. 

Thankfully the cleaning process hadn't taken too long and now I was peacefully resting on my bed only mildly in pain. The events of the last 5 days kept playing through my head. Especially the text that Zee sent Tul when pretending to be me.

How the hell am I going to convince Tul that we should break up?

Honestly I already knew the truth but I didn't want to die in that stingy Wearhouse.

It's going to be practically impossible.

We are bound...

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